Exemple #1
   * Validate the passed in certificate as being of the correct type to be used for time stamping.
   * To be valid it must have an ExtendedKeyUsage extension which has a key purpose identifier of
   * id-kp-timeStamping.
   * @param cert the certificate of interest.
   * @throws TSPValidationException if the certicate fails on one of the check points.
  public static void validateCertificate(X509Certificate cert) throws TSPValidationException {
    if (cert.getVersion() != 3) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Certificate must have an ExtendedKeyUsage extension.");

    byte[] ext = cert.getExtensionValue(X509Extensions.ExtendedKeyUsage.getId());
    if (ext == null) {
      throw new TSPValidationException("Certificate must have an ExtendedKeyUsage extension.");

    if (!cert.getCriticalExtensionOIDs().contains(X509Extensions.ExtendedKeyUsage.getId())) {
      throw new TSPValidationException(
          "Certificate must have an ExtendedKeyUsage extension marked as critical.");

    ASN1InputStream aIn = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(ext));

    try {
      aIn =
          new ASN1InputStream(
              new ByteArrayInputStream(((ASN1OctetString) aIn.readObject()).getOctets()));

      ExtendedKeyUsage extKey = ExtendedKeyUsage.getInstance(aIn.readObject());

      if (!extKey.hasKeyPurposeId(KeyPurposeId.id_kp_timeStamping) || extKey.size() != 1) {
        throw new TSPValidationException("ExtendedKeyUsage not solely time stamping.");
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new TSPValidationException("cannot process ExtendedKeyUsage extension");
 public static void checkUsageForCodeSigning(
     X509Certificate paramX509Certificate, int paramInt, boolean paramBoolean)
     throws CertificateException, IOException {
   String str = null;
   Set localSet = paramX509Certificate.getCriticalExtensionOIDs();
   if (localSet == null) localSet = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
   if (!checkBasicConstraintsForCodeSigning(paramX509Certificate, localSet, paramInt)) {
     str = ResourceManager.getMessage("trustdecider.check.basicconstraints");
     throw new CertificateException(str);
   if (paramInt == 0) {
     if (!checkLeafKeyUsageForCodeSigning(paramX509Certificate, localSet, paramBoolean)) {
       str = ResourceManager.getMessage("trustdecider.check.leafkeyusage");
       throw new CertificateException(str);
   } else if (!checkSignerKeyUsage(paramX509Certificate, localSet)) {
     str = ResourceManager.getMessage("trustdecider.check.signerkeyusage");
     throw new CertificateException(str);
   if (!localSet.isEmpty()) {
     str = ResourceManager.getMessage("trustdecider.check.extensions");
     throw new CertificateException(str);
  protected static void prepareNextCertB1(
      int i, List[] policyNodes, String id_p, Map m_idp, X509Certificate cert)
      throws AnnotatedException, CertPathValidatorException {
    boolean idp_found = false;
    Iterator nodes_i = policyNodes[i].iterator();
    while (nodes_i.hasNext()) {
      PKIXPolicyNode node = (PKIXPolicyNode) nodes_i.next();
      if (node.getValidPolicy().equals(id_p)) {
        idp_found = true;
        node.expectedPolicies = (Set) m_idp.get(id_p);

    if (!idp_found) {
      nodes_i = policyNodes[i].iterator();
      while (nodes_i.hasNext()) {
        PKIXPolicyNode node = (PKIXPolicyNode) nodes_i.next();
        if (ANY_POLICY.equals(node.getValidPolicy())) {
          Set pq = null;
          ASN1Sequence policies = (ASN1Sequence) getExtensionValue(cert, CERTIFICATE_POLICIES);
          Enumeration e = policies.getObjects();
          while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            PolicyInformation pinfo = PolicyInformation.getInstance(e.nextElement());
            if (ANY_POLICY.equals(pinfo.getPolicyIdentifier().getId())) {
              pq = getQualifierSet(pinfo.getPolicyQualifiers());
          boolean ci = false;
          if (cert.getCriticalExtensionOIDs() != null) {
            ci = cert.getCriticalExtensionOIDs().contains(CERTIFICATE_POLICIES);

          PKIXPolicyNode p_node = (PKIXPolicyNode) node.getParent();
          if (ANY_POLICY.equals(p_node.getValidPolicy())) {
            PKIXPolicyNode c_node =
                new PKIXPolicyNode(new ArrayList(), i, (Set) m_idp.get(id_p), p_node, pq, id_p, ci);
  /** @tests java.security.cert.X509Certificate#getExtensionValue(java.lang.String) */
  public void test_getExtensionValueLjava_lang_String() throws Exception {

    InputStream is = Support_Resources.getResourceStream("hyts_certificate_PEM.txt");

