public static void main(String[] args) { Console console = System.console(); if (console != null) { String user = new String(console.readLine("Enter username:"******"Enter password")); console.printf("User name is " + user + "\n"); console.printf("Password is " + pwd + "\n"); } else { System.out.println("Console is unavaliable"); } }
/** * Main driver - run this to start interactive password manager. * * @param args Prog args * @throws Throwable If something went very wrong. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { Console c = System.console(); if (c == null) FError.errAndExit("You need to be running in CLI mode"); c.printf( "Welcome to FLogin!%nThis utility will encrypt & store your usernames/passwords%n(c) 2016 Fastily%n%n"); // let user enter user & pw combos HashMap<String, String> ul = new HashMap<>(); while (true) { String u = c.readLine("Enter a username: "******"!!! Characters hidden for security !!! %n"); char[] p1 = c.readPassword("Enter password for %s: ", u); char[] p2 = c.readPassword("Confirm/Re-enter password for %s: ", u); if (Arrays.equals(p1, p2)) ul.put(u, new String(p1)); else c.printf("Entered passwords do not match!%n"); if (!c.readLine("Continue? (y/N): ").trim().toLowerCase().matches("(?i)(y|yes)")) break; c.printf("%n"); } if (ul.isEmpty()) FError.errAndExit("You didn't enter any user/pass. Program will exit."); // Generating our JSONObject JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : ul.entrySet()) { JSONObject internal = new JSONObject(); internal.put("pass", e.getValue()); jo.put(e.getKey(), internal); } // Encrypt and dump to file KeyGenerator kg = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES"); kg.init(128); SecretKey sk = kg.generateKey(); writeFiles(pf, sk.getEncoded()); Cipher cx = Cipher.getInstance("AES"); cx.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, sk); writeFiles(px, cx.doFinal(jo.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"))); c.printf( "Successfully written out to '%s', '%s', '%s%s' and '%s%s'%n", pf, px, homefmt, pf, homefmt, px); }
public void printTeams() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> teams = (List<String>) cache.get(teamsKey); if (teams != null) { for (String teamName : teams) { con.printf(cache.get(encode(teamName)).toString()); } } }
public static void main(String args[]) { Console consola = System.console(); // si consola es null significa que no tenemos consola if (consola == null) { System.out.printf("No existe una consola"); System.exit(0); // Termina la aplicación } consola.printf("user: "******"pass: "******"\nEl usuario introducido es: " + usuario + ", y el password es: " + pass + "\n"); }
public void removePlayer() { String playerName = con.readLine("Enter player's name: "); String teamName = con.readLine("Enter player's team: "); Team t = (Team) cache.get(encode(teamName)); if (t != null) { t.removePlayer(playerName); cache.put(encode(teamName), t); } else { con.printf(msgTeamMissing, teamName); } }
public void addPlayers() { String teamName = con.readLine(msgEnterTeamName); String playerName = null; Team t = (Team) cache.get(encode(teamName)); if (t != null) { while (!(playerName = con.readLine("Enter player's name (to stop adding, type \"q\"): ")) .equals("q")) { t.addPlayer(playerName); } cache.put(encode(teamName), t); } else { con.printf(msgTeamMissing, teamName); } }
public void removeTeam() { String teamName = con.readLine(msgEnterTeamName); Team t = (Team) cache.get(encode(teamName)); if (t != null) { cache.remove(encode(teamName)); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> teams = (List<String>) cache.get(teamsKey); if (teams != null) { teams.remove(teamName); } cache.put(teamsKey, teams); } else { con.printf(msgTeamMissing, teamName); } }
public boolean promptForGuess() { Console console = System.console(); while (true) { String guessAsString = console.readLine("Enter a letter: "); try { char guess = guessAsString.charAt(0); return mGame.applyGuess(guess); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { console.printf(e.getMessage() + "\n"); } } }
