public ArrayList<DetalleFactura> buscar(Factura entidad) throws Exception { ArrayList<DetalleFactura> lista = new ArrayList<DetalleFactura>(); try { cnn = Conexion.getConexion(); CallableStatement cs = null; cs = cnn.prepareCall("call uspListDetalleFactrua(?)"); cs.setInt(1, entidad.getIdFactura()); rs = cs.executeQuery(); while ( { DetalleFactura objeto = new DetalleFactura(); objeto.setIdDetalleFactura(rs.getInt("Iddetallefactura")); objeto.setIdProducto(rs.getInt("Idproducto")); objeto.setCantidad(rs.getInt("Cantidad")); objeto.setPrecio(rs.getDouble("Precio")); objeto.setSubTotal(rs.getDouble("Subtotal")); objeto.setIdFactura(rs.getInt("Idfactura")); objeto.setDProducto(rs.getString("DProducto")); lista.add(objeto); } cnn.close(); cs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw ex; } return lista; }
public static Couple<String, String> gift( int giftGameID, long matchID, long uid, String uids, int number) throws SQLException, SimpleException { String query = "{call MakeGiftGame(?,?,?,?,?)}"; int res = 0; try (Connection conn = DBPoolConnection.getConnection()) { CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall(query); cs.clearParameters(); cs.setLong(1, uid); cs.setLong(2, matchID); cs.setInt(3, number); cs.setString(4, uids); cs.setInt(5, giftGameID); ResultSet rs = cs.executeQuery(); if (rs != null && { res = rs.getInt("result"); } } if (res == 1) { return giftGameChat(giftGameID); } else { throw new SimpleException("Không tặng được"); } }
private void suivantButtonActionPerformed( java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { // GEN-FIRST:event_suivantButtonActionPerformed pNumber++; pageNumberLabel.setText(Integer.toString(pNumber)); GUI container = (GUI) SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(this); // on prend son grand pere CallableStatement cs = null; Connection conDB = container.getBeanbd().getConnexion(); ResultSet rs = null; avisArea.setText(""); try { cs = conDB.prepareCall("{? = call PACKAGERECHERCHE.getAvisFilm(?, ?)}"); cs.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.CURSOR); cs.setInt(2, filmID); cs.setInt(3, pNumber); cs.executeQuery(); rs = (ResultSet) cs.getObject(1); while ( { avisArea.append("User : "******"\n"); avisArea.append("Avis : " + rs.getString(2) + "\n\n"); avisArea.append("---------------------------------\n\n"); } } catch (SQLException ex) { System.err.println("err " + ex); } } // GEN-LAST:event_suivantButtonActionPerformed
public List<ClientListInfo> getClientsDataTable( int startRecord, int recordsToShow, String clientNameKey) { try { Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); CallableStatement cstmt = session.connection().prepareCall("{call ADMIN_CLIENT_MANAGEMENT(?,?,?)}"); List<ClientListInfo> clientListInfo = new ArrayList<ClientListInfo>(); cstmt.setInt(1, startRecord); cstmt.setInt(2, recordsToShow); cstmt.setString(3, clientNameKey.trim()); ResultSet rs = cstmt.executeQuery(); if (rs != null) { while ( { ClientListInfo clientInfo = new ClientListInfo(); clientInfo.setIndex(rs.getInt(1)); clientInfo.setClientId(rs.getInt(2)); clientInfo.setClientName(rs.getString(3)); clientInfo.setBusinessType(rs.getString(4)); clientInfo.setContactPerson(rs.getString(5)); clientInfo.setWorkPhone(rs.getString(6)); clientInfo.setMobileNumber(rs.getString(7)); clientInfo.setIsActive(rs.getBoolean(9)); clientInfo.setEdit(rs.getInt(2)); clientInfo.setDelete(rs.getInt(2)); clientInfo.setTotalRows(rs.getInt(10)); clientListInfo.add(clientInfo); } } return clientListInfo; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception in get Client Data Table : DAO :" + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } return null; }
