public void scrollToAttribute(Attribute a) {
    if (!a.getDescriptor().getConfig().equals(getConfig())) {
      logger.fine("Cannot scroll to attribute that isn't attached to this type of descriptor");
    int rowIndex = getCurrentModel().getRowForDescriptor(a.getDescriptor());
    int colIndex = getCurrentModel().getColumnForAttribute(a);
    JScrollPane scrollPane = (JScrollPane) this.getComponent(0);
    JViewport viewport = (JViewport) scrollPane.getViewport();
    EnhancedTable table = (EnhancedTable) viewport.getView();

    // This rectangle is relative to the table where the
    // northwest corner of cell (0,0) is always (0,0).
    Rectangle rect = table.getCellRect(rowIndex, colIndex, true);

    // The location of the viewport relative to the table
    Point pt = viewport.getViewPosition();

    // Translate the cell location so that it is relative
    // to the view, assuming the northwest corner of the
    // view is (0,0)
    rect.setLocation(rect.x - pt.x, rect.y - pt.y);

    // Scroll the area into view
  public void addClient() {
    client =
        new Canvas() {
          public void paint(Graphics g) {
    client.setBackground(new Color(30, 220, 40));
    final ComponentAccessor acc = AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor();
    WindowIDProvider pid = (WindowIDProvider) acc.getPeer(client);
    log.fine("Added XEmbed server(Canvas) with X window ID " + pid.getWindow());
    Rectangle toFocusBounds = toFocus.getBounds();

    // KDE doesn't accept clicks on title as activation - click below title
    Rectangle fbounds = f.getBounds();
    fbounds.y += f.getInsets().top;
    fbounds.height -= f.getInsets().top;

    Process proc =
            new Rectangle[] {
              new Rectangle(b_modal.getLocationOnScreen(), b_modal.getSize()),
              new Rectangle(10, 130, 20, 20)
    new ClientWatcher(client, proc, clientCont).start();
  * Convert to global coordinates.
 Rectangle toGlobal(Rectangle rec) {
   Point p = toGlobal(rec.getLocation());
   Rectangle newRec = new Rectangle(rec);
   if (p != null) {
   return newRec;
   * Verifies that all required parameters are set. If not, sets them to default values. Verifies
   * values of critical parameters, adjust their values when needed.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if params is null
  protected void checkParams(XCreateWindowParams params) {
    if (params == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Window creation parameters are null");
    params.putIfNull(PARENT_WINDOW, Long.valueOf(XToolkit.getDefaultRootWindow()));
    params.putIfNull(BOUNDS, new Rectangle(DEF_LOCATION, DEF_LOCATION, MIN_SIZE, MIN_SIZE));
    params.putIfNull(DEPTH, Integer.valueOf((int) XlibWrapper.CopyFromParent));
    params.putIfNull(VISUAL, Long.valueOf(XlibWrapper.CopyFromParent));
    params.putIfNull(VISUAL_CLASS, Integer.valueOf((int) XlibWrapper.InputOnly));
    params.putIfNull(VALUE_MASK, Long.valueOf(XlibWrapper.CWEventMask));
    Rectangle bounds = (Rectangle) params.get(BOUNDS);
    bounds.width = Math.max(MIN_SIZE, bounds.width);
    bounds.height = Math.max(MIN_SIZE, bounds.height);

    Long eventMaskObj = (Long) params.get(EVENT_MASK);
    long eventMask = eventMaskObj != null ? eventMaskObj.longValue() : 0;
    // We use our own synthetic grab see XAwtState.getGrabWindow()
    // (see X vol. 1,
    eventMask |= PropertyChangeMask | OwnerGrabButtonMask;
    params.put(EVENT_MASK, Long.valueOf(eventMask));