private Service getService(File base) throws Exception {
    File dataFile = new File(base, "data");
    if (!dataFile.isFile()) return null;

    ServiceData data = getData(ServiceData.class, dataFile);
    return new Service(this, data);
Exemple #2
   * load from the specified jar filled with help files in the [language] directory in the jar
   * @param file the jar file
  private void loadFromJar(File file) {
    if (file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar") && file.isFile()) {
      try {
        int counter = 0;
        JarInputStream jis;
        JarEntry je;
        counter = 0;
        jis = new JarInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)));
        je = jis.getNextJarEntry();

        while (je != null) {
          String mnemo = trimEntryName(je);
          if (je.getName().toLowerCase().matches(helproot + "/" + language + "/.*.htm")
              && !exists(mnemo)) {
            addToCache(jis, mnemo);
          je = jis.getNextJarEntry();

            "+ " + String.valueOf(counter) + "\thelp text(s) from:\t" + file.getCanonicalPath());
      } catch (IOException ignored) {
Exemple #3
  * Expands list of files to process into full list of all files that can be found by recursively
  * descending directories.
 void expand(File dir, String[] files, boolean isUpdate) {
   if (files == null) {
   for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
     File f;
     if (dir == null) {
       f = new File(files[i]);
     } else {
       f = new File(dir, files[i]);
     if (f.isFile()) {
       if (entries.add(f)) {
         if (isUpdate) entryMap.put(entryName(f.getPath()), f);
     } else if (f.isDirectory()) {
       if (entries.add(f)) {
         if (isUpdate) {
           String dirPath = f.getPath();
           dirPath = (dirPath.endsWith(File.separator)) ? dirPath : (dirPath + File.separator);
           entryMap.put(entryName(dirPath), f);
         expand(f, f.list(), isUpdate);
     } else {
       error(formatMsg("error.nosuch.fileordir", String.valueOf(f)));
       ok = false;
  public ArtifactData get(byte[] sha) throws Exception {
    String name = Hex.toHexString(sha);
    File data = IO.getFile(repoDir, name + ".json");
    reporter.trace("artifact data file %s", data);
    if (data.isFile()) { // Bin + metadata
      ArtifactData artifact = codec.dec().from(data).get(ArtifactData.class);
      artifact.file = IO.getFile(repoDir, name).getAbsolutePath();
      return artifact;
    File bin = IO.getFile(repoDir, name);
    if (bin.exists()) { // Only bin
      ArtifactData artifact = new ArtifactData();
      artifact.file = bin.getAbsolutePath();
      artifact.sha = sha;
      return artifact;

    return null;
Exemple #5
   * scans inside a jar for possible language directories
   * @param file the jar file
   * @param paths the list to add to
   * @param helproot the root directory of all help directories
  private void searchJarPath(File file, List<String> paths) {
    if (file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar") && file.isFile()) {
      try {
        JarInputStream jis;
        JarEntry je;
        jis = new JarInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)));
        je = jis.getNextJarEntry();

        while (je != null) {
          if (je.getName().startsWith(helproot)) {
            String[] name = je.getName().split("/");
            if (name.length > 1) {
              addToList(paths, name[1]);
          je = jis.getNextJarEntry();
      } catch (IOException ignored) {
Exemple #6
  * load a specified directory filled with help files (outside a jar)
  * @param local the directory
 private void initFile(File local) {
   if (!local.exists()) {
   int counter = 0;
   if (local.isDirectory()) {
     for (File file : local.listFiles()) {
       if (file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".htm") && file.isFile()) {
         String mnemo = file.getName().toLowerCase().replace(".htm", "");
         if (!exists(mnemo)) {
           addToCache(file, mnemo);
   try {
         "+ " + String.valueOf(counter) + "\thelp text(s) from:\t" + local.getCanonicalPath());
   } catch (IOException ignored) {
   * Constructor
   * @throws IOException
  public JustAnotherPackageManager(Reporter reporter, Platform platform, File homeDir, File binDir)
      throws IOException {
    this.platform = platform;
    this.reporter = reporter;
    this.homeDir = homeDir;
    if (!homeDir.exists() && !homeDir.mkdirs())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not create directory " + homeDir);

    repoDir = IO.getFile(homeDir, "repo");
    if (!repoDir.exists() && !repoDir.mkdirs())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not create directory " + repoDir);

    commandDir = new File(homeDir, COMMANDS);
    serviceDir = new File(homeDir, SERVICE);
    service = new File(repoDir, SERVICE_JAR_FILE);
    if (!service.isFile()) init();

    this.binDir = binDir;
    if (!binDir.exists() && !binDir.mkdirs())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not create bin directory " + binDir);
Exemple #8
  private void cleanup(File directory) {
    // Clean up from old installations, removing or renaming files.
    // Note that directory is the parent of the CTP directory
    // unless the original installation was done by Bill Weadock's
    // all-in-one installer for Windows.

