   * This method should setup the flags/switches for the java command which will determine the
   * actual command to be executed.
   * <p>Sets up flags like :
   * <ul>
   *   <li>-Dem.home
   *   <li>-Dprocess.name
   * </ul>
   * <br>
   * add computes the classpath.
  protected void updateFlags(ServerCommand serverCmd) {

    String bootDir = System.getProperty("em.home");
    String appType = System.getProperty("appType");
    String appInst = System.getProperty("appInst");

    String javaClasspath = serverCmd.getClasspath();
    String processName = getProcessNameForLog();

    List jvmFlags = serverCmd.getJVMFlags();

    int cpToken = -1;

    for (int i = 0; i < jvmFlags.size(); i++) {
      String token = (String) jvmFlags.get(i);
      if (token.startsWith("-classpath")) {
        cpToken = i;
        javaClasspath = null;
      } else if (token.startsWith("-Dem.home")) {
        bootDir = null;
      } else if (token.startsWith("-Dprocess.name")) {
        processName = null;

    List addonJVMFlags = new LinkedList();

    if (bootDir != null) {
      addonJVMFlags.add("-Dem.home=" + bootDir);

    if (processName != null) {
      addonJVMFlags.add("-Dprocess.name=" + processName);

    if (!(appType == null || appType.trim().equals(""))) {
      addonJVMFlags.add("-DappType=" + appType);

    if (!(appInst == null || appInst.trim().equals(""))) {
      addonJVMFlags.add("-DappInst=" + appInst);

    if (cpToken != -1) {
      String str = (String) jvmFlags.remove(cpToken);

   * Deletes a meeting from the database
   * <p>- Requires a cookie for the session user - Requires a meetingId request parameter for the
   * @param req The HTTP Request
   * @param res The HTTP Response
  public void deletemeetingAction(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {
    // Ensure there is a cookie for the session user
    if (AccountController.redirectIfNoCookie(req, res)) return;

    if (req.getMethod() == HttpMethod.Get) {

      // Get the meeting
      int meetingId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("meetingId"));
      MeetingManager meetingMan = new MeetingManager();
      Meeting meeting = meetingMan.get(meetingId);

      // Update the User Session to remove meeting
      HttpSession session = req.getSession();
      Session userSession = (Session) session.getAttribute("userSession");
      List<Meeting> adminMeetings = userSession.getUser().getMeetings();

      for (int i = 0; i < adminMeetings.size(); i++) {
        Meeting m = adminMeetings.get(i);
        if (m.getId() == meeting.getId()) {

      redirectToLocal(req, res, "/home/dashboard");

    } else if (req.getMethod() == HttpMethod.Post) {
      httpNotFound(req, res);
   * Receives a <tt>DatagramPacket</tt> from a specific list of <tt>DatagramPacket</tt>s if it is
   * not empty or from the network if the specified list is empty. When this method returns, the
   * <tt>DatagramPacket</tt>'s buffer is filled with the data received. The datagram packet also
   * contains the sender's IP address, and the port number on the sender's machine.
   * @param received the list of previously received <tt>DatagramPacket</tt> from which the first is
   *     to be removed and returned if available
   * @param p the <tt>DatagramPacket</tt> into which to place the incoming data
   * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
  private void receive(List<DatagramPacket> received, DatagramPacket p) throws IOException {
    DatagramPacket r = null;

    do {
      boolean doReceive;

      synchronized (receiveSyncRoot) {
        if (received.isEmpty()) {
          if (inReceive) {
            doReceive = false;
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException iex) {
          } else {
            doReceive = true;
            inReceive = true;
        } else {
          doReceive = false;
          r = received.remove(0);
      if (doReceive) {
        try {

          synchronized (receiveSyncRoot) {
            synchronized (socketsSyncRoot) {
              boolean accepted = false;

              for (MultiplexedDatagramSocket socket : sockets)
                if (socket.getFilter().accept(p)) {
                  accepted = true;

                   * Emil: Don't break because we want all
                   * filtering sockets to get this.
                  // break;

              if (!accepted) this.received.add(clone(p));
        } finally {
          synchronized (receiveSyncRoot) {
            inReceive = false;
    } while (r == null);

    copy(r, p);
 public void removeSchedulerListener(SchedulerListener schedulerListener) {
   if (schedulerListener != null) {
     List<SchedulerListener> l = listeners;
     if (l != null) {
       synchronized (l) {
  /** Receive notification of the end of an element. */
  public void endElement(String uri, String l, String q) {
     * 1. If current element is a String, update its value from the string buffer.
     * 2. Add the element to parent.
    ElementInfo element = _stack.remove(_stack.size() - 1);
    _logger.fine("endElement " + element);
    if (element.type == null) {
      _logger.warning("Element " + element.name + " not created ");
    } else if (_chars.length() > 0) {
      try {
        injectProperty(element.data, String.class, _chars.toString(), null, null);
      } catch (Exception x) {
        if (!_lenient) {
          throw new BeanAssemblyException(
              "Failed to set characters to object " + element.type.getName(), x);
        } else {
          _logger.warning("Failed to set characters to parent " + element.data);
        "<<ElementInfo: "
            + element.type.getName()
            + " in "
            + element
            + "\n    @as is "
            + element.inst.get("@as")
            + "\n    @id is "
            + element.inst.get("@id"));

    if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(element.data.getClass()) && element.name.endsWith("...")) {
      List<?> list = (List<?>) element.data;
      Object array = Array.newInstance(element.type, list.size());
      for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) {
        Array.set(array, i, list.get(i));
      element.data = array;

    String id = element.inst.get("@id");
    if (id != null) {
      // locally stored object - not added to the parent
      _local.put(id, element);
    } else if (!_stack.isEmpty()) {
      // inject into the parent as a property
      ElementInfo parent = _stack.get(_stack.size() - 1);
      _logger.fine("Parent is " + parent.data.getClass().getName());
      try {
        String as = element.inst.get("@as");
        if (as != null) {
              Strings.toCamelCase(as, '-', false),
        } else {
          injectProperty(parent.data, element.type, element.data, null, element.args.complete());
      } catch (Exception x) {
        if (!_lenient) {
          throw new BeanAssemblyException(
              "Failed to set value " + element.data + " to parent " + parent.data, x);
        } else {
              "Failed to set value " + element.data + " to parent " + parent.data,
    _top = element.data;