    CertificateFactory certFact = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X509");
    X509Certificate pemCert = (X509Certificate) certFact.generateCertificate(is);

    Vector<String> extensionOids = new Vector<String>();
    Iterator i = extensionOids.iterator();
    while (i.hasNext()) {
      String oid = (String) i.next();
      byte[] value = pemCert.getExtensionValue(oid);
      if (value != null && value.length > 0) {
        // check that it is an encoded as a OCTET STRING
            "The extension value for the oid " + oid + " was not encoded as an OCTET STRING",
   * Verifies a matching certificate.
   * <p>This method executes any of the validation steps in the PKIX path validation algorithm which
   * were not satisfied via filtering out non-compliant certificates with certificate matching
   * rules.
   * <p>If the last certificate is being verified (the one whose subject matches the target subject,
   * then the steps in Section 6.1.4 of the Certification Path Validation algorithm are NOT
   * executed, regardless of whether or not the last cert is an end-entity cert or not. This allows
   * callers to certify CA certs as well as EE certs.
   * @param cert the certificate to be verified
   * @param currentState the current state against which the cert is verified
   * @param certPathList the certPathList generated thus far
  void verifyCert(X509Certificate cert, State currState, List certPathList)
      throws GeneralSecurityException {
    if (debug != null)
          "ReverseBuilder.verifyCert(SN: "
              + Debug.toHexString(cert.getSerialNumber())
              + "\n  Subject: "
              + cert.getSubjectX500Principal()
              + ")");

    ReverseState currentState = (ReverseState) currState;

    /* we don't perform any validation of the trusted cert */
    if (currentState.isInitial()) {

     * check for looping - abort a loop if
     * ((we encounter the same certificate twice) AND
     * ((policyMappingInhibited = true) OR (no policy mapping
     * extensions can be found between the occurences of the same
     * certificate)))
     * in order to facilitate the check to see if there are
     * any policy mapping extensions found between the occurences
     * of the same certificate, we reverse the certpathlist first
    if ((certPathList != null) && (!certPathList.isEmpty())) {
      List reverseCertList = new ArrayList();
      Iterator iter = certPathList.iterator();
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        reverseCertList.add(0, iter.next());

      Iterator cpListIter = reverseCertList.iterator();
      boolean policyMappingFound = false;
      while (cpListIter.hasNext()) {
        X509Certificate cpListCert = (X509Certificate) cpListIter.next();
        X509CertImpl cpListCertImpl = X509CertImpl.toImpl(cpListCert);
        PolicyMappingsExtension policyMappingsExt = cpListCertImpl.getPolicyMappingsExtension();
        if (policyMappingsExt != null) {
          policyMappingFound = true;
        if (debug != null) debug.println("policyMappingFound = " + policyMappingFound);
        if (cert.equals(cpListCert)) {
          if ((buildParams.isPolicyMappingInhibited()) || (!policyMappingFound)) {
            if (debug != null) debug.println("loop detected!!");
            throw new CertPathValidatorException("loop detected");

    /* check if target cert */
    boolean finalCert = cert.getSubjectX500Principal().equals(targetSubjectDN);

    /* check if CA cert */
    boolean caCert = (cert.getBasicConstraints() != -1 ? true : false);

    /* if there are more certs to follow, verify certain constraints */
    if (!finalCert) {

      /* check if CA cert */
      if (!caCert) throw new CertPathValidatorException("cert is NOT a CA cert");

      /* If the certificate was not self-issued, verify that
       * remainingCerts is greater than zero
      if ((currentState.remainingCACerts <= 0) && !X509CertImpl.isSelfIssued(cert)) {
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("pathLenConstraint violated, path too long");

       * Check keyUsage extension (only if CA cert and not final cert)

    } else {

       * If final cert, check that it satisfies specified target
       * constraints
      if (targetCertSelector.match(cert) == false) {
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("target certificate " + "constraints check failed");

     * Check revocation.
    if (buildParams.isRevocationEnabled()) {

      boolean crlSign = currentState.crlChecker.check(cert, currentState.pubKey, true);

      // if this cert can't vouch for the CRL on the next cert, and
      // if this wasn't the last cert in the chain, then we can't
      // keep going from here!
      // NOTE: if we ever add indirect/idp support, this will have
      // to change...
      if ((!crlSign) && (!finalCert))
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("cert can't vouch for crl");

    /* Check name constraints if this is not a self-issued cert */
    if (finalCert || !X509CertImpl.isSelfIssued(cert)) {
      if (currentState.nc != null) {
        try {
          if (!currentState.nc.verify(cert)) {
            throw new CertPathValidatorException("name constraints check failed");
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
          throw new CertPathValidatorException(ioe);