public String getGarageFromResp( String profile, Integer userId, Integer respId, Integer respApplId) { String garage = null; CallableStatement cs = null; String statement = "BEGIN ? := FND_PROFILE.VALUE_SPECIFIC(?, ?, ?, ?); END;"; try { cs = getDBTransaction().createCallableStatement(statement, 0); cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR); cs.setString(2, profile); cs.setInt(3, userId.intValue()); cs.setInt(4, respId.intValue()); cs.setInt(5, respApplId.intValue()); cs.executeUpdate(); garage = cs.getString(1); } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.severe("SQL Exception setGarageFromResp", e); } finally { try { if (cs != null) { cs.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.severe("SQL Exception setGarageFromResp", e); } } return garage; }
@Override public String lecturas(int periodo, int borrar) { try { Connection con = dao.getConnection(); String sql = "{call P_INT_LECTURAS(?,?,?)}"; CallableStatement statement = con.prepareCall(sql); statement.setInt(1, periodo); statement.setInt(2, borrar); // preguntar a javier statement.registerOutParameter(3, Types.VARCHAR); statement.executeQuery(); String error = statement.getString(3); con.close(); return error; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); Logger.getLogger(InterfazManagerImpl.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return "Error al ejecutar en la BD"; } }
@Override public int save(java.sql.Connection connection) { int i = 0; int nParam = 1; CallableStatement callableStatement = null; mnLastDbActionResult = SLibConstants.UNDEFINED; try { callableStatement = connection.prepareCall("{ CALL mfgu_line_save(" + "?, ?, ?, ?, ?, " + "?, ?, ?) }"); callableStatement.setInt(nParam++, mnPkMfgLineId); callableStatement.setString(nParam++, msMfgLine); callableStatement.setBoolean(nParam++, mbIsDeleted); callableStatement.setInt(nParam++, mnFkCostCenterId); callableStatement.setInt(nParam++, mbIsRegistryNew ? mnFkUserNewId : mnFkUserEditId); callableStatement.registerOutParameter(nParam++, java.sql.Types.INTEGER); callableStatement.registerOutParameter(nParam++, java.sql.Types.SMALLINT); callableStatement.registerOutParameter(nParam++, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); callableStatement.execute(); mnPkMfgLineId = callableStatement.getInt(nParam - 3); mnDbmsErrorId = callableStatement.getInt(nParam - 2); msDbmsError = callableStatement.getString(nParam - 1); mbIsRegistryNew = false; mnLastDbActionResult = SLibConstants.DB_ACTION_SAVE_OK; } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { mnLastDbActionResult = SLibConstants.DB_ACTION_SAVE_ERROR; SLibUtilities.printOutException(this, e); } return mnLastDbActionResult; }
public static int insertarVenta(Venta v) { ConnectionPool pool = ConnectionPool.getInstance(); Connection connection = pool.getConnection(); CallableStatement cs = null; ResultSet rs = null; Venta ven = null; try { cs = connection.prepareCall("{ call insertVenta(?, ?, ?, ?) }"); cs.setInt(1, v.getUsuarioVenta().getId()); cs.setDouble(2, v.getSubtotal()); cs.setInt(3, v.getPagoVenta().getIdPago()); cs.setInt(4, v.getUsuarioVenta().getSucursal().getIdSucursal()); rs = cs.executeQuery(); while ( { ven = new Venta(rs.getInt("idVenta")); } return ven.getIdVenta(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return 0; } finally { DBUtil.closeStatement(cs); pool.freeConnection(connection); } }
