public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { int x; int y; e.consume(); if (mouseEventsEnabled) { x = Math.round(e.getX() / scale); y = Math.round(e.getY() / scale); // allow for the canvas margin y -= margin; // System.out.println("Mouse Click: (" + x + ", " + y + ")"); if (e.getClickCount() < 2) { if (nativeSelectItem(x, y)) { parentFTAFrame.updateFrame(); } } else { if (nativeSelectItem(x, y)) { parentFTAFrame.updateFrame(); } editSelected(); parentFTAFrame.updateFrame(); } if (focusEventsEnabled) { // tell the main Canvas to point to this coordinate parentFTAFrame.setCanvasFocus(x, y); } } }
/** * Reads image meta data. * * @param oimage * @return */ public static Map<String, String> readImageData(IIOImage oimage) { Map<String, String> dict = new HashMap<String, String>(); IIOMetadata imageMetadata = oimage.getMetadata(); if (imageMetadata != null) { IIOMetadataNode dimNode = (IIOMetadataNode) imageMetadata.getAsTree("javax_imageio_1.0"); NodeList nodes = dimNode.getElementsByTagName("HorizontalPixelSize"); int dpiX; if (nodes.getLength() > 0) { float dpcWidth = Float.parseFloat(nodes.item(0).getAttributes().item(0).getNodeValue()); dpiX = (int) Math.round(25.4f / dpcWidth); } else { dpiX = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenResolution(); } dict.put("dpiX", String.valueOf(dpiX)); nodes = dimNode.getElementsByTagName("VerticalPixelSize"); int dpiY; if (nodes.getLength() > 0) { float dpcHeight = Float.parseFloat(nodes.item(0).getAttributes().item(0).getNodeValue()); dpiY = (int) Math.round(25.4f / dpcHeight); } else { dpiY = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenResolution(); } dict.put("dpiY", String.valueOf(dpiY)); } return dict; }
// Give the string and horizontal and verical offsets so that the label is // drawn in the center. public void drawLabel(Graphics g, String label, int hoffset, int voffset) { g.setColor(; int pixelsPerNm = DrawPanel.PIXELS_PER_NM; int xint = (int) Math.round(pixelsPerNm * z); int yint = (int) Math.round(pixelsPerNm * y); g.drawString(label, xint - hoffset, yint + voffset); }
public static String formatLocation(Location location) { return String.format( "%s: (%d, %d, %d)", location.getWorld().getName(), Math.round(location.getX()), Math.round(location.getY()), Math.round(location.getZ())); }
/** * Creates Gaussian derivative kernels. * * @param sigmas DOCUMENT ME! */ private void makeKernels2D(float[] sigmas) { int xkDim, ykDim; int[] derivOrder = new int[2]; kExtents = new int[2]; derivOrder[0] = 2; derivOrder[1] = 0; xkDim = Math.round(8 * sigmas[0]); if ((xkDim % 2) == 0) { xkDim++; } if (xkDim < 3) { xkDim = 3; } kExtents[0] = xkDim; ykDim = Math.round(8 * sigmas[1]); if ((ykDim % 2) == 0) { ykDim++; } if (ykDim < 3) { ykDim = 3; } kExtents[1] = ykDim; GxxData = new float[xkDim * ykDim]; GenerateGaussian Gxx = new GenerateGaussian(GxxData, kExtents, sigmas, derivOrder); Gxx.calc(false); derivOrder[0] = 0; derivOrder[1] = 2; GyyData = new float[xkDim * ykDim]; GenerateGaussian Gyy = new GenerateGaussian(GyyData, kExtents, sigmas, derivOrder); Gyy.calc(false); float tmp; for (int i = 0; i < GyyData.length; i++) { tmp = -(GxxData[i] + GyyData[i]); if (tmp > 0) { tmp *= amplificationFactor; } GxxData[i] = tmp; } }
private int[] quad_eq(double a, double b, double c) { int[] roots = new int[2]; double body = Math.sqrt(b * b - 4.0 * a * c); roots[0] = (int) Math.round((-b + body) / (2.0 * a)); roots[1] = (int) Math.round((-b - body) / (2.0 * a)); return roots; }
public void drawNotOK(Graphics g, int widthX, int heightX) { int pixelsPerNm = DrawPanel.PIXELS_PER_NM; int xint = (int) Math.round(pixelsPerNm * z); int yint = (int) Math.round(pixelsPerNm * y); int rint = (int) Math.round(pixelsPerNm * type.getRadius()); g.setColor(Color.white); g.fillRect(xint - rint, yint + rint - heightX, widthX, heightX); g.setColor(; g.drawRect(xint - rint, yint + rint - heightX, widthX, heightX); g.drawString("X", xint - rint, yint + rint); }
