public void parse() { Stack<Node> nodeStack = new Stack(); nodeStack.push(this.rootNode); for (String key : this.orgPaths.keySet()) { String altName = this.orgPaths.get(key); Log.d(LT, "Parsing: " + key); // if file is encrypted just add a placeholder node to be parsed later if (key.endsWith(".gpg") || key.endsWith(".pgp") || key.endsWith(".enc")) { Node nnode = new Node(key, true); nnode.altNodeTitle = altName; nnode.setParentNode(nodeStack.peek()); nnode.addProperty("ID", this.getNodePath(nnode)); nodeStack.peek().addChildNode(nnode); continue; } Node fileNode = new Node(key, false); fileNode.setParentNode(nodeStack.peek()); fileNode.addProperty("ID", this.getNodePath(fileNode)); fileNode.altNodeTitle = altName; nodeStack.peek().addChildNode(fileNode); nodeStack.push(fileNode); parse(fileNode, null); nodeStack.pop(); } }
public void parse(Node fileNode, BufferedReader breader) { Pattern editTitlePattern = Pattern.compile("F\\((edit:.*?)\\) \\[\\[(.*?)\\]\\[(.*?)\\]\\]"); try { this.todos = appdb.getTodos(); String thisLine; Stack<Node> nodeStack = new Stack(); Pattern propertiesLine = Pattern.compile("^\\s*:[A-Z]+:"); if (breader == null) { breader = this.getHandle(fileNode.nodeName); } nodeStack.push(fileNode); int nodeDepth = 0; while ((thisLine = breader.readLine()) != null) { int numstars = 0; Matcher editm = editTitlePattern.matcher(thisLine); if (thisLine.length() < 1 || editm.find()) continue; if (thisLine.charAt(0) == '#') { if (thisLine.indexOf("#+TITLE:") != -1) { fileNode.altNodeTitle = thisLine.substring(thisLine.indexOf("#+TITLE:") + 8).trim(); } } for (int idx = 0; idx < thisLine.length(); idx++) { if (thisLine.charAt(idx) != '*') { break; } numstars++; } if (numstars >= thisLine.length() || thisLine.charAt(numstars) != ' ') { numstars = 0; } // headings if (numstars > 0) { String title = thisLine.substring(numstars + 1); TitleComponents titleComp = parseTitle(this.stripTitle(title)); Node newNode = new Node(titleComp.title); newNode.setFullTitle(this.stripTitle(title)); newNode.todo = titleComp.todo; newNode.priority = titleComp.priority; newNode.tags.addAll(titleComp.tags); if (numstars > nodeDepth) { try { Node lastNode = nodeStack.peek(); newNode.setParentNode(lastNode); newNode.nodeId = this.getNodePath(newNode); newNode.addProperty("ID", newNode.nodeId); lastNode.addChildNode(newNode); } catch (EmptyStackException e) { } nodeStack.push(newNode); nodeDepth++; } else if (numstars == nodeDepth) { nodeStack.pop(); nodeStack.peek().addChildNode(newNode); newNode.setParentNode(nodeStack.peek()); newNode.nodeId = this.getNodePath(newNode); newNode.addProperty("ID", newNode.nodeId); nodeStack.push(newNode); } else if (numstars < nodeDepth) { for (; numstars <= nodeDepth; nodeDepth--) { nodeStack.pop(); } Node lastNode = nodeStack.peek(); newNode.setParentNode(lastNode); newNode.nodeId = this.getNodePath(newNode); newNode.addProperty("ID", newNode.nodeId); lastNode.addChildNode(newNode); nodeStack.push(newNode); nodeDepth++; } } // content else { Matcher propm = propertiesLine.matcher(thisLine); Node lastNode = nodeStack.peek(); if (thisLine.indexOf(":ID:") != -1) { String trimmedLine = thisLine.substring(thisLine.indexOf(":ID:") + 4).trim(); lastNode.addProperty("ID", trimmedLine); lastNode.nodeId = trimmedLine; continue; } else if (thisLine.indexOf(":ORIGINAL_ID:") != -1) { String trimmedLine = thisLine.substring(thisLine.indexOf(":ORIGINAL_ID:") + 13).trim(); lastNode.addProperty("ORIGINAL_ID", trimmedLine); lastNode.nodeId = trimmedLine; continue; } else if (propm.find()) { continue; } else if (thisLine.indexOf("DEADLINE:") != -1 || thisLine.indexOf("SCHEDULED:") != -1) { try { Pattern deadlineP = Pattern.compile("^.*(DEADLINE: <.+?>)"); Matcher deadlineM = deadlineP.matcher(thisLine); Pattern schedP = Pattern.compile("^.*(SCHEDULED: <.+?>)"); Matcher schedM = schedP.matcher(thisLine); SimpleDateFormat dFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("'DEADLINE': <yyyy-MM-dd EEE>"); SimpleDateFormat sFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("'SCHEDULED': <yyyy-MM-dd EEE>"); if (deadlineM.find()) { lastNode.deadline = dFormatter.parse(; } if (schedM.find()) { lastNode.schedule = sFormatter.parse(; } } catch (java.text.ParseException e) { Log.e(LT, "Could not parse deadline"); } continue; } lastNode.addPayload(thisLine); } } for (; nodeDepth > 0; nodeDepth--) { nodeStack.pop(); } fileNode.parsed = true; breader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(LT, "IO Exception on readerline: " + e.getMessage()); } }