public String _range(String args[]) { verifyCommand(args, _rangeHelp, _rangePattern, 2, 3); Version version = null; if (args.length >= 3) version = new Version(args[2]); else { String v = domain.getProperty("@"); if (v == null) return null; version = new Version(v); } String spec = args[1]; Matcher m = RANGE_MASK.matcher(spec); m.matches(); String floor =; String floorMask =; String ceilingMask =; String ceiling =; String left = version(version, floorMask); String right = version(version, ceilingMask); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(floor); sb.append(left); sb.append(","); sb.append(right); sb.append(ceiling); String s = sb.toString(); VersionRange vr = new VersionRange(s); if (!(vr.includes(vr.getHigh()) || vr.includes(vr.getLow()))) { domain.error( "${range} macro created an invalid range %s from %s and mask %s", s, version, spec); } return sb.toString(); }
public static void verifyCommand( String args[], @SuppressWarnings("unused") String help, Pattern[] patterns, int low, int high) { String message = ""; if (args.length > high) { message = "too many arguments"; } else if (args.length < low) { message = "too few arguments"; } else { for (int i = 0; patterns != null && i < patterns.length && i < args.length; i++) { if (patterns[i] != null) { Matcher m = patterns[i].matcher(args[i]); if (!m.matches()) message += String.format( "Argument %s (%s) does not match %s%n", i, args[i], patterns[i].pattern()); } } } if (message.length() != 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String del = "${"; for (String arg : args) { sb.append(del); sb.append(arg); del = ";"; } sb.append("}, is not understood. "); sb.append(message); throw new IllegalArgumentException(sb.toString()); } }
public void testBaseUrlPath() throws Exception { sau1 = setupSimAu(simAuConfig(tempDirPath)); createContent(sau1); crawlContent(sau1); CachedUrlSet cus1 = sau1.getAuCachedUrlSet(); tempDirPath2 = getTempDir().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator; Configuration config2 = simAuConfig(tempDirPath2); config2.put("base_url", ""); SimulatedArchivalUnit sau2 = setupSimAu(config2); createContent(sau2); crawlContent(sau2); CachedUrlSet cus2 = sau1.getAuCachedUrlSet(); List urls1 = auUrls(sau1); List urls2 = auUrls(sau2); Pattern pat1 = Pattern.compile("http://www\\.example\\.com(/.*)$"); Pattern pat2 = Pattern.compile("http://anotherhost\\.org/some/path(/.*)$"); List<String> l1 = auUrls(sau1); List<String> l2 = auUrls(sau2); assertEquals(l1.size(), l2.size()); for (int ix = 0; ix < l1.size(); ix++) { Matcher m1 = pat1.matcher(l1.get(ix)); assertTrue(m1.matches()); Matcher m2 = pat2.matcher(l2.get(ix)); assertTrue(m2.matches()); assertEquals(,; } }
/** * Get the noun and verb <roots> (i.e. 'the highest' synsets in WordNet) from the particular * 'icfile' (Information Content) that you are applying. Store a noun <root>: a synset offset * number of type Integer in nounroots: an ArrayList<Integer> defined in the constructor of this * class. Store a verb <root>: a synset offset number of type Integer in verbroots: an * ArrayList<Integer> defined in the constructor of this class. * * <p>An example line in an 'icfile', showing a noun <root>: 1740n 128767 ROOT */ private void getRoots() { Pattern pn = Pattern.compile("[0-9]+n [0-9]+ ROOT"); // find noun <root> Pattern pv = Pattern.compile("[0-9]+v [0-9]+ ROOT"); // find verb <root> Matcher m = null; String root = ""; try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(icfile)); String line; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { // nouns m = pn.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { root = (line.split("\\s")[0]).split("n")[0]; // !!! double split !!! nounroots.add(Integer.parseInt(root)); } // verbs m = pv.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { root = (line.split("\\s")[0]).split("v")[0]; // !!! double split !!! verbroots.add(Integer.parseInt(root)); } } in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public boolean isPresent2(String patternStr) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(patternStr); Matcher m = p.matcher(string2); boolean b = m.matches(); return b; }
