private static LinkedList<Coords> polarSort(LinkedList<Coords> list) { // find point with lowest x-coord int i = 0; double lowest = 9999999999.0; int lowIndex = 0; Coords tmp; while (i < list.size()) { tmp = list.get(i); if (tmp.getX() < lowest) { lowest = tmp.getX(); lowIndex = i; } else if (tmp.getX() == lowest) { if (tmp.getY() < list.get(lowIndex).getY()) { lowIndex = i; } } i++; } Coords lowestCoord = list.remove(lowIndex); LinkedList<Coords> sorted = new LinkedList<Coords>(); sorted.add(list.poll()); while (list.size() > 0) { tmp = list.poll(); i = sorted.size(); while (i > 0 && compVect(lowestCoord, sorted.get(i - 1), tmp) < 0.0) { i--; } sorted.add(i, tmp); } sorted.add(0, lowestCoord); return sorted; }
/** Initialise mod hooks */ private void initHooks() { try { // Chat hook if ((chatListeners.size() > 0 || chatFilters.size() > 0) && !chatHooked) { chatHooked = true; HookChat.Register(); HookChat.RegisterPacketHandler(this); } // Login hook if ((preLoginListeners.size() > 0 || loginListeners.size() > 0) && !loginHooked) { loginHooked = true; ModUtilities.registerPacketOverride(1, HookLogin.class); HookLogin.loader = this; } // Plugin channels hook if (pluginChannelListeners.size() > 0 && !pluginChannelHooked) { pluginChannelHooked = true; HookPluginChannels.Register(); HookPluginChannels.RegisterPacketHandler(this); } // Tick hook if (!tickHooked) { tickHooked = true; PrivateFields.minecraftProfiler.SetFinal(minecraft, new HookProfiler(this, logger)); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error creating hooks", ex); ex.printStackTrace(); } }
protected void add(Object value) { File f = null; FileOutputStream fos = null; try { f = createTempFile("S", dir); fos = new FileOutputStream(f); ObjectOutputStream fout = new ObjectOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(fos)); fout.writeObject(value); fout.flush(); fos.getFD().sync(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SpaceError(e); } finally { if (fos != null) { try { fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SpaceError(e); } } } stored.add(f.getAbsolutePath()); /* fill cache */ if (cacheSize > data.size()) if ((data.size() + 1) == stored.size()) data.add(value); }
/** * Translates the link structure into the cell structure depending on healthy detector locations */ public void createCellStructure() { int i = 0; while (i < mainlineLinks.size() - 1) { if (mainlineLinks.get(i).isHasDetector() & mainlineLinks.get(i).getDetectorML().getHealthStatus() == 100) { Cell c = new Cell((int) totalTimeInHours * 60 / 5); c.addLink(mainlineLinks.get(i)); c.setDetectorML(mainlineLinks.get(i).getDetectorML()); c.setDetectorHOV(mainlineLinks.get(i).getDetectorHOV()); while (!mainlineLinks.get(i + 1).isHasDetector() & i < mainlineLinks.size() - 2 | (mainlineLinks.get(i + 1).isHasDetector() & mainlineLinks.get(i + 1).getDetectorML().getHealthStatus() != 100)) { c.addLink(mainlineLinks.get(i + 1)); i++; } // Onramps and Offramps in the Cell for (Link l : c.getLinks()) { c.addToOnrampPerLink(l.getUpNode().getInLinks().size() - 1); c.addToOfframpPerLink(l.getDownNode().getOutLinks().size() - 1); for (int linkID : l.getUpNode().getInLinks()) { if (links.get(linkID).getLinkType().equals("onramp")) { if (links.get(linkID).getDetectorML().getFlowData().isEmpty() | links.get(linkID).getDetectorML().getHealthStatus() != 100) { c.addToImputeOR(true); c.appendZeroColumnToMeasuredOnrampFlow(); } else { c.appendColumnToMeasuredOnrampFlow( links.get(linkID).getDetectorML().getFlowDataArray()); c.addToImputeOR(false); } } } for (int linkID : l.getDownNode().getOutLinks()) { if (links.get(linkID).getLinkType().equals("offramp")) { if (links.get(linkID).getDetectorML().getFlowData().isEmpty() | links.get(linkID).getDetectorML().getHealthStatus() != 100) { c.addToImputeFR(true); c.appendZeroColumnToMeasuredOfframpFlow(); } else { c.appendColumnToMeasuredOfframpFlow( links.get(linkID).getDetectorML().getFlowDataArray()); c.addToImputeFR(false); } } } } cells.add(c); } i++; } i = 0; }
