public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    /* You should do this ONLY ONCE in the whole application life-cycle: */

    /* Create and adjust the configuration singleton */
    Configuration cfg = new Configuration(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_22);
    cfg.setDirectoryForTemplateLoading(new File("/Users/ian.goldsmith/projects/freemarker"));

     * You usually do these for MULTIPLE TIMES in the application
     * life-cycle:

    /* Create a data-model */
    Map message = new HashMap();
            new File("/Users/ian.goldsmith/projects/freemarker/test.xml")));

    Map root = new HashMap();
    root.put("message", message);

    /* Get the template (uses cache internally) */
    Template temp = cfg.getTemplate("testxml.ftl");

    /* Merge data-model with template */
    Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(System.out);
    temp.process(root, out);
    // Note: Depending on what `out` is, you may need to call `out.close()`.
    // This is usually the case for file output, but not for servlet output.
  /** generate delivery items and give them to the player */
  protected void makeDeliveryItems() {
    Long playerOid = getPlayerOid();
    Long bagOid = playerOid;
    if (Log.loggingDebug)
      log.debug("makeDeliveryItems: playerOid " + playerOid + ", bagOid + " + bagOid);

    // Normally the persistence flag is inherited from the enclosing
    // object, but all we have are OIDs.  Assume this is only used
    // for players and players are always persistent.
    Template overrideTemplate = new Template();
    overrideTemplate.put(Namespace.OBJECT_MANAGER, ObjectManagerClient.TEMPL_PERSISTENT, true);

    for (String templateName : deliveryItems) {
      Long itemOid = ObjectManagerClient.generateObject(templateName, overrideTemplate);
      InventoryClient.addItem(bagOid, playerOid, bagOid, itemOid);
Exemple #3
 public Node execute(ExecutionContext ec, Template tmpl) throws IOException { // {{{
   Map<String, StartNamedBlock> blocks = tmpl.getBlocks();
   Node n = blocks.get(this.blockName);
   if (blocks.containsKey(this.blockName)) {
     return blocks.get(this.blockName).getExecuteNode();
   } else {
     return this.executeNode;
   // return this.getNextNode();
 } // }}}
  protected void writePlans(String dir) {
    Properties p = new Properties();
    p.setProperty("resource.loader", "class");

    Context context = new VelocityContext();
    context.put("plans", plans);

    Template template = Velocity.getTemplate("pl/poznan/put/transims/demand/matsim/plans.xml.vm");
    File planFile = new File(dir + "\\plans.xml");

    try (Writer writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(planFile))) {
      template.merge(context, writer);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
 /** This replaces the user input variables in the XML template * */
 public String replaceVariablesInString(String xmlStringArg) {
   String modXmlString = xmlStringArg;
   Properties prop = new Properties();
   for (int i = 0; i < uiList.size(); i++) {
     UserInput ui = (UserInput) uiList.get(i);
     XmlUIElement el = (XmlUIElement) uiElementsList.get(i);
     prop.put("$UserInput$" + ui.getID(), el.getValue());
     // modXmlString = StringUtil.replaceStringBySpecifiedString(modXmlString,"$UserInput$" +
     // ui.getID(),el.getValue());
   Template template = null;
   try {
     template = new Template(xmlStringArg);
     //			template = PopulateTemplateParams.substituteParams(template, prop, 3);
     template = PopulateTemplateParams.substituteParams(template, prop);
   } catch (Exception exc) {
   // return modXmlString;
   return template.toString();
 protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
     throws ServletException, IOException {
   Map root = new HashMap();
   Connection conn = null;
   conn = ConFact.getInstance().makeConnection();
   String id = req.getParameter("id");
   String sql = "select title,description,language_id from film where film_id=" + id + ";";
   java.sql.PreparedStatement pst;
   try {
     pst = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
     ResultSet rs = pst.executeQuery();
     while ( {
       java.sql.PreparedStatement pst1;
       String sql1 = "select name from language where language_id=" + rs.getString(3) + ";";
       pst1 = conn.prepareStatement(sql1);
       ResultSet rs1 = pst1.executeQuery();
       while ( {
         Template t = cfg.getTemplate("test.ftl");
         root.put("title", rs.getString(1));
         root.put("description", rs.getString(2));
         root.put("language", rs1.getString(1));
         resp.setContentType("text/html; charset=" + t.getEncoding());
         Writer out = resp.getWriter();
         t.process(root, out);
   } catch (TemplateException e) {
   } catch (SQLException e1) {
  * Prepends the value of the specified Template to the begining of this Template.
  * @param hout the Template
 public Template prepend(Template hout) {
   if (hout != null) m_template = new StringBuffer(hout.toString() + m_template.toString());
   return this;
  * Appends the value of the specified Template to the end of this Template.
  * @param hout the Template
 public Template append(Template hout) {
   if (hout != null) m_template = m_template.append(hout.toString());
   return this;
 public void setLastTag(String tag, Template tagvalue) {
   setLastTag(tag, tagvalue.toString());
  * Constructs a new Template with the specified template.
  * @param templ the Template
 public Template(Template templ) {
   m_template = new StringBuffer(templ.toString());
   m_template2 = new StringBuffer(templ.toString());