/** * Opens a project. * * @param directory Where the project is stored. * @return the BProject that describes the newly opened project or null if it cannot be opened. */ public final BProject openProject(File directory) { if (!myWrapper.isValid()) throw new ExtensionUnloadedException(); // Yes somebody may just call it with null, for fun.. if (directory == null) return null; Project openProj = Project.openProject(directory.getAbsolutePath(), null); if (openProj == null) return null; // a hack, since bluej does not handle "opening" of projects correctly. // this code should really be into openProject or it should not be possible to open // a project is the initial package name is not there. Package pkg = openProj.getCachedPackage(openProj.getInitialPackageName()); if (pkg == null) return null; // I make a new identifier out of this Identifier aProject = new Identifier(openProj, pkg); // This will make the frame if not already there. should not be needed... try { aProject.getPackageFrame(); } catch (ExtensionException exc) { } // Note: the previous Identifier is not used here. return openProj.getBProject(); }
/** @throws Exception If failed. */ public void testAntGarTaskToString() throws Exception { String tmpDirName = GridTestProperties.getProperty("ant.gar.tmpdir"); String srcDirName = GridTestProperties.getProperty("ant.gar.srcdir"); String baseDirName = tmpDirName + File.separator + System.currentTimeMillis() + "_6"; String metaDirName = baseDirName + File.separator + "META-INF"; String garFileName = baseDirName + ".gar"; // Make base and META-INF dir. boolean mkdir = new File(baseDirName).mkdirs(); assert mkdir; mkdir = new File(metaDirName).mkdirs(); assert mkdir; // Copy files to basedir U.copy(new File(srcDirName), new File(baseDirName), true); IgniteDeploymentGarAntTask garTask = new IgniteDeploymentGarAntTask(); Project garProject = new Project(); garProject.setName("Gar test project"); garTask.setDestFile(new File(garFileName)); garTask.setBasedir(new File(garFileName)); garTask.setProject(garProject); garTask.setDescrdir(new File(garFileName)); garTask.toString(); }
/* * Launches against the agent& main */ public void testAgentAndMain() throws Exception { Project project = workspace.getProject("p1"); Run bndrun = new Run(workspace, project.getBase(), project.getFile("one.bndrun")); bndrun.setProperty("-runpath", "biz.aQute.remote.launcher"); bndrun.setProperty("-runbundles", "bsn-1,bsn-2"); bndrun.setProperty("-runremote", "agent,main;agent=1090"); final RemoteProjectLauncherPlugin pl = (RemoteProjectLauncherPlugin) bndrun.getProjectLauncher(); pl.prepare(); List<? extends RunSession> sessions = pl.getRunSessions(); assertEquals(2, sessions.size()); RunSession agent = sessions.get(0); RunSession main = sessions.get(1); CountDownLatch agentLatch = launch(agent); CountDownLatch mainLatch = launch(main); agent.waitTillStarted(1000); main.waitTillStarted(1000); Thread.sleep(500); agent.cancel(); main.cancel(); agentLatch.await(); mainLatch.await(); assertEquals(-3, agent.getExitCode()); assertEquals(-3, main.getExitCode()); bndrun.close(); }
public static void testBumpIncludeFile() throws Exception { File tmp = new File("tmp-ws"); if (tmp.exists()) IO.deleteWithException(tmp); tmp.mkdir(); assertTrue(tmp.isDirectory()); try { IO.copy(new File("test/ws"), tmp); Workspace ws = Workspace.getWorkspace(tmp); Project project = ws.getProject("bump-included"); project.setTrace(true); Version old = new Version(project.getProperty("Bundle-Version")); assertEquals(new Version(1, 0, 0), old); project.bump("=+0"); Processor processor = new Processor(); processor.setProperties(project.getFile("include.txt")); Version newv = new Version(processor.getProperty("Bundle-Version")); System.err.println("New version " + newv); assertEquals(1, newv.getMajor()); assertEquals(1, newv.getMinor()); assertEquals(0, newv.getMicro()); } finally { IO.deleteWithException(tmp); } }
private static void checkPackageInfoFiles( Project project, String packageName, boolean expectPackageInfo, boolean expectPackageInfoJava) throws Exception { File pkgInfo = IO.getFile(project.getSrc(), packageName + "/packageinfo"); File pkgInfoJava = IO.getFile(project.getSrc(), packageName + "/package-info.java"); assertEquals(expectPackageInfo, pkgInfo.exists()); assertEquals(expectPackageInfoJava, pkgInfoJava.exists()); }