/** * Draw picture (gif, jpg, or png) centered on (x, y). * * @param x the center x-coordinate of the image * @param y the center y-coordinate of the image * @param s the name of the image/picture, e.g., "ball.gif" * @throws RuntimeException if the image is corrupt */ public static void picture(double x, double y, String s) { Image image = getImage(s); double xs = scaleX(x); double ys = scaleY(y); int ws = image.getWidth(null); int hs = image.getHeight(null); if (ws < 0 || hs < 0) throw new RuntimeException("image " + s + " is corrupt"); offscreen.drawImage( image, (int) Math.round(xs - ws / 2.0), (int) Math.round(ys - hs / 2.0), null); draw(); }
public void drawSelected(Graphics2D g2) { double r = type.getRadius(); Color c = type.getColor(); g2.setColor(c); int pixelsPerNm = DrawPanel.PIXELS_PER_NM; // In the drawPanel we map the z-coordinate to the x-coordinate int xint = (int) Math.round(pixelsPerNm * z); int yint = (int) Math.round(pixelsPerNm * y); int rint = (int) Math.round(pixelsPerNm * r); g2.fillOval(xint - rint, yint - rint, 2 * rint, 2 * rint); g2.setColor(Color.BLACK); g2.drawOval(xint - rint, yint - rint, 2 * rint, 2 * rint); }
public static BufferedImage scaleImage(BufferedImage bi, double scale) { int w1 = (int) (Math.round(scale * bi.getWidth())); int h1 = (int) (Math.round(scale * bi.getHeight())); BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(w1, h1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D g2 = image.createGraphics(); g2.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC); g2.setPaint(Color.white); g2.fillRect(0, 0, w1, h1); g2.drawImage(bi, 0, 0, w1, h1, null); // this); g2.dispose(); return image; }
/** * Конвертация строки типа: 5 Minutes * * @param str * @return */ private static int parseDuration(String str) throws ParseException { int idx = str.indexOf(' '); float num = DF.parse(str.substring(0, idx)).floatValue(); switch (str.substring(idx + 1)) { case "Seconds": return Math.round(num); case "Minutes": return Math.round(num * 60); default: throw new ParseException("Неизвестный формат единиц: " + str, idx + 1); } }
/** Creates Gaussian derivative kernels. */ private void makeKernels2D() { int xkDim, ykDim; int[] derivOrder = new int[2]; kExtents = new int[2]; derivOrder[0] = 2; derivOrder[1] = 0; xkDim = Math.round(8 * sigmas[0]); if ((xkDim % 2) == 0) { xkDim++; } if (xkDim < 3) { xkDim = 3; } kExtents[0] = xkDim; ykDim = Math.round(8 * sigmas[1]); if ((ykDim % 2) == 0) { ykDim++; } if (ykDim < 3) { ykDim = 3; } kExtents[1] = ykDim; GxxData = new float[xkDim * ykDim]; GenerateGaussian Gxx = new GenerateGaussian(GxxData, kExtents, sigmas, derivOrder); Gxx.calc(false); Gxx.finalize(); Gxx = null; derivOrder[0] = 0; derivOrder[1] = 2; GyyData = new float[xkDim * ykDim]; GenerateGaussian Gyy = new GenerateGaussian(GyyData, kExtents, sigmas, derivOrder); Gyy.calc(false); Gyy.finalize(); Gyy = null; }
private void loadHint(TTGlyph a_glyph, EContourPoint a_point, int a_index) { double x = a_point.getX(); double y = a_point.getY(); XHint[] hints = a_point.getHint(); for (int i = 0; i < hints.length; i++) { EHint hint = (EHint) hints[i]; double xHint = hint.getX(); double yHint = hint.getY(); if (x == xHint && y == yHint) { continue; } // if double xDelta = xHint - x; double yDelta = yHint - y; int instruction = TTGlyph.DELTAP1; double deltaStep = ((double) Engine.getEm()) / hint.getPpem() / 8; int xShift = (int) Math.round(xDelta / deltaStep); int yShift = (int) Math.round(yDelta / deltaStep); if (xShift == 0 && yShift == 0) { continue; } // if