protected Object getFirst() { Object object = null; if (data.size() > 0) { object = data.getFirst(); } else if (stored.size() > 0) { object = readValue((String) stored.getFirst()); } return object; }
/* process the list of pending constraints */ protected void processWorklist() { int iter = 0; while (!w.isEmpty()) { int size = w.size(); Constraint c = w.removeFirst(); c.accept(this); size -= w.size(); iter++; } }
/** Sorts the static LinkedList mainlineLinks in the order they appear on the freeway */ private LinkedList<Link> recursiveLinkSort(LinkedList<Link> links2) { if (links2.size() == 1) { return links2; } else { boolean swapMade = false; ListIterator<Link> itr1 = links2.listIterator(); while (itr1.hasNext()) { Link temp =; int tempindex = itr1.nextIndex(); // if this loop makes any switches, set the flag to true if (links2.getFirst().getUpNode().getNodeID() == temp.getDownNode().getNodeID()) { swapMade = true; links2.addFirst(temp); links2.remove(tempindex); return this.recursiveLinkSort(links2); } } if (!swapMade) { // assign last n-1 links to links3 LinkedList<Link> links3 = new LinkedList<Link>(); Link temp = links2.getFirst(); links2.removeFirst(); links3 = this.recursiveLinkSort(links2); links3.addFirst(temp); return links3; } else { return links2; } } }
@Override public synchronized void write(byte[] ba, int str, int len) { try { curLength += len; if (bytesEndWith(ba, str, len, LINE_SEP)) { lineLengths.addLast(new Integer(curLength)); curLength = 0; if (lineLengths.size() > maxLines) { textArea.replaceRange(null, 0, lineLengths.removeFirst().intValue()); } } for (int xa = 0; xa < 10; xa++) { try { textArea.append(new String(ba, str, len)); break; } catch ( Throwable thr) { // sometimes throws a java.lang.Error: Interrupted attempt to aquire write // lock if (xa == 9) { thr.printStackTrace(); } } } textArea.setCaretPosition(textArea.getText().length()); } catch (Throwable thr) { CharArrayWriter caw = new CharArrayWriter(); thr.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(caw, true)); textArea.append(System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n")); textArea.append(caw.toString()); } }
public void updateStatus() { txaStatus.setText(""); txaStatus.append("size\t" + store.getRowCount() + "\n"); txaStatus.append("total\t" + store.sumLengths() + "KB\n"); txaStatus.append("\nThreads:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { txaStatus.append(" " + i + "- "); String jb = encryptDecryptThreads[i].getCur(); if (jb == null) txaStatus.append("idle\n"); else { txaStatus.append(jobString(jb) + "\n"); } } txaStatus.append("\nJobs:\n"); int c = 6 + numThreads; int i = 0; synchronized (jobs) { for (String s : jobs) { if (c + i < TXA_HEIGHT - 1) txaStatus.append(" - " + jobString(s) + "\n"); else if (c + i == TXA_HEIGHT - 1) { txaStatus.append(" - [" + (jobs.size() - i) + "more ]"); } i++; } } }
public void solve() { n = ni(); m = ni(); map = new char[n][m]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { map[i] = nwrd().toCharArray(); } boolean use[][] = new boolean[n][m]; long ans = 0; LinkedList<Integer> ls = new LinkedList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) { if (map[i][j] == '#') { ls.add(i * 10000 + j); while (ls.size() != 0) { int t = ls.pollFirst(); int jx = t % 10000; int ix = t / 10000; use[ix][jx] = true; map[ix][jx] = '.'; for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { if (is(ix + dx[k], jx + dy[k]) && !use[ix + dx[k]][jx + dy[k]] && map[ix + dx[k]][jx + dy[k]] == '#') { ls.add((ix + dx[k]) * 10000 + jx + dy[k]); use[ix + dx[k]][jx + dy[k]] = true; } } } ans++; } else use[i][j] = true; } } pw.print(ans); }
