/** * forward an execute request to a helper instance associated with the rule * * @param recipient the recipient of the method from which execution of this rule was triggered or * null if it was a static method * @param args the arguments of the method from which execution of this rule was triggered */ private void execute(Object recipient, Object[] args) throws ExecuteException { // type check and createHelperAdapter the rule now if it has not already been done if (ensureTypeCheckedCompiled()) { // create a helper and get it to execute the rule // eventually we will create a subclass of helper for each rule and createHelperAdapter // an implementation of execute from the rule source. for now we create a generic // helper and call the generic execute method which interprets the rule HelperAdapter helper; try { Constructor constructor = helperImplementationClass.getConstructor(Rule.class); helper = (HelperAdapter) constructor.newInstance(this); // helper = (RuleHelper)helperClass.newInstance(); // helper.setRule(this); helper.execute(recipient, args); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { // should not happen!!! System.out.println( "cannot find constructor " + helperImplementationClass.getCanonicalName() + "(Rule) for helper class"); e.printStackTrace(System.out); return; } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e .printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File // Templates. } catch (InstantiationException e) { // should not happen System.out.println( "cannot create instance of " + helperImplementationClass.getCanonicalName()); e.printStackTrace(System.out); return; } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // should not happen System.out.println("cannot access " + helperImplementationClass.getCanonicalName()); e.printStackTrace(System.out); return; } catch (ClassCastException e) { // should not happen System.out.println("cast exception " + helperImplementationClass.getCanonicalName()); e.printStackTrace(System.out); return; } catch (EarlyReturnException e) { throw e; } catch (ThrowException e) { throw e; } catch (ExecuteException e) { System.out.println(getName() + " : " + e); throw e; } catch (Throwable throwable) { System.out.println(getName() + " : " + throwable); throw new ExecuteException(getName() + " : caught " + throwable, throwable); } } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { JMenuItem tmp = (JMenuItem) e.getSource(); if (tmp == sudNew) { // generateNewSud(); generateNewSud(); tmp.setEnabled(false); } else if (tmp == sudOpen) { doLoad(); } else if (tmp == sudSaveAs) { doSave(); } else if (tmp == opDiffEasy) { diff = GV.DIFF_EASY; } else if (tmp == opDiffNormal) { diff = GV.DIFF_NORMAL; } else if (tmp == opDiffHard) { diff = GV.DIFF_HARD; } else if (tmp == opDiffCustom) { doCustomDiff(); } else if (tmp == opND1) { nD = NumDistributuon.evenlyFilled3x3Cubes; } else if (tmp == opND2) { nD = NumDistributuon.evenlyDistributedNumbers; } else if (tmp == opND3) { nD = NumDistributuon.random; } else if (tmp == helpAbout) { doAbout(); } else if (tmp == sudExit) { doExit(); } else if (tmp == sudSolve) { // doSolve(); boolean b = checkIfSolved(); System.out.println(b); // if(!checkIfSolved()) if (!checkIfSolved()) { System.out.println("Inside if"); doNotSolved(); } else { doSolved(); } } else if (tmp == sudCreate) { doCreate(); } else if (tmp == sudClear) { doClear(); } } catch (ClassCastException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { JButton tmp = (JButton) e.getSource(); tmp.requestFocus(); tmp.getText(); if (lastBut != null) { lastBut.setForeground(Color.BLACK); } lastBut = tmp; lastBut.setForeground(Color.BLUE); } catch (ClassCastException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }
public void update(Observable arg0, Object arg1) { try { FieldVals fv = (FieldVals) arg1; gg.getGrid().setField(fv.getY(), fv.getX(), fv.getVal()); boolean b = gg.getGrid().isGridSolved(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // boolean b = true; /* * if(b) { sGrid.repaint(); doSolved(); } */ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } catch (ClassCastException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { // example query String query = "SELECT ?s ?p ?o from <sesame> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }"; try { VirtuosoAdminListener _report = null; VirtuosoRepository rep = new VirtuosoRepository("sesame", "jdbc:virtuoso://localhost:1111", "dba", "dba"); rep.clear(_report); File dataFile = new File("virtuoso_driver/data.nt"); rep.addData(dataFile, null, RDFFormat.NTRIPLES, false, _report); // execute query QueryResultsTable result = rep.performTableQuery(null, query); System.out.println("result.getRowCount = " + result.getRowCount()); } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) { System.out.println("Access denied."); System.out.println(ade.getMessage()); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { System.out.println("File not found."); System.out.println(fnfe.getMessage()); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println("I/O error."); System.out.println(ioe.getMessage()); } catch (QueryEvaluationException qee) { System.out.println("QueryEvaluationException."); System.out.println(qee.getMessage()); } catch (MalformedQueryException mqe) { System.out.println("Malformed query - SimpleExample."); System.out.println(mqe.getMessage()); mqe.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassCastException cce) { System.out.println("ClassCastException repository."); System.out.println(cce.getMessage()); cce.printStackTrace(); } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { JButton tmp = (JButton) e.getSource(); if (tmp == bUp[0]) { generateNewSud(); tmp.setEnabled(false); } else if (tmp == bUp[1]) { doCreate(); } else if (tmp == bUp[2]) { doLoad(); } else if (tmp == bUp[3]) { doSave(); } else if (tmp == bUp[6]) { doClear(); } else if (tmp == bUp[8]) { // doSolve(); // ----------------------------------------------- System.out.println("Button is clicked"); boolean b = checkIfSolved(); System.out.println(b); // if(!checkIfSolved()) if (!checkIfSolved()) { System.out.println("Inside if"); doNotSolved(); } else { doSolved(); } // doSolved(); // ----------------------------------------------- } else if (tmp == bUp[9]) { doExit(); } } catch (ClassCastException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * if any error in code, exiting in case of trbrl: open up a warning dialog, and return false; * * <p>algo: * * <p>. add providers * * <p>. open keystoreSource . open keystoreKstTarget . select aliasSource pointing to valid * kprSource . get respective keySource & crtsSource * * <p>. create new keypair . create new certificate of type X.509 . assign new entry to open * [JKS-JCEKS-PKCS12-BKS-UBER] keystore . save [JKS-JCEKS-PKCS12-BKS-UBER] keystore */ protected boolean _doJob_(KeyStore kstOpenSource, KeyStore kstOpenTarget, File fleOpenKstTarget) { String strMethod = "_doJob_(kstOpenSource, kstOpenTarget, fleOpenKstTarget)"; if (kstOpenSource == null || kstOpenTarget == null || fleOpenKstTarget == null) MySystem.s_printOutExit(this, strMethod, "nil arg"); // -- // . select aliasSource and password pointing to valid kprSource // ---- // get aliases // NEW String[] strsAliasPKTCSource = UtilKstAbs.s_getStrsAliasPKTC(super._frmOwner_, kstOpenSource); if (strsAliasPKTCSource == null) { MySystem.s_printOutExit(strMethod, "nil strsAliasPKTCSource"); } String[] strsAliasSKSource = UtilKstAbs.s_getStrsAliasSK(super._frmOwner_, kstOpenSource); if (strsAliasSKSource == null) { MySystem.s_printOutExit(strMethod, "nil strsAliasPKTCSource"); } // -- // get arrays for dialogTableSelectKeypair // TC versus PK Boolean[] boosIsTCEntryPKTCSource = UtilKstAbs.s_getBoosEntryTcr(super._frmOwner_, kstOpenSource, strsAliasPKTCSource); if (boosIsTCEntryPKTCSource == null) { MySystem.s_printOutExit(strMethod, "nil boosIsTCEntryPKTCSource"); } Boolean[] boosValidDatePKTCSource = UtilKstAbs.s_getBoosValidDatePKTC(super._frmOwner_, kstOpenSource, strsAliasPKTCSource); if (boosValidDatePKTCSource == null) { MySystem.s_printOutExit(strMethod, "nil