a_glyph.addInstruction(TTGlyph.PUSHB000); a_glyph.addInstruction((int) hint.getPpem()); a_glyph.addInstruction(TTGlyph.SDB); if (xShift != 0) { a_glyph.addInstruction(TTGlyph.SVTCA1); a_glyph.addInstruction(TTGlyph.PUSHB010); a_glyph.addInstruction(TTGlyph.toDeltaArg(0, xShift)); a_glyph.addInstruction(a_index); a_glyph.addInstruction(1); a_glyph.addInstruction(TTGlyph.DELTAP1); } // if if (yShift != 0) { a_glyph.addInstruction(TTGlyph.SVTCA0); a_glyph.addInstruction(TTGlyph.PUSHB010); a_glyph.addInstruction(TTGlyph.toDeltaArg(0, yShift)); a_glyph.addInstruction(a_index); a_glyph.addInstruction(1); a_glyph.addInstruction(TTGlyph.DELTAP1); } // if } // for i }
/** * Draw picture (gif, jpg, or png) centered on (x, y), rotated given number of degrees * * @param x the center x-coordinate of the image * @param y the center y-coordinate of the image * @param s the name of the image/picture, e.g., "ball.gif" * @param degrees is the number of degrees to rotate counterclockwise * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the image is corrupt */ public static void picture(double x, double y, String s, double degrees) { Image image = getImage(s); double xs = scaleX(x); double ys = scaleY(y); int ws = image.getWidth(null); int hs = image.getHeight(null); if (ws < 0 || hs < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("image " + s + " is corrupt"); offscreen.rotate(Math.toRadians(-degrees), xs, ys); offscreen.drawImage( image, (int) Math.round(xs - ws / 2.0), (int) Math.round(ys - hs / 2.0), null); offscreen.rotate(Math.toRadians(+degrees), xs, ys); draw(); }
public Value eval(RCvalue args) throws EvalException { if ((args.size() < 0) || (3 < args.size())) throw new EvalException("usage: reduce(polygon, [errtol,[edgeReducible] ] ])"); if (!(args.value(0) instanceof PolygonValue)) throw new EvalException("reduce: first operand must be a polygon"); double errtol = defaultErrtol; if (args.size() >= 2) { // get error tolerance if (!(args.value(1) instanceof DoubleValue)) throw new EvalException("reduce: second operand must be an integer"); errtol = ((DoubleValue) (args.value(1))).value(); } boolean edgeReducible = true; if (args.size() >= 3) { double temp = ((DoubleValue) (args.value(2))).value(); edgeReducible = (temp > 0); // temp = 1, edge reducible, otherwise, not } Polygon.EndCondition ec = new Polygon.CostEndCondition(errtol); if (errtol >= 3) { int maxV = (int) Math.round(errtol); ec = new Polygon.DegreeEndCondition(maxV); } PolygonValue p = (PolygonValue) (args.value(0)); Polygon poly = p.polygon(); if (poly instanceof ConvexPolygon) { // NOTE: connection for reduce if (edgeReducible) return new PolygonValue(((ConvexPolygon) poly).reduce(ec)); else return p; // can't reduce because convex polygon can only reduce edge } else { return new PolygonValue(poly.reduce(ec, true, edgeReducible)); } }
// public void savePDF(){ // Rectangle suggestedPageSize = getITextPageSize(page1.getPageSize()); // Rectangle pageSize = rotatePageIfNecessary(suggestedPageSize); // //rotate if we need landscape // Document document = new Document(pageSize); // // PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(outputFile)); //; // Graphics2D graphics = cb.createGraphics(pageSize.getWidth(), pageSize.getHeight()); // // // call your GTRenderer here // GTRenderer draw = new StreamingRenderer(); // draw.setMapContent(mapContent); // // draw.paint(graphics, outputArea, mapContent.getLayerBounds() ); // // // cleanup // graphics.dispose(); // // //cleanup // document.close(); // writer.close(); // } public void saveImage(final MapContent map, final String file, final int imageWidth) { GTRenderer renderer = new StreamingRenderer(); renderer.setMapContent(map); Rectangle imageBounds = null; ReferencedEnvelope mapBounds = null; try { mapBounds = map.getMaxBounds(); double heightToWidth = mapBounds.getSpan(1) / mapBounds.getSpan(0); imageBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, imageWidth, (int) Math.round(imageWidth * heightToWidth)); } catch (Exception e) { // failed to access mapContent layers throw new RuntimeException(e); } BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(imageBounds.width, imageBounds.