/** @param evts Events to add. */ private void addAll(Collection<E> evts) { WindowHolder tup = ref.get(); int cnt = addAllInternal(evts, tup.collection(), tup.set()); tup.size().addAndGet(cnt); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected Collection<E> dequeue0(int cnt) { WindowHolder tup = ref.get(); AtomicInteger size = tup.size(); Collection<T> evts = tup.collection(); Collection<E> resCol = new ArrayList<>(cnt); while (true) { int curSize = size.get(); if (curSize > 0) { if (size.compareAndSet(curSize, curSize - 1)) { E res = pollInternal(evts, tup.set()); if (res != null) { resCol.add(res); if (resCol.size() >= cnt) return resCol; } else { size.incrementAndGet(); return resCol; } } } else return resCol; } }
/** * Poll evicted internal implementation. * * @return Evicted element. */ @Nullable private E pollEvictedInternal() { WindowHolder tup = ref.get(); AtomicInteger size = tup.size(); while (true) { int curSize = size.get(); if (curSize > maxSize) { if (size.compareAndSet(curSize, curSize - 1)) { E evt = pollInternal(tup.collection(), tup.set()); if (evt != null) return evt; else { // No actual events in queue, it means that other thread is just adding event. // return null as it is a concurrent add call. size.incrementAndGet(); return null; } } } else return null; } }
/** Checks window consistency. Used for testing. */ void consistencyCheck() { WindowHolder win = ref.get(); consistencyCheck(win.collection(), win.set(), win.size()); }
/** @param evt Event to add. */ private void add(E evt) { WindowHolder tup = ref.get(); if (addInternal(evt, tup.collection(), tup.set())) tup.size().incrementAndGet(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected GridStreamerWindowIterator<E> iterator0() { WindowHolder win = ref.get(); return iteratorInternal(win.collection(), win.set(), win.size()); }