private void writeTo(ObjectOutput o) throws IOException { o.writeInt(x); o.writeInt(y); o.writeInt(width); o.writeInt(height); o.writeInt(measuredWidth); o.writeInt(measuredHeight); o.writeInt(scrollX); o.writeInt(scrollY); o.writeInt(absoluteX); o.writeInt(absoluteY); o.writeFloat(cameraDistance); o.writeBoolean(visible); o.writeLong(drawingTime); o.writeBoolean(isShown); o.writeBoolean(hasFocus); o.writeBoolean(focusable); o.writeBoolean(hasOnClickListener); o.writeObject(viewType); o.writeObject(textContent); o.writeBoolean(isEditText); o.writeBoolean(isInputMethodTarget); o.writeBoolean(isContainer); o.writeInt(inputMethod); o.writeInt(id); if (children != null) { o.writeInt(children.size()); for (ViewComponentInfo child : children) { child.writeTo(o); } } else { o.writeInt(0); } }
private static LinkedList<Coords> graham(LinkedList<Coords> list) { LinkedList<Coords> stack = new LinkedList<Coords>(); Coords next; stack.push(list.get(0)); stack.push(list.get(1)); int i = 2; int n = list.size(); double debug; while (i < n) { System.out.println("Stack: "); printCoords(stack); System.out.println("Now comparing: "); System.out.print("P0: "); printCoord(stack.get(1)); System.out.print(" - "); System.out.print("P1: "); printCoord(stack.get(0)); System.out.print(" - "); System.out.print("P2: "); printCoord(list.get(i)); System.out.println(); if ((debug = compVect(stack.get(1), stack.get(0), list.get(i))) >= 0.0) { System.out.println("P2 is left of P0->P1: putting P2 on stack..."); stack.push(list.get(i)); i++; } else { System.out.println("P2 is right of P0->P1: removing P1 from stack..."); stack.pop(); } } return stack; }
public static String normalizePath(String path) { if (!path.contains("./")) { return path; } boolean absolute = path.startsWith("/"); String[] elements = path.split(Repository.SEPARATOR); LinkedList<String> list = new LinkedList<String>(); for (String e : elements) { if ("..".equals(e)) { if (list.isEmpty() || "..".equals(list.getLast())) { list.add(e); } else { list.removeLast(); } } else if (!".".equals(e) && e.length() > 0) { list.add(e); } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(path.length()); if (absolute) { sb.append("/"); } int count = 0, last = list.size() - 1; for (String e : list) { sb.append(e); if (count++ < last) sb.append("/"); } return sb.toString(); }
protected Data(Object name) { super(); data = new LinkedList(); stored = new LinkedList(); listeners = null; String n = "space" + File.separatorChar; if (name instanceof String) n += name; else n += "H" + Integer.toString(name.hashCode()); dir = new File(n); dir.mkdirs(); FilenameFilter filter = new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File f, String name) { return name.toUpperCase().startsWith("S"); } }; File file[] = dir.listFiles(filter); Arrays.sort(file); for (int i = 0; file.length > i; i++) { if (cacheSize > data.size()) { Object value = readValue(file[i].getAbsolutePath()); if (value == null) { (new File(file[i].getAbsolutePath())).delete(); } else { stored.add(file[i].getAbsolutePath()); data.add(value); } } else stored.add(file[i].getAbsolutePath()); } }
public double getAvgNeighbourScore(Region region, BotState state) { LinkedList<Region> neighbours = region.getNeighbors(); double sum = 0; for (Region neighbour : neighbours) { if (neighbour.ownedByPlayer(state.getMyPlayerName())) sum += 0.5; else if (neighbour.ownedByPlayer(state.getOpponentPlayerName())) sum += 1; else sum += 0.1; } return sum / neighbours.size(); }
