private int putPattern(String name, Pattern p) {
   int start = _buf.position();
   _put(REGEX, name);
   return _buf.position() - start;
Exemple #2
   * Get dependencies of a source file.
   * @param path The canonical path of source file.
   * @return Path of dependencies.
  private ArrayList<String> getDependencies(String path) {
    if (!dependenceMap.containsKey(path)) {
      ArrayList<String> dependencies = new ArrayList<String>();
      Matcher m = PATTERN_REQUIRE.matcher(read(path, charset));

      while (m.find()) {
        // Decide which root path to use.
        // Path wrapped in <> is related to root path.
        // Path wrapped in "" is related to parent folder of the source file.
        String root = null;

        if ("<")) {
          root = this.root;
        } else {
          root = new File(path).getParent();

        // Get path of required file.
        String required =;

        File f = new File(root, required);

        if (f.exists()) {
        } else {
          App.exit("Cannot find required file " + required + " in " + path);

      dependenceMap.put(path, dependencies);

    return dependenceMap.get(path);
Exemple #3
   * Create a new SourceFile instance with specified rootPath, file encoding and file type.
   * @param root Root path specified from command line.
   * @param charset Text encoding of source file.
  public SourceFile(String root, String charset) {
    // Initiation.
    binaryCache = new HashMap<String, byte[]>();
    dependenceMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();

    // Match "// #require <path>" or "// #require "path"" or "/* #require <path> */" or "/* #require
    // "path" */".
            "^/[/\\*]\\s#require\\s([\"<])([\\w\\-\\./]+)[\">](?:\\s\\*/)?$", Pattern.MULTILINE);


    this.charset = charset;
Exemple #4
   * Provides a "smart" integer parsing routine that allows (decimal) numbers in string form with
   * all kind of trailing characters to be parsed into an integer. Some trailing characters are
   * understood as being part of the number, like "k" to denote a value in thousands, or "m" to
   * denote a value in millions.
   * @param aText the text to parse into an integer value, cannot be <code>null</code>;
   * @param aUnitDefinition the unit definition for "k" and "M" characters, should be either SI
   *     (units of 1000) or BINARY (units of 1024);
   * @param aDefault the default value to return in case the given text couldn't be parsed into a
   *     valid number.
   * @return the integer value part of the given text, or the given default value if the text
   *     couldn't be parsed.
  public static int smartParseInt(
      final String aText, final UnitDefinition aUnitDefinition, final int aDefault) {
    // Avoid NPEs when given a null argument; also when an empty
    // string is given, we can be fairly quick in our conclusion...
    if ((aText == null) || aText.trim().isEmpty()) {
      return aDefault;

    final Matcher matcher = SMART_INT_PATTERN.matcher(aText);
    if (matcher.matches()) {
      final String number =;
      final String unit =;

      int result = Integer.parseInt(number);
      if (unit != null) {
        result *= parseUnit(unit, aUnitDefinition);
      return result;
    return aDefault;
Exemple #5
   * Subscribe to all channels whose name matches the regular expression. Note that to subscribe to
   * all channels, you must specify ".*", not "*".
  public void subscribe(String regex, ZCMSubscriber sub) {
    if (this.closed) throw new IllegalStateException();
    SubscriptionRecord srec = new SubscriptionRecord();
    srec.regex = regex;
    srec.pat = Pattern.compile(regex);
    srec.lcsub = sub;

    synchronized (this) {
      zcmjni.subscribe(regex, this);

    synchronized (subscriptions) {

      for (String channel : subscriptionsMap.keySet()) {
        if (srec.pat.matcher(channel).matches()) {
          ArrayList<SubscriptionRecord> subs = subscriptionsMap.get(channel);
Exemple #6
/** Provides some utility methods for parsing numbers, etc. */
public final class NumberUtils {

  /** Denotes in which order bits are to be interpreted in a byte. */
  public enum BitOrder {
     * Denotes the least significant bit is to be read first and the most significant bit last
     * (assuming you read from left to right).
     * Denotes the most significant bit is to be read first and the least significant bit last
     * (assuming you read from left to right).