     * Check policy
    X509CertImpl certImpl = X509CertImpl.toImpl(cert);
    currentState.rootNode =

     * Check CRITICAL private extensions
    Set unresolvedCritExts = cert.getCriticalExtensionOIDs();
    if (unresolvedCritExts == null) {
      unresolvedCritExts = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
    Iterator i = currentState.userCheckers.iterator();
    while (i.hasNext()) {
      PKIXCertPathChecker checker = (PKIXCertPathChecker) i.next();
      checker.check(cert, unresolvedCritExts);
     * Look at the remaining extensions and remove any ones we have
     * already checked. If there are any left, throw an exception!
    if (!unresolvedCritExts.isEmpty()) {

      if (!unresolvedCritExts.isEmpty())
        throw new CertificateException("Unrecognized critical extension(s)");

     * Check signature.
    if (buildParams.getSigProvider() != null) {
      cert.verify(currentState.pubKey, buildParams.getSigProvider());
    } else {
   * This method performs a depth first search for a certification
   * path while building forward which meets the requirements set in
   * the parameters object.
   * It uses an adjacency list to store all certificates which were
   * tried (i.e. at one time added to the path - they may not end up in
   * the final path if backtracking occurs). This information can
   * be used later to debug or demo the build.
   * See "Data Structure and Algorithms, by Aho, Hopcroft, and Ullman"
   * for an explanation of the DFS algorithm.
   * @param dN the distinguished name being currently searched for certs
   * @param currentState the current PKIX validation state
  private void depthFirstSearchForward(
      X500Principal dN,
      ForwardState currentState,
      ForwardBuilder builder,
      List<List<Vertex>> adjList,
      LinkedList<X509Certificate> cpList)
      throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException {
    if (debug != null) {
              + dN
              + ", "
              + currentState.toString()
              + ")");

     * Find all the certificates issued to dN which
     * satisfy the PKIX certification path constraints.
    Collection<X509Certificate> certs =
        builder.getMatchingCerts(currentState, buildParams.certStores());
    List<Vertex> vertices = addVertices(certs, adjList);
    if (debug != null) {
          "SunCertPathBuilder.depthFirstSearchForward(): " + "certs.size=" + vertices.size());

     * For each cert in the collection, verify anything
     * that hasn't been checked yet (signature, revocation, etc)
     * and check for loops. Call depthFirstSearchForward()
     * recursively for each good cert.

    for (Vertex vertex : vertices) {
       * Restore state to currentState each time through the loop. This is important because some of
       * the user-defined checkers modify the state, which MUST be restored if the cert eventually
       * fails to lead to the target and the next matching cert is tried.
      ForwardState nextState = (ForwardState) currentState.clone();
      X509Certificate cert = vertex.getCertificate();

      try {
        builder.verifyCert(cert, nextState, cpList);
      } catch (GeneralSecurityException gse) {
        if (debug != null) {
              "SunCertPathBuilder.depthFirstSearchForward()" + ": validation failed: " + gse);

       * Certificate is good.
       * If cert completes the path,
       *    process userCheckers that don't support forward checking
       *    and process policies over whole path
       *    and backtrack appropriately if there is a failure
       * else if cert does not complete the path,
       *    add it to the path
      if (builder.isPathCompleted(cert)) {

        if (debug != null)
              "SunCertPathBuilder.depthFirstSearchForward()" + ": commencing final verification");

        List<X509Certificate> appendedCerts = new ArrayList<>(cpList);

         * if the trust anchor selected is specified as a trusted
         * public key rather than a trusted cert, then verify this
         * cert (which is signed by the trusted public key), but
         * don't add it yet to the cpList
        if (builder.trustAnchor.getTrustedCert() == null) {
          appendedCerts.add(0, cert);

        Set<String> initExpPolSet = Collections.singleton(PolicyChecker.ANY_POLICY);

        PolicyNodeImpl rootNode =
            new PolicyNodeImpl(null, PolicyChecker.ANY_POLICY, null, false, initExpPolSet, false);

        List<PKIXCertPathChecker> checkers = new ArrayList<>();
        PolicyChecker policyChecker =
            new PolicyChecker(

        // add the algorithm checker
        checkers.add(new AlgorithmChecker(builder.trustAnchor));

        BasicChecker basicChecker = null;
        if (nextState.keyParamsNeeded()) {
          PublicKey rootKey = cert.getPublicKey();
          if (builder.trustAnchor.getTrustedCert() == null) {
            rootKey = builder.trustAnchor.getCAPublicKey();
            if (debug != null)
                  "SunCertPathBuilder.depthFirstSearchForward "
                      + "using buildParams public key: "
                      + rootKey.toString());
          TrustAnchor anchor = new TrustAnchor(cert.getSubjectX500Principal(), rootKey, null);

          // add the basic checker
          basicChecker =
              new BasicChecker(anchor, buildParams.date(), buildParams.sigProvider(), true);


        boolean revCheckerAdded = false;
        List<PKIXCertPathChecker> ckrs = buildParams.certPathCheckers();
        for (PKIXCertPathChecker ckr : ckrs) {
          if (ckr instanceof PKIXRevocationChecker) {
            if (revCheckerAdded) {
              throw new CertPathValidatorException(
                  "Only one PKIXRevocationChecker can be specified");
            revCheckerAdded = true;
            // if it's our own, initialize it
            if (ckr instanceof RevocationChecker) {
              ((RevocationChecker) ckr).init(builder.trustAnchor, buildParams);
        // only add a RevocationChecker if revocation is enabled and
        // a PKIXRevocationChecker has not already been added
        if (buildParams.revocationEnabled() && !revCheckerAdded) {
          checkers.add(new RevocationChecker(builder.trustAnchor, buildParams));


        // Why we don't need BasicChecker and RevocationChecker
        // if nextState.keyParamsNeeded() is false?

        for (int i = 0; i < appendedCerts.size(); i++) {
          X509Certificate currCert = appendedCerts.get(i);
          if (debug != null)
            debug.println("current subject = " + currCert.getSubjectX500Principal());
          Set<String> unresCritExts = currCert.getCriticalExtensionOIDs();
          if (unresCritExts == null) {
            unresCritExts = Collections.<String>emptySet();

          for (PKIXCertPathChecker currChecker : checkers) {
            if (!currChecker.isForwardCheckingSupported()) {
              if (i == 0) {

                // The user specified
                // AlgorithmChecker may not be
                // able to set the trust anchor until now.
                if (currChecker instanceof AlgorithmChecker) {
                  ((AlgorithmChecker) currChecker).trySetTrustAnchor(builder.trustAnchor);

              try {
                currChecker.check(currCert, unresCritExts);
              } catch (CertPathValidatorException cpve) {
                if (debug != null)
                      "SunCertPathBuilder.depthFirstSearchForward(): "
                          + "final verification failed: "
                          + cpve);
                // If the target cert itself is revoked, we
                // cannot trust it. We can bail out here.
                if (buildParams.targetCertConstraints().match(currCert)
                    && cpve.getReason() == BasicReason.REVOKED) {
                  throw cpve;
                continue vertices;

           * Remove extensions from user checkers that support
           * forward checking. After this step, we will have
           * removed all extensions that all user checkers
           * are capable of processing.
          for (PKIXCertPathChecker checker : buildParams.certPathCheckers()) {
            if (checker.isForwardCheckingSupported()) {
              Set<String> suppExts = checker.getSupportedExtensions();
              if (suppExts != null) {

          if (!unresCritExts.isEmpty()) {

            if (!unresCritExts.isEmpty()) {
              throw new CertPathValidatorException(
                  "unrecognized critical extension(s)",
        if (debug != null)
                  + ": final verification succeeded - path completed!");
        pathCompleted = true;

         * if the user specified a trusted public key rather than
         * trusted certs, then add this cert (which is signed by
         * the trusted public key) to the cpList
        if (builder.trustAnchor.getTrustedCert() == null) builder.addCertToPath(cert, cpList);
        // Save the trust anchor
        this.trustAnchor = builder.trustAnchor;

         * Extract and save the final target public key
        if (basicChecker != null) {
          finalPublicKey = basicChecker.getPublicKey();
        } else {
          Certificate finalCert;
          if (cpList.isEmpty()) {
            finalCert = builder.trustAnchor.getTrustedCert();
          } else {
            finalCert = cpList.getLast();
          finalPublicKey = finalCert.getPublicKey();

        policyTreeResult = policyChecker.getPolicyTree();
      } else {
        builder.addCertToPath(cert, cpList);

      /* Update the PKIX state */

       * Append an entry for cert in adjacency list and
       * set index for current vertex.
      adjList.add(new LinkedList<Vertex>());
      vertex.setIndex(adjList.size() - 1);

      /* recursively search for matching certs at next dN */
      depthFirstSearchForward(cert.getIssuerX500Principal(), nextState, builder, adjList, cpList);

       * If path has been completed, return ASAP!
      if (pathCompleted) {
      } else {
         * If we get here, it means we have searched all possible
         * certs issued by the dN w/o finding any matching certs.
         * This means we have to backtrack to the previous cert in
         * the path and try some other paths.
        if (debug != null)
          debug.println("SunCertPathBuilder.depthFirstSearchForward()" + ": backtracking");