  * Prints the stacktrace of the supplied exception to the error stream.
  * @param e any Java exception.
 public static void printException(java.lang.Exception e) {
   if (errStream != null) e.printStackTrace(errStream);
   else e.printStackTrace();
  public void sampleCode() {

    //  Variables for simple test case
    String procname = "sp_timestampSample";

       String createQuery1 =
           "create table spt_timestampSample(f1 int, f2 char(5), f3 timestamp )";
       String insertQuery1 =
           "insert spt_timestampSample(f1,f2) values(1, 'Hello')";

       // Sample Stored Procedure
       String dropProc = "drop proc " + procname;
       String createProc =
           "create proc " + procname +
           "(@p1 int, @p2 timestamp out)" +
           " as " +
           "select 'p1='  + convert(varchar(10),@p1) "  +
           "select @p2 = f3 from spt_timestampSample where f1=1"   +
           "select * from spt_timestampSample " +
           "return 21";
    String sproc = "{? = call " + procname + "(?,?)}";
    try {
         // We will create a temp table which contains a timestamp column
         // and we will insert a row.  We will then execute a stored
         // procedure which will returnt the timestamp column as an OUTPUT
         // parameter

         // Create our table
         execDDL( createQuery1);

         // Insert our row
         execDDL( insertQuery1);

         // Now create the Proc
         execDDL( createProc);

      // Now execute our Sproc
      CallableStatement cstmt = _con.prepareCall(sproc);
      output("Executing: " + sproc + "\n");

      // Declare the IN Params.  Note, you must skip the Return Status
      cstmt.setInt(2, 1961);

      // Now declare our OUT Params
      cstmt.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER);
      cstmt.registerOutParameter(3, Types.VARBINARY);

      boolean results = cstmt.execute();
      int rsnum = 0; // Number of Result Sets processed
      int rowsAffected = 0;

      do {
        if (results) {
          ResultSet rs = cstmt.getResultSet();
          output("\n\nDisplaying ResultSet: " + rsnum + "\n");
        } else {
          rowsAffected = cstmt.getUpdateCount();
          if (rowsAffected >= 0) output(rowsAffected + " rows Affected.\n");
        results = cstmt.getMoreResults();
      } while (results || rowsAffected != -1);

      String s = cstmt.getString(1);
      String s2 = cstmt.getString(3);

      // Now grab the same output parameter as VARBINARY
      byte[] ts = cstmt.getBytes(3);

      // Display the Output Parameters
      output("OUT Param1=" + s + "\n");
      output("OUT Param2 as String=" + s2 + "\n");
      output("OUT Param2 as byte[]=" + toHexString(ts) + "\n");


         // Drop our sproc
         execDDL( dropProc);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
    } catch (java.lang.Exception ex) {
      // Got some other type of exception.  Dump it.