public static void main(String[] args) { Console console = System.console(); // "In the book War of the __nouns__, the main character is an anonymous __job__ who records the // arrival of __animals__ in __place__. // Needless to say, havoc reigns as the __animals__ continue to __verb__ everything in sight, // until they are killed by the common __noun__.\n" // String sAge = console.readLine("How old are you? "); // int age = Integer.parseInt(sAge); // if(age < 13) { // console.printf("Sorry, you must be at least 13 to use this program.\n"); // System.exit(0); // } String noun; boolean invalid; do { noun = console.readLine("Enter a noun. "); invalid = noun.equalsIgnoreCase("dork"); if (invalid) { console.printf("bad word, try again. "); } } while (invalid); String job = console.readLine("Enter a job. "); String animals = console.readLine("Enter an animal(plural). "); String place = console.readLine("Enter a place. "); String verb = console.readLine("Enter a verb. "); console.printf( "In the book War of the %s, the main character is an anonymous %s who records the arrival of %s in %s.\n", animals, job, animals, place); console.printf( "Needless to say, havoc reigns as the %s continue to %s everything in sight, until they are killed by the common %s.\n", animals, verb, noun); }
/** Get password for the input principal from console */ private static String getPassword(String principal) { Console console = System.console(); if (console == null) { System.out.println( "Couldn't get Console instance, " + "maybe you're running this from within an IDE. " + "Use scanner to read password."); System.out.println("Password for " + principal + ":"); try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(, "UTF-8")) { return scanner.nextLine().trim(); } } console.printf("Password for " + principal + ":"); char[] passwordChars = console.readPassword(); String password = new String(passwordChars).trim(); Arrays.fill(passwordChars, ' '); return password; }
/** * @param args * @throws ParseException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException { Console console = System.console(); console.printf("Mula Preview on Java, (version 0.1)\n\n"); while (true) { try { console.printf("mula-preview >>> "); String text = System.console().readLine(); MulaParser parser = new MulaParser(new StringReader(text)); MulaSubstance[] substances = parser.article(); if (!(substances.length == 1 && substances[0] instanceof MulaList && ((MulaList) substances[0]).get(0).equals(MulaAtom.get("match")) && ((MulaList) substances[0]).get(1) instanceof MulaList && ((MulaList) substances[0]).get(2) instanceof MulaList)) { throw new Exception( "Unexpected list, using \"(match [scheme] [source])\" to test MulaScheme."); } MulaList scheme = (MulaList) ((MulaList) substances[0]).get(1); MulaList source = (MulaList) ((MulaList) substances[0]).get(2); MulaScheme mulaScheme = new MulaScheme(scheme); Map<MulaAtom, List<MulaSubstance>> variables = mulaScheme.match(source); if (variables == null) { throw new Exception("Source doesn't match scheme."); } console.printf("Variables: \n"); for (MulaAtom name : variables.keySet()) { for (MulaSubstance substance : variables.get(name)) { console.printf(name.toString() + " -> " + substance.toString()); } } console.printf("\n"); } catch (Exception e) { console.printf(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); console.printf("\n"); } } }
public static void main(String[] args) { Console con = System.console(); FootballManager manager = new FootballManager(System.console()); con.printf(initialPrompt); while (true) { String action = con.readLine(">"); if ("at".equals(action)) { manager.addTeam(); } else if ("ap".equals(action)) { manager.addPlayers(); } else if ("rt".equals(action)) { manager.removeTeam(); } else if ("rp".equals(action)) { manager.removePlayer(); } else if ("p".equals(action)) { manager.printTeams(); } else if ("q".equals(action)) { System.exit(0); } } }
public void create(Node node, Interrupter interrupter) throws Exception { AgentChannelManager agentChannelManager = node.agentChannelManager(); System.out.println( "\n*** ConsoleApp " + agentChannelManager.agentChannelManagerAddress() + " ***\n"); Console cons = System.console(); boolean authenticated = false; while (!authenticated) { operatorName = cons.readLine("name: "); authenticated = node.passwordAuthenticator() .authenticate(operatorName, new String(cons.readPassword("password: "******"invalid\n\n"); } interpreter = new Interpreter(); interpreter.initialize(node.mailboxFactory().createAsyncMailbox()); interpreter.configure(operatorName, node, this, System.out); if (interrupter != null) { node.mailboxFactory().addClosable(interrupter); interrupter.activate(interpreter); } this.node = node; agentChannelManager.interpreters.add(interpreter); inbr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; JAFuture future = new JAFuture(); boolean