/** * Create a new LibraryUI object - showing an authentication dialog then bringing up the main * window. */ public LibraryUI() { super("JDBC Library"); // Uncomment the following if you'd rather not see everything in bold // UIManager.put("swing.boldMetal", Boolean.FALSE); // Initialise everything initActions(); initUI(); initFocusTraversalPolicy(); setSize(600, 600); // Show Authentication dialog AuthDialog ad = new AuthDialog(this, "Authentication"); ad.setVisible(true); String userName = ad.getUserName(); String password = ad.getDatabasePassword(); // Create data model model = new LibraryModel(this, userName, password); // Center window on screen GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); Point center = ge.getCenterPoint(); setLocation(center.x - getSize().width / 2, center.y - getSize().height / 2); // Show ourselves setVisible(true); }
public void ajustaFrameTela() { // ajusta o jframe corretamente na tela... this.setSize( GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getMaximumWindowBounds().getSize()); }