public boolean cambiarEstado(orgen_ta_subdependencia obj, String idUsu) { boolean exito = false; try { cn = ds.getConnection(); cn.setAutoCommit(false); String sql = "{ CALL SP_ORGEN_TA_SUBDEPENDENCIA_ELI(?,?,?) }"; CallableStatement cstm = cn.prepareCall(sql); cstm.setInt("P_IN_CODIGO_SUBDEPENDENCIA", obj.getIn_codigo_subdependencia()); cstm.setString("P_CH_ESTADO", obj.getCh_estado()); cstm.setInt("P_IN_CODIGO_USUARIO", Integer.parseInt(idUsu)); cstm.executeUpdate(); cn.commit(); cstm.close(); exito = true; } catch (Exception e) { exito = false; System.out.println("Failed to execute a JDBC task: " + e); } finally { try { cn.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("finally - Failed to finalize JDBC task: " + ex); } } return exito; }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected void spSalFactD(Map params) { try { Connection conn = getSession().connection(); CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall("{call SP_HRSAL_FACTDT(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}"); int branchId = ((Integer) params.get("")).intValue(); String hdNo = (String) params.get(""); int no = ((Integer) params.get("no")).intValue(); int itemId = ((Integer) params.get("")).intValue(); int departId = ((Integer) params.get("")).intValue(); int personId = ((Integer) params.get("")).intValue(); double amount = ((Double) params.get("amount")).doubleValue(); Date date = new Date(ObjectUtil.toCalendar(params.get("date")).getTimeInMillis()); String workerId = (String) params.get("person.workerId"); String type = (String) params.get("type"); int index = 1; cs.setInt(index++, branchId); cs.setString(index++, hdNo); cs.setInt(index++, no); cs.setInt(index++, itemId); cs.setInt(index++, departId); cs.setInt(index++, personId); cs.setDouble(index++, amount); cs.setDate(index++, date); cs.setString(index++, workerId); cs.setString(index++, type); cs.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new HibernateException(e); } }
@Override public int call(java.sql.Connection connection) { int nParam = 1; java.sql.CallableStatement callableStatement = null; mnLastDbActionResult = SLibConstants.UNDEFINED; try { callableStatement = connection.prepareCall("{ CALL mfg_ltime_cob_val(?, ?, ?) }"); callableStatement.setInt(nParam, (Integer) mvParamsIn.get(nParam - 1)); nParam++; callableStatement.setInt(nParam, (Integer) mvParamsIn.get(nParam - 1)); nParam++; callableStatement.registerOutParameter(nParam, java.sql.Types.INTEGER); callableStatement.execute(); mvParamsOut.clear(); mvParamsOut.add(callableStatement.getInt(nParam)); mnLastDbActionResult = SLibConstants.DB_PROCEDURE_OK; } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) { mnLastDbActionResult = SLibConstants.DB_PROCEDURE_ERROR; SLibUtilities.printOutException(this, e); } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { mnLastDbActionResult = SLibConstants.DB_PROCEDURE_ERROR; SLibUtilities.printOutException(this, e); } return mnLastDbActionResult; }
public boolean insertarAlquiler( int idtrabajador, int idCliente, ArrayList<Detalle_Alquiler> lista_detalle, int identificador) { boolean resultado = false; Connection cnn = null; CallableStatement cstmt = null; CallableStatement cstm1 = null; CallableStatement cstm2 = null; int id_alquiler = 0; try { cnn = BD.getConnection(); cnn.setAutoCommit(false); String sql = "call spI_Alquiler (?,?,?,?);"; cstmt = cnn.prepareCall(sql); cstmt.setInt(1, 2); cstmt.setInt(2, idCliente); cstmt.setInt(3, idtrabajador); cstmt.setInt(4, identificador); ResultSet rs = cstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { id_alquiler = rs.getInt("int_id"); } for (int i = 0; i < lista_detalle.size(); i++) { String sql1 = "call spI_DetalleAlquiler(?,?,?,?,?,?,?);"; cstm1 = cnn.prepareCall(sql1); cstm1.setInt(1, id_alquiler); cstm1.setInt(2, lista_detalle.get(i).getMaterial_id()); cstm1.setInt(3, lista_detalle.get(i).getInt_cantidad()); cstm1.setDouble(4, lista_detalle.get(i).getDec_monto()); cstm1.setTimestamp(5, lista_detalle.get(i).getDat_fechfin()); cstm1.setTimestamp(6, lista_detalle.get(i).getDat_fechinicio()); cstm1.setInt(7, lista_detalle.get(i).getInt_horas()); cstm1.execute(); } // Registrar Pagos String sql2 = "call spI_Pagos_ByAlquiler(?,?);"; cstm2 = cnn.prepareCall(sql2); cstm2.setInt(1, 1); // es el codigo del usuario cambiar despues cstm2.setInt(2, id_alquiler); cstm2.execute(); cnn.commit(); resultado = true; } catch (SQLException s) { try { cnn.rollback(); } catch (SQLException b) { } System.out.println("aquí es :/ " + s); } finally { try { cstmt.close(); cnn.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { } } return resultado; }
