public Bean(String classPackage, String clazz, ClassLoaderStrategy cls, Bean topLevelBean) throws Exception { // Get the no-arg constructor and create the bean try { Class classOfBean = ObjectXml.getClassOfBean((ClassLoader) cls, classPackage + "." + clazz); Constructor ct = null; // check whether this class is an inner class if (classOfBean.getEnclosingClass() != null) { ct = classOfBean.getConstructor(new Class[] {classOfBean.getEnclosingClass()}); beanObject = ct.newInstance(new Object[] {topLevelBean.getBeanObject()}); } else { ct = classOfBean.getConstructor((Class[]) null); beanObject = ct.newInstance((Object[]) null); } // Get an array of property descriptors beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(classOfBean); PropertyDescriptor[] pds = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors(); // load property descriptors into hashtable propDesc = new Properties(); for (int i = 0; i < pds.length; i++) { propDesc.put(pds[i].getName(), pds[i]); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Exception creating bean: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } }
private void validateClass(Class<?> source, ValidationProblemCollector problems) { int modifiers = source.getModifiers(); if (Modifier.isInterface(modifiers)) { problems.add("Must be a class, not an interface"); } if (source.getEnclosingClass() != null) { if (Modifier.isStatic(modifiers)) { if (Modifier.isPrivate(modifiers)) { problems.add("Class cannot be private"); } } else { problems.add("Enclosed classes must be static and non private"); } } Constructor<?>[] constructors = source.getDeclaredConstructors(); for (Constructor<?> constructor : constructors) { if (constructor.getParameterTypes().length > 0) { problems.add("Cannot declare a constructor that takes arguments"); break; } } Field[] fields = source.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : fields) { int fieldModifiers = field.getModifiers(); if (!field.isSynthetic() && !(Modifier.isStatic(fieldModifiers) && Modifier.isFinal(fieldModifiers))) { problems.add(field, "Fields must be static final."); } } }
public JavaType findType(String name) { if (_bindings == null) { _resolve(); } JavaType t = _bindings.get(name); if (t != null) { return t; } if (_placeholders != null && _placeholders.contains(name)) { return UNBOUND; } // New with 1.7: check parent context if (_parentBindings != null) { return _parentBindings.findType(name); } // nothing found, so... // Should we throw an exception or just return null? /* [JACKSON-499] 18-Feb-2011, tatu: There are some tricky type bindings within * java.util, such as HashMap$KeySet; so let's punt the problem * (honestly not sure what to do -- they are unbound for good, I think) */ if (_contextClass != null) { Class<?> enclosing = _contextClass.getEnclosingClass(); if (enclosing != null) { // [JACKSON-572]: Actually, let's skip this for all non-static inner classes // (which will also cover 'java.util' type cases... if (!Modifier.isStatic(_contextClass.getModifiers())) { return UNBOUND; } // ... so this piece of code should not be needed any more /* Package pkg = enclosing.getPackage(); if (pkg != null) { // as per [JACKSON-533], also include "java.util.concurrent": if (pkg.getName().startsWith("java.util")) { return UNBOUND; } } */ } } String className; if (_contextClass != null) { className = _contextClass.getName(); } else if (_contextType != null) { className = _contextType.toString(); } else { className = "UNKNOWN"; } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Type variable '" + name + "' can not be resolved (with context of class " + className + ")"); // t = UNBOUND; }
public static String isLocalType(Class<?> type) { /* As per [JACKSON-187], GAE seems to throw SecurityExceptions * here and there... and GAE itself has a bug, too * (see []). Bah. */ try { // one more: method locals, anonymous, are not good: if (type.getEnclosingMethod() != null) { return "local/anonymous"; } /* But how about non-static inner classes? Can't construct * easily (theoretically, we could try to check if parent * happens to be enclosing... but that gets convoluted) */ if (type.getEnclosingClass() != null) { if (!Modifier.isStatic(type.getModifiers())) { return "non-static member class"; } } } catch (SecurityException e) { } catch (NullPointerException e) { } return null; }