public String getLine(int lineNo) throws Exception { if (lineNo <= 0 || lineNo > mNumLines) { return null; } String line = null; Jedis jedis = pool_.getResource(); try { String lineNoStr = Integer.toString(lineNo); line = jedis.hget(lineNoStr, LINE_KEY); if (line == null) { RecordId lineId = getRecordId(lineNo); byte[] buffer = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; synchronized (mDataFile) { * BLOCK_SIZE);; } ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer); int numRecords = bb.getInt(BLOCK_SIZE - INT_SIZE); int indexPos = BLOCK_SIZE - 3 * INT_SIZE; int curLineNo = lineNo - lineId.slotNo() + 1; String[] recordKeys = {PAGE_NO_KEY, SLOT_NO_KEY}; for (int i = 1; i < numRecords; i++, curLineNo++) { int offset = bb.getInt(indexPos); int len = bb.getInt(indexPos + INT_SIZE); ByteBuffer linebb = ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer, offset, len); byte[] lineBuf = new byte[linebb.remaining()]; linebb.get(lineBuf); String lineStr = new String(lineBuf); if (i == lineId.slotNo()) { line = lineStr; } // Store in cache lineNoStr = Integer.toString(curLineNo); jedis.hdel(lineNoStr, recordKeys); jedis.hset(lineNoStr, LINE_KEY, lineStr); indexPos -= 2 * INT_SIZE; } } if (line == null) { throw new Exception("LineServer: Could not find line on page"); } } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println("LineServer: IOException on line retrieval"); throw ioe; } finally { pool_.returnResource(jedis); } return line; }
/** * Delete the specified tuple from the page; the tuple should be updated to reflect that it is no * longer stored on any page. * * @throws DbException if this tuple is not on this page, or tuple slot is already empty. * @param t The tuple to delete */ public void deleteTuple(Tuple t) throws DbException { // some code goes here // not necessary for lab1 RecordId targetrid = t.getRecordId(); int tslotnum = targetrid.tupleno(); if (!targetrid.getPageId().equals(pid) || !isSlotUsed(tslotnum)) { throw new DbException("Either wrong page number or requested tuple didn't exist"); } markSlotUsed(tslotnum, false); tuples[tslotnum] = null; }
// see for javadocs public Page deleteTuple(TransactionId tid, Tuple t) throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException { // some code goes here BufferPool bp = Database.getBufferPool(); RecordId rid = t.getRecordId(); if (rid == null) { throw new DbException("Tuple is not a member of this file"); } HeapPage p = (HeapPage) bp.getPage(tid, rid.getPageId(), Permissions.READ_WRITE); p.deleteTuple(t); return p; }