int[] findEmptySiteCancer(int x, int y) { LinkedList vacantSitesCancer = new LinkedList(); int[] tp1 = new int[2]; int[] tp2 = new int[2]; int[] tp3 = new int[2]; int[] tp4 = new int[2]; int[] tp5 = new int[2]; int[] tp6 = new int[2]; int[] tp7 = new int[2]; int[] tp8 = new int[2]; tp1 = convertCoordinatesNoFlux(x + 1, y - 1); if ((Cells[tp1[0]][tp1[1]] == 0) || (Cells[tp1[0]][tp1[1]] == 4)) vacantSitesCancer.add(tp1); tp2 = convertCoordinatesNoFlux(x + 1, y); if ((Cells[tp2[0]][tp2[1]] == 0) || (Cells[tp2[0]][tp2[1]] == 4)) vacantSitesCancer.add(tp2); tp3 = convertCoordinatesNoFlux(x + 1, y + 1); if ((Cells[tp3[0]][tp3[1]] == 0) || (Cells[tp3[0]][tp3[1]] == 4)) vacantSitesCancer.add(tp3); tp4 = convertCoordinatesNoFlux(x, y - 1); if ((Cells[tp4[0]][tp4[1]] == 0) || (Cells[tp4[0]][tp4[1]] == 4)) vacantSitesCancer.add(tp4); tp5 = convertCoordinatesNoFlux(x, y + 1); if ((Cells[tp5[0]][tp5[1]] == 0) || (Cells[tp5[0]][tp5[1]] == 4)) vacantSitesCancer.add(tp5); tp6 = convertCoordinatesNoFlux(x - 1, y - 1); if ((Cells[tp6[0]][tp6[1]] == 0) || (Cells[tp6[0]][tp6[1]] == 4)) vacantSitesCancer.add(tp6); tp7 = convertCoordinatesNoFlux(x - 1, y); if ((Cells[tp7[0]][tp7[1]] == 0) || (Cells[tp7[0]][tp7[1]] == 4)) vacantSitesCancer.add(tp7); tp8 = convertCoordinatesNoFlux(x - 1, y + 1); if ((Cells[tp8[0]][tp8[1]] == 0) || (Cells[tp8[0]][tp8[1]] == 4)) vacantSitesCancer.add(tp8); // Now let's see where. if (vacantSitesCancer.size() > 0) { // Now choose a vacant one, otherwise return the original location // pick a vacant site and return it int vacantElemIndexCancer = random.nextInt(vacantSitesCancer.size()); int[] p = (int[]) vacantSitesCancer.get(vacantElemIndexCancer); return (int[]) p; } else { int[] p = new int[2]; p[0] = x; p[1] = y; // Just return the original System.out.println("wrong!:" + vacantSitesCancer(x, y) + " - " + vacantSitesCancer.size()); return p; } }
private static void printCoords(LinkedList<Coords> list) { int i = 0; Coords tmp; System.out.println("--------"); while (i < list.size()) { tmp = list.get(i); System.out.println("(" + tmp.getX() + "," + tmp.getY() + ")"); i++; } System.out.println("--------"); }
/** * Returns an array of all action names in this action set that should be cached; namely, <code> * BeanShellAction</code>s. * * @since jEdit 4.2pre1 */ public String[] getCacheableActionNames() { LinkedList<String> retVal = new LinkedList<String>(); for (Object obj : actions.values()) { if (obj == placeholder) { // ??? this should only be called with // fully loaded action set Log.log(Log.WARNING, this, "Action set not up " + "to date"); } else if (obj instanceof JEditBeanShellAction) retVal.add(((JEditBeanShellAction) obj).getName()); } return retVal.toArray(new String[retVal.size()]); } // }}}
/** * Find mod classes in the class path and enumerated mod files list * * @param classPathEntries Java class path split into string entries * @return map of classes to load */ private HashMap<String, Class> findModClasses( String[] classPathEntries, LinkedList<File> modFiles) { // To try to avoid loading the same mod multiple times if it appears in more than one entry in // the class path, we index // the mods by name and hopefully match only a single instance of a particular mod HashMap<String, Class> modsToLoad = new HashMap<String, Class>(); try {"Searching protection domain code source..."); File packagePath = new File(LiteLoader.