public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { if (m != null) m.reset(root.relativize(dir).toString()); return m == null || m.matches() || m.hitEnd() ? FileVisitResult.CONTINUE : FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE; }
public static String removePrimerLR(String pname) { Matcher m = primerLRPattern.matcher(pname); if (!m.matches()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(pname); } return; }
private static String expand(String str) { if (str == null) { return null; } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); Pattern re = Pattern.compile("^(.*?)\\$\\{([^}]*)\\}(.*)"); while (true) { Matcher matcher = re.matcher(str); if (matcher.matches()) { result.append(; String property =; if (property.equals("/")) { property = "file.separator"; } String value = System.getProperty(property); if (value != null) { result.append(value); } str =; } else { result.append(str); break; } } return result.toString(); }
/** * Returns the value of a specified fieldname from the specified hashmap and returns an integer * value or throws an exception if the value is not an integer */ private int getIntValue(String fieldname, Map<String, String> extraparams) { Matcher checkint = Pattern.compile("^\\d+$").matcher(fieldname); int rv; if (checkint.matches()) { rv = Integer.parseInt(fieldname); } else { if (extraparams.containsKey(fieldname)) { rv = Integer.parseInt(extraparams.get(fieldname)); } else { rv = -1; throw new TDTException( "No integer value for " + fieldname + " can be found - check extraparams"); } } return rv; }
public static String getChrom(String chromName) { Matcher m = chromPattern.matcher(chromName); if (!m.matches()) { return chromName; } return; }
public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { if (attrs.isRegularFile()) { if (m != null) m.reset(root.relativize(file).toString()); if (m == null || m.matches()) futures.add(exec.submit(new FileLoader(root, file, blocSize))); } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; }
public String getArtifactIdFromCoord(String coord) { Matcher m = COORD_P.matcher(coord); if (m.matches()) { return; } else { return null; } }
public Coords(String entry) { Matcher m = coordsPattern.matcher(entry); if (!m.matches()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(entry); } chrom =; start = Integer.parseInt(; end = Integer.parseInt(; strand =; }
// todo: give options for document splitting. A line or the whole file or // sentence splitting as now public Iterator<List<IN>> getIterator(Reader r) { Tokenizer<IN> tokenizer = tokenizerFactory.getTokenizer(r); // PTBTokenizer.newPTBTokenizer(r, false, true); List<IN> words = new ArrayList<IN>(); IN previous = tokenFactory.makeToken(); StringBuilder prepend = new StringBuilder(); /* * This changes SGML tags into whitespace -- it should maybe be moved * elsewhere */ while (tokenizer.hasNext()) { IN w =; String word = w.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class); Matcher m = sgml.matcher(word); if (m.matches()) { String before = StringUtils.getNotNullString(w.get(CoreAnnotations.BeforeAnnotation.class)); String after = StringUtils.getNotNullString(w.get(CoreAnnotations.AfterAnnotation.class)); prepend.append(before).append(word); String previousTokenAfter = StringUtils.getNotNullString(previous.get(CoreAnnotations.AfterAnnotation.class)); previous.set(AfterAnnotation.class, previousTokenAfter + word + after); // previous.appendAfter(w.word() + w.after()); } else { String before = StringUtils.getNotNullString(w.get(CoreAnnotations.BeforeAnnotation.class)); if (prepend.length() > 0) { w.set(BeforeAnnotation.class, prepend.toString() + before); // w.prependBefore(prepend.toString()); prepend = new StringBuilder(); } words.add(w); previous = w; } } List<List<IN>> sentences = wts.process(words); String after = ""; IN last = null; for (List<IN> sentence : sentences) { int pos = 0; for (IN w : sentence) { w.set(PositionAnnotation.class, Integer.toString(pos)); after = StringUtils.getNotNullString(w.get(CoreAnnotations.AfterAnnotation.class)); w.remove(AfterAnnotation.class); last = w; } } if (last != null) { last.set(AfterAnnotation.class, after); } return sentences.iterator(); }
