  * Explain and prepare.
  * @param sql the sql
  * @param queryName the query name
  * @return the string
  * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException the unsupported encoding exception
  * @throws LensAPIException
     value = "prepQuery explain",
     help = "Explain and prepare query <query-string>. Can optionally provide <query-name>")
 public String explainAndPrepare(
             key = {"", "query"},
             mandatory = true,
             help = "<query-string>")
         String sql,
             key = {"name"},
             mandatory = false,
             help = "<query-name>")
         String queryName)
     throws UnsupportedEncodingException, LensAPIException {
   PrettyPrintable cliOutput;
   try {
     QueryPlan plan = getClient().explainAndPrepare(sql, queryName).getData();
     return plan.getPlanString() + "\n" + "Prepare handle:" + plan.getPrepareHandle();
   } catch (final LensAPIException e) {
     BriefError briefError = new BriefError(e.getLensAPIErrorCode(), e.getLensAPIErrorMessage());
     cliOutput =
         new IdBriefErrorTemplate(
             IdBriefErrorTemplateKey.REQUEST_ID, e.getLensAPIRequestId(), briefError);
   } catch (final LensBriefErrorException e) {
     cliOutput = e.getIdBriefErrorTemplate();
   return cliOutput.toPrettyString();
   * Explain query.
   * @param sql the sql
   * @return the string
   * @throws LensAPIException
   * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException the unsupported encoding exception
      value = "query explain",
      help =
          "Explain execution plan of query <query-string>. "
              + "Can optionally save the plan to a file by providing <save_location>")
  public String explainQuery(
              key = {"", "query"},
              mandatory = true,
              help = "<query-string>")
          String sql,
              key = {"save_location"},
              mandatory = false,
              help = "<save_location>")
          final File path)
      throws IOException, LensAPIException {
    PrettyPrintable cliOutput;

    try {
      QueryPlan plan = getClient().getQueryPlan(sql).getData();
      if (path != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(path.getPath())) {
        String validPath = getValidPath(path, false, false);
        try (OutputStreamWriter osw =
            new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(validPath), Charset.defaultCharset())) {
        return "Saved to " + validPath;
      return plan.getPlanString();
    } catch (final LensAPIException e) {
      BriefError briefError = new BriefError(e.getLensAPIErrorCode(), e.getLensAPIErrorMessage());
      cliOutput =
          new IdBriefErrorTemplate(
              IdBriefErrorTemplateKey.REQUEST_ID, e.getLensAPIRequestId(), briefError);
    } catch (final LensBriefErrorException e) {
      cliOutput = e.getIdBriefErrorTemplate();
    return cliOutput.toPrettyString();