  /** Denotes how "k", "M" units should be interpreted. */
  public enum UnitDefinition {


  private static final Pattern SMART_INT_PATTERN =


  /** Creates a new NumberUtils instance, never used. */
  private NumberUtils() {
    // NO-op


   * Converts the given value into a desired bit order.
   * @param aValue the value to convert;
   * @param aBitCount the number of bits that are supposed to be in the given value;
   * @param aBitOrder the desired bit order.
   * @return the converted value.
  public static int convertBitOrder(
      final int aValue, final int aBitCount, final BitOrder aBitOrder) {
    if ((aBitCount <= 0) || (aBitCount > 32)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bit count cannot be zero, negative or beyond 32-bits!");
    // We already have the most significant bit first, convert only if the bit
    // order is LSB first...
    if (aBitOrder == BitOrder.MSB_FIRST) {
      return (aValue & getBitMask(aBitCount));

    return reverseBits(aValue, aBitCount);

   * Converts the given value into a desired byte order.
   * @param aValue the value to convert;
   * @param aByteCount the number of bytes that are supposed to be in the given value;
   * @param aByteOrder the desired byte order.
   * @return the converted value.
  public static int convertByteOrder(
      final int aValue, final int aByteCount, final ByteOrder aByteOrder) {
    if ((aByteCount <= 0) || (aByteCount > 32)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bit count cannot be zero, negative or beyond 32-bits!");

    final ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(aByteCount);
    final int result = buf.getInt();
    return result;

   * Returns the largest bit-value that is set to '1' of a given mask value.
   * <p>E.g., for a mask value of 128, the result will be 7, while for a mask value of 3, the value
   * will be 1.
   * @param aMaskValue the mask value to return the bit-index of.
   * @return the largest bit-value that is set to '1' of a given mask value, zero-based.
  public static int getBitIndex(final int aMaskValue) {
    return (int) Math.floor(Math.log(aMaskValue) / Math.log(2));

   * Returns the maximum value for the given bit count, e.g., <tt>( 1 << aBitCount ) - 1</tt>.
   * @param aBitCount the number of bits to create a bit mask for, > 0.
   * @return the bit mask.
  public static int getBitMask(final int aBitCount) {
    if ((aBitCount <= 0) || (aBitCount > 32)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid bit count, should be > 0 && <= 32.");

    return (int) ((1L << aBitCount) - 1);

   * Calculates the percentage for the given value in the given range.
   * @param aValue the value;
   * @param aRange the range (zero-based).
   * @return the percentage (= value * 100.0 / aRange).
  public static int getPercentage(final int aValue, final int aRange) {
    double value = 0.0;
    if (aRange != 0) {
      value = aValue * 100.0 / aRange;

    return (int) Math.max(0.0, Math.min(100.0, value));

   * Calculates the percentage for the given value in the range denoted by the given lower and upper
   * bounds.
   * @param aValue the value;
   * @param aLowerBound the lower bound of the range;
   * @param aUpperBound the upper bound of the range.
   * @return the percentage (= value * 100.0 / range).
  public static int getPercentage(final int aValue, final int aLowerBound, final int aUpperBound) {
    int range;
    int value = aValue;
    if (aLowerBound > aUpperBound) {
      range = aLowerBound - aUpperBound;
      value = Math.max(0, value - aUpperBound);
    } else {
      range = aUpperBound - aLowerBound;
      value = Math.max(0, value - aLowerBound);
    return getPercentage(value, range);

   * Calculates the percentage for the given value in the given range.
   * @param aValue the value;
   * @param aRange the range (zero-based).
   * @return the percentage (= value * 100.0 / aRange).
  public static int getPercentage(final long aValue, final long aRange) {
    double value = 0.0;
    if (aRange != 0) {
      value = aValue * 100.0 / aRange;

    return (int) Math.max(0.0, Math.min(100.0, value));