public static int[] decodePrimerName(String pname) { Matcher m = primerNamePattern.matcher(pname); if (!m.matches()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(pname); } int[] a = new int[3]; a[0] = Integer.parseInt(; a[1] = Integer.parseInt(; a[2] = Integer.parseInt(; return a; }
protected boolean shouldIgnoreBCCAddress(String address) { MilterServerService milterService = Config.getConfig().getMilterServerService(); List<String> ignoreAddresses = milterService.getIgnoreBCCAddress(); Matcher m = headerPattern2.matcher(address.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).trim()); if (m.matches()) { String mailAddress =; for (String ignoreAddress : ignoreAddresses) { if (ignoreAddress.equalsIgnoreCase(mailAddress)) return true; } } else { m = headerPattern3.matcher(address.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).trim()); if (m.matches()) { String mailAddress =; for (String ignoreAddress : ignoreAddresses) { if (ignoreAddress.equalsIgnoreCase(mailAddress)) return true; } } } return false; }
/** * Converts a colour from #rrggbb to Java Color object. * * @param rgb String e.g. #ff00ee * @return Colour * @throws IllegalArgumentException If colour string is not valid */ protected Color convertRgb(String rgb) throws IllegalArgumentException { // Get colour parameter Matcher m = REGEX_RGB.matcher(rgb); if (!m.matches()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "MathML invalid colour '" + rgb + "'; expected #rrggbb (lower-case)"); } return new Color( Integer.parseInt(, 16), Integer.parseInt(, 16), Integer.parseInt(, 16)); }
/** * Returns an integer corresponding to the given experiment name. If the argument matches an * experiment name exactly, then that index is returned. Otherwise, the argument is treated as a * regexp, and the index of some experiment that matches it is returned. * * @param key The name, or regexp for the name, of the experiment to find. * @return The array index of the experiment, or -1 if not found. */ public int findExperiment(String key) { if (exptIndices.containsKey(key)) { return exptIndices.get(key); } Pattern p = Pattern.compile(key); for (String k : exptIndices.keySet()) { Matcher m = p.matcher(k); if (m.matches()) { return exptIndices.get(k); } } return -1; }
protected static String getMethodName(Test test) { String className; String desc = test.toString(); Matcher matcher = methodpattern.matcher(desc); if (matcher.matches()) { className =; } else { className = desc; } return className; }
/** * Handles info messages resulting from a query execution. * * @param msg info message * @return true if error was found */ private boolean error(final String msg) { final String line = msg.replaceAll("[\\r\\n].*", ""); Matcher m = XQERROR.matcher(line); int el, ec = 2; if (!m.matches()) { m = XMLERROR.matcher(line); if (!m.matches()) return true; el = Integer.parseInt(; errFile = getEditor().file.path(); } else { el = Integer.parseInt(; ec = Integer.parseInt(; errFile =; } final EditorArea edit = find(IO.get(errFile), false); if (edit == null) return true; // find approximate error position final int ll = edit.last.length; int ep = ll; for (int e = 1, l = 1, c = 1; e < ll; ++c, e += cl(edit.last, e)) { if (l > el || l == el && c == ec) { ep = e; break; } if (edit.last[e] == '\n') { ++l; c = 0; } } if (ep < ll && Character.isLetterOrDigit(cp(edit.last, ep))) { while (ep > 0 && Character.isLetterOrDigit(cp(edit.last, ep - 1))) ep--; } edit.error(ep); errPos = ep; return true; }