private static Project testBuildAll(String dependsOn, int count) throws Exception { Workspace ws = new Workspace(new File("test/ws")); Project all = ws.getProject("build-all"); all.setProperty("-dependson", dependsOn); all.prepare(); Collection<Project> dependson = all.getDependson(); assertEquals(count, dependson.size()); return all; }
/** * Check multiple repos * * @throws Exception */ public static void testMultipleRepos() throws Exception { Workspace ws = Workspace.getWorkspace(new File("test/ws")); Project project = ws.getProject("p1"); System.err.println( project.getBundle("org.apache.felix.configadmin", "1.1.0", Strategy.EXACT, null)); System.err.println( project.getBundle("org.apache.felix.configadmin", "1.1.0", Strategy.HIGHEST, null)); System.err.println( project.getBundle("org.apache.felix.configadmin", "1.1.0", Strategy.LOWEST, null)); }
/** * Opens the project denoted by the given file. * * @param aFile the project file to open, cannot be <code>null</code>. * @throws IOException in case of I/O problems. */ public void openProjectFile(final File aFile) throws IOException { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(aFile); this.projectManager.loadProject(fis); final Project project = this.projectManager.getCurrentProject(); project.setFilename(aFile); zoomToFit(); }
/** Duplicates in runbundles gave a bad error, should be ignored */ public static void testRunbundleDuplicates() throws Exception { Workspace ws = new Workspace(new File("test/ws")); Project top = ws.getProject("p1"); top.clear(); top.setProperty("-runbundles", "org.apache.felix.configadmin,org.apache.felix.configadmin"); Collection<Container> runbundles = top.getRunbundles(); assertTrue(top.check("Multiple bundles with the same final URL")); assertNotNull(runbundles); assertEquals(1, runbundles.size()); }
private void jMenuItemViewDocumentsActionPerformed( java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { // GEN-FIRST:event_jMenuItemViewDocumentsActionPerformed if (this.docFrameTableModel == null) { this.docFrameTableModel = new DocumentFrameTableModel(theProject.getDocumentCollection()); } DocumentFrame d = new DocumentFrame(this.docFrameTableModel, theDesktop, theProject.getDocumentCollection()); d.setVisible(true); theDesktop.add(d); } // GEN-LAST:event_jMenuItemViewDocumentsActionPerformed
private void jMenuItemPerformLSAActionPerformed( java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { // GEN-FIRST:event_jMenuItemPerformLSAActionPerformed Thread t = new LSAThread( theProject.getDocumentCollection(), theProject.getDocumentClassCollection(), thePrefs.get("lsa-regex"), this); t.start(); } // GEN-LAST:event_jMenuItemPerformLSAActionPerformed
/** Test 2 equal bsns but diff. versions */ public static void testSameBsnRunBundles() throws Exception { Workspace ws = new Workspace(new File("test/ws")); Project top = ws.getProject("p1"); top.setProperty( "-runbundles", "org.apache.felix.configadmin;version='[1.0.1,1.0.1]',org.apache.felix.configadmin;version='[1.1.0,1.1.0]'"); Collection<Container> runbundles = top.getRunbundles(); assertTrue(top.check()); assertNotNull(runbundles); assertEquals(2, runbundles.size()); }
/** * Saves an OLS data file to the given file. * * @param aFile the file to save the OLS data to, cannot be <code>null</code>. * @throws IOException in case of I/O problems. */ public void saveDataFile(final File aFile) throws IOException { final FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(aFile); try { final Project tempProject = this.projectManager.createTemporaryProject(); tempProject.setCapturedData(this.dataContainer); OlsDataHelper.write(tempProject, writer); } finally { writer.flush(); writer.close(); } }
/** * Saves the current project to the given file. * * @param aFile the file to save the project information to, cannot be <code>null</code>. * @throws IOException in case of I/O problems. */ public void saveProjectFile(final String aName, final File aFile) throws IOException { FileOutputStream out = null; try { final Project project = this.projectManager.getCurrentProject(); project.setFilename(aFile); project.setName(aName); out = new FileOutputStream(aFile); this.projectManager.saveProject(out); } finally { HostUtils.closeResource(out); } }
