Exemple #1
  // See comment in createericlist regarding HandleViewParams
  private /*synchronized*/ String HandleViewParams(
      String tempString, LinkedList tempList, StringTokenizer st) throws VisualizerLoadException {
    while (tempString.toUpperCase().startsWith("VIEW")) {
      StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(tempString, " \t");
      String s1 = t.nextToken().toUpperCase();
      String s2 = t.nextToken().toUpperCase();
      String s3 = t.nextToken();


      if (s2.compareTo("ALGO") == 0) {
        // System.out.println("Adding to urls: "+Snaps+":"+s3);
        //                 urlList.append(Snaps+1 +":"+s3);
      } else if (s2.compareTo("DOCS") == 0) {
        // System.out.println("Adding to urls: "+Snaps+":"+s3);
        //                 if (debug) System.out.println("Adding to urlList: "+Snaps+1+":"+s3);
        //                 urlList.append(Snaps+1 +":"+s3);
      } else if (s2.compareTo("SCALE") == 0) {
        GKS.scale(Format.atof(s3.toUpperCase()), tempList, this);
      } else if (s2.compareTo("WINDOWS") == 0) {
        GKS.windows(Format.atoi(s3.toUpperCase()), tempList, this);
      } else if (s2.compareTo("JUMP") == 0) {
        GKS.jump(Format.atoi(s3.toUpperCase()), tempList, this);
      } else throw (new VisualizerLoadException(s2 + " is invalid VIEW parameter"));
      tempString = st.nextToken();
    //         if (urlList.size() == 0)
    //             urlList.append("**");
    return (tempString);
  // Responsible for loading the number of lines per node
  // Receives a line delimited tokenizer.  It will only process one line of
  // that tokenizer.  It must read that line, create a space/tab delimited
  // tokenizer from it, grab the number of lines per node from that tokenizer.
  // Structures that can contain additional information following the number
  // of lines per node (such as trees) should then override this generic
  // loadLinesPerNodeInfo with their own version of the method which will call
  // on the super version to get the actual lines per node and add additional
  // code to process the other information
  public void loadLinesPerNodeInfo(StringTokenizer st, LinkedList llist, draw d)
      throws VisualizerLoadException {
    String tempString, tempString2;
    if (st.hasMoreTokens()) tempString = st.nextToken();
    else throw (new VisualizerLoadException("Expected lines per node - found end of string"));

    StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(tempString, " \t");
    if (t.hasMoreTokens()) tempString2 = t.nextToken();
    else throw (new VisualizerLoadException("Expected lines per node - found " + tempString));

    linespernode = Format.atoi(tempString2);

    xspacing = 1.5;
    yspacing = 1.5;

    if (t.hasMoreTokens()) tempString2 = t.nextToken();
    else return;

    xspacing = Format.atof(tempString2);

    if (t.hasMoreTokens()) tempString2 = t.nextToken();
    else return;

    yspacing = Format.atof(tempString2);
  public GTN getGTNode(StringTokenizer st, String s, int linesPerNode, LinkedList llist, draw d)
      throws EndOfSnapException, VisualizerLoadException {
    GTN gtn = new GTN();

    if (s.equals("-1")) throw (new EndOfSnapException("End of Snap Shot Reached"));

    gtn.Glevel = Format.atoi(s);
    gtn.textInNode = getTextNode(st, linesPerNode, llist, d);

    return (gtn);
Exemple #4
  public /*synchronized*/ Color colorSet(String values) {
    String temp;
    int x;
    Color c = Color.black;

    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(values);
    x = Format.atoi(st.nextToken());
    if (x == 1) c = Color.black;
    else if (x == 2) c = Color.blue;
    else if (x == 6) c = Color.cyan;
    else if (x == 13) c = Color.darkGray;
    else if (x == 11) c = Color.gray;
    else if (x == 3) c = Color.green;
    else if (x == 9) c = Color.lightGray;
    else if (x == 5) c = Color.magenta;
    else if (x == 10) c = Color.orange;
    else if (x == 12) c = Color.pink;
    else if (x == 4) c = Color.red;
    else if (x == 8) c = Color.white;
    else if (x == 7) c = Color.yellow;
    else if (x < 0) c = new Color(-x);
    return c;
Exemple #5
  // creates the list of snapshots
  public /*synchronized*/ obj dothis(String inputString) {
    /* Snapshot codes

    29 - rectangle draw
    2 - oval draw
    5 - fill oval
    6 - string
    7 - line & text color
    8 - fill color
    9 - text color (possible to ignore)
    10 - text height
    11 - polydraw
    4 - fill poly
    14 - arc draw
    30 - fill arc
    12 - text style, centered horizontal/vertical
    ???? 45 - url.  Note, when bring up multiple algorithms, the URL's for the most recently
    run algorithm are posted in the upper browser frame

    20 - number of windows.  For static algorithms, 1, 2, 3, 4 have the obvious meaning.
    21 - scale factor
    22 - jump factor