public JilterStatus header(String headerf, String headerv) { logger.debug("jilter header {name='" + headerf + "',value='" + headerv + "'}"); StringBuffer header = new StringBuffer(); header.append(headerf); header.append(": "); header.append(headerv); header.append("\n"); try { bos.write(header.toString().getBytes()); } catch (IOException io) { logger.error("jilter failed to write header field", io); } Matcher m = headerPattern1.matcher(headerf.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).trim()); if (m.matches()) { logger.debug("jilter found to/bcc/cc header"); String[] addresses = headerv.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) { includeBCC = includeBCC | rcpts.remove(addresses[i].toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).trim()); logger.debug("jilter del recipient {recipient='" + addresses[i] + "'}"); m = headerPattern2.matcher(addresses[i].toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).trim()); if (m.matches()) { String mailAddress =; includeBCC = includeBCC | rcpts.remove(mailAddress); logger.debug("jilter del recipient {recipient='" + mailAddress + "'}"); } else { m = headerPattern3.matcher(addresses[i].toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).trim()); if (m.matches()) { String mailAddress =; includeBCC = includeBCC | rcpts.remove(mailAddress); logger.debug("jilter del recipient {recipient='" + mailAddress + "'}"); } } } } return JilterStatus.SMFIS_CONTINUE; }
public static BlockNode create(String blockText) { // {{{ String elements[] = blockText.trim().split("\\s+"); String blockType = elements[0].toLowerCase(); if (blockType.equals(BLOCK_IF)) { return new IfBlock(blockText.trim().substring(2).trim()); } else if (blockType.equals(BLOCK_ELSE)) { return new ElseBlock(); } else if (blockType.equals(BLOCK_ELSEIF)) { return new ElseBlock(blockText.trim().substring(6).trim()); } else if (blockType.equals(BLOCK_ENDIF)) { return new EndIfBlock(); } else if (blockType.equals(BLOCK_FOR)) { Matcher m = FOR_PATTERN.matcher(blockText); if (m.matches()) { return new ForBlock(,; } else { Matcher m2 = FOR_KV_PATTERN.matcher(blockText); if (m2.matches()) { return new ForKeyValBlock(,,; } else { System.out.println("badly formed for block"); return null; } } } else if (blockType.equals(BLOCK_ENDFOR)) { return new EndForBlock(); } else if (blockType.equals(BLOCK_NAMEDBLOCK)) { if (elements.length != 2) return null; // badly formed block return new StartNamedBlock(elements[1]); } else if (blockType.equals(BLOCK_ENDNAMEDBLOCK)) { return new EndNamedBlock(); } else if (blockType.equals(BLOCK_EXTENDS)) { if (elements.length != 2) return null; // badly formed block return new ExtendsNode(elements[1]); } return null; // TODO } // }}}
private String htmlize(String msg) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Pattern patMsgCat = Pattern.compile("\\[(.+?)\\].*"); msg = msg.replace("&", "&").replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">"); for (String line : msg.split(lineSep)) { Matcher m = patMsgCat.matcher(line); String cls = "normal"; if (m.matches()) { cls =; } line = "<span class='" + cls + "'>" + line + "</span>"; sb.append(line).append("<br>"); } return sb.toString(); }
@Override @EventHandler public void onChatReceived(ChatReceivedEvent event) { super.onChatReceived(event); String message = Util.stripColors(event.getMessage()); if (message.startsWith("Please register with \"/register")) { String password = Util.generateRandomString(10 + random.nextInt(6)); bot.say("/register " + password + " " + password); } else if (message.contains("You are not member of any faction.") && spamMessage != null && createFaction) { String msg = "/f create " + Util.generateRandomString(7 + random.nextInt(4)); bot.say(msg); } for (String s : captchaList) { Matcher captchaMatcher = Pattern.compile(s).matcher(message); if (captchaMatcher.matches()) bot.say(; } }
