/** * @return an instanciation of the given content-type class name, or null if class wasn't found */ public static ContentType getContentTypeFromClassName(String contentTypeClassName) { if (contentTypeClassName == null) contentTypeClassName = getAvailableContentTypes()[DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE_INDEX]; ContentType ct = null; try { Class clazz = Class.forName(contentTypeClassName); ct = (ContentType) clazz.newInstance(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfex) { if (jpicedt.Log.DEBUG) cnfex.printStackTrace(); JPicEdt.getMDIManager() .showMessageDialog( "The pluggable content-type you asked for (class " + cnfex.getLocalizedMessage() + ") isn't currently installed, using default instead...", Localizer.currentLocalizer().get("msg.LoadingContentTypeClass"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } catch (Exception ex) { if (jpicedt.Log.DEBUG) ex.printStackTrace(); JPicEdt.getMDIManager() .showMessageDialog( ex.getLocalizedMessage(), Localizer.currentLocalizer().get("msg.LoadingContentTypeClass"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } return ct; }
/** Determine whether the current user has Windows administrator privileges. */ public static boolean isWinAdmin() { if (!isWinPlatform()) return false; // for (String group : new com.sun.security.auth.module.NTSystem().getGroupIDs()) { // if (group.equals("S-1-5-32-544")) return true; // "S-1-5-32-544" is a well-known // security identifier in Windows. If the current user has it then he/she/it is an // administrator. // } // return false; try { Class<?> ntsys = Class.forName("com.sun.security.auth.module.NTSystem"); if (ntsys != null) { Object groupObj = SystemUtils.invoke( ntsys.newInstance(), ntsys.getDeclaredMethod("getGroupIDs"), (Object[]) null); if (groupObj instanceof String[]) { for (String group : (String[]) groupObj) { if (group.equals("S-1-5-32-544")) return true; // "S-1-5-32-544" is a well-known security identifier in Windows. If the // current user has it then he/she/it is an administrator. } } } } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { System.err.println(e); } return false; }
/** * Examines a property's type to see which method should be used to parse the property's value. * * @param desc The description of the property * @param value The value of the XML attribute containing the prop value * @return The value stored in the element * @throws IOException If there is an error reading the document */ public Object getObjectValue(PropertyDescriptor desc, String value) throws IOException { // Find out what kind of property it is Class type = desc.getPropertyType(); // If it's an array, get the base type if (type.isArray()) { type = type.getComponentType(); } // For native types, object wrappers for natives, and strings, use the // basic parse routine if (type.equals(Integer.TYPE) || type.equals(Long.TYPE) || type.equals(Short.TYPE) || type.equals(Byte.TYPE) || type.equals(Boolean.TYPE) || type.equals(Float.TYPE) || type.equals(Double.TYPE) || Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Short.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Byte.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Float.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Double.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { return parseBasicType(type, value); } else if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { return value; } else if (java.util.Date.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { // If it's a date, use the date parser return parseDate(value, JOXDateHandler.determineDateFormat()); } else { return null; } }
/** Loads the resources */ void initResources() { final Class<ControlExample> clazz = ControlExample.class; if (resourceBundle != null) { try { if (images == null) { images = new Image[imageLocations.length]; for (int i = 0; i < imageLocations.length; ++i) { InputStream sourceStream = clazz.getResourceAsStream(imageLocations[i]); ImageData source = new ImageData(sourceStream); if (imageTypes[i] == SWT.ICON) { ImageData mask = source.getTransparencyMask(); images[i] = new Image(null, source, mask); } else { images[i] = new Image(null, source); } try { sourceStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return; } catch (Throwable t) { } } String error = (resourceBundle != null) ? getResourceString("error.CouldNotLoadResources") : "Unable to load resources"; //$NON-NLS-1$ freeResources(); throw new RuntimeException(error); }