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D gr = image.createGraphics(); gr.setPaint(Color.WHITE); gr.fill(imageBounds); try { renderer.paint(gr, imageBounds, mapBounds); File fileToSave = new File(file); ImageIO.write(image, "jpeg", fileToSave); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public static void main(String[] s) throws IOException { char moves[] = new char[9], player = (int) Math.round(Math.random() * 1) == 1 ? 'X' : 'O'; int move = 0; boolean winner = false, draw = false, init = false; for (int i = 0; i < moves.length; i++) moves[i] = '*'; drawScreen(moves, player, move, init); init = true; while (!winner && !draw) { player = (player == 'X') ? 'O' : 'X'; move = checkMove(moves, getInput()); drawScreen(moves, player, move, init); winner = checkForWinner(moves, player); draw = checkForDraw(moves); } if (winner) { newLine(3); System.out.println("Winner!"); System.out.println("Player " + player + " wins!"); } else { newLine(3); System.out.println("Draw!"); System.out.println("Nobody wins."); } }
/** Signals that a PooledThread has started. Creates the Thread's line and buffer. */ protected void threadStarted() { // wait for the SoundManager constructor to finish synchronized (this) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } // use a short, 100ms (1/10th sec) buffer for filters that // change in real-time int bufferSize = playbackFormat.getFrameSize() * Math.round(playbackFormat.getSampleRate() / 10); // create, open, and start the line SourceDataLine line; DataLine.Info lineInfo = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class, playbackFormat); try { line = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(lineInfo);, bufferSize); } catch (LineUnavailableException ex) { // the line is unavailable - signal to end this thread Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return; } line.start(); // create the buffer byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; // set this thread's locals localLine.set(line); localBuffer.set(buffer); }
protected double roundToThreeDigits(double val) { val = Math.round(1000 * val) / 1000.0; if (val == 0) { val = 0.001; } return val; }
public void extractionProgress(String identifier, float percentageDone) { int trackableProgress = Math.round(percentageDone * range); if (trackableProgress > lastProgressUpdate) { parent.extractionProgress(identifier, trackableProgress); lastProgressUpdate = trackableProgress; } }
public static Element ranking_Genes(Document doc, IndividualStat is, int number) { Element genes = doc.createElement(Consts.XML_TAG_GENES); doc.getElementsByTagName(Consts.DATA_ROOT).item(0).appendChild(genes); float[] scores = null; Integer[] index; if (number > Symbols.length) number = Symbols.length; if (is != null) { index = is.get_Order(); scores = is.get_GeneScores(Symbols.length - 1, 0); for (int i = Symbols.length - 1; i >= Symbols.length - number; i--) { Element gene = doc.createElement(Consts.XML_TAG_GENE); gene.setAttribute(Consts.XML_TAG_ID, Symbols[index[i]]); XmlWriter.append_text_element( doc, gene, Consts.XML_TAG_CHROMOSOME, ChrList[Chrs[index[i]]]); XmlWriter.append_text_element( doc, gene, Consts.XML_TAG_FROM, Integer.toString(Starts[index[i]] + 1)); XmlWriter.append_text_element( doc, gene, Consts.XML_TAG_TO, Integer.toString(Ends[index[i]])); XmlWriter.append_text_element( doc, gene, Consts.XML_TAG_SCORE, Float.toString(Math.round(scores[index[i]] * 10) / 10)); genes.appendChild(gene); } } return genes; }