public void editar(Guia objeto, Usuario usuario, String xml) throws Exception { try { cnn = Conexion.getConexion(); CallableStatement cs = null; cs = cnn.prepareCall("call uspUpdGuia(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); cs.setInt(1, objeto.getIdGuia()); cs.setString(2, objeto.getPeriodo()); cs.setString(3, objeto.getNumero()); cs.setString(4, objeto.getFecha()); cs.setDouble(5, objeto.getTipoCambio()); cs.setString(6, objeto.getSerie()); cs.setString(7, objeto.getNumeroDocumento()); cs.setInt(8, objeto.getIdTipoMovimiento()); cs.setString(9, objeto.getReferencia()); cs.setInt(10, objeto.getIdOrdenProduccion()); cs.setInt(11, objeto.getIdClienteProveedor()); cs.setInt(12, objeto.getIdAlmacen()); cs.setString(13, objeto.getObservaciones()); cs.setString(14, usuario.getNick()); cs.setString(15, xml); cs.execute(); cnn.close(); cs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw ex; } }
@Override public void registrarPersonaDireccion( int idPersona, int idTipoPersona, int idDireccion, Connection conexion) throws SQLException { CallableStatement cs = null; String sql = "{ ? = call negocio.fn_ingresarpersonadireccion(?,?,?) }"; try { cs = conexion.prepareCall(sql); int i = 1; cs.registerOutParameter(i++, Types.BOOLEAN); cs.setInt(i++, idPersona); cs.setInt(i++, idTipoPersona); cs.setInt(i++, idDireccion); cs.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new SQLException(e); } finally { try { if (cs != null) { cs.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new SQLException(e); } } }
public void cadastrarProduto( String descricaoProduto, int precoCusto, int precoVenda, int quantidade, String refImagem, String produto) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { try { abrirConexaoProperties(); CallableStatement cs = conexao.prepareCall("{ call inserir_produto(?,?,?,?,?,?) }"); // PARÂMETROS PARA A PROCEDURE cs.setString(1, descricaoProduto); cs.setInt(2, precoCusto); cs.setInt(3, precoVenda); cs.setInt(4, quantidade); cs.setString(5, refImagem); cs.setString(6, produto); // EXECUÇÃO DA PROCEDURE cs.execute(); } catch (SQLException ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Erro: " + ex.toString()); } finally { fecharConexao(); } }
public boolean guardarSubDependencia( orgen_ta_subdependencia obj, String nomUsuario, int idUsuario) { boolean estado = false; try { cn = ds.getConnection(); cn.setAutoCommit(false); String sql = "{ CALL SP_ORGEN_TA_SUBDEPENDENCIA_INS(?,?,?,?,?) }"; CallableStatement cstm = cn.prepareCall(sql); cstm.setString("P_VC_NOMBRE", obj.getVc_nombre().toUpperCase()); cstm.setString("P_VC_DESCRIPCION", obj.getVc_descripcion().toUpperCase()); cstm.setString("P_VC_USUARIO_CREA", nomUsuario); cstm.setInt("P_IN_CODIGO_USUARIO", idUsuario); cstm.setInt("P_IN_CODIGO_DEP", obj.getIn_codigo_dependecia()); cstm.executeUpdate(); cn.commit(); estado = true; cstm.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Failed to execute a JDBC task: " + e); estado = false; } finally { try { cn.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("finally - Failed to finalize JDBC task: " + ex); } return estado; } }