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toURI()); LinkedList<Class> modClasses = getSubclassesFor(packagePath, Minecraft.class.getClassLoader(), LiteMod.class, "LiteMod"); for (Class mod : modClasses) { modsToLoad.put(mod.getSimpleName(), mod); } if (modClasses.size() > 0)"Found %s potential matches", modClasses.size())); } catch (Throwable th) { logger.warning("Error loading from local class path: " + th.getMessage()); } // Search through the class path and find mod classes for (String classPathPart : classPathEntries) {"Searching %s...", classPathPart)); File packagePath = new File(classPathPart); LinkedList<Class> modClasses = getSubclassesFor(packagePath, Minecraft.class.getClassLoader(), LiteMod.class, "LiteMod"); for (Class mod : modClasses) { modsToLoad.put(mod.getSimpleName(), mod); } if (modClasses.size() > 0)"Found %s potential matches", modClasses.size())); } // Search through mod files and find mod classes for (File modFile : modFiles) {"Searching %s...", modFile.getAbsolutePath())); LinkedList<Class> modClasses = getSubclassesFor(modFile, Minecraft.class.getClassLoader(), LiteMod.class, "LiteMod"); for (Class mod : modClasses) { modsToLoad.put(mod.getSimpleName(), mod); } if (modClasses.size() > 0)"Found %s potential matches", modClasses.size())); } return modsToLoad; }
protected boolean isConfigured() { boolean isConfigured = true; // check if there are input files and if they exist. if (inputFiles.size() > 0) { for (Iterator<File> iterator = inputFiles.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { File next =; if (!next.exists()) { isConfigured = false; System.err.println("Input file " + next.getPath() + " does not exist."); } } } return isConfigured; }
public void run() { try { for (; ; ) { Target t = null; synchronized (pending) { while (pending.size() == 0) pending.wait(); t = (Target) pending.removeFirst(); }; } } catch (InterruptedException x) { return; } }
public void printFinishedTargets() { // 打印finisedTargets队列中的任务 try { for (; ; ) { Target target = null; synchronized (finishedTargets) { while (finishedTargets.size() == 0) finishedTargets.wait(); target = (Target) finishedTargets.removeFirst(); }; } } catch (InterruptedException x) { return; } }
public static synchronized Connection getConnection() { clearClosedConnection(); while (m_notUsedConnection.size() > 0) { try { ConnectionWrapper wrapper = (ConnectionWrapper) m_notUsedConnection.removeFirst(); if (wrapper.connection.isClosed()) { continue; } m_usedUsedConnection.add(wrapper); if (DEBUG) { wrapper.debugInfo = new Throwable("Connection initial statement"); } return wrapper.connection; } catch (Exception e) { } } int newCount = getIncreasingConnectionCount(); LinkedList list = new LinkedList(); ConnectionWrapper wrapper = null; for (int i = 0; i < newCount; i++) { wrapper = getNewConnection(); if (wrapper != null) { list.add(wrapper); } } if (list.size() == 0) { return null; } wrapper = (ConnectionWrapper) list.removeFirst(); m_usedUsedConnection.add(wrapper); m_notUsedConnection.addAll(list); list.clear(); return wrapper.connection; }
public int bfs() { int[] record = new int[n]; Arrays.fill(record, Integer.MAX_VALUE); LinkedList<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<Integer>(); queue.addLast(0); int distance = 0; int count = 1; while (queue.size() > 0) { int newCount = 0; while (count > 0) { int tempPoint = queue.pollFirst(); ArrayList<Road> tempRoads = roads[tempPoint]; } distance++; } }
@Override public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<Text> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Hashtable<String, Integer> wordCounts = new Hashtable<String, Integer>(); ArrayList docName = new ArrayList<String>(); LinkedList wordName = new LinkedList<String>(); while (values.iterator().hasNext()) { String[] items = values.iterator().next().toString().split("@"); if (!wordName.contains(items[0])) { wordName.add(items[0]); } String[] keys = items[1].split(":|,"); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i += 2) { if (!docName.contains(keys[i])) { docName.add(keys[i]); wordCounts.put(keys[i], 