private void buildXmlPropertiesFile() { System.out.println( "\nBuilding and checking your pipeline properties file -> " + truncPipePropFile); StringBuilder toPrint = new StringBuilder(); // walk through the prop file String[] prop = IO.loadFileIntoStringArray(truncPipePropFile); Pattern val = Pattern.compile("(<entry key.+>)([D|A|B].*)</entry>"); boolean missingFile = false; for (String s : prop) { // does it match a file needing prepending? Data/, Apps/, Bed/ Matcher mat = val.matcher(s); if (mat.matches()) { File test = new File(referenceDir,; if (test.exists()) { System.out.println("Found\t" + test); toPrint.append(; toPrint.append(test.toString()); toPrint.append("</entry>"); } else { System.out.println("Misssing\t" + test); missingFile = true; } } // threads? else if (s.contains("threads")) toPrint.append("<entry key=\"threads\">" + threads + "</entry>"); // nope just save it and add a line return else toPrint.append(s); toPrint.append("\n"); } // anything missing? if so exit if (missingFile) Misc.printErrAndExit( "\nFailed to find all of the files in your properties file, see above.\n"); // OK, write it out completePipelinePropFile = new File(outputDirectory, "pipelineProperties.xml"); if (IO.writeString(toPrint.toString(), completePipelinePropFile) == false) Misc.printErrAndExit("Problem writing -> " + truncPipePropFile); }
public static void loadPermissions(URL url) throws IOException, PermissionParseException { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream())); String line; Pattern ignore = Pattern.compile("^\\s*(//.*)?$"); Pattern valid = Pattern.compile("^\\s*permission\\s+(\\S+)" + "(\\s+\"([^\"]*)\"(,\\s+\"([^\"]*)\")?)?;$"); Set<Permission> perms = new HashSet<Permission>(); while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { if (ignore.matcher(line).matches()) { continue; } Matcher matcher = valid.matcher(line); if (!matcher.matches()) { throw new PermissionParseException("invalid syntax: " + line); } int nGroups = matcher.groupCount(); String type =; String name = expand(nGroups >= 3 ? : null); String actions = expand(nGroups >= 5 ? : null); try { Permission perm = getPermission(type, name, actions); perms.add(perm); } catch (Throwable e) { String message = String.format( "could not instantiate permission: " + "type=%s name=%s actions=", type, name, actions); throw new PermissionParseException(message, e); } } in.close(); permSet.addAll(perms); }
public static void testParseRunProperties() throws Exception { Workspace ws = Workspace.getWorkspace(new File("src/test/ws")); Project project = ws.getProject("p1"); ProjectLauncherImpl launcher = new ProjectLauncherImpl(project); launcher.prepare(); String arg = launcher.getRunVM().iterator().next(); String s = "-D" + LauncherConstants.LAUNCHER_PROPERTIES + "="; String propertiesPath = arg.substring(s.length()); Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("^([\"'])(.*)\\1$").matcher(propertiesPath); if (matcher.matches()) { propertiesPath =; } Properties launchProps = new Properties(); launchProps.load(new FileInputStream(new File(propertiesPath))); assertEquals( new File("src/test/ws/p1/generated/p1.jar").getAbsolutePath(), launchProps.get("launch.bundles")); }
/** This method will process each argument and assign new varibles */ public void processArgs(String[] args) { Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("-[a-z]"); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { String lcArg = args[i].toLowerCase(); Matcher mat = pat.matcher(lcArg); if (mat.matches()) { char test = args[i].charAt(1); try { switch (test) { case 'f': fastas = IO.extractFiles(args[i + 1], "fasta"); i++; break; case 'n': numberOfBases = Integer.parseInt(args[i + 1]); i++; break; case 'i': indexDirectory = new File(args[i + 1]); i++; break; case 'h': printDocs(); System.exit(0); default: Misc.printExit("\nError: unknown option! " +; } } catch (Exception e) { Misc.printExit( "\nSorry, something doesn't look right with this parameter: -" + test + "\n"); } } } // make index directory? if (indexDirectory == null) { indexDirectory = new File(fastas[0].getParentFile(), "IndexedSequences"); indexDirectory.mkdir(); } }