/** * Returns compact class host. * * @param obj Object to compact. * @return String. */ @Nullable public static Object compactObject(Object obj) { if (obj == null) return null; if (obj instanceof Enum) return obj.toString(); if (obj instanceof String || obj instanceof Boolean || obj instanceof Number) return obj; if (obj instanceof Collection) { Collection col = (Collection) obj; Object[] res = new Object[col.size()]; int i = 0; for (Object elm : col) res[i++] = compactObject(elm); return res; } if (obj.getClass().isArray()) { Class<?> arrType = obj.getClass().getComponentType(); if (arrType.isPrimitive()) { if (obj instanceof boolean[]) return Arrays.toString((boolean[]) obj); if (obj instanceof byte[]) return Arrays.toString((byte[]) obj); if (obj instanceof short[]) return Arrays.toString((short[]) obj); if (obj instanceof int[]) return Arrays.toString((int[]) obj); if (obj instanceof long[]) return Arrays.toString((long[]) obj); if (obj instanceof float[]) return Arrays.toString((float[]) obj); if (obj instanceof double[]) return Arrays.toString((double[]) obj); } Object[] arr = (Object[]) obj; int iMax = arr.length - 1; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("["); for (int i = 0; i <= iMax; i++) { sb.append(compactObject(arr[i])); if (i != iMax) sb.append(", "); } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } return U.compact(obj.getClass().getName()); }
/** * Log task mapped. * * @param log Logger. * @param clazz Task class. * @param nodes Mapped nodes. */ public static void logMapped( @Nullable IgniteLogger log, Class<?> clazz, Collection<ClusterNode> nodes) { log0( log, U.currentTimeMillis(), String.format("[%s]: MAPPED: %s", clazz.getSimpleName(), U.toShortString(nodes))); }
public ICFLibAnyObj getObjQualifier(Class qualifyingClass) { ICFLibAnyObj container = this; if (qualifyingClass != null) { while (container != null) { if (container instanceof ICFSecurityClusterObj) { break; } else if (container instanceof ICFSecurityTenantObj) { break; } else if (qualifyingClass.isInstance(container)) { break; } container = container.getObjScope(); } } else { while (container != null) { if (container instanceof ICFSecurityClusterObj) { break; } else if (container instanceof ICFSecurityTenantObj) { break; } container = container.getObjScope(); } } return (container); }
private void ListValueChanged( javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent evt) { // GEN-FIRST:event_ListValueChanged // TODO add your handling code here: // String part=partno.getText(); try { String sql = "SELECT TYPE,ITEM_NAME,QUANTITY,MRP FROM MOTORS WHERE ITEM_NAME='" + List.getSelectedValue() + "'"; Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); Connection con = (Connection) DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/bharatmotors", "root", ""); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); while (rs.next()) { partno.setText(rs.getString("TYPE")); name.setText(rs.getString("ITEM_NAME")); qty.setText(rs.getString("QUANTITY")); rate.setText(rs.getString("MRP")); } } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e.toString()); } } // GEN-LAST:event_ListValueChanged
/** * Log finished. * * @param log Logger. * @param clazz Class. * @param start Start time. */ public static void logFinish(@Nullable IgniteLogger log, Class<?> clazz, long start) { final long end = U.currentTimeMillis(); log0( log, end, String.format( "[%s]: FINISHED, duration: %s", clazz.getSimpleName(), formatDuration(end - start))); }
private static final Record getTypedObject(int type) { if (type < 0 || type > knownRecords.length) return unknownRecord.getObject(); if (knownRecords[type] != null) return knownRecords[type]; /* Construct the class name by putting the type before "Record". */ String s = Record.class.getPackage().getName() + "." + Type.string(type).replace('-', '_') + "Record"; try { Class c = Class.forName(s); Constructor m = c.getDeclaredConstructor(emptyClassArray); knownRecords[type] = (Record) m.newInstance(emptyObjectArray); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { /* This is normal; do nothing */ } catch (Exception e) { if (Options.check("verbose")) System.err.println(e); } if (knownRecords[type] == null) knownRecords[type] = unknownRecord.getObject(); return knownRecords[type]; }
/** * Log message. * * @param log Logger. * @param msg Message to log. * @param clazz class. * @param start start time. * @return Time when message was logged. */ public static long log(@Nullable IgniteLogger log, String msg, Class<?> clazz, long start) { final long end = U.currentTimeMillis(); log0( log, end, String.format( "[%s]: %s, duration: %s", clazz.getSimpleName(), msg, formatDuration(end - start))); return end; }
public static Field makeAccessible(Class<?> target, String fieldName) { try { final Field field = target.getDeclaredField(fieldName); return (Field) AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>() { public Object run() throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { if (!field.isAccessible()) field.setAccessible(true); return field; } }); } catch (NoSuchFieldException | PrivilegedActionException e) { System.out.print(""); } // keep quiet IError.printStackTrace(e); } return null; }