/** * Control de transacción en el procedimiento almacenado * * @param prod */ @Override public void create2(Producto prod) { Connection cn = null; try { cn = AccesoDB.getConnection(); cn.setAutoCommit(true); String query = "{call usp_crea_producto(?,?,?,?,?)}"; CallableStatement cstm = cn.prepareCall(query); cstm.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER); cstm.setInt(2, prod.getIdcat()); cstm.setString(3, prod.getNombre()); cstm.setDouble(4, prod.getPrecio()); cstm.setInt(5, prod.getStock()); cstm.executeUpdate(); prod.setIdprod(cstm.getInt(1)); cstm.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("No se puede crear el producto."); } finally { try { cn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } }
/** * Inserts a new mapping from method id to word id to the methods_words table of the database. * Each row represents one instance of a word existing in the method. Unlike the other inserts, * duplicate entries are allowed since each word can exist more than once in a method. * * @param methodId The method's database ID * @param wordId The word's ID */ public void insertMethodToWordMapping(int methodId, int wordId) { try { sp_insertMethodToWordMapping.setInt(1, methodId); sp_insertMethodToWordMapping.setInt(2, wordId); sp_insertMethodToWordMapping.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { eLog.logException(e); } }
public String guardarDato(PublicacionesDTO asistenciacursosDTO) { try { try { ConexionBD conexionBD = new ConexionBD(); conexionBD.abrir(); Connection connection = conexionBD.getConexion(); String sql = "{ ? = call insertar_publicaciones(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)} "; CallableStatement callableStatement = connection.prepareCall(sql); callableStatement.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER); callableStatement.setString(2, asistenciacursosDTO.getPeriodo()); callableStatement.setString(3, asistenciacursosDTO.getPublicacion()); callableStatement.setString(4, asistenciacursosDTO.getInstitucion()); callableStatement.setBinaryStream(5, asistenciacursosDTO.getEvidencia().getInputstream()); callableStatement.setInt(6, asistenciacursosDTO.getIdmodif()); Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance(); String Fecha = ("" + cal1.get(Calendar.DATE) + "/" + cal1.get(Calendar.MONTH) + "/" + cal1.get(Calendar.YEAR) + " " + cal1.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + ":" + cal1.get(Calendar.MINUTE) + ":" + cal1.get(Calendar.SECOND) + ":" + cal1.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND)); callableStatement.setString(7, Fecha); callableStatement.setInt(8, asistenciacursosDTO.getIdlic()); callableStatement.setInt(9, asistenciacursosDTO.getIdusuario()); callableStatement.execute(); Integer num = callableStatement.getInt(1); connection.close(); if (num == 1) { return "¡Se guardo satisfactoriamente!"; } else { return ""; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error en.." + ex.getMessage()); } return ""; }
/** * Updates an existing word and word count for a given method. This method should be only used if * the row already exists in the database. Existence can be verified using the * getWordCountFromMethodIdAndWordId(int, int) method. If the method does not exist, * insertWordCountForMethodIdAndWordId(int, int) should be used instead. * * @param methodId The method's database id * @param wordId The word's database id * @param wordCount The number of times the word occurs in the given method */ public void updateWordCountForMethodIdAndWordId(int methodId, int wordId, int wordCount) { try { sp_updateWordCountForMethodIdAndWordId.setInt(1, methodId); sp_updateWordCountForMethodIdAndWordId.setInt(2, wordId); sp_updateWordCountForMethodIdAndWordId.setInt(3, wordCount); sp_updateWordCountForMethodIdAndWordId.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { eLog.logException(e); } }