/* * Launches against the agent */ public void testSimpleLauncher() throws Exception { Project project = workspace.getProject("p1"); Run bndrun = new Run(workspace, project.getBase(), project.getFile("one.bndrun")); bndrun.setProperty("-runpath", "biz.aQute.remote.launcher"); bndrun.setProperty("-runbundles", "bsn-1,bsn-2"); bndrun.setProperty("-runremote", "test"); final RemoteProjectLauncherPlugin pl = (RemoteProjectLauncherPlugin) bndrun.getProjectLauncher(); pl.prepare(); final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); final AtomicInteger exitCode = new AtomicInteger(-1); List<? extends RunSession> sessions = pl.getRunSessions(); assertEquals(1, sessions.size()); final RunSession session = sessions.get(0); Thread t = new Thread("test-launch") { public void run() { try { exitCode.set(session.launch()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { latch.countDown(); } } }; t.start(); Thread.sleep(500); for (Bundle b : context.getBundles()) { System.out.println(b.getLocation()); } assertEquals(4, context.getBundles().length); String p1 = t1.getAbsolutePath(); System.out.println(p1); assertNotNull(context.getBundle(p1)); assertNotNull(context.getBundle(t2.getAbsolutePath())); pl.cancel(); latch.await(); assertEquals(-3, exitCode.get()); bndrun.close(); }
/** Check if the getSubBuilders properly predicts the output. */ public static void testSubBuilders() throws Exception { Workspace ws = Workspace.getWorkspace(new File("test/ws")); Project project = ws.getProject("p4-sub"); Collection<? extends Builder> bs = project.getSubBuilders(); assertNotNull(bs); assertEquals(3, bs.size()); Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>(); for (Builder b : bs) { names.add(b.getBsn()); } assertTrue(names.contains("p4-sub.a")); assertTrue(names.contains("p4-sub.b")); assertTrue(names.contains("p4-sub.c")); File[] files = project.build(); assertTrue(project.check()); System.err.println(Processor.join(project.getErrors(), "\n")); System.err.println(Processor.join(project.getWarnings(), "\n")); assertEquals(0, project.getErrors().size()); assertEquals(0, project.getWarnings().size()); assertNotNull(files); assertEquals(3, files.length); for (File file : files) { Jar jar = new Jar(file); Manifest m = jar.getManifest(); assertTrue(names.contains(m.getMainAttributes().getValue("Bundle-SymbolicName"))); } }
/** * Returns all currently open projects. Returns an empty array if no projects are open. * * @return The openProjects value */ public BProject[] getOpenProjects() { if (!myWrapper.isValid()) throw new ExtensionUnloadedException(); Collection projects = Project.getProjects(); BProject[] result = new BProject[projects.size()]; Iterator iter; int index; for (iter = projects.iterator(), index = 0; iter.hasNext(); index++) { Project prj = (Project) iter.next(); result[index] = prj.getBProject(); } return result; }
public void getTestCase() throws Exception { TestCase testCaseObj = tmsManager.getTestCase("15"); System.out.println(testCaseObj.getTestCaseId()); System.out.println(testCaseObj.getTestCaseDescription()); System.out.println(testCaseObj.getTestCasePhase()); Project projectObj = testCaseObj.getProjectObj(); System.out.println(projectObj.getProjectId()); User userObj = testCaseObj.getUserObj(); System.out.println(userObj.getUserId()); Activity activityObj = testCaseObj.getActivityObj(); System.out.println(activityObj.getActivityId()); System.out.println(testCaseObj.getExpectedBehaviour()); }
// harvest proj file public void harvestProj(File f) throws Exception { Project proj = new Project("proj", pappl); JSReadable r = new JSReadable(f); try { proj.importXML(r); for (int i = 0; i < proj.nChild(); i++) { if (!(proj.child(i) instanceof PModel)) continue; PModel pmodel = (PModel) proj.child(i); String mml = pmodel.modelSource.stringVal(); processMML(f, pmodel.name(), mml); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Ignoring read error " + f); } }
