/** * traverse graph and test all categories found in leaf nodes for shadows * * @param node */ void shadowChecker(Nodemapper node) { if (NodemapperOperator.isLeaf(node)) { String input = node.category.getPattern(); input = brain.replaceBotProperties(input); input = input.replace("*", "XXX").replace("_", "XXX").replace("^", "").replace("#", ""); String that = node.category .getThat() .replace("*", "XXX") .replace("_", "XXX") .replace("^", "") .replace("#", ""); String topic = node.category .getTopic() .replace("*", "XXX") .replace("_", "XXX") .replace("^", "") .replace("#", ""); input = instantiateSets(input); System.out.println("shadowChecker: input=" + input); Nodemapper match = brain.match(input, that, topic); if (match != node) { System.out.println("" + Graphmaster.inputThatTopic(input, that, topic)); System.out.println("MATCHED: " + match.category.inputThatTopic()); System.out.println("SHOULD MATCH:" + node.category.inputThatTopic()); } } else { for (String key : NodemapperOperator.keySet(node)) { shadowChecker(NodemapperOperator.get(node, key)); } } }
/** * add an array list of categories with a specific file name * * @param file name of AIML file * @param moreCategories list of categories */ void addMoreCategories(String file, ArrayList<Category> moreCategories) { if (file.contains(MagicStrings.deleted_aiml_file)) { /* for (Category c : moreCategories) { //System.out.println("Delete "+c.getPattern()); deletedGraph.addCategory(c); }*/ } else if (file.contains(MagicStrings.learnf_aiml_file)) { if (MagicBooleans.trace_mode) System.out.println("Reading Learnf file"); for (Category c : moreCategories) { brain.addCategory(c); learnfGraph.addCategory(c); // patternGraph.addCategory(c); } // this.categories.addAll(moreCategories); } else { for (Category c : moreCategories) { // System.out.println("Brain size="+brain.root.size()); // brain.printgraph(); brain.addCategory(c); // patternGraph.addCategory(c); // brain.printgraph(); } // this.categories.addAll(moreCategories); } }
/** * Constructor * * @param name name of bot * @param path root path of Program AB * @param action Program AB action */ public Bot(String name, String path, String action) { int cnt = 0; int elementCnt = 0; this.name = name; setAllPaths(path, name); this.brain = new Graphmaster(this); this.learnfGraph = new Graphmaster(this, "learnf"); this.learnGraph = new Graphmaster(this, "learn"); // this.unfinishedGraph = new Graphmaster(this); // this.categories = new ArrayList<Category>(); preProcessor = new PreProcessor(this); addProperties(); cnt = addAIMLSets(); if (MagicBooleans.trace_mode) System.out.println("Loaded " + cnt + " set elements."); cnt = addAIMLMaps(); if (MagicBooleans.trace_mode) System.out.println("Loaded " + cnt + " map elements"); this.pronounSet = getPronouns(); AIMLSet number = new AIMLSet(MagicStrings.natural_number_set_name, this); setMap.put(MagicStrings.natural_number_set_name, number); AIMLMap successor = new AIMLMap(MagicStrings.map_successor, this); mapMap.put(MagicStrings.map_successor, successor); AIMLMap predecessor = new AIMLMap(MagicStrings.map_predecessor, this); mapMap.put(MagicStrings.map_predecessor, predecessor); AIMLMap singular = new AIMLMap(MagicStrings.map_singular, this); mapMap.put(MagicStrings.map_singular, singular); AIMLMap plural = new AIMLMap(MagicStrings.map_plural, this); mapMap.put(MagicStrings.map_plural, plural); // System.out.println("setMap = "+setMap); Date aimlDate = new Date(new File(aiml_path).lastModified()); Date aimlIFDate = new Date(new File(aimlif_path).lastModified()); if (MagicBooleans.trace_mode) System.out.println("AIML modified " + aimlDate + " AIMLIF modified " + aimlIFDate); // readUnfinishedIFCategories(); MagicStrings.pannous_api_key = Utilities.getPannousAPIKey(this); MagicStrings.pannous_login = Utilities.getPannousLogin(this); if (action.equals("aiml2csv")) addCategoriesFromAIML(); else if (action.equals("csv2aiml")) addCategoriesFromAIMLIF(); else if (action.equals("chat-app")) { if (MagicBooleans.trace_mode) System.out.println("Loading only AIMLIF files"); cnt = addCategoriesFromAIMLIF(); } else if (aimlDate.after(aimlIFDate)) { if (MagicBooleans.trace_mode) System.out.println("AIML modified after AIMLIF"); cnt = addCategoriesFromAIML(); writeAIMLIFFiles(); } else { addCategoriesFromAIMLIF(); if (brain.getCategories().size() == 0) { System.out.println("No AIMLIF Files found. Looking for AIML"); cnt = addCategoriesFromAIML(); } } Category b = new Category( 0, "PROGRAM VERSION", "*", "*", MagicStrings.program_name_version, "update.aiml"); brain.addCategory(b); brain.nodeStats(); learnfGraph.nodeStats(); }