/** * Function deleteReservation takes in a reservation id and seat id and deletes the reservation at * the values. * * @param resId * @param seatId */ void deleteReservation(int resId, int seatId) { CallableStatement cs = null; try { String call = "{call delete_res(?, ?)}"; cs = en.conn.prepareCall(call); cs.setInt(1, resId); cs.setInt(2, seatId); cs.executeUpdate(); en.conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("Drop Reservation: deleteReservation - " + e.getMessage()); } }
@Override public int save(java.sql.Connection connection) { int nParam = 1; CallableStatement callableStatement = null; mnLastDbActionResult = SLibConstants.UNDEFINED; try { callableStatement = connection.prepareCall("{ CALL erp.finu_tax_bas_save(" + "?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) }"); callableStatement.setInt(nParam++, mnPkTaxBasicId); callableStatement.setString(nParam++, msTaxBasic); callableStatement.setBoolean(nParam++, mbIsDeleted); callableStatement.setInt(nParam++, mbIsRegistryNew ? mnFkUserNewId : mnFkUserEditId); callableStatement.registerOutParameter(nParam++, java.sql.Types.SMALLINT); callableStatement.registerOutParameter(nParam++, java.sql.Types.SMALLINT); callableStatement.registerOutParameter(nParam++, java.sql.Types.CHAR); callableStatement.execute(); mnPkTaxBasicId = callableStatement.getInt(nParam - 3); mnDbmsErrorId = callableStatement.getInt(nParam - 2); msDbmsError = callableStatement.getString(nParam - 1); if (mnDbmsErrorId != 0) { throw new Exception(msDbmsError); } else { // Save aswell the taxes nParam = 1; for (int i = 0; i < mvDbmsTaxes.size(); i++) { mvDbmsTaxes.get(i).setPkTaxBasicId(mnPkTaxBasicId); if (mvDbmsTaxes.get(i).save(connection) != SLibConstants.DB_ACTION_SAVE_OK) { throw new Exception(SLibConstants.MSG_ERR_DB_REG_SAVE_DEP); } } mbIsRegistryNew = false; mnLastDbActionResult = SLibConstants.DB_ACTION_SAVE_OK; } } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) { mnLastDbActionResult = SLibConstants.DB_ACTION_SAVE_ERROR; SLibUtilities.printOutException(this, e); } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { mnLastDbActionResult = SLibConstants.DB_ACTION_SAVE_ERROR; SLibUtilities.printOutException(this, e); } return mnLastDbActionResult; }
/** * Returns the number of times a word occurs for the given method's ID and word's ID. This method * is synchronized. * * @param methodId The database id of the method * @param wordId The database's id of the word * @return The number of times a word occurs within the method */ public synchronized int getWordCountFromMethodIdAndWordId(int methodId, int wordId) { int rv = 0; try { sp_getWordCountsFromMethodIdAndWordId.setInt(1, methodId); sp_getWordCountsFromMethodIdAndWordId.setInt(2, wordId); rs = sp_getWordCountsFromMethodIdAndWordId.executeQuery(); while ( rv = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { eLog.logException(e); } return rv; }
public void testAllInOut() throws Throwable { CallableStatement call = con.prepareCall("{ call test_allinout(?,?,?) }"); call.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER); call.registerOutParameter(2, Types.VARCHAR); call.registerOutParameter(3, Types.BIGINT); call.setInt(1, 20); call.setString(2, "hi"); call.setInt(3, 123); call.execute(); call.getInt(1); call.getString(2); call.getLong(3); }
public String ActualizarEvidencia(PublicacionesDTO publicacionesDTO, int idUsuMod) { try { try { ConexionBD conexionBD = new ConexionBD(); conexionBD.abrir(); Connection connection = conexionBD.getConexion(); String sql = "{ ? = call actualizar_evidencia_publicaciones(?,?,?,?)} "; CallableStatement callableStatement = connection.prepareCall(sql); callableStatement.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER); callableStatement.setInt(2, publicacionesDTO.getId()); callableStatement.setInt(3, idUsuMod); Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance(); String Fecha = ("" + cal1.get(Calendar.DATE) + "/" + cal1.get(Calendar.MONTH) + "/" + cal1.get(Calendar.YEAR) + " " + cal1.