first = true; while (true) { String commandLine = null; while (commandLine == null) { if (!first) System.out.println(); else first = false; interpreter.prompt(); commandLine = input(); } (new Interpret(commandLine)).send(future, interpreter); } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { boolean isInteractive = false; classUrl = MynaInstaller.class.getResource("MynaInstaller.class").toString(); isJar = (classUrl.indexOf("jar") == 0); if (!isJar) { System.err.println("Installer can only be run from inside a Myna distribution war file"); System.exit(1); } Thread.sleep(1000); Console console = System.console(); String response = null; CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); // create the Options Options options = new Options(); options.addOption( "c", "context", true, "Webapp context. Must Start with \"/\" Default: " + webctx); options.addOption("h", "help", false, "Displays help."); options.addOption( "w", "webroot", true, "Webroot to use. Will be created if webroot/WEB-INF does not exist. Default: " + webroot); options.addOption( "l", "logfile", true, "Log file to use. Will be created if it does not exist. Default: ./<context>.log"); options.addOption( "s", "servername", true, "Name of this instance. Will also be the name of the init script. Defaults to either \"myna\" or the value of <context> if defined"); // options.addOption( "P", "purpose", true, "Purpose of the Server, such as DEV,PROD,TRAIN, etc. // Defaults to DEV" ); options.addOption("p", "port", true, "HTTP port. Set to 0 to disable HTTP. Default: " + port); options.addOption( "sp", "ssl-port", true, "SSL (HTTPS) port. Set to 0 to disable SSL, Default: 0"); options.addOption( "ks", "keystore", true, "keystore path. Default: <webroot>/WEB-INF/myna/myna_keystore"); options.addOption("ksp", "ks-pass", true, "keystore password. Default: " + ksPass); options.addOption("ksa", "ks-alias", true, "certificate alias. Default: " + ksAlias); modeOptions.add("upgrade"); modeOptions.add("install"); options.addOption( "m", "mode", true, "Mode: one of " + modeOptions.toString() + ". \n" + "\"upgrade\": Upgrades myna installation in webroot and exits. " + "\"install\": Unpacks to webroot, and installs startup files"); options.addOption( "u", "user", true, "User to own and run the Myna installation. Only applies to unix installs. Default: nobody"); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); String cmdSyntax = "java -jar myna-X.war -m <mode> [options]"; try { CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, args); Option option; if (args.length == 0) { formatter.printHelp(cmdSyntax, options); response = console.readLine("\nContinue with Interactive Install? (y/N)"); if (response.toLowerCase().equals("y")) { isInteractive = true; } else System.exit(1); } // Help if (line.hasOption("help")) { formatter.printHelp(cmdSyntax, options); System.exit(1); } // mode if (line.hasOption("mode")) { mode = line.getOptionValue("mode"); if (!modeOptions.contains(mode)) { System.err.println( "Invalid Arguments. Reason: Mode must be in " + modeOptions.toString()); formatter.printHelp(cmdSyntax, options); System.exit(1); } } else if (isInteractive) { option = options.getOption("mode"); console.printf("\n" + option.getDescription()); do { response = console.readLine("\nEnter " + option.getLongOpt() + "(" + mode + "): "); if (!response.isEmpty()) mode = response; } while (!modeOptions.contains(mode)); } // webroot if (line.hasOption("webroot")) { webroot = line.getOptionValue("webroot"); } else if (isInteractive) { option = options.getOption("webroot"); console.printf("\n" + option.getDescription()); response = console.readLine("\nEnter " + option.getLongOpt() + "(" + webroot + "): "); if (!response.isEmpty()) webroot = response; } // port if (line.hasOption("port")) { port = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("port")); } else if (isInteractive && mode.equals("install")) { option = options.getOption("port"); console.printf("\n" + option.getDescription()); response = console.readLine("\nEnter " + option.getLongOpt() + "(" + port + "): "); if (!response.isEmpty()) port = Integer.parseInt(response); } // context if (line.hasOption("context")) { webctx = line.getOptionValue("context"); } else if (isInteractive && mode.equals("install")) { option = options.getOption("context"); console.printf("\n" + option.getDescription()); response = console.readLine("\nEnter " + option.getLongOpt() + "(" + webctx + "): "); if (!response.isEmpty()) webctx = response; } if (!webctx.startsWith("/")) { webctx = "/" + webctx; } // servername (depends on context) if (!webctx.equals("/")) { serverName = webctx.substring(1); } if (line.hasOption("servername")) { serverName = line.getOptionValue("servername"); } else if (isInteractive && mode.equals("install")) { option = options.getOption("servername"); console.printf("\n" + option.getDescription()); response = console.readLine("\nEnter " + option.getLongOpt() + "(" + serverName + "): "); if (!response.isEmpty()) serverName = response; } // user if (line.hasOption("user")) { user = line.getOptionValue("user"); } else if (isInteractive && mode.equals("install")) { option = options.getOption("user"); console.printf("\n" + option.getDescription()); response = console.readLine("\nEnter " + option.getLongOpt() + "(" + user + "): "); if (!response.isEmpty()) user = response; } // logfile logFile = "myna.log"; if (!webctx.equals("/")) { logFile = webctx.substring(1) + ".log"; } if (line.hasOption("logfile")) { logFile = line.getOptionValue("logfile"); } else if (isInteractive && mode.equals("install")) { option = options.getOption("logfile"); console.printf("\n" + option.getDescription()); response = console.readLine("\nEnter " + option.getLongOpt() + "path(" + logFile + "): "); if (!response.isEmpty()) logFile = response; } // ssl-port if (line.hasOption("ssl-port")) { sslPort = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("ssl-port")); } else if (isInteractive && mode.equals("install")) { option = options.getOption("ssl-port"); console.printf("\n" + option.getDescription()); response = console.readLine("\nEnter " + option.getLongOpt() + "(" + sslPort + "): "); if (!response.isEmpty()) sslPort = Integer.parseInt(response); } // ks-pass if (line.hasOption("ks-pass")) { ksPass = line.getOptionValue("ks-pass"); } else if (isInteractive && mode.equals("install")) { option = options.getOption("ks-pass"); console.printf("\n" + option.getDescription()); response = console.readLine("\nEnter " + option.getLongOpt() + "(" + ksPass + "): "); if (!response.isEmpty()) ksPass = response; } // ks-alias if (line.hasOption("ks-alias")) { ksAlias = line.getOptionValue("ks-alias"); } else if (isInteractive && mode.equals("install")) { option = options.getOption("ks-alias"); console.printf("\n" + option.getDescription()); response = console.readLine("\nEnter " + option.getLongOpt() + "(" + ksAlias + "): "); if (!response.isEmpty()) ksAlias = response; } // keystore String appBase = new File(webroot).getCanonicalPath(); if (keystore == null) { keystore = appBase + "/WEB-INF/myna/myna_keystore"; } if (line.hasOption("keystore")) { keystore = line.getOptionValue("keystore"); } else if (isInteractive && mode.equals("install")) { option = options.getOption("keystore"); console.printf("\n" + option.getDescription()); response = console.readLine("\nEnter " + option.getLongOpt() + "(" + keystore + "): "); if (!response.isEmpty()) keystore = response; } javaOpts = line.getArgList(); } catch (ParseException exp) { System.err.println("Invalid Arguments. Reason: " + exp.getMessage()); formatter.printHelp(cmdSyntax, options); System.exit(1); } if (isInteractive) { System.out.println("\nProceeed with the following settings?:\n"); System.out.println("mode = " + mode); System.out.println("webroot = " + webroot); if (mode.equals("install")) { System.out.println("port = " + port); System.out.println("context = " + webctx); System.out.println("servername = " + serverName); System.out.println("user = "******"logfile = " + logFile); System.out.println("ssl-port = " + sslPort); System.out.println("ks-pass = "******"ks-alias = " + ksAlias); System.out.println("keystore = " + keystore); } response = console.readLine("Continue? (Y/n)"); if (response.toLowerCase().equals("n")) System.exit(1); } File wrFile = new File(webroot); webroot = wrFile.toString(); if (mode.equals("install")) { adminPassword = console.readLine("\nCreate an Admin password for this installation: "); } // unpack myna if necessary if (!wrFile.exists() || mode.equals("upgrade") || mode.equals("install")) { upgrade(wrFile); } if (mode.equals("install")) { File propertiesFile = new File(wrFile.toURI().resolve("WEB-INF/classes/")); FileInputStream propertiesFileIS = new FileInputStream(propertiesFile); Properties generalProperties = new Properties(); generalProperties.load(propertiesFileIS); propertiesFileIS.close(); if (!adminPassword.isEmpty()) { org.jasypt.util.password.StrongPasswordEncryptor