    For 20, 21, 22, the last factor loaded is the one that will affect all snapshots in
    the show


    obj temp = new rectDraw("0 0 0 0", lineC);
    Object urlTest;
    String arrg;

    int graphic_obj_code = Format.atoi(inputString.substring(0, 3));
    StringTokenizer tmp = null;

    switch (graphic_obj_code) {
      case 29:
        temp = new rectDraw(inputString.substring(3, (inputString.length())), lineC);
      case 2:
        temp = new ovalDraw(inputString.substring(3, (inputString.length())), lineC);
      case 5:
        temp = new fillOvalDraw(inputString.substring(3, (inputString.length())), fillC);
      case 6:
        temp =
            new stringDraw(
                inputString.substring(3, (inputString.length())), textC, LineH, LineV, fontMult);
        // 		System.out.println(" printing " + inputString);
      case 7:
        lineC = colorSet(inputString.substring(3, (inputString.length())));
        textC = lineC;
      case 8:
        tmp = new StringTokenizer(inputString.substring(2, (inputString.length())));
        fillC = colorSet(tmp.nextToken());
      case 9:
        textC = colorSet(inputString.substring(3, (inputString.length())));
      case 10:
        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(inputString.substring(3, (inputString.length())));
        fontMult = Format.atof(st.nextToken());
        // 		System.out.println("setting fontMult= " + fontMult);
        // TLN changed on 10/14/97 to accomodate condensed prm files
        // temp=new textHeight(inputString.substring(3,(inputString.length())));
      case 11:
        temp = new polyDraw(inputString.substring(3, (inputString.length())), lineC);
      case 4:
        temp = new fillPolyDraw(inputString.substring(3, (inputString.length())), fillC);
      case 64:
        temp = new animated_fillPolyDraw(inputString.substring(3, (inputString.length())), fillC);
      case 14:
        temp = new arcDraw(inputString.substring(3, (inputString.length())), lineC);
      case 30:
        temp = new fillArcDraw(inputString.substring(3, (inputString.length())), fillC);
      case 12:
        tmp = new StringTokenizer(inputString.substring(3, (inputString.length())));
        LineH = Format.atoi(tmp.nextToken());
        LineV = Format.atoi(tmp.nextToken());
      case 20:
        tmp = new StringTokenizer(inputString.substring(3, (inputString.length())));
        // graphWin.setNumViews(Format.atoi(tmp.nextToken()));
        // multiTrigger=true;
      case 21:
        tmp = new StringTokenizer(inputString.substring(3, (inputString.length())));
        double tempFloat = Format.atof(tmp.nextToken());
        zoom = tempFloat;
      case 22:
        tmp = new StringTokenizer(inputString.substring(3, (inputString.length())));
        //            graphWin.setJump(Format.atoi(tmp.nextToken()));  // This is now a noop in
        // gaigs2
      case 54:
        tmp = new StringTokenizer(inputString.substring(3, (inputString.length())));
        //             if (tmp.hasMoreElements()){
        //                 urlTest=tmp.nextToken();
        //                 urlList.append(urlTest);
        //             }
        //             else{
        //                 tmp=new StringTokenizer("**");
        //                 urlTest=tmp.nextToken();
        //                 urlList.append(urlTest);
        //             }
    } // end switch

    return (temp);
  public void loadStructure(StringTokenizer st, LinkedList llist, draw d)
      throws VisualizerLoadException {
    String s;
    GTN gtn = new GTN();
    Dne = false; // For handling EOSS in the recursive procedure *)

    s = st.nextToken();
    if (!(st.hasMoreTokens()))
      throw (new VisualizerLoadException(
          "Encountered Bad Data When Expecting number of total nodes"));
    nn = Format.atoi(s);
    numNodes = nn;

    s = st.nextToken();
    if (!(st.hasMoreTokens()))
      throw (new VisualizerLoadException(
          "Encountered Bad Data When Expecting number of total nodes"));
    path = Format.atoi(s);

    s = st.nextToken();
    if (!(st.hasMoreTokens()))
      throw (new VisualizerLoadException(
          "Encountered Bad Data When Expecting number of total nodes"));
    weight = Format.atoi(s);

    s = st.nextToken();
    if (!(st.hasMoreTokens()))
      throw (new VisualizerLoadException(
          "Encountered Bad Data When Expecting number of total nodes"));
    badCommand = Format.atoi(s);

    s = st.nextToken();
    if (!(s.equals(newTree)))
      throw (new VisualizerLoadException("Encountered Bad Data When Expecting New Tree Delimeter"));

    while (!Dne && numNodes > 0) {
      if (st.hasMoreTokens()) s = st.nextToken();
      else s = "-1";

      try {
        gtn = getGTNode(st, s, linespernode, llist, d);
      } catch (EndOfSnapException e) {
        Dne = true;
      if (!Dne) {
        buildGeneralTree(st, gtn, llist, d); // Build Tree *)
        Dne = false;

    // loop that gets the final info values from the file
    for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
      if (st.hasMoreTokens()) s = st.nextToken();
      else throw (new VisualizerLoadException("End of data when expecting info"));

      if (x == 0) cpf = s;
      else if (x == 1) cpu = s;
      else if (x == 2) command = s;