public static Element overlap_Genes( Document doc, String chr, int start, int end, IndividualStat is) { Element genes = doc.createElement(Consts.XML_TAG_GENES); doc.getElementsByTagName(Consts.DATA_ROOT).item(0).appendChild(genes); if (ChrMap.containsKey(chr)) { int[] range = binarySearchOverlap(ChrMap.get(chr), start, end); if (range != null) { float[] scores = null; if (is != null) scores = is.get_GeneScores(range[1], range[0]); for (int i = range[0]; i <= range[1]; i++) { Element gene = doc.createElement(Consts.XML_TAG_GENE); gene.setAttribute(Consts.XML_TAG_ID, Symbols[i]); XmlWriter.append_text_element( doc, gene, Consts.XML_TAG_FROM, Integer.toString(Starts[i] + 1)); XmlWriter.append_text_element(doc, gene, Consts.XML_TAG_TO, Integer.toString(Ends[i])); if (is != null) XmlWriter.append_text_element( doc, gene, Consts.XML_TAG_SCORE, Float.toString(Math.round(scores[i - range[0]] * 10) / 10)); genes.appendChild(gene); } } } return genes; }
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { Scanner sf = new Scanner(new File("D:\\IB CS\\temp_Aman\\")); int maxIndx = -1; String text[] = new String[1000]; while (sf.hasNext()) // this allows the program to assign each line in the text file a variable { maxIndx++; text[maxIndx] = sf.nextLine(); } for (int j = 0; j <= 4; j++) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(text[j]); String name =; // this helps identify the Strings, which are the names of students, in each // line double sum = 0.0; // it starts the sum and count variables with zero because they change as they move // along with the while loop int count = 0; while (sc.hasNext()) { sum = sum + sc.nextDouble(); // this while loop helps find out the number of integers in the // line and adds all of these numbers as well count = count + 1; } double avg = sum / count; int y = (int) Math.round(avg); // this converts the double variable avg to an integer System.out.println(name + "," + " average = " + y); } }
double oblicz_wage(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { double x = (double) Math.pow(Math.abs((x1 - x2)), 2); double y = (double) Math.pow(Math.abs((y1 - y2)), 2); double wynik = Math.sqrt(x + y) * 1000; wynik = Math.round(wynik); return (wynik / 1000); }
private void func_22181_a( File file, ArrayList arraylist, int i, int j, IProgressUpdate iprogressupdate) { Collections.sort(arraylist); byte abyte0[] = new byte[4096]; int i1; for (Iterator iterator = arraylist.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); iprogressupdate.setLoadingProgress(i1)) { ChunkFile chunkfile = (ChunkFile); int k = chunkfile.func_22323_b(); int l = chunkfile.func_22321_c(); RegionFile regionfile = RegionFileCache.func_22193_a(file, k, l); if (!regionfile.func_22202_c(k & 0x1f, l & 0x1f)) { try { DataInputStream datainputstream = new DataInputStream( new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(chunkfile.func_22324_a()))); DataOutputStream dataoutputstream = regionfile.getChunkDataOutputStream(k & 0x1f, l & 0x1f); for (int j1 = 0; (j1 = != -1; ) { dataoutputstream.write(abyte0, 0, j1); } dataoutputstream.close(); datainputstream.close(); } catch (IOException ioexception) { ioexception.printStackTrace(); } } i++; i1 = (int) Math.round((100D * (double) i) / (double) j); } RegionFileCache.func_22192_a(); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException // This class will not handle IO error but throws them to the calling program { // declare and construct variables String sHeight, sWeight; int iInches = 0, iPounds = 0; double dKilograms = 0.0, dMeters = 0.0, dIndex = 0.0; BufferedReader dataIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; // print prompts and get input