cryptTool = new org.jasypt.util.password.StrongPasswordEncryptor(); generalProperties.setProperty("admin_password", cryptTool.encryptPassword(adminPassword)); } generalProperties.setProperty("instance_id", serverName); new, "Myna General Properties"); String javaHome = System.getProperty("java.home"); webroot = new File(webroot).getCanonicalPath(); if (serverName.length() == 0) serverName = "myna"; if (java.lang.System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().indexOf("win") >= 0) { if (!new File(logFile).isAbsolute()) { logFile = new File(wrFile.toURI().resolve("WEB-INF/" + logFile)).toString(); } File templateFile = new File( wrFile.toURI().resolve("WEB-INF/myna/install/windows/update_myna_service.cmd")); String initScript = FileUtils.readFileToString(templateFile) .replaceAll("\\{webctx\\}", webctx) .replaceAll("\\{server\\}", Matcher.quoteReplacement(serverName)) .replaceAll("\\{webroot\\}", Matcher.quoteReplacement(webroot)) .replaceAll("\\{logfile\\}", Matcher.quoteReplacement(logFile)) .replaceAll("\\{javahome\\}", Matcher.quoteReplacement(javaHome)) .replaceAll("\\{port\\}", new Integer(port).toString()) .replaceAll("\\{sslPort\\}", new Integer(sslPort).toString()) .replaceAll("\\{keystore\\}", Matcher.quoteReplacement(keystore)) .replaceAll("\\{ksPass\\}", Matcher.quoteReplacement(ksPass)) .replaceAll("\\{ksAlias\\}", Matcher.quoteReplacement(ksAlias)); File scriptFile = new File(wrFile.toURI().resolve("WEB-INF/myna/install/update_myna_service.cmd")); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(scriptFile, initScript); // Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c start " + scriptFile.toString()).waitFor(); System.out.println( "\nInstalled Service 'Myna App Server " + serverName + "' the following settings:\n"); System.out.println( "\nInit script '" + scriptFile + "' created with the following settings:\n"); System.out.println("memory=256MB"); System.out.println("serverName=" + serverName); System.out.println("javaHome=" + javaHome); System.out.println("context=" + webctx); System.out.println("port=" + port); System.out.println("myna_home=" + webroot); System.out.println("logfile=" + logFile); System.out.println("sslPort=" + sslPort); System.out.println("keyStore=" + keystore); System.out.println("ksPass="******"ksAlias=" + ksAlias); System.out.println( "\nEdit and and run the command file in " + scriptFile + " to update this service"); } else { String curUser = java.lang.System.getProperty(""); if (!curUser.equals("root")) { System.out.println("Install mode must be run as root."); System.exit(1); } if (!new File(logFile).isAbsolute()) { logFile = new File(wrFile.toURI().resolve("WEB-INF/" + logFile)).toString(); } File templateFile = new File(wrFile.toURI().resolve("WEB-INF/myna/install/linux/init_script")); String initScript = FileUtils.readFileToString(templateFile) .replaceAll("\\{webctx\\}", webctx) .replaceAll("\\{server\\}", serverName) .replaceAll("\\{user\\}", user) .replaceAll("\\{webroot\\}", webroot) .replaceAll("\\{javahome\\}", javaHome) .replaceAll("\\{logfile\\}", logFile) .replaceAll("\\{port\\}", new Integer(port).toString()) .replaceAll("\\{sslPort\\}", new Integer(sslPort).toString()) .replaceAll("\\{keystore\\}", keystore) .replaceAll("\\{ksPass\\}", ksPass) .replaceAll("\\{ksAlias\\}", ksAlias); File scriptFile = new File(wrFile.toURI().resolve("WEB-INF/myna/install/" + serverName)); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(scriptFile, initScript); if (new File("/etc/init.d").exists()) { exec("chown -R " + user + " " + webroot); exec("chown root " + scriptFile.toString()); exec("chmod 700 " + scriptFile.toString()); exec("cp " + scriptFile.toString() + " /etc/init.d/"); System.out.println( "\nInit script '/etc/init.d/" + serverName + "' created with the following settings:\n"); } else { System.out.println( "\nInit script '" + scriptFile + "' created with the following settings:\n"); } System.out.println("user="******"memory=256MB"); System.out.println("server=" + serverName); System.out.println("context=" + webctx); System.out.println("port=" + port); System.out.println("myna_home=" + webroot); System.out.println("logfile=" + logFile); System.out.println("sslPort=" + sslPort); System.out.println("keyStore=" + keystore); System.out.println("ksPass="******"ksAlias=" + ksAlias); System.out.println("\nEdit this file to customize startup behavior"); } } }
public void print(String text) { console.printf("%s\n", text); }