boosValidDatePKTCSource"); } Boolean[] boosSelfSignedCertPKTCSource = UtilKstAbs.s_getBoosSelfSigned(super._frmOwner_, kstOpenSource, strsAliasPKTCSource); if (boosSelfSignedCertPKTCSource == null) { MySystem.s_printOutExit(strMethod, "nil boosSelfSignedCertPKTCSource"); } Boolean[] boosTrustedCertPKTCSource = UtilKstAbs.s_getBoosTrusted(super._frmOwner_, kstOpenSource, strsAliasPKTCSource); if (boosTrustedCertPKTCSource == null) { MySystem.s_printOutExit(strMethod, "nil boosTrustedCertPKTCSource"); } String[] strsSizeKeyPublPKTCSource = UtilKstAbs.s_getStrsSizeKeyPubl(super._frmOwner_, kstOpenSource, strsAliasPKTCSource); if (strsSizeKeyPublPKTCSource == null) { MySystem.s_printOutExit(strMethod, "nil strsSizeKeyPublPKTCSource"); } String[] strsTypeCertPKTCSource = UtilKstAbs.s_getStrsTypeCertificatePKTC( super._frmOwner_, kstOpenSource, strsAliasPKTCSource); if (strsTypeCertPKTCSource == null) { MySystem.s_printOutExit(strMethod, "nil strsTypeCertPKTCSource"); } String[] strsAlgoSigCertPKTCSource = UtilKstAbs.s_getStrsAlgoSigCertPKTC(super._frmOwner_, kstOpenSource, strsAliasPKTCSource); if (strsAlgoSigCertPKTCSource == null) { MySystem.s_printOutExit(strMethod, "nil strsAlgoSigCertPKTCSource"); } Date[] dtesLastModifiedPKTCSource = UtilKstAbs.s_getDtesLastModified(super._frmOwner_, kstOpenSource, strsAliasPKTCSource); if (dtesLastModifiedPKTCSource == null) { MySystem.s_printOutExit(strMethod, "nil dtesLastModifiedPKTCSource"); } Date[] dtesLastModifiedSKSource = UtilKstAbs.s_getDtesLastModified(super._frmOwner_, kstOpenSource, strsAliasSKSource); if (dtesLastModifiedSKSource == null) { MySystem.s_printOutExit(strMethod, "nil dtesLastModifiedPKTCSource"); } /*String[] strsAliasSource = UtilKstAbs.s_getStrsAlias( super._frmOwner_, kstOpenSource); if (strsAliasSource == null) { super._setEnabledCursorWait_(false); MySystem.s_printOutError(this, strMethod, "nil strsAliasSource"); return false; } // ---- // check for existing aliases if (strsAliasSource.length < 1) { super._setEnabledCursorWait_(false); MySystem.s_printOutWarning(this, strMethod, "strsAliasSource.length < 1"); String strBody = "source keystore does not contain any entry."; OPAbstract.s_showDialogInfo( super._frmOwner_, strBody); return false; } // -- // fill in table for dialogSelect Boolean[] boosEntryTcrSource = UtilKstAbs.s_getBoosEntryTcr( super._frmOwner_, kstOpenSource, strsAliasSource); if (boosEntryTcrSource == null) { super._setEnabledCursorWait_(false); MySystem.s_printOutError(this, strMethod, "nil boosEntryTcrSource"); return false; } Boolean[] boosEntryKprSource = UtilKstAbs.s_getBoosEntryKpr( super._frmOwner_, kstOpenSource, strsAliasSource); if (boosEntryKprSource == null) { super._setEnabledCursorWait_(false); MySystem.s_printOutError(this, strMethod, "nil boosEntryKprSource"); return false; } Boolean[] boosSelfSignedCertSource = UtilKstAbs.s_getBoosSelfSigned( super._frmOwner_, kstOpenSource, strsAliasSource); if (boosSelfSignedCertSource == null) { super._setEnabledCursorWait_(false); MySystem.s_printOutError(this, strMethod, "nil boosSelfSignedCertSource"); return false; } Boolean[] boosTrustedCertSource = UtilKstAbs.s_getBoosTrusted(super._frmOwner_, kstOpenSource, strsAliasSource); if (boosTrustedCertSource == null) { super._setEnabledCursorWait_(false); MySystem.s_printOutError(this, strMethod, "nil boosTrustedCertSource"); return false; } String[] strsSizeKeyPublSource = UtilKstAbs.s_getStrsSizeKeyPubl(super._frmOwner_, kstOpenSource, strsAliasSource); if (strsSizeKeyPublSource == null) { super._setEnabledCursorWait_(false); MySystem.s_printOutError(this, strMethod, "nil strsSizeKeyPublSource"); return false; } String[] strsAlgoKeyPublSource = UtilKstAbs.s_getStrsAlgoKeyPubl(super._frmOwner_, kstOpenSource, strsAliasSource); if (strsAlgoKeyPublSource == null) { super._setEnabledCursorWait_(false); MySystem.s_printOutError(this, strMethod, "nil strsAlgoKeyPublSource"); return false; } String[] strsTypeCertSource = UtilKstAbs.s_getStrsTypeCertificatePKTC(super._frmOwner_, kstOpenSource, strsAliasSource); if (strsTypeCertSource == null) { super._setEnabledCursorWait_(false); MySystem.s_printOutError(this, strMethod, "nil strsTypeCertSource"); return false; } String[] strsAlgoSigCertSource = UtilKstAbs.s_getStrsAlgoSigCertPKTC(super._frmOwner_, kstOpenSource, strsAliasSource); if (strsAlgoSigCertSource == null) { super._setEnabledCursorWait_(false); MySystem.s_printOutError(this, strMethod, "nil strsAlgoSigCertSource"); return false; } Date[] dtesLastModifiedSource = UtilKstAbs.s_getDtesLastModified(super._frmOwner_, kstOpenSource, strsAliasSource); if (dtesLastModifiedSource == null) { super._setEnabledCursorWait_(false); MySystem.s_printOutError(this, strMethod, "nil dtesLastModifiedSource"); return false; } // ---- Boolean[] boosTypeCertX509Source = super._getBoosTypeCertX509_(kstOpenSource, strsAliasSource); if (boosTypeCertX509Source == null) { super._setEnabledCursorWait_(false); MySystem.s_printOutError(this, strMethod, "nil boosTypeCertX509Source"); return false; } Boolean[] boosElligibleSource = super._getBoosElligibleAny_( boosEntryKprSource, strsAlgoKeyPublSource, boosTypeCertX509Source); if (boosElligibleSource == null) { super._setEnabledCursorWait_(false); MySystem.s_printOutError(this, strMethod, "nil boosElligibleSource"); return false; } // -- // clean-up boosTypeCertX509Source = null; // --- // check for elligible entry boolean blnElligible = false; for (int i=0; i<boosElligibleSource.length; i++) { if (boosElligibleSource[i].booleanValue() == true) { blnElligible = true; break; } } if (! blnElligible) { super._setEnabledCursorWait_(false); MySystem.s_printOutError(this, strMethod, "! blnElligible"); String strBody = "source keystore does not contain any keypair entry\n either of type RSA, or of type DSA, with an X.509 certificate ."; OPAbstract.s_showDialogInfo( super._frmOwner_, strBody); return false; }*/ // -- // assign default cursor super._setEnabledCursorWait_(false); // ---- /*DTblEntryKprOpenKPAny dlgSource = new DTblEntryKprOpenKPAny( super._frmOwner_, super._strTitleAppli_, kstOpenSource );*/ DTblsKstSelPKOpen dlgSource = new DTblsKstSelPKOpen( super._frmOwner_, kstOpenSource, super._strPathAbsKst_, "Import private key from other keystore - step 1/2: source"); if (!dlgSource.init()) MySystem.s_printOutExit(this, strMethod, "failed"); // if (!dlgSource.load( strsAliasPKTCSource, boosIsTCEntryPKTCSource, boosValidDatePKTCSource, boosSelfSignedCertPKTCSource, boosTrustedCertPKTCSource, strsSizeKeyPublPKTCSource, strsTypeCertPKTCSource, strsAlgoSigCertPKTCSource, dtesLastModifiedPKTCSource, // below: about SK (Secret Key) strsAliasSKSource, dtesLastModifiedSKSource /*boosElligibleSource, strsAliasSource, boosEntryKprSource, boosEntryTcrSource, boosSelfSignedCertSource, boosTrustedCertSource, strsAlgoKeyPublSource, strsSizeKeyPublSource, strsTypeCertSource, strsAlgoSigCertSource, dtesLastModifiedSource*/ )) { MySystem.s_printOutExit(this, strMethod, "failed"); } dlgSource.setVisible(true); // --- char[] chrsPasswdKprSource = dlgSource.getPassword(); if (chrsPasswdKprSource == null) { MySystem.s_printOutTrace(this, strMethod, "nil chrsPasswdKprSource, aborted by user"); return false; } String strAliasKprSource = dlgSource.getAlias(); if (strAliasKprSource == null) { MySystem.s_printOutTrace(this, strMethod, "nil strAliasKprSource, aborted by user"); return false; } // super._setEnabledCursorWait_(true); // at this level, user selected keypair (got alias & password) // -- // . get respective keySource & crtsSource // ---- // x) get privateKey PrivateKey pkySource = null; try { pkySource = (PrivateKey) UtilKstAbs.s_getKey( super._frmOwner_, kstOpenSource, strAliasKprSource, chrsPasswdKprSource); } catch (ClassCastException excClassCast) { excClassCast.printStackTrace(); MySystem.s_printOutExit(this, strMethod, "excClassCast caught"); } if (pkySource == null) { MySystem.s_printOutError(this, strMethod, "nil pkySource"); return false; } // ---- // x) get X509Certificates X509Certificate[] crtsX509UnorderedSource = UtilCrtX509.s_getX509CertificateChain( kstOpenSource, strAliasKprSource, false // blnOrderChain !