/** @throws Exception If failed. */ @SuppressWarnings({"TypeMayBeWeakened"}) public void testCorrectAntGarTask() throws Exception { String tmpDirName = GridTestProperties.getProperty("ant.gar.tmpdir"); String srcDirName = GridTestProperties.getProperty("ant.gar.srcdir"); String baseDirName = tmpDirName + File.separator + System.currentTimeMillis() + "_0"; String metaDirName = baseDirName + File.separator + "META-INF"; String garFileName = baseDirName + ".gar"; String garDescDirName = U.resolveIgnitePath(GridTestProperties.getProperty("ant.gar.descriptor.dir")) .getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "ignite.xml"; // Make base and META-INF dir. boolean mkdir = new File(baseDirName).mkdirs(); assert mkdir; mkdir = new File(metaDirName).mkdirs(); assert mkdir; // Make Gar file U.copy(new File(garDescDirName), new File(metaDirName + File.separator + "ignite.xml"), true); // Copy files to basedir U.copy(new File(srcDirName), new File(baseDirName), true); IgniteDeploymentGarAntTask garTask = new IgniteDeploymentGarAntTask(); Project garProject = new Project(); garProject.setName("Gar test project"); garTask.setDestFile(new File(garFileName)); garTask.setBasedir(new File(baseDirName)); garTask.setProject(garProject); garTask.execute(); File garFile = new File(garFileName); assert garFile.exists(); boolean res = checkStructure(garFile, true); assert res; }
private void jMenuItemImportActionPerformed( java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { // GEN-FIRST:event_jMenuItemImportActionPerformed JFileChooser jfc = new JFileChooser(); jfc.setMultiSelectionEnabled(true); if (lastPath != null) { jfc.setCurrentDirectory(lastPath); } int fileDialogReturnVal = jfc.showOpenDialog(this); // now select the file if (fileDialogReturnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { // add code here to allow selection of a document class DocumentClassDialog d = DocumentClassDialog.showClassDialog(this, this.theProject); DocumentClass selectedClass = d.getSelectedDocumentClass(); File[] selected = jfc.getSelectedFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) { theProject.addNewDocument(selected[i], 1.0f, selected[i].toString(), selectedClass); } docFrameTableModel.fireTableDataChanged(); lastPath = new File(jfc.getSelectedFile().getPath()); } } // GEN-LAST:event_jMenuItemImportActionPerformed
/** @throws Exception If failed. */ public void testAntGarTaskWithDoubleP2PDescriptor() throws Exception { String tmpDirName = GridTestProperties.getProperty("ant.gar.tmpdir"); String srcDirName = GridTestProperties.getProperty("ant.gar.srcdir"); String baseDirName = tmpDirName + File.separator + System.currentTimeMillis() + "_2"; String metaDirName = baseDirName + File.separator + "META-INF"; String garFileName = baseDirName + ".gar"; String garDescrDirName = U.resolveIgnitePath(GridTestProperties.getProperty("ant.gar.descriptor.dir")) .getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "ignite.xml"; // Make base and META-INF dir. boolean mkdir = new File(baseDirName).mkdirs(); assert mkdir; mkdir = new File(metaDirName).mkdirs(); assert mkdir; // Make Gar file U.copy(new File(garDescrDirName), new File(metaDirName + File.separator + "ignite.xml"), true); // Copy files to basedir U.copy(new File(srcDirName), new File(baseDirName), true); IgniteDeploymentGarAntTask garTask = new IgniteDeploymentGarAntTask(); Project garProject = new Project(); garProject.setName("Gar test project"); garTask.setDestFile(new File(garFileName)); garTask.setDescrdir(new File(garDescrDirName)); garTask.setBasedir(new File(baseDirName)); garTask.setProject(garProject); try { garTask.execute(); assert false; } catch (BuildException e) { if (log().isInfoEnabled()) log().info(e.getMessage()); } }
/** * Treat the file specially if it represents a metadata file, which includes: - project * description file (.project) - project preferences files (*.prefs) * * <p>This method is called whenever it is discovered that a file has been modified (added, * removed, or changed). */ public void updateMetadataFiles() throws CoreException { int count = path.segmentCount(); String name = path.segment(1); // is this a project description file? if (count == 2 && name.equals(IProjectDescription.DESCRIPTION_FILE_NAME)) { Project project = (Project) getProject(); project.updateDescription(); // Discard stale project natures on ProjectInfo ProjectInfo projectInfo = (ProjectInfo) project.getResourceInfo(false, true); projectInfo.discardNatures(); return; } // check to see if we are in the .settings directory if (count == 3 && EclipsePreferences.DEFAULT_PREFERENCES_DIRNAME.equals(name)) { ProjectPreferences.updatePreferences(this); return; } }