0); } int tmp = wordCounts.get(keys[i]); tmp += Integer.parseInt(keys[i + 1]); wordCounts.put(keys[i], tmp); } } for (int i = 0; i < docName.size() - 1; ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < docName.size(); ++j) { if (wordCounts.get(docName.get(i)) < wordCounts.get(docName.get(j))) { String stmp = docName.get(i).toString(); docName.set(i, docName.get(j).toString()); docName.set(j, stmp); } } } String retKey = wordName.get(0).toString(); for (int i = 1; i < wordName.size(); ++i) { retKey += "," + wordName.get(i); } String retValue = ""; // ="\n" + docName.get(0).toString() + ":" + // wordCounts.get(docName.get(0).toString()); for (int i = 0; i < docName.size(); ++i) { retValue += "\n" + docName.get(i).toString() + ": " + wordCounts.get(docName.get(i).toString()); } context.write(new Text(retKey), new Text(retValue)); }
void processPendingTargets() throws IOException { synchronized (pending) { while (pending.size() > 0) { Target t = (Target) pending.removeFirst(); try {, SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT, t); } catch (IOException x) {; t.failure = x; printer.add(t); } } } }
private void initialize() { Set<Employee> Lset = pp.getEmployees(0); Set<Employee> Rset = pp.getEmployees(1); // FIXME!!! // flow = new HashMap<Vertex, Map<Vertex, Integer>>(2 * (Lset.size() + Rset.size())); // capacity = new HashMap<Vertex, Map<Vertex, Integer>>(2 * (Lset.size() + Rset.size())); flow = new TreeMap<Vertex, Map<Vertex, Integer>>(); capacity = new TreeMap<Vertex, Map<Vertex, Integer>>(); setupSourceSide(Lset); setupSinkSide(Rset); setupLRNeighbors(); biasForFriend(); source.setHeight(V.size() + 2); }
private static void clearClosedConnection() { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); // sometimes user change system time,just return if (time < m_lastClearClosedConnection) { m_lastClearClosedConnection = time; return; } // no need check very often if (time - m_lastClearClosedConnection < CHECK_CLOSED_CONNECTION_TIME) { return; } m_lastClearClosedConnection = time; // begin check Iterator iterator = m_notUsedConnection.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { ConnectionWrapper wrapper = (ConnectionWrapper); try { if (wrapper.connection.isClosed()) { iterator.remove(); } } catch (Exception e) { iterator.remove(); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("connection is closed, this connection initial StackTrace"); wrapper.debugInfo.printStackTrace(); } } } // make connection pool size smaller if too big int decrease = getDecreasingConnectionCount(); if (m_notUsedConnection.size() < decrease) { return; } while (decrease-- > 0) { ConnectionWrapper wrapper = (ConnectionWrapper) m_notUsedConnection.removeFirst(); try { wrapper.connection.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } }
public void outAMultiNewExpr(AMultiNewExpr node) { LinkedList arrayDesc = node.getArrayDescriptor(); int descCnt = arrayDesc.size(); List sizes = new LinkedList(); Iterator it = arrayDesc.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { AArrayDescriptor o = (AArrayDescriptor); if (o.getImmediate() != null) sizes.add(0, (Value) mProductions.removeLast()); else break; } Type type = (Type) mProductions.removeLast(); ArrayType arrayType = ArrayType.v(type, descCnt); mProductions.addLast(Jimple.v().newNewMultiArrayExpr(arrayType, sizes)); }
public static int[] bfs(int s, int e, int[][] f) { int[] prev = new int[f.length]; Arrays.fill(prev, -1); LinkedList<Integer> q = new LinkedList<Integer>(); q.add(s); while (q.size() > 0) { int at = q.poll(); for (int i = 0; i < f.length; i++) { if (prev[i] != -1 || i == at) continue; if (f[at][i] > 0) { prev[i] = at; if (i == e) return prev; q.addLast(i); } } } return null; }