byte[] getJar(String address) { // System.out.println("getJar: "+address); byte[] data; try { URL url = new URL(address); IJ.showStatus("Connecting to " + IJ.URL); URLConnection uc = url.openConnection(); int len = uc.getContentLength(); if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("Updater (url): " + address + " " + len); if (len <= 0) return null; String name = address.contains("wsr") ? "daily build (" : "ij.jar ("; IJ.showStatus("Downloading " + name + IJ.d2s((double) len / 1048576, 1) + "MB)"); InputStream in = uc.getInputStream(); data = new byte[len]; int n = 0; while (n < len) { int count =, n, len - n); if (count < 0) throw new EOFException(); n += count; IJ.showProgress(n, len); } in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("" + e); return null; } if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.wait(6000); return data; }
String[] openUrlAsList(String address) { IJ.showStatus("Connecting to " + IJ.URL); Vector v = new Vector(); try { URL url = new URL(address); InputStream in = url.openStream(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); String line; while (true) { line = br.readLine(); if (line == null) break; if (!line.equals("")) v.addElement(line); } br.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } String[] lines = new String[v.size()]; v.copyInto((String[]) lines); IJ.showStatus(""); return lines; }
byte[] getJar(String address) { byte[] data; boolean gte133 = version().compareTo("1.33u") >= 0; try { URL url = new URL(address); URLConnection uc = url.openConnection(); int len = uc.getContentLength(); String name = address.endsWith("ij/ij.jar") ? "daily build" : "ij.jar"; IJ.showStatus("Downloading ij.jar (" + IJ.d2s((double) len / 1048576, 1) + "MB)"); InputStream in = uc.getInputStream(); data = new byte[len]; int n = 0; while (n < len) { int count =, n, len - n); if (count < 0) throw new EOFException(); n += count; if (gte133) IJ.showProgress(n, len); } in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } return data; }