    // Get a file pointing to the CTP directory.
    // This might be the current directory, or
    // it might be the CTP child.
    File dir;
    if (directory.getName().equals("RSNA")) dir = directory;
    else dir = new File(directory, "CTP");

    // If CTP.jar exists in this directory, it is a really
    // old CTP main file - not used anymore
    File ctp = new File(dir, "CTP.jar");
    if (ctp.exists()) ctp.delete();

    // These are old names for the Launcher.jar file
    File launcher = new File(dir, "CTP-launcher.jar");
    if (launcher.exists()) launcher.delete();
    launcher = new File(dir, "TFS-launcher.jar");
    if (launcher.exists()) launcher.delete();

    // Delete the obsolete CTP-runner.jar file
    File runner = new File(dir, "CTP-runner.jar");
    if (runner.exists()) runner.delete();

    // Delete the obsolete MIRC-copier.jar file
    File copier = new File(dir, "MIRC-copier.jar");
    if (copier.exists()) copier.delete();

    // Rename the old versions of the properties files
    File oldprops = new File(dir, "");
    File newprops = new File(dir, "");
    File correctprops = new File(dir, "");
    if (oldprops.exists()) {
      if (newprops.exists() || correctprops.exists()) oldprops.delete();
      else oldprops.renameTo(correctprops);
    if (newprops.exists()) {
      if (correctprops.exists()) newprops.delete();
      else newprops.renameTo(correctprops);

    // Get rid of obsolete startup and shutdown programs
    File startup = new File(dir, "CTP-startup.jar");
    if (startup.exists()) startup.delete();
    File shutdown = new File(dir, "CTP-shutdown.jar");
    if (shutdown.exists()) shutdown.delete();

    // Get rid of the obsolete linux directory
    File linux = new File(dir, "linux");
    if (linux.exists()) {
      startup = new File(linux, "CTP-startup.jar");
      if (startup.exists()) startup.delete();
      shutdown = new File(linux, "CTP-shutdown.jar");
      if (shutdown.exists()) shutdown.delete();

    // clean up the libraries directory
    File libraries = new File(dir, "libraries");
    if (libraries.exists()) {
      // remove obsolete versions of the slf4j libraries
      // and the dcm4che-imageio libraries
      File[] files = libraries.listFiles();
      for (File file : files) {
        if (file.isFile()) {
          String name = file.getName();
          if (name.startsWith("slf4j-") || name.startsWith("dcm4che-imageio-rle")) {
      // remove the email subdirectory
      File email = new File(libraries, "email");
      // remove the xml subdirectory
      File xml = new File(libraries, "xml");
      // remove the sftp subdirectory
      File sftp = new File(libraries, "sftp");
      // move edtftpj.jar to the ftp directory
      File edtftpj = new File(libraries, "edtftpj.jar");
      if (edtftpj.exists()) {
        File ftp = new File(libraries, "ftp");
        File ftpedtftpj = new File(ftp, "edtftpj.jar");

    // remove the obsolete xml library under dir
    File xml = new File(dir, "xml");

    // remove the dicom profiles so any
    // obsolete files will disappear
    File profiles = new File(dir, "profiles");
    File dicom = new File(profiles, "dicom");

    // Remove the index.html file so it will be rebuilt from
    // example-index.html when the system next starts.
    File root = new File(dir, "ROOT");
    if (root.exists()) {
      File index = new File(root, "index.html");
  public CommandData getCommand(String name) throws Exception {
    File f = new File(commandDir, name);
    if (!f.isFile()) return null;

    return getData(CommandData.class, f);
  public CommandData parseCommandData(ArtifactData artifact) throws Exception {
    File source = new File(artifact.file);
    if (!source.isFile()) throw new FileNotFoundException();

    CommandData data = new CommandData();
    data.sha = artifact.sha;
    data.jpmRepoDir = repoDir.getCanonicalPath();
    JarFile jar = new JarFile(source);
    try {
      reporter.trace("Parsing %s", source);
      Manifest m = jar.getManifest();
      Attributes main = m.getMainAttributes(); = data.bsn = main.getValue("Bundle-SymbolicName");
      String version = main.getValue("Bundle-Version");
      if (version == null) data.version = Version.LOWEST;
      else data.version = new Version(version);

      data.main = main.getValue("Main-Class");
      data.description = main.getValue("Bundle-Description");
      data.title = main.getValue("JPM-Name");

      reporter.trace("name " + + " " + data.main + " " + data.title);
      DependencyCollector path = new DependencyCollector(this);
      DependencyCollector bundles = new DependencyCollector(this);
      if (main.getValue("JPM-Classpath") != null) {
        Parameters requires = OSGiHeader.parseHeader(main.getValue("JPM-Classpath"));

        for (Map.Entry<String, Attrs> e : requires.entrySet()) {
          path.add(e.getKey(), e.getValue().get("name")); // coordinate
      } else if (!artifact.local) { // No JPM-Classpath, falling back to
        // server's revision
        // Iterable<RevisionRef> closure =
        // library.getClosure(artifact.sha,
        // false);
        // System.out.println("getting closure " + artifact.url + " " +
        // Strings.join("\n",closure));

        // if (closure != null) {
        // for (RevisionRef ref : closure) {
        // path.add(Hex.toHexString(ref.revision));
        // }
        // }

      if (main.getValue("JPM-Runbundles") != null) {
        Parameters jpmrunbundles = OSGiHeader.parseHeader(main.getValue("JPM-Runbundles"));

        for (Map.Entry<String, Attrs> e : jpmrunbundles.entrySet()) {
          bundles.add(e.getKey(), e.getValue().get("name"));

      reporter.trace("collect digests runpath");
      reporter.trace("collect digests bundles");

      Parameters command = OSGiHeader.parseHeader(main.getValue("JPM-Command"));
      if (command.size() > 1) reporter.error("Only one command can be specified");

      for (Map.Entry<String, Attrs> e : command.entrySet()) { = e.getKey();

        Attrs attrs = e.getValue();

        if (attrs.containsKey("jvmargs")) data.jvmArgs = attrs.get("jvmargs");

        if (attrs.containsKey("title")) data.title = attrs.get("title");

        if (data.title != null) data.title =;
      return data;
    } finally {