Exemple #1
  * Receives a Ping message.
  * <p>A Ping message may be sent or received by either client or server. It may serve either as
  * a keepalive or as a means to verify that the remote endpoint is still responsive.
  * <p>The message will consist of not more than {@code 125} bytes: {@code message.remaining() <=
  * 125}.
  * <p>The {@code onPing} is invoked zero or more times in between {@code onOpen} and ({@code
  * onClose} or {@code onError}).
  * <p>If an exception is thrown from this method or the returned {@code CompletionStage}
  * completes exceptionally, then {@link #onError(WebSocket, Throwable) onError} will be invoked
  * with this exception.
  * @implNote
  *     <p>Replies with a Pong message and requests one more message when the Pong has been sent.
  * @param webSocket the WebSocket
  * @param message the message
  * @return a CompletionStage that completes when the message processing is done; or {@code null}
  *     if already done
 default CompletionStage<?> onPing(WebSocket webSocket, ByteBuffer message) {
   return webSocket.sendPong(message).thenRun(() -> webSocket.request(1));