   * Calculates the percentage for the given value in the range denoted by the given lower and upper
   * bounds.
   * @param aValue the value;
   * @param aLowerBound the lower bound of the range;
   * @param aUpperBound the upper bound of the range.
   * @return the percentage (= value * 100.0 / range).
  public static int getPercentage(
      final long aValue, final long aLowerBound, final long aUpperBound) {
    long range;
    long value = aValue;
    if (aLowerBound > aUpperBound) {
      range = aLowerBound - aUpperBound;
      value = Math.max(0, value - aUpperBound);
    } else {
      range = aUpperBound - aLowerBound;
      value = Math.max(0, value - aLowerBound);
    return getPercentage(value, range);

   * Returns whether the given value is a power of two.
   * @param aValue the value to test as power of two.
   * @return <code>true</code> if the given value is a power of two, <code>false</code> otherwise.
  public static boolean isPowerOfTwo(final int aValue) {
    // See:
    // <>
    return (aValue != 0) && ((aValue & (aValue - 1)) == 0);

   * Converts the bits of a byte into a desired order.
   * @param aValue the byte value to convert.
   * @return the converted value, always most significant byte first (assuming you are reading from
   *     left to right).
  public static int reverseBits(final int aValue, final int aBitCount) {
    if (isPowerOfTwo(aBitCount)) {
      // Taken from:
      long v = aValue;

      int s = aBitCount;
      int mask = getBitMask(aBitCount);
      while ((s >>= 1) > 0) {
        mask ^= (mask << s);
        v = ((v >> s) & mask) | ((v << s) & ~mask);

      return (int) (v);
    } else {
      int r = 0;
      int v = aValue;
      int s = aBitCount;

      for (; v != 0; v >>= 1) {
        r <<= 1;
        r |= (v & 1);

      if (s >= 0) {
        r <<= s; // shift when v's highest bits are zero

      return r;

   * Parses the given text as an integer, avoiding runtime exceptions.
   * @param aText the text to parse as an integer, can be <code>null</code> or empty.
   * @return the numeric representation of the given text, or -1 if the text could not be parsed
   *     correctly as integer.
   * @see #safeParseInt(String, int)
  public static int safeParseInt(final String aText) {
    return safeParseInt(aText, -1);

   * Parses the given text as an integer, avoiding runtime exceptions.
   * @param aText the text to parse as an integer, can be <code>null</code> or empty;
   * @param aDefault the default value to return in case parsing failed.
   * @return the numeric representation of the given text, or the given default if the text could
   *     not be parsed correctly as integer.
   * @see Integer#parseInt(String)
  public static int safeParseInt(final String aText, final int aDefault) {
    try {
      return Integer.parseInt(aText);
    } catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
      return aDefault;

   * Parses the given text as an integer, avoiding runtime exceptions.
   * @param aText the text to parse as an integer, can be <code>null</code> or empty.
   * @return the numeric representation of the given text, or -1 if the text could not be parsed
   *     correctly as integer.
   * @see #safeParseLong(String, long)
  public static long safeParseLong(final String aText) {
    return safeParseLong(aText, -1L);

   * Parses the given text as an integer, avoiding runtime exceptions.
   * @param aText the text to parse as an integer, can be <code>null</code> or empty;
   * @param aDefault the default value to return in case parsing failed.
   * @return the numeric representation of the given text, or the given default if the text could
   *     not be parsed correctly as integer.
   * @see Long#parseLong(String)
  public static long safeParseLong(final String aText, final long aDefault) {
    try {
      return Long.parseLong(aText);
    } catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
      return aDefault;

   * Provides a "smart" integer parsing routine that allows (decimal) numbers in string form with
   * all kind of trailing characters to be parsed into an integer. Some trailing characters are
   * understood as being part of the number, like "k" to denote a value in thousands, or "m" to
   * denote a value in millions.
   * <p>Characters recognized are: "k" and "M" to denote units of 1024, 1024*1024.
   * @param aText the text to parse into an integer value, cannot be <code>null</code>.
   * @return the integer value part of the given text, or 0 if the text couldn't be parsed.
  public static int smartParseInt(final String aText) {
    return smartParseInt(aText, 0);

