private static int driver()

        // This is the driver of the FA.
        // If a valid token is found, assigns it to "t" and returns 1.
        // If an invalid token is found, assigns it to "t" and returns 0.
        // If end-of-stream is reached without finding any non-whitespace character, returns -1.

    State nextSt; // the next state of the FA

    t = "";
    state = State.Start;

    if (Character.isWhitespace((char) a)) a = getChar(); // get the next non-whitespace character
    if (a == -1) // end-of-stream is reached
    return -1;

    while (a != -1) // do the body if "a" is not end-of-stream
      c = (char) a;
      nextSt = nextState[state.ordinal()][a];
      if (nextSt == State.UNDEF) // The FA will halt.
        if (isFinal(state)) return 1; // valid token extracted
        else // "c" is an unexpected character
          t = t + c;
          a = getNextChar();
          return 0; // invalid token found
      } else // The FA will go on.
        state = nextSt;
        t = t + c;
        a = getNextChar();

    // end-of-stream is reached while a token is being extracted

    if (isFinal(state)) return 1; // valid token extracted
    else return 0; // invalid token found
  } // end driver