private void jButton4ActionPerformed( java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { // GEN-FIRST:event_jButton4ActionPerformed // TODO add your handling code here: String wash = chrg.getText(); cname = custname.getText(); addr1 = addr.getText(); total.setText(String.valueOf(tamount)); String a = lcharge.getText(); String b = total.getText(); String j = la.getText(); String c = con.getText(); int d = Integer.parseInt(b); int e = Integer.parseInt(a); int g = Integer.parseInt(wash); int h = Integer.parseInt(c); int i = Integer.parseInt(j); int f = d + e + g + h + i; toamnt.setText(String.valueOf(f)); String sql = "insert into bill(Bill_No,Bill_Date,Cust_Name,Cust_Addr,P_Details,Amount) values('" + no1 + "','" + bill1 + "','" + cname + "','" + addr1 + "','" + pd + "','" + toamnt + "')"; try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); Connection con = (Connection) DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/bharatmotors", "root", ""); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate(sql); } catch (Exception e2) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, e2.getMessage()); } } // GEN-LAST:event_jButton4ActionPerformed
public void FillList() { try { String sql1 = "select * from motors"; Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); Connection con = (Connection) DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/bharatmotors", "root", ""); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs1 = stmt.executeQuery(sql1); DefaultListModel DLM = new DefaultListModel(); while (rs1.next()) { DLM.addElement(rs1.getString(3)); // DLM.addElement(rs1.getString(2)); } List.setModel(DLM); } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "e.getString()"); } }
/** * Reads an string into a basic type * * @param type The type of the string to read * @param str The string containing the value * @return The parsed value of the string */ public static Object parseBasicType(Class type, String str) { // Parse the text based on the property type if (type.equals(Integer.TYPE) || Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { return new Integer(str); } else if (type.equals(Long.TYPE) || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { return new Long(str); } else if (type.equals(Short.TYPE) || Short.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { return new Short(str); } else if (type.equals(Byte.TYPE) || Byte.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { return new Byte(str); } else if (type.equals(Boolean.TYPE) || Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { return new Boolean(str); } else if (type.equals(Float.TYPE) || Float.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { return new Float(str); } else if (type.equals(Double.TYPE) || Double.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { return new Double(str); } return null; }
/** * ** Returns an I18N.Text instance used for lazy localization ** @param clazz The class from * which the package is derived ** @param key The localization key ** @param dft The default * localized text ** @return An I18N.Text instance used for lazy localization */ public static I18N.Text getString(Class clazz, String key, String dft) { // i18n 'key' is separately specified String pkg = (clazz != null) ? clazz.getPackage().getName() : null; return I18N.parseText(pkg, key, dft); }
public Text(Class clazz, String key, String dft) { this.pkg = (clazz != null) ? clazz.getPackage().getName() : null; this.key = (key != null) ? key : ""; this.dft = (dft != null) ? dft : ""; // Print.logInfo("I18N Text: key=" + key + " default=" + dft); }
public MLogger getMLogger(Class cl) { return getLogger(cl.getName()); }
/** * Takes a vector full of property lists and generates a report. * * @param args Command line arguments. args[0] should be the config filename. */ public static void main(String[] args) { // Load the database properties from properties file Properties properties = new Properties(); // Load config file String configFile = null; if (args.length > 0) configFile = args[0]; try { if (configFile == null) { System.out.println("Database config file not set."); return; } else properties.load(new FileInputStream(configFile)); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Error opening config file."); } String url = properties.getProperty("databaseUrl"); String username = properties.getProperty("username"); String password = properties.getProperty("password"); String dir = System.getProperty("user.dir"); // Current working directory Connection con = null; // Try to open file containing javac output String output = ""; try { BufferedReader outputReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(dir + "/CompileOut.txt")); while (outputReader.ready()) output += outputReader.readLine() + '\n'; // Close file outputReader.