/** * write certain specified categories as AIMLIF files * * @param graph the Graphmaster containing the categories to write * @param file the destination AIMLIF file */ public void writeCertainIFCategories(Graphmaster graph, String file) { if (MagicBooleans.trace_mode) System.out.println( "writeCertainIFCaegories " + file + " size= " + graph.getCategories().size()); writeIFCategories(graph.getCategories(), file + MagicStrings.aimlif_file_suffix); File dir = new File(aimlif_path); dir.setLastModified(new Date().getTime()); }
public void deleteLearnCategories() { ArrayList<Category> learnCategories = learnGraph.getCategories(); for (Category c : learnCategories) { Nodemapper n = brain.findNode(c); System.out.println("Found node " + n + " for " + c.inputThatTopic()); if (n != null) n.category = null; } learnGraph = new Graphmaster(this); }
/** Write all AIML files. Adds categories for BUILD and DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT */ public void writeAIMLFiles() { if (MagicBooleans.trace_mode) System.out.println("writeAIMLFiles"); HashMap<String, BufferedWriter> fileMap = new HashMap<String, BufferedWriter>(); Category b = new Category(0, "BRAIN BUILD", "*", "*", new Date().toString(), "update.aiml"); brain.addCategory(b); // b = new Category(0, "PROGRAM VERSION", "*", "*", MagicStrings.program_name_version, // "update.aiml"); // brain.addCategory(b); ArrayList<Category> brainCategories = brain.getCategories(); Collections.sort(brainCategories, Category.CATEGORY_NUMBER_COMPARATOR); for (Category c : brainCategories) { if (!c.getFilename().equals(MagicStrings.null_aiml_file)) try { // System.out.println("Writing "+c.getCategoryNumber()+" "+c.inputThatTopic()); BufferedWriter bw; String fileName = c.getFilename(); if (fileMap.containsKey(fileName)) bw = fileMap.get(fileName); else { String copyright = Utilities.getCopyright(this, fileName); bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(aiml_path + "/" + fileName)); fileMap.put(fileName, bw); bw.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + "\n" + "<aiml>\n"); bw.write(copyright); // bw.newLine(); } bw.write(Category.categoryToAIML(c) + "\n"); // bw.newLine(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } Set set = fileMap.keySet(); for (Object aSet : set) { BufferedWriter bw = fileMap.get(aSet); // Close the bw try { if (bw != null) { bw.write("</aiml>\n"); bw.flush(); bw.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } File dir = new File(aiml_path); dir.setLastModified(new Date().getTime()); }
/** Write all AIMLIF files from bot brain */ public void writeAIMLIFFiles() { if (MagicBooleans.trace_mode) System.out.println("writeAIMLIFFiles"); HashMap<String, BufferedWriter> fileMap = new HashMap<String, BufferedWriter>(); Category b = new Category(0, "BRAIN BUILD", "*", "*", new Date().toString(), "update.aiml"); brain.addCategory(b); ArrayList<Category> brainCategories = brain.getCategories(); Collections.sort(brainCategories, Category.CATEGORY_NUMBER_COMPARATOR); for (Category c : brainCategories) { try { BufferedWriter bw; File aimlifFile; String fileName = c.getFilename(); if (fileMap.containsKey(fileName)) bw = fileMap.get(fileName); else { aimlifFile = new File(aimlif_path + "/" + fileName + MagicStrings.aimlif_file_suffix); aimlifFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(aimlifFile)); fileMap.put(fileName, bw); } bw.write(Category.categoryToIF(c)); bw.newLine(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } Set set = fileMap.keySet(); for (Object aSet : set) { BufferedWriter bw = fileMap.get(aSet); // Close the bw try { if (bw != null) { bw.flush(); bw.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } File dir = new File(aimlif_path); dir.setLastModified(new Date().getTime()); }
/** * read categories from specified AIMLIF file into specified graph * * @param graph Graphmaster to store categories * @param fileName file name of AIMLIF file */ public int readCertainIFCategories(Graphmaster graph, String fileName) { int cnt = 0; File file = new File(aimlif_path + "/" + fileName + MagicStrings.aimlif_file_suffix); if (file.exists()) { try { ArrayList<Category> certainCategories = readIFCategories(aimlif_path + "/" + fileName + MagicStrings.aimlif_file_suffix); for (Category d : certainCategories) graph.addCategory(d); cnt = certainCategories.size(); System.out.println( "readCertainIFCategories " + cnt + " categories from " + fileName + MagicStrings.aimlif_file_suffix); } catch (Exception iex) { System.out.println("Problem loading " + fileName); iex.printStackTrace(); } } else System.out.println( "No " + aimlif_path + "/" + fileName + MagicStrings.aimlif_file_suffix + " file found"); return cnt; }