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + ":" + cal1.get(Calendar.MINUTE) + ":" + cal1.get(Calendar.SECOND) + ":" + cal1.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND)); callableStatement.setString(4, Fecha); callableStatement.setBinaryStream(5, publicacionesDTO.getEvidencia().getInputstream()); callableStatement.execute(); Integer num = callableStatement.getInt(1); connection.close(); if (num == 1) { return "¡Se actualizo satisfactoriamente!"; } else { return ""; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error en ActualizarEvidencia()..." + ex.getMessage()); } return ""; }
@Override public int getLastTopicPage(int tID) { String proc = "{? = call dxdy_executable.get_topic_last_page(?)}"; CallableStatement st = null; int res = 0; try { st = connection.prepareCall(proc); st.registerOutParameter(1, java.sql.Types.INTEGER); st.setInt(2, tID); st.execute(); res = st.getInt(1); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println("Error while querying last page of topic ID = " + tID); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (st != null) { try { st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return res; }
public static void main(String[] args) { try { // 1.加载驱动 Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); // 2.获取连接 Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:oracle:thin:@", "SCOTT", "wcy675600920"); // 3.创建CallableStatement CallableStatement cs = connection.prepareCall("{call wwss_pro3(?,?)}"); // 4.给?赋值 cs.setString(1, "9527"); cs.setInt(2, 3000); // 5.执行 cs.execute(); // 6.关闭 cs.close(); connection.close(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
@Override protected Boolean vDelRow(Connection conn, ArrayList curRow) throws Exception { ADelDialog d = new ADelDialog(null, true); d.addPar("Наименование", curRow.get(1).toString()); d.addPar("Описание", curRow.get(2).toString()); d.setTitleIcon( new javax.swing.ImageIcon( getClass().getResource("/tradeterminal/icons/TT_icons/32X32/typdel.png"))); d.setVisible(true); d.dispose(); if (d.getReturnStatus() == ADialog.RET_OK) { int id = Integer.parseInt(curRow.get(0).toString()); CallableStatement proc = conn.prepareCall("{call rb_doc_types_delete(?)}"); proc.setInt(1, id); proc.execute(); proc.close(); return true; } else { return false; } }
/** * Descripción de Método * * @param ProcedureName * @return */ private boolean startDBProcess(String ProcedureName) { // execute on this thread/connection log.fine(ProcedureName + "(" + m_pi.getAD_PInstance_ID() + ")"); String sql = "{call " + ProcedureName + "(?)}"; try { CallableStatement cstmt = DB.prepareCall(sql); // ro?? cstmt.setInt(1, m_pi.getAD_PInstance_ID()); cstmt.executeUpdate(); cstmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e); m_pi.setSummary(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "ProcessRunError") + " " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); m_pi.setError(true); return false; } // log.fine(Log.l4_Data, "ProcessCtl.startProcess - done"); return true; } // startDBProcess
@Override public String getLastTopicDate(int tID) { /* function get_topic_last_update (p_topic_id in return varchar2; */ String proc = "{? = call dxdy_executable.get_topic_last_update(?)}"; CallableStatement st = null; String res = ""; try { // System.out.println("Request date for topic ID = " + tID); st = connection.prepareCall(proc); st.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR); st.setInt(2, tID); st.execute(); res = st.getString(1); // System.out.println("Requested date = " + res); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println("Error while querying last message date of topic ID = " + tID); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (st != null) { try { st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return res; }