System.out.println("\tTHE SUN FITNESS CENTER BODY MASS INDEX CALCULATOR"); System.out.println(); System.out.print("\tEnter your height to the nearest inch: "); sHeight = dataIn.readLine(); iInches = Integer.parseInt(sHeight); System.out.print("\tEnter your weight to the nearest pound: "); sWeight = dataIn.readLine(); iPounds = Integer.parseInt(sWeight); // Calculations dMeters = iInches / 39.36; dKilograms = iPounds / 2.2; dIndex = dKilograms / Math.pow(dMeters, 2); // Output System.out.println(); System.out.println("\tYOUR BODY MASS INDEX IS: " + Math.round(dIndex) + " "); System.out.println(); } // end main method
/** Computes and returns the distance between two entities */ public int getDistance(WorldEntity e) { Point wp = e.getPosition(); Point mep = getPosition(); int dx = wp.x - mep.x; int dy = wp.y - mep.y; return ((int) Math.round(Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy))); }
private void indexFiles(ArrayList<String> images, DocumentBuilder builder, String indexPath) throws IOException { // eventually check if the directory is there or not ... IndexWriter iw = LuceneUtils.createIndexWriter(testIndex, false); int count = 0; long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (String identifier : images) { // TODO: cut toes from the image ... -> doesn't work out very well. Stable at first, // decreasing then. // TODO: Joint Histogram ... // TODO: LSA / PCA on the vectors ...-> this looks like a job for me :-D // TODO: local features ... Document doc = null; if (cutImages) { BufferedImage bimg = ImageUtils.cropImage( FileInputStream(identifier)), 0, 0, 200, 69); doc = builder.createDocument(bimg, identifier); } else doc = builder.createDocument(new FileInputStream(identifier), identifier); iw.addDocument(doc); count++; if (count % 100 == 0) { int percent = (int) Math.floor(((double) count * 100.0) / (double) images.size()); double timeTemp = (double) (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) / 1000d; int secsLeft = (int) Math.round(((timeTemp / (double) count) * (double) images.size()) - timeTemp); System.out.println(percent + "% finished (" + count + " files), " + secsLeft + " s left"); } } long timeTaken = (System.currentTimeMillis() - time); float sec = ((float) timeTaken) / 1000f; System.out.println(sec + " seconds taken, " + (timeTaken / count) + " ms per image."); iw.commit(); iw.close(); }
public SVGTileProvider(File file, float dpi) throws IOException { mScale = Math.round(dpi + .3f); // Make it look nice on N7 (1.3 dpi) mDimension = BASE_TILE_SIZE * mScale; mPool = new TileGeneratorPool(POOL_MAX_SIZE); SVG svg = new SVGBuilder().readFromInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)).build(); mSvgPicture = svg.getPicture(); RectF limits = svg.getLimits(); // These values map the SVG file to world coordinates. // See: mBaseMatrix = new Matrix(); mBaseMatrix.setPolyToPoly( new float[] { 0, 0, // North-West limits.width(), 0, // North-East limits.width(), limits.height() // South-East }, 0, BuildConfig.MAP_FLOORPLAN_MAPPING, 0, 3); }
private void parseMeasure(String value, double measures[]) { for (int i = 0; i < 360; i++) { measures[i] = 100.0; } if (value.length() >= 5) { value = value.substring(5); // removes the "SCAN " keyword StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(value, " "); double distance; int direction; while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { distance = Double.parseDouble(tokenizer.nextToken().substring(2)); direction = (int) Math.round(Math.toDegrees(Double.parseDouble(tokenizer.nextToken().substring(2)))); if (direction == 360) { direction = 0; } measures[direction] = distance; // Printing out all the degrees and what it encountered. System.out.println("direction = " + direction + " distance = " + distance); } } }