public static void processFile(BufferedReader in, BufferedWriter out, String context) throws Throwable { String tmpLine = in.readLine(); while (tmpLine != null) { // check to see if the line matches the import directive Matcher matcher = includePattern.matcher(tmpLine); // if it doesn't match, just output the line, followed by a newline if (!matcher.matches()) { out.write(tmpLine); out.newLine(); // if it matches } else { String fileName =; // check if it has already been included if (!includeNames.contains(fileName)) { // if it hasn't, process it String newContext = contextFromFilename(fileName); processFile(getBufferedReader(fileName, context), out, context + newContext); } } tmpLine = in.readLine(); } in.close(); }
/** * Updates the config file during the upgrade process. * * @param configPath The original path to the file. * @param filter The filter to select entries. Only useful for modify change type. * @param changeType The change type which must be applied to ldif lines. * @param ldifLines The change record ldif lines. For ADD change type, the first line must be the * dn. For DELETE change type, the first and only line must be the dn. * @throws IOException If an Exception occurs during the input output methods. * @return The changes number that have occurred. */ static int updateConfigFile( final String configPath, final Filter filter, final ChangeOperationType changeType, final String... ldifLines) throws IOException { final File original = new File(configPath); final File copyConfig = File.createTempFile("copyConfig", ".tmp", original.getParentFile()); int changeCount = 0; LDIFEntryReader entryReader = null; LDIFEntryWriter writer = null; try { final Schema schema = getUpgradeSchema(); entryReader = new LDIFEntryReader(new FileInputStream(configPath)).setSchema(schema); writer = new LDIFEntryWriter(new FileOutputStream(copyConfig)); writer.setWrapColumn(80); // Writes the header on the new file. writer.writeComment(INFO_CONFIG_FILE_HEADER.get()); writer.setWrapColumn(0); boolean entryAlreadyExist = false; DN ldifDN = null; if (filter == null && (changeType == ADD || changeType == DELETE)) { // The first line should start with dn: ldifDN = DN.valueOf(ldifLines[0].replaceFirst("dn: ", "")); } final Filter f = filter != null ? filter : Filter.alwaysFalse(); final Matcher matcher = f.matcher(schema); while (entryReader.hasNext()) { Entry entry = entryReader.readEntry(); final DN entryDN = entry.getName(); // Searching for the related entries if (changeType == MODIFY && matcher.matches(entry) == ConditionResult.TRUE) { try { final ModifyRequest mr = Requests.newModifyRequest(readLDIFLines(entryDN, changeType, ldifLines)); entry = Entries.modifyEntryPermissive(entry, mr.getModifications()); changeCount++; logger.debug( LocalizableMessage.raw("The following entry has been modified : %s", entryDN)); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(LocalizableMessage.raw(ex.getMessage())); } } if (entryDN.equals(ldifDN)) { logger.debug(LocalizableMessage.raw("Entry %s found", entryDN)); entryAlreadyExist = true; if (changeType == DELETE) { entry = null; changeCount++; logger.debug( LocalizableMessage.raw("The following entry has been deleted : %s", entryDN)); } } if (entry != null) { writer.writeEntry(entry); } } if (changeType == ADD && !entryAlreadyExist) { final AddRequest ar = Requests.newAddRequest(ldifLines); writer.writeEntry(ar); logger.debug( LocalizableMessage.raw( "Entry successfully added %s in %s", ldifDN, original.getAbsolutePath())); changeCount++; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IOException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { // The reader and writer must be close before renaming files. // Otherwise it causes exceptions under windows OS. StaticUtils.close(entryReader, writer); } try { // Renaming the file, overwriting previous one. rename(copyConfig, new File(configPath)); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(LocalizableMessage.raw(e.getMessage())); deleteRecursively(original); throw e; } return changeCount; }