@Override public void delete(Project p) throws IOException { File root = p.getWorkspace().getFile("pom.xml"); String rootPom = IO.collect(root); if (rootPom.contains(getTag(p))) { rootPom = rootPom.replaceAll("\n\\s*" + getTag(p) + "\\s*", "\n"); IO.store(rootPom, root); } }
/** * Loads an OLS data file from the given file. * * @param aFile the file to load as OLS data, cannot be <code>null</code>. * @throws IOException in case of I/O problems. */ public void openDataFile(final File aFile) throws IOException { final FileReader reader = new FileReader(aFile); try { final Project tempProject = this.projectManager.createTemporaryProject(); OlsDataHelper.read(tempProject, reader); setChannelLabels(tempProject.getChannelLabels()); setCapturedData(tempProject.getCapturedData()); setCursorData(tempProject.getCursorPositions(), tempProject.isCursorsEnabled()); } finally { reader.close(); zoomToFit(); updateActions(); } }
/** * Creates a new BlueJ project. * * @param directory where you want the project be placed, it must be writable. * @param projectType the type of project, such as ME or SE. * @return the newly created BProject if successful, null otherwise. */ public BProject newProject(File directory, int projectType) { if (!myWrapper.isValid()) throw new ExtensionUnloadedException(); String pathString = directory.getAbsolutePath(); if (!pathString.endsWith(File.separator)) pathString += File.separator; if (!Project.createNewProject(pathString, projectType == ME_PROJECT)) return null; return openProject(directory); }
/*--------------------------------------------UpdateTestPhase---------------------------------------*/ public void updateTestPhase() throws Exception { testPhaseObj.setPhaseId("101"); testPhaseObj.setPhaseName("functional testing"); projectObj.setProjectId("002"); testPhaseObj.setProjectObj(projectObj); testPhaseObj.setDescription("test phase function test under process"); testPhaseObj.setIsAlive(1); testPhaseObj.setTimeStamp("null"); System.out.println(tmsManager.updateTestPhase(testPhaseObj)); }
/* ---------------------------------------------- CreateTest phase -------------------------------------*/ public void createTestPhase() throws Exception { testPhaseObj.setPhaseId("101"); testPhaseObj.setPhaseName("System test"); projectObj.setProjectId("003"); testPhaseObj.setProjectObj(projectObj); testPhaseObj.setDescription(" this is phase System test"); testPhaseObj.setIsAlive(0); testPhaseObj.setTimeStamp("null"); System.out.println(tmsManager.createTestPhase(testPhaseObj)); }
// mainline public static final void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // parse command line if (args.length != 5) throw new Xcept( "Example2 usage: project-file model input-variable input-value output-variable"); JSReadable projFile = new JSReadable(args[0]); String modelName = args[1]; String uname = args[2]; String uvalue = args[3]; String vname = args[4]; // load application server and project PApplication appl = new PApplication(); Project proj = new Project("proj", appl); proj.importXML(projFile); // find and compile model PModel pmodel = (PModel) proj.child(modelName); PJob pjob = new PModelBuildJob(pmodel); pjob.simpleRun(); ASModel rt = pmodel.rt(); // set input variable ASVar u = rt.getASVar(uname); u.setAssign(uvalue); // run model pjob = new PModelRunJob(pmodel); pjob.simpleRun(); // query output variable ASVar v = rt.getASVar(vname); Data data = rt.getData(0, v); // print output in PrettyFormat DataFormat fmt = new PrettyDataFormat(); DataWriter wrt = fmt.createWriter(); Data.List list = new Data.List(1); list.add(data); wrt.writeData(System.out, list); }
public void createTestCase() throws Exception { testCaseObj.setTestCaseId("15"); testCaseObj.setTestCaseDescription("this s Next testcase Description"); testCaseObj.setTestCasePhase("normal "); Project projectObj = new Project(); projectObj.setProjectId("2"); testCaseObj.setProjectObj(projectObj); User userObj = new User(); userObj.setUserId("123"); testCaseObj.setUserObj(userObj); Activity activityObj = new Activity(); activityObj.setActivityId("001"); testCaseObj.setActivityObj(activityObj); testCaseObj.setExpectedBehaviour("Bad"); System.out.println(tmsManager.createTestCase(testCaseObj)); }