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("Error opening compilation output file."); return; } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("I/O Exception Occured."); return; } boolean hasDriver = false; // Create class for the driver try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); hasDriver = true; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Failed to load MySQL JDBC driver class."); } // Create connection to database if the driver was found if (hasDriver) { try { con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println("Couldn't get connection!"); } } // Check that a connection was made if (con != null) { long userEventId = -1; // Store results from the report into the database try { BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(dir + "/userId.txt")); // Read userId.txt to get userId String userId = rd.readLine(); // Store userId from text file rd.close(); // Insert the report into the table and get the auto_increment id for it Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO userEvents (userId) VALUES ('" + userId + "')"); ResultSet result = stmt.getGeneratedKeys(); result.next(); userEventId = result.getLong(1); // Close the statement stmt.close(); // Prepare statement for adding the compilation error to the userEvent PreparedStatement compErrorPrepStmt = con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO userEventCompilationErrors(userEventId, output) VALUES (?, ?)"); // Insert userEventId and docletId into the database compErrorPrepStmt.setLong(1, userEventId); compErrorPrepStmt.setString(2, output); compErrorPrepStmt.executeUpdate(); // Close the prepare statements compErrorPrepStmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception Occurred"); System.out.println(e); } // Store the java files for the report try { // Prepare statement for storing files PreparedStatement filePrepStmt = con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO files(userEventId, filename, contents) VALUES (" + userEventId + ", ?, ?)"); // Get the list of files from source.txt BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(dir + "/source.txt")); // Read userId.txt to get userId while (rd.ready()) { String filename = rd.readLine(); // Store userId from text file // Remove the "src/" from the beginning to get the real file name String realname = filename.substring(4); filePrepStmt.setString(1, realname); // Read in the contents of the files String contents = ""; File javaFile = new File(dir + "/" + filename); int length = (int) javaFile.length(); // Add parameter for file contents to the prepared statement and execute it filePrepStmt.setCharacterStream(2, new BufferedReader(new FileReader(javaFile)), length); filePrepStmt.executeUpdate(); } rd.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("I/O Exception Occured."); } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("SQL Exception Occured."); } } }
public static Object element(Object arg, ExecutionContext context) throws FunctionDomainException, TypeMismatchException { if (arg == null || arg == QueryService.UNDEFINED) return QueryService.UNDEFINED; if (arg instanceof Collection) { Collection c = (Collection) arg; // for remote distinct queries, the result of sub query could contain a // mix of String and PdxString which could be duplicates, so convert all // PdxStrings to String if (context.isDistinct() && ((DefaultQuery) context.getQuery()).isRemoteQuery()) { Set tempResults = new HashSet(); for (Object o : c) { if (o instanceof PdxString) { o = ((PdxString) o).toString(); } tempResults.add(o); } c.clear(); c.addAll(tempResults); tempResults = null; } checkSingleton(c.size()); return c.iterator().next(); } // not a Collection, must be an array Class clazz = arg.getClass(); if (!clazz.isArray()) throw new TypeMismatchException( LocalizedStrings.Functions_THE_ELEMENT_FUNCTION_CANNOT_BE_APPLIED_TO_AN_OBJECT_OF_TYPE_0 .toLocalizedString(clazz.getName())); // handle arrays if (arg instanceof Object[]) { Object[] a = (Object[]) arg; if (((DefaultQuery) context.getQuery()).isRemoteQuery() && context.isDistinct()) { for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (a[i] instanceof PdxString) { a[i] = ((PdxString) a[i]).toString(); } } } checkSingleton(a.length); return a[0]; } if (arg instanceof int[]) { int[] a = (int[]) arg; checkSingleton(a.length); return Integer.valueOf(a[0]); } if (arg instanceof long[]) { long[] a = (long[]) arg; checkSingleton(a.length); return Long.valueOf(a[0]); } if (arg instanceof boolean[]) { boolean[] a = (boolean[]) arg; checkSingleton(a.length); return Boolean.valueOf(a[0]); } if (arg instanceof byte[]) { byte[] a = (byte[]) arg; checkSingleton(a.length); return Byte.valueOf(a[0]); } if (arg instanceof char[]) { char[] a = (char[]) arg; checkSingleton(a.length); return new Character(a[0]); } if (arg instanceof double[]) { double[] a = (double[]) arg; checkSingleton(a.length); return Double.valueOf(a[0]); } if (arg instanceof float[]) { float[] a = (float[]) arg; checkSingleton(a.length); return new Float(a[0]); } if (arg instanceof short[]) { short[] a = (short[]) arg; checkSingleton(a.length); return new Short(a[0]); } // did I miss something? throw new TypeMismatchException( LocalizedStrings.Functions_THE_ELEMENT_FUNCTION_CANNOT_BE_APPLIED_TO_AN_OBJECT_OF_TYPE_0 .toLocalizedString(clazz.getName())); }