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ); if (crtsX509UnorderedSource == null) { MySystem.s_printOutError(this, strMethod, "nil crtsX509UnorderedSource"); return false; } // ----- if (!__createNewEntry__(kstOpenTarget, pkySource, crtsX509UnorderedSource)) { super._setEnabledCursorWait_(false); MySystem.s_printOutError(this, strMethod, "failed"); return false; } // ---- // save kstOpenTarget if (super._chrsPasswdKst_ == null) { MySystem.s_printOutError(this, strMethod, "nil super._chrsPasswdKst_"); return false; } // ---- if (!super._saveKeyStore_(kstOpenTarget, fleOpenKstTarget, super._chrsPasswdKst_)) { MySystem.s_printOutError(this, strMethod, "failed"); return false; } // ending return true; }
/* * Create and open a Connection. * <p> * There are 2 ways to find a connection implementation. * 1. Get the class name from a system property generated in the form of: * <pre> * j2me.{connection protocol}.protocol * </pre> * 2. Use the class root (see getClassRoot) and the connection * protocol to dynamically construct a class name in the the form of: * <pre> * {class root}.j2me.{connection protocol}.Protocol * </pre> * The connection protocol is parsed from the <code>name</code> parameter * which takes the form of: * <pre> * {connection protocol}:{protocol specific part} * </pre> * In order to avoid problems with illegal * class file names, all the '-' characters in the connection protocol * are automatically converted into '_' characters. * <p> * Additionally the protocol specific part is parsed from the name * parameter and passed to the connection's factory method. * * @param name The URL for the connection * @param mode The access mode * @param timeouts A flag to indicate that the caller * wants timeout exceptions * * @return A new Connection object * * @exception IllegalArgumentException If a parameter is invalid. * @exception ConnectionNotFoundException If the target of the * name cannot be found, or if the requested protocol type * is not supported. * @exception IOException If some other kind of I/O error occurs. * @exception IllegalArgumentException If a parameter is invalid. */ public Connection open(String name, int mode, boolean timeouts) throws IOException { String oemPrefix = ""; /* Test for null argument */ if (name == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null URL"); } try { /* * Check for OEM specific http and https handler override. */ oemPrefix = (String) java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new GetPropertyAction("oem.http.handler.prefix", "")); } catch (Throwable t) { // do nothing } if (name.startsWith("http")) { name = oemPrefix + name; } /* Look for : as in "http:", "file:", or whatever */ int colon = name.indexOf(':'); if (colon == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal protocol"); } try { String protocol; /* Strip off the protocol name */ protocol = name.substring(0, colon).toLowerCase(); checkProtocol(protocol); /* Strip off the rest of the string */ name = name.substring(colon + 1); /* * Convert all the '-' characters in the protocol * name to '_' characters (dashes are not allowed * in class names). This operation creates garbage * only if the protocol name actually contains dashes */ protocol = protocol.replace('-', '_'); /* * Use the platform and protocol names to look up * a class to implement the connection */ String className = getClassRoot() + "." + "j2me" + "." + protocol + ".Protocol"; Class clazz = Class.forName(className, true, getProtocolClassLoader()); /* Construct a new instance of the protocol */ ConnectionBaseInterface uc = (ConnectionBaseInterface) clazz.newInstance(); /* Open the connection, and return it */ return uc.openPrim(name, mode, timeouts); } catch (InstantiationException x) { throw new IOException(x.toString()); } catch (IllegalAccessException x) { throw new IOException(x.toString()); } catch (ClassCastException x) { throw new IOException(x.toString()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException x) { throw new ConnectionNotFoundException("The requested protocol does not exist " + name); } }