Exemple #1
   * set the default sampling; this is an unavoidable violation of MathType immutability - a
   * RealTupleType must be an argument (directly or through a SetType) to the constructor of its
   * default Set; this method throws an Exception if getDefaultSet has previously been invoked
  public synchronized void setDefaultSet(Set sampling) throws VisADException {
    if (sampling.getDimension() != getDimension()) {
      throw new SetException("RealTupleType.setDefaultSet: dimensions don't match");
    if (DefaultSetEverAccessed) {
      throw new TypeException("RealTupleType: DefaultSet already accessed" + " so cannot change");
    DefaultSet = sampling;

    /* WLH 4 Feb 98 copied from constructor */
    if (DefaultSet != null && !Unit.canConvertArray(DefaultSet.getSetUnits(), DefaultUnits)) {
      throw new UnitException(
          "RealTupleType: default Set Units must be " + "convertable with default Units");
    if (DefaultCoordinateSystem != null && DefaultSet != null) {
      CoordinateSystem cs = DefaultSet.getCoordinateSystem();
      if (cs != null && !cs.getReference().equals(DefaultCoordinateSystem.getReference())) {
        throw new CoordinateSystemException(
            "RealTupleType: Default coordinate system "
                + DefaultCoordinateSystem.getReference()
                + " must match"
                + " default set CoordinateSystem "
                + (cs == null ? null : cs.getReference()));
      if (!Unit.canConvertArray(
          DefaultCoordinateSystem.getCoordinateSystemUnits(), DefaultSet.getSetUnits())) {
        throw new UnitException(
            "RealTupleType: CoordinateSystem Units must be "
                + "convertable with default Set Units");
Exemple #2
  * Set display Unit to override default Unit of Scalar; MUST be called before any data are
  * displayed
  * @param unit unit that data will be displayed with
  * @throws VisADException <CODE>unit</CODE> is not convertable with the default unit or scalar is
  *     not a RealType.
 public void setOverrideUnit(Unit unit) throws VisADException {
   if (!(Scalar instanceof RealType)) {
     throw new UnitException("Scalar is not RealType");
   Unit rtunit = ((RealType) Scalar).getDefaultUnit();
   if (!Unit.canConvert(unit, rtunit)) {
     throw new UnitException("unit not convertable with RealType default");
   if (unit != null) {
     overrideUnit = unit;
     override_offset = overrideUnit.toThis(0.0, rtunit);
     override_scale = overrideUnit.toThis(1.0, rtunit) - override_offset;
Exemple #3
  * return an array of data (RealType) values by inverse linear scaling (if applicable) the
  * display_values array (DisplayRealType values); this is useful for direct manipulation and
  * cursor labels
  * @param values display values
  * @param newArray false to transform in place
  * @return data values
 public float[] inverseScaleValues(float[] values, boolean newArray) {
   if (values == null) return null;
   float[] new_values = (newArray) ? new float[values.length] : values;
   if (isScaled) {
     for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
       if (values[i] == values[i]) {
         new_values[i] = (float) ((values[i] - offset) / scale);
       } else {
         new_values[i] = Float.NaN;
   } else {
     if (newArray) {
       for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
         new_values[i] = values[i];
   // WLH 31 Aug 2000
   if (overrideUnit != null) {
     // float[] old_values = new_values;
     try {
       new_values =
               new_values, ((RealType) Scalar).getDefaultUnit(), false); // already copied above
     } catch (UnitException e) {
     System.out.println("inverse values = " + values[0] + " " + old_values[0] + " " +
   return new_values;
Exemple #4
  * return an array of display (DisplayRealType) values by linear scaling (if applicable) the
  * data_values array (RealType values); results are scaled by the given scale factor
  * @param values to scale as bytes
  * @return array of display values
 public byte[] scaleValues(byte[] values, int factor) throws VisADException {
   if (values == null) return null;
   byte[] new_values = null;
   if (badRange()) {
     new_values = new byte[values.length];
   } else {
     if (overrideUnit != null && !overrideUnit.equals(((RealType) Scalar).getDefaultUnit())) {
       throw new VisADException("scaleValues(byte[]): non-default units not supported");
     if (isScaled) {
       new_values = new byte[values.length];
       for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
         float v = (float) values[i];
         if (v < 0) v += 256;
         v = (float) (factor * (offset + scale * v));
         if (v < 0) v = 0;
         else if (v > 255) v = 255;
         new_values[i] = (byte) v;
     } else {
       new_values = values;
   return new_values;
Exemple #5
  * return an array of display (DisplayRealType) values by linear scaling (if applicable) the
  * data_values array (RealType values)
  * @param values to scale as floats
  * @param newArray false to scale in place
  * @return array of display values
 public float[] scaleValues(float[] values, boolean newArray) {
   /* WLH 23 June 99
       if (values == null || badRange()) return null;
   if (values == null) return null;
   float[] new_values = null;
   if (badRange()) {
     new_values = (newArray) ? new float[values.length] : values;
     for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) new_values[i] = Float.NaN;
   } else {
     // float[] old_values = values;
     // WLH 31 Aug 2000
     // if (overrideUnit != null) {
     // DRM 11 Jun 2003
     if (overrideUnit != null && !overrideUnit.equals(((RealType) Scalar).getDefaultUnit())) {
       try {
         values = overrideUnit.toThis(values, ((RealType) Scalar).getDefaultUnit(), newArray);
       } catch (UnitException e) {
     if (isScaled) {
       new_values = (newArray) ? new float[values.length] : values;
       for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
         if (values[i] == values[i]) {
           new_values[i] = (float) (offset + scale * values[i]);
         } else {
           new_values[i] = Float.NaN;
     } else {
       new_values = values;
     if (overrideUnit != null) {
       System.out.println("values = " + old_values[0] + " " + values[0] + " " +
   /* SRE 27 Oct 99
         "ScalarMap.scaleValues(double[]): values[0] = " + values[0] +
         "; new_values[0] = " + new_values[0]);
   return new_values;
Exemple #6
  * array of component types; default CoordinateSystem for values of this type (including Function
  * domains) and may be null; default Set used when this type is a FunctionType domain and may be
  * null
 public RealTupleType(RealType[] types, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Set set)
     throws VisADException {
   if (coord_sys != null && types.length != coord_sys.getDimension()) {
     throw new CoordinateSystemException("RealTupleType: bad CoordinateSystem dimension");
   DefaultCoordinateSystem = coord_sys;
   DefaultSet = set;
   DefaultSetEverAccessed = false;
   if (DefaultCoordinateSystem != null
       && !Unit.canConvertArray(
           DefaultCoordinateSystem.getCoordinateSystemUnits(), DefaultUnits)) {
     throw new UnitException(
         "RealTupleType: CoordinateSystem Units must be " + "convertable with default Units");
   if (DefaultSet != null && !Unit.canConvertArray(DefaultSet.getSetUnits(), DefaultUnits)) {
     throw new UnitException(
         "RealTupleType: default Set Units must be " + "convertable with default Units");
   if (DefaultCoordinateSystem != null && DefaultSet != null) {
     CoordinateSystem cs = DefaultSet.getCoordinateSystem();
     if (cs != null && !cs.getReference().equals(DefaultCoordinateSystem.getReference())) {
       throw new CoordinateSystemException(
           "RealTupleType: Default coordinate system "
               + (coord_sys == null ? null : coord_sys.getReference())
               + " must match"
               + " default set CoordinateSystem "
               + (cs == null ? null : cs.getReference()));
     if (!Unit.canConvertArray(
         DefaultCoordinateSystem.getCoordinateSystemUnits(), DefaultSet.getSetUnits())) {
       throw new UnitException(
           "RealTupleType: CoordinateSystem Units must be "
               + "convertable with default Set Units");
Exemple #7
 /** trusted constructor for initializers */
 RealTupleType(RealType[] types, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, boolean b) {
   super(types, b);
   DefaultCoordinateSystem = coord_sys;
   DefaultSet = null;
   DefaultSetEverAccessed = false;
   if (DefaultCoordinateSystem != null
       && !Unit.canConvertArray(
           DefaultCoordinateSystem.getCoordinateSystemUnits(), DefaultUnits)) {
     throw new VisADError(
         "RealTupleType (trusted): CoordinateSystem Units "
             + "must be convertable with default Units");
Exemple #8
  /** set range used for linear map from Scalar to DisplayScalar values */
  private synchronized void setRange(
      DataShadow shadow, double low, double hi, boolean unit_flag, int remoteId)
      throws VisADException, RemoteException {
    int i = ScalarIndex;
    if (shadow != null) {
      // WLH - 23 Sept 99
      if (DisplayScalar.equals(Display.Latitude) || DisplayScalar.equals(Display.Longitude)) {
        Unit data_unit = (Scalar instanceof RealType) ? ((RealType) Scalar).getDefaultUnit() : null;
        Unit display_unit = DisplayScalar.getDefaultUnit();
        if (data_unit != null && display_unit != null && Unit.canConvert(data_unit, display_unit)) {
          dataRange[0] = data_unit.toThis(displayRange[0], display_unit);
          dataRange[1] = data_unit.toThis(displayRange[1], display_unit);
        } else {
          if (i < 0 || i >= shadow.ranges[0].length) return;
          dataRange[0] = shadow.ranges[0][i];
          dataRange[1] = shadow.ranges[1][i];
      } else {
        if (i < 0 || i >= shadow.ranges[0].length) return;
        dataRange[0] = shadow.ranges[0][i];
        dataRange[1] = shadow.ranges[1][i];
    } else if (unit_flag) {
      Unit data_unit = (Scalar instanceof RealType) ? ((RealType) Scalar).getDefaultUnit() : null;
      Unit display_unit = DisplayScalar.getDefaultUnit();
      if (data_unit == null || display_unit == null) {
        throw new UnitException("ScalarMap.setRangeByUnits: null Unit");
      dataRange[0] = data_unit.toThis(displayRange[0], display_unit);
      dataRange[1] = data_unit.toThis(displayRange[1], display_unit);
      System.out.println("data_unit = " + data_unit + " display_unit = " + display_unit);
      System.out.println("dataRange = " + dataRange[0] + " " + dataRange[1] +
      " displayRange = " + displayRange[0] + " " + displayRange[1]);
    } else {
      dataRange[0] = low;
      dataRange[1] = hi;
      // WLH 31 Aug 2000
      // manual range is in overrideUnit. so convert to Scalar default Unit
      if (overrideUnit != null) {
        dataRange[0] = (dataRange[0] - override_offset) / override_scale;
        dataRange[1] = (dataRange[1] - override_offset) / override_scale;
    if (shadow != null || remoteId != VisADEvent.LOCAL_SOURCE) {
      System.out.println(Scalar + " -> " + DisplayScalar + " range: " + dataRange[0] +
                         " to " + dataRange[1] + " " + display.getName());
    // at this point dataRange is range for Scalar default Unit
    //   even if (overrideUnit != null)
    // DRM 17 Feb 2006 - so set the defaultUnitRange to be these values.
    defaultUnitRange[0] = dataRange[0];
    defaultUnitRange[1] = dataRange[1];
    if (defaultUnitRange[0] == defaultUnitRange[1]) {
      double half = defaultUnitRange[0] / 2000.0;
      if (half < 0.5) half = 0.5;
      defaultUnitRange[0] -= half;
      defaultUnitRange[1] += half;

    if (isScaled) {
    } else { // if (!isScaled)
      if (dataRange[0] == Double.MAX_VALUE || dataRange[1] == -Double.MAX_VALUE) {
        dataRange[0] = Double.NaN;
        dataRange[1] = Double.NaN;

      // WLH 31 Aug 2000
      if (overrideUnit != null) {
        // now convert dataRange to overrideUnit
        dataRange[0] = defaultUnitRange[0] * override_scale + override_offset;
        dataRange[1] = defaultUnitRange[1] * override_scale + override_offset;
    System.out.println(Scalar + " -> " + DisplayScalar + " range: " + dataRange[0] +
                       " to " + dataRange[1] + " scale: " + scale + " " + offset);
    if (DisplayScalar.equals(Display.Animation) && shadow != null) {
      if (control != null && ((AnimationControl) control).getComputeSet()) {
        Set set = shadow.animationSampling;
        /* DRM: 04 Jan 2003
        if (set == null) {
        ((AnimationControl) control).setSet(set, true);
    } else if (DisplayScalar.equals(Display.IsoContour)) {
      if (control != null) {

        // WLH 10 July 2002
        // don't set if application has called control.setLevels()
        float[] lowhibase = new float[3];
        boolean[] dashes = new boolean[1];

        boolean public_set = ((ContourControl) control).getPublicSet();
        if (!public_set) {
          boolean[] bvalues = new boolean[2];
          float[] values = new float[5];
          ((ContourControl) control).getMainContours(bvalues, values);
          if (shadow == null) {
            // don't set surface value for auto-scale
            values[0] = (float) dataRange[0]; // surfaceValue
          // CTR: 29 Jul 1999: interval should never be zero
          float f = (float) (dataRange[1] - dataRange[0]) / 10.0f;
          if (f != 0.0f) values[1] = f; // contourInterval
          values[2] = (float) dataRange[0]; // lowLimit
          values[3] = (float) dataRange[1]; // hiLimit
          values[4] = (float) dataRange[0]; // base
          ((ContourControl) control).setMainContours(bvalues, values, true, true);
    } else if (DisplayScalar.equals(Display.XAxis)
        || DisplayScalar.equals(Display.YAxis)
        || DisplayScalar.equals(Display.ZAxis)) {
      if (dataRange[0] != Double.MAX_VALUE
          && dataRange[1] != -Double.MAX_VALUE
          && dataRange[0] == dataRange[0]
          && dataRange[1] == dataRange[1]
          && dataRange[0] != dataRange[1]
          && scale == scale
          && offset == offset) {
        if (display != null) {
        } else {
          scale_flag = true;
        back_scale_flag = true;

    if (dataRange[0] == dataRange[0] && dataRange[1] == dataRange[1] && ListenerVector != null) {
      ScalarMapEvent evt;
      evt =
          new ScalarMapEvent(
              this, (shadow == null ? ScalarMapEvent.MANUAL : ScalarMapEvent.AUTO_SCALE), remoteId);
      Vector listeners_clone = null;
      synchronized (ListenerVector) {
        listeners_clone = (Vector) ListenerVector.clone();
      Enumeration listeners = listeners_clone.elements();
      while (listeners.hasMoreElements()) {
        ScalarMapListener listener = (ScalarMapListener) listeners.nextElement();
  public synchronized void drag_direct(VisADRay ray, boolean first, int mouseModifiers) {
    if (barbValues == null || ref == null || shadow == null) return;

    if (first) {
      stop = false;
    } else {
      if (stop) return;

    // modify direction if mshift != 0
    // modify speed if mctrl != 0
    // modify speed and direction if neither
    int mshift = mouseModifiers & InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK;
    int mctrl = mouseModifiers & InputEvent.CTRL_MASK;

    float o_x = (float) ray.position[0];
    float o_y = (float) ray.position[1];
    float o_z = (float) ray.position[2];
    float d_x = (float) ray.vector[0];
    float d_y = (float) ray.vector[1];
    float d_z = (float) ray.vector[2];

    if (pickCrawlToCursor) {
      if (first) {
        offset_count = OFFSET_COUNT_INIT;
      } else {
        if (offset_count > 0) offset_count--;
      if (offset_count > 0) {
        float mult = ((float) offset_count) / ((float) OFFSET_COUNT_INIT);
        o_x += mult * offsetx;
        o_y += mult * offsety;
        o_z += mult * offsetz;

    if (first || refirst) {
      point_x = barbValues[2];
      point_y = barbValues[3];
      point_z = 0.0f;
      line_x = 0.0f;
      line_y = 0.0f;
      line_z = 1.0f; // lineAxis == 2 in DataRenderer.drag_direct
    } // end if (first || refirst)

    float[] x = new float[3]; // x marks the spot
    // DirectManifoldDimension = 2
    // intersect ray with plane
    float dot = (point_x - o_x) * line_x + (point_y - o_y) * line_y + (point_z - o_z) * line_z;
    float dot2 = d_x * line_x + d_y * line_y + d_z * line_z;
    if (dot2 == 0.0) return;
    dot = dot / dot2;
    // x is intersection
    x[0] = o_x + dot * d_x;
    x[1] = o_y + dot * d_y;
    x[2] = o_z + dot * d_z;
    System.out.println("x = " + x[0] + " " + x[1] + " " + x[2]);
    try {

      Tuple data = (Tuple) link.getData();
      int n = ((TupleType) data.getType()).getNumberOfRealComponents();
      Real[] reals = new Real[n];

      int k = 0;
      int m = data.getDimension();
      for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        Data component = data.getComponent(i);
        if (component instanceof Real) {
          reals[k++] = (Real) component;
        } else if (component instanceof RealTuple) {
          for (int j = 0; j < ((RealTuple) component).getDimension(); j++) {
            reals[k++] = (Real) ((RealTuple) component).getComponent(j);

      if (first || refirst) {
        // get first Data flow vector
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
          int j = flowToComponent[i];
          data_flow[i] = (j >= 0) ? (float) reals[j].getValue() : 0.0f;

        if (coord != null) {
          float[][] ds = {{data_flow[0]}, {data_flow[1]}, {data_flow[2]}};
          ds = coord.toReference(ds);
          data_flow[0] = ds[0][0];
          data_flow[1] = ds[1][0];
          data_flow[2] = ds[2][0];

        data_speed =
                    data_flow[0] * data_flow[0]
                        + data_flow[1] * data_flow[1]
                        + data_flow[2] * data_flow[2]);
        float barb0 = barbValues[2] - barbValues[0];
        float barb1 = barbValues[3] - barbValues[1];
        System.out.println("data_flow = " + data_flow[0] + " " + data_flow[1] +
                           " " + data_flow[2]);
        System.out.println("barbValues = " + barbValues[0] + " " + barbValues[1] +
                           "   " + barbValues[2] + " " + barbValues[3]);
        System.out.println("data_speed = " + data_speed);
      } // end if (first || refirst)

      // convert x to a flow vector, and from spatial to earth
      if (getRealVectorTypes(which_barb) instanceof EarthVectorType) {
        // don't worry about vector magnitude -
        // data_speed & display_speed take care of that
        float eps = 0.0001f; // estimate derivative with a little vector
        float[][] spatial_locs = {
          {barbValues[0], barbValues[0] + eps * (x[0] - barbValues[0])},
          {barbValues[1], barbValues[1] + eps * (x[1] - barbValues[1])},
          {0.0f, 0.0f}
        System.out.println("spatial_locs = " + spatial_locs[0][0] + " " +
                           spatial_locs[0][1] + " " + spatial_locs[1][0] + " " +
        float[][] earth_locs = spatialToEarth(spatial_locs);
        // WLH - 18 Aug 99
        if (earth_locs == null) return;
        System.out.println("earth_locs = " + earth_locs[0][0] + " " +
                           earth_locs[0][1] + " " + earth_locs[1][0] + " " +
        x[2] = 0.0f;
        x[0] =
            (earth_locs[1][1] - earth_locs[1][0])
                * ((float) Math.cos(Data.DEGREES_TO_RADIANS * earth_locs[0][0]));
        x[1] = earth_locs[0][1] - earth_locs[0][0];
        System.out.println("x = " + x[0] + " " + x[1] + " " + x[2]);
      } else { // if (!(getRealVectorTypes(which_barb) instanceof EarthVectorType))
        // convert x to vector
        x[0] -= barbValues[0];
        x[1] -= barbValues[1];

        // adjust for spatial map scalings but don't worry about vector
        // magnitude - data_speed & display_speed take care of that
        // also, spatial is Cartesian
        double[] ranges = getRanges();
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
          x[i] /= ranges[i];
        System.out.println("ranges = " + ranges[0] + " " + ranges[1] +
                           " " + ranges[2]);
        System.out.println("x = " + x[0] + " " + x[1] + " " + x[2]);

      // WLH 6 August 99
      x[0] = -x[0];
      x[1] = -x[1];
      x[2] = -x[2];

      /* may need to do this for performance
            float[] xx = {x[0], x[1], x[2]};

      float x_speed = (float) Math.sqrt(x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1] + x[2] * x[2]);
      /* WLH 16 April 2002 - from Ken
            if (x_speed < 0.000001f) x_speed = 0.000001f;
      if (x_speed < 0.01f) x_speed = 0.01f;
      if (first || refirst) {
        display_speed = x_speed;
      refirst = false;

      if (mshift != 0) {
        // only modify data_flow direction
        float ratio = data_speed / x_speed;
        x[0] *= ratio;
        x[1] *= ratio;
        x[2] *= ratio;
        System.out.println("direction, ratio = " + ratio + " " +
                           data_speed + " " + x_speed);
        System.out.println("x = " + x[0] + " " + x[1] + " " + x[2]);
      } else if (mctrl != 0) {
        // only modify data_flow speed
        float ratio = x_speed / display_speed;
        if (data_speed < EPS) {
          data_flow[0] = 2.0f * EPS;
          refirst = true;
        x[0] = ratio * data_flow[0];
        x[1] = ratio * data_flow[1];
        x[2] = ratio * data_flow[2];
        System.out.println("speed, ratio = " + ratio + " " +
                           x_speed + " " + display_speed);
        System.out.println("x = " + x[0] + " " + x[1] + " " + x[2]);
      } else {
        // modify data_flow speed and direction
        float ratio = data_speed / display_speed;
        System.out.println("data_speed = " + data_speed +
                           " display_speed = " + display_speed +
                           " ratio = " + ratio + " EPS = " + EPS);
        System.out.println("x = " + x[0] + " " + x[1] +" " + x[2] +
                           " x_speed = " + x_speed);
          data_speed = 21.213203 display_speed = 0.01 ratio = 2121.3203 EPS = 0.2
          x = 1.6170928E-4 1.6021729E-4 -0.0 x_speed = 0.01
          wind = (0.3430372, 0.33987218) at (-35.0, 5.0)
        if (data_speed < EPS) {
          data_flow[0] = 2.0f * EPS;
          x[0] = data_flow[0];
          x[1] = data_flow[1];
          x[2] = data_flow[2];
          refirst = true;
        } else {
          x[0] *= ratio;
          x[1] *= ratio;
          x[2] *= ratio;

      if (coord != null) {
        float[][] xs = {{x[0]}, {x[1]}, {x[2]}};
        xs = coord.fromReference(xs);
        x[0] = xs[0][0];
        x[1] = xs[1][0];
        x[2] = xs[2][0];

      // now replace flow values
      Vector vect = new Vector();
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        int j = flowToComponent[i];
        if (j >= 0) {
          RealType rtype = (RealType) reals[j].getType();
          reals[j] = new Real(rtype, (double) x[i], rtype.getDefaultUnit(), null);

          // WLH 31 Aug 2000
          Real r = reals[j];
          Unit overrideUnit = null;
          if (directMap[i] != null) {
            overrideUnit = directMap[i].getOverrideUnit();
          Unit rtunit = rtype.getDefaultUnit();
          // units not part of Time string
          if (overrideUnit != null
              && !overrideUnit.equals(rtunit)
              && !RealType.Time.equals(rtype)) {
            double d = (float) overrideUnit.toThis((double) x[0], rtunit);
            r = new Real(rtype, d, overrideUnit);
            String valueString = r.toValueString();
            vect.addElement(rtype.getName() + " = " + valueString);
          } else {
            // create location string
            vect.addElement(rtype.getName() + " = " + x[i]);

      Data newData = null;
      // now build new RealTuple or Flat Tuple
      if (data instanceof RealTuple) {
        newData =
            new RealTuple(
                ((RealTupleType) data.getType()), reals, ((RealTuple) data).getCoordinateSystem());
      } else {
        Data[] new_components = new Data[m];
        k = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
          Data component = data.getComponent(i);
          if (component instanceof Real) {
            new_components[i] = reals[k++];
          } else if (component instanceof RealTuple) {
            Real[] sub_reals = new Real[((RealTuple) component).getDimension()];
            for (int j = 0; j < ((RealTuple) component).getDimension(); j++) {
              sub_reals[j] = reals[k++];
            new_components[i] =
                new RealTuple(
                    ((RealTupleType) component.getType()),
                    ((RealTuple) component).getCoordinateSystem());
        newData = new Tuple(new_components, false);
    } catch (VisADException e) {
      // do nothing
      System.out.println("drag_direct " + e);
    } catch (RemoteException e) {
      // do nothing
      System.out.println("drag_direct " + e);
Exemple #10
  * get default Units of RealType components; copy DefaultUnits array to ensure that it cannot be
  * altered
 public Unit[] getDefaultUnits() {
   return Unit.copyUnitsArray(DefaultUnits);