   * Provides a "smart" integer parsing routine that allows (decimal) numbers in string form with
   * all kind of trailing characters to be parsed into an integer. Some trailing characters are
   * understood as being part of the number, like "k" to denote a value in thousands, or "m" to
   * denote a value in millions.
   * <p>Characters recognized are: "k" and "M" to denote units of 1024, 1024*1024.
   * @param aText the text to parse into an integer value, cannot be <code>null</code>;
   * @param aDefault the default value to return in case the given text couldn't be parsed into a
   *     valid number.
   * @return the integer value part of the given text, or the given default value if the text
   *     couldn't be parsed.
  public static int smartParseInt(final String aText, final int aDefault) {
    return smartParseInt(aText, UnitDefinition.BINARY, aDefault);

   * Provides a "smart" integer parsing routine that allows (decimal) numbers in string form with
   * all kind of trailing characters to be parsed into an integer. Some trailing characters are
   * understood as being part of the number, like "k" to denote a value in thousands, or "m" to
   * denote a value in millions.
   * @param aText the text to parse into an integer value, cannot be <code>null</code>;
   * @param aUnitDefinition the unit definition for "k" and "M" characters, should be either SI
   *     (units of 1000) or BINARY (units of 1024).
   * @return the integer value part of the given text, or 0 if the text couldn't be parsed.
  public static int smartParseInt(final String aText, final UnitDefinition aUnitDefinition) {
    return smartParseInt(aText, aUnitDefinition, 0);

   * Provides a "smart" integer parsing routine that allows (decimal) numbers in string form with
   * all kind of trailing characters to be parsed into an integer. Some trailing characters are
   * understood as being part of the number, like "k" to denote a value in thousands, or "m" to
   * denote a value in millions.
   * @param aText the text to parse into an integer value, cannot be <code>null</code>;
   * @param aUnitDefinition the unit definition for "k" and "M" characters, should be either SI
   *     (units of 1000) or BINARY (units of 1024);
   * @param aDefault the default value to return in case the given text couldn't be parsed into a
   *     valid number.
   * @return the integer value part of the given text, or the given default value if the text
   *     couldn't be parsed.
  public static int smartParseInt(
      final String aText, final UnitDefinition aUnitDefinition, final int aDefault) {
    // Avoid NPEs when given a null argument; also when an empty
    // string is given, we can be fairly quick in our conclusion...
    if ((aText == null) || aText.trim().isEmpty()) {
      return aDefault;

    final Matcher matcher = SMART_INT_PATTERN.matcher(aText);
    if (matcher.matches()) {
      final String number =;
      final String unit =;

      int result = Integer.parseInt(number);
      if (unit != null) {
        result *= parseUnit(unit, aUnitDefinition);
      return result;
    return aDefault;

   * Parses a given unit-character using the given unit-definition.
   * @param aUnit the unit character (k, M, G) to parse;
   * @param aUnitDefinition the definition of the unit characters (units of 1000 or 1024).
   * @return a multiplier for the given unit-character, defaults to 1.
  private static long parseUnit(final String aUnit, final UnitDefinition aUnitDefinition) {
    if ("k".equalsIgnoreCase(aUnit)) {
      return (UnitDefinition.SI == aUnitDefinition) ? 1000L : 1024L;
    } else if ("m".equalsIgnoreCase(aUnit)) {
      return (UnitDefinition.SI == aUnitDefinition) ? 1000000L : 1048576L;
    } else if ("g".equalsIgnoreCase(aUnit)) {
      return (UnitDefinition.SI == aUnitDefinition) ? 1000000000L : 1073741824L;
    return 1L;
 private void putPattern(String name, Pattern p) {
   _put(REGEX, name);