// Information needed to get a single file: // BASE_PATH, FILE_ID, TIMESTAMP_START, TIMESTAMP_STOP, SOURCE, FILESYSTEM private static Vector<Path> getFile( FileSystem fs, Hashtable<String, String> config, dbutil db_util) throws Exception { Long latestVersion = latestVersion(config, db_util); try { config.put("timestamp_start", config.get("timestamp_start")); config.put("timestamp_real", latestVersion.toString()); config.put("timestamp_stop", latestVersion.toString()); } catch (Exception E) { logger.error("Tryign to get file that is impossible to generate: " + getFullPath(config)); return null; } if (Integer.parseInt(config.get("timestamp_start")) > Integer.parseInt(config.get("timestamp_stop"))) { return null; } logger.debug( "Getting DB for timestamp " + config.get("timestamp_start") + " to " + config.get("timestamp_stop")); String final_result = getFullPath(config); String temp_path_base = config.get("local_temp_path") + "_" + config.get("task_id") + "_" + config.get("run_id") + "/"; Path newPath = new Path(final_result + "*"); Vector<Path> ret_path = new Vector<Path>(); String lockName = lock(final_result.replaceAll("/", "_")); if (fs.globStatus(newPath).length != 0) { ret_path.add(newPath); unlock(lockName); config.put("full_file_name", final_result); return ret_path; } else { if (!config.get("source").equals("local")) { config.put("temp_path_base", temp_path_base); config.put("timestamp_start", config.get("timestamp_start")); config.put("timestamp_real", latestVersion.toString()); config.put("timestamp_stop", latestVersion.toString()); Class<?> sourceClass = Class.forName("org.gestore.plugin.source." + config.get("source") + "Source"); Method process_data = sourceClass.getMethod("process", Hashtable.class, FileSystem.class); Object processor = sourceClass.newInstance(); Object retVal; try { retVal = process_data.invoke(processor, config, fs); } catch (InvocationTargetException E) { Throwable exception = E.getTargetException(); logger.error("Unable to call method in child class: " + exception.toString()); exception.printStackTrace(System.out); unlock(lockName); return null; } FileStatus[] files = (FileStatus[]) retVal; if (files == null) { logger.error("Error getting files, no files returned"); return null; } for (FileStatus file : files) { Path cur_file = file.getPath(); Path cur_local_path = new Path(temp_path_base + config.get("file_id")); String suffix = getSuffix(config.get("file_id"), cur_file.getName()); cur_local_path = cur_local_path.suffix(suffix); Path res_path = new Path(new String(final_result + suffix)); logger.debug("Moving file" + cur_file.toString() + " to " + res_path.toString()); if (config.get("copy").equals("true")) { fs.moveFromLocalFile(cur_file, res_path); } else { fs.rename(cur_file, res_path); } } config.put("full_file_name", final_result); } } unlock(lockName); return ret_path; }
/** * ** Returns an I18N instance based on the specified package name and Locale ** @param pkgClz The * class from which the class package is derived ** @param loc The Locale resource from with the * localized text is loaded */ public static I18N getI18N(Class pkgClz, Locale loc) { return I18N.getI18N(pkgClz.getPackage().getName(), loc); }
/** * Log start. * * @param log Logger. * @param clazz Class. * @param start Start time. */ public static void logStart(@Nullable IgniteLogger log, Class<?> clazz, long start) { log0(log, start, "[" + clazz.getSimpleName() + "]: STARTED"); }
/** * Examines a property's type to see which method should be used to parse the property's value. * * @param desc The description of the property * @param element The XML element containing the property value * @return The value stored in the element * @throws IOException If there is an error reading the document */ public Object getObjectValue(PropertyDescriptor desc, Element element) throws IOException { // Find out what kind of property it is Class type = desc.getPropertyType(); // If it's an array, get the base type if (type.isArray()) { type = type.getComponentType(); } // For native types, object wrappers for natives, and strings, use the // basic parse routine if (type.equals(Integer.TYPE) || type.equals(Long.TYPE) || type.equals(Short.TYPE) || type.equals(Byte.TYPE) || type.equals(Boolean.TYPE) || type.equals(Float.TYPE) || type.equals(Double.TYPE) || Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Short.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Byte.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Float.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Double.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || String.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { return readBasicType(type, element); } else if (java.util.Date.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { // If it's a date, use the date parser return readDate(element); } else { try { // If it's an object, create a new instance of the object (it should // be a bean, or there will be trouble) Object newOb = type.newInstance(); // Copy the XML element into the bean readObject(newOb, element); return newOb; } catch (InstantiationException exc) { throw new IOException( "Error creating object for " + desc.getName() + ": " + exc.toString()); } catch (IllegalAccessException exc) { throw new IOException( "Error creating object for " + desc.getName() + ": " + exc.toString()); } } }