/** * Sets a mnemomic for the specified button. * * @param b button * @param mnem mnemonics that have already been assigned */ public static void setMnemonic(final AbstractButton b, final StringBuilder mnem) { // do not set mnemonics for Mac! Alt+key used for special characters. if (Prop.MAC) return; // find and assign unused mnemomic final String label = b.getText(); final int ll = label.length(); for (int l = 0; l < ll; l++) { final char ch = Character.toLowerCase(label.charAt(l)); if (!letter(ch) || mnem.indexOf(Character.toString(ch)) != -1) continue; b.setMnemonic(ch); mnem.append(ch); break; } }
public Transferable createTransferable(JComponent comp) { // Clear image = null; Icon icon = null; if (comp instanceof JLabel) { JLabel label = (JLabel) comp; icon = label.getIcon(); } else if (comp instanceof AbstractButton) { AbstractButton button = (AbstractButton) comp; icon = button.getIcon(); } if (icon instanceof ImageIcon) { image = ((ImageIcon) icon).getImage(); return this; } return null; }
public void setShdPopupOnBtnClick(boolean shdPopup) { this.shdPopup = shdPopup; if (shdPopup) { main.addActionListener(pl); } else { main.removeActionListener(pl); } }
private void setButtonStatus(boolean status) { for (AbstractButton button : commandMap.keySet()) { button.setEnabled(status); } btnQuit.setEnabled(status); btnShutdown.setEnabled(status); btnReset.setEnabled(status); btnConnection.setEnabled(!status); }
public void addActions(JPanel buttPanel) { AbstractAction netcdfAction = new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String location = ds.getLocation(); if (location == null) location = "test"; int pos = location.lastIndexOf("."); if (pos > 0) location = location.substring(0, pos); String filename = fileChooser.chooseFilenameToSave(location + ".nc"); if (filename == null) return; writeNetCDF(filename); } }; BAMutil.setActionProperties(netcdfAction, "netcdf", "Write netCDF-3 file", false, 'S', -1); BAMutil.addActionToContainer(buttPanel, netcdfAction); AbstractAction ncstreamAction = new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String location = ds.getLocation(); if (location == null) location = "test"; int pos = location.lastIndexOf("."); if (pos > 0) location = location.substring(0, pos); String filename = fileChooser.chooseFilenameToSave(location + ".ncs"); if (filