public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Create a thread pool with two threads
    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);

    System.out.println("Thread 1\t\tThread 2\t\tBalance");

    executor.execute(new DepositTask());
    executor.execute(new WithDrawTask());
public final class CancelledFutureLoops {
  static final ExecutorService pool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
  static final LoopHelpers.SimpleRandom rng = new LoopHelpers.SimpleRandom();
  static boolean print = false;
  static final int ITERS = 1000000;
  static final long TIMEOUT = 100;

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    int maxThreads = 5;
    if (args.length > 0) maxThreads = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);

    print = true;

    for (int i = 2; i <= maxThreads; i += (i + 1) >>> 1) {
      System.out.print("Threads: " + i);
      try {
        new FutureLoop(i).test();
      } catch (BrokenBarrierException bb) {
        // OK; ignore
      } catch (ExecutionException ee) {
        // OK; ignore
    if (!pool.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)) throw new Error();

  static final class FutureLoop implements Callable {
    private int v =;
    private final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
    private final LoopHelpers.BarrierTimer timer = new LoopHelpers.BarrierTimer();
    private final CyclicBarrier barrier;
    private final int nthreads;

    FutureLoop(int nthreads) {
      this.nthreads = nthreads;
      barrier = new CyclicBarrier(nthreads + 1, timer);

    final void test() throws Exception {
      Future[] futures = new Future[nthreads];
      for (int i = 0; i < nthreads; ++i) futures[i] = pool.submit(this);

      boolean tooLate = false;
      for (int i = 1; i < nthreads; ++i) {
        if (!futures[i].cancel(true)) tooLate = true;
        // Unbunch some of the cancels
        if ((i & 3) == 0) Thread.sleep(1 + % 10);

      Object f0 = futures[0].get();
      if (!tooLate) {
        for (int i = 1; i < nthreads; ++i) {
          if (!futures[i].isDone() || !futures[i].isCancelled())
            throw new Error("Only one thread should complete");
      } else System.out.print("(cancelled too late) ");

      long endTime = System.nanoTime();
      long time = endTime - timer.startTime;
      if (print) {
        double secs = (double) (time) / 1000000000.0;
        System.out.println("\t " + secs + "s run time");

    public final Object call() throws Exception {
      int sum = v;
      int x = 0;
      int n = ITERS;
      while (n-- > 0) {
        try {
          v = x = LoopHelpers.compute1(v);
        } finally {
        sum += LoopHelpers.compute2(LoopHelpers.compute2(x));
      return new Integer(sum);
Exemple #3
public class TimedAcquireLeak {
  static String javahome() {
    String jh = System.getProperty("java.home");
    return (jh.endsWith("jre")) ? jh.substring(0, jh.length() - 4) : jh;

  static final File bin = new File(javahome(), "bin");

  static String javaProgramPath(String programName) {
    return new File(bin, programName).getPath();

  static final String java = javaProgramPath("java");
  static final String jmap = javaProgramPath("jmap");
  static final String jps = javaProgramPath("jps");

  static String outputOf(Reader r) throws IOException {
    final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    final char[] buf = new char[1024];
    int n;
    while ((n = > 0) sb.append(buf, 0, n);
    return sb.toString();

  static String outputOf(InputStream is) throws IOException {
    return outputOf(new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF-8"));

  static final ExecutorService drainers = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(12);

  static Future<String> futureOutputOf(final InputStream is) {
    return drainers.submit(
        new Callable<String>() {
          public String call() throws IOException {
            return outputOf(is);

  static String outputOf(final Process p) {
    try {
      Future<String> outputFuture = futureOutputOf(p.getInputStream());
      Future<String> errorFuture = futureOutputOf(p.getErrorStream());
      final String output = outputFuture.get();
      final String error = errorFuture.get();
      // Check for successful process completion
      equal(error, "");
      equal(p.waitFor(), 0);
      equal(p.exitValue(), 0);
      return output;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw new Error(t);

  static String commandOutputOf(String... cmd) {
    try {
      return outputOf(new ProcessBuilder(cmd).start());
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw new Error(t);

  // To be called exactly twice by the parent process
  static <T> T rendezvousParent(Process p, Callable<T> callable) throws Throwable {
    T result =;
    OutputStream os = p.getOutputStream();
    os.write((byte) '\n');
    return result;

  // To be called exactly twice by the child process
  public static void rendezvousChild() {
    try {
      for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
      System.out.write((byte) '\n');
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw new Error(t);

  static String match(String s, String regex, int group) {
    Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(s);

  static int objectsInUse(final Process child, final String childPid, final String className) {
    final String regex = "(?m)^ *[0-9]+: +([0-9]+) +[0-9]+ +\\Q" + className + "\\E$";
    final Callable<Integer> objectsInUse =
        new Callable<Integer>() {
          public Integer call() {
            Integer i =
                Integer.parseInt(match(commandOutputOf(jmap, "-histo:live", childPid), regex, 1));
            if (i > 100)
              System.out.print(commandOutputOf(jmap, "-dump:file=dump,format=b", childPid));
            return i;
    try {
      return rendezvousParent(child, objectsInUse);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      return -1;

  static void realMain(String[] args) throws Throwable {
    // jmap doesn't work on Windows
    if (System.getProperty("").startsWith("Windows")) return;

    final String childClassName = Job.class.getName();
    final String classToCheckForLeaks = Job.classToCheckForLeaks();
    final String uniqueID = String.valueOf(new Random().nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE));

    final String[] jobCmd = {
      System.getProperty("test.classes", "."),
    final Process p = new ProcessBuilder(jobCmd).start();

    final String childPid =
            commandOutputOf(jps, "-m"),
            "(?m)^ *([0-9]+) +\\Q" + childClassName + "\\E *" + uniqueID + "$",

    final int n0 = objectsInUse(p, childPid, classToCheckForLeaks);
    final int n1 = objectsInUse(p, childPid, classToCheckForLeaks);
    equal(p.waitFor(), 0);
    equal(p.exitValue(), 0);
    failed += p.exitValue();

    // Check that no objects were leaked.
    System.out.printf("%d -> %d%n", n0, n1);
    check(Math.abs(n1 - n0) < 2); // Almost always n0 == n1
    check(n1 < 20);

  // ----------------------------------------------------------------
  // The main class of the child process.
  // Job's job is to:
  // - provide the name of a class to check for leaks.
  // - call rendezvousChild exactly twice, while quiescent.
  // - in between calls to rendezvousChild, run code that may leak.
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------
  public static class Job {
    static String classToCheckForLeaks() {
      return "java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$Node";

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
      final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();

      final ReentrantReadWriteLock rwlock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
      final ReentrantReadWriteLock.ReadLock readLock = rwlock.readLock();
      final ReentrantReadWriteLock.WriteLock writeLock = rwlock.writeLock();

      final BlockingQueue<Object> q = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Object>();
      final Semaphore fairSem = new Semaphore(0, true);
      final Semaphore unfairSem = new Semaphore(0, false);
      // final int threads =
      // rnd.nextInt(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() + 1) + 1;
      final int threads = 3;
      // On Linux, this test runs very slowly for some reason,
      // so use a smaller number of iterations.
      // Solaris can handle 1 << 18.
      // On the other hand, jmap is much slower on Solaris...
      final int iterations = 1 << 8;
      final CyclicBarrier cb = new CyclicBarrier(threads + 1);

      for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++)
        new Thread() {
          public void run() {
            try {
              final Random rnd = new Random();
              for (int j = 0; j < iterations; j++) {
                if (j == iterations / 10 || j == iterations - 1) {
                  cb.await(); // Quiesce
                  cb.await(); // Resume
                // int t = rnd.nextInt(2000);
                int t = rnd.nextInt(900);
                check(!lock.tryLock(t, NANOSECONDS));
                check(!readLock.tryLock(t, NANOSECONDS));
                check(!writeLock.tryLock(t, NANOSECONDS));
                equal(null, q.poll(t, NANOSECONDS));
                check(!fairSem.tryAcquire(t, NANOSECONDS));
                check(!unfairSem.tryAcquire(t, NANOSECONDS));
            } catch (Throwable t) {

      cb.await(); // Quiesce
      rendezvousChild(); // Measure
      cb.await(); // Resume

      cb.await(); // Quiesce
      rendezvousChild(); // Measure
      cb.await(); // Resume


    // If something goes wrong, we might never see it, since IO
    // streams are connected to the parent.  So we need a special
    // purpose print method to debug Jobs.
    static void debugPrintf(String format, Object... args) {
      try {
        new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream("/dev/tty")).printf(format, args);
      } catch (Throwable t) {
        throw new Error(t);

  // --------------------- Infrastructure ---------------------------
  static volatile int passed = 0, failed = 0;

  static void pass() {

  static void fail() {

  static void fail(String msg) {

  static void unexpected(Throwable t) {

  static void check(boolean cond) {
    if (cond) pass();
    else fail();

  static void check(boolean cond, String m) {
    if (cond) pass();
    else fail(m);

  static void equal(Object x, Object y) {
    if (x == null ? y == null : x.equals(y)) pass();
    else fail(x + " not equal to " + y);

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
    try {
    } catch (Throwable t) {
    System.out.printf("%nPassed = %d, failed = %d%n%n", passed, failed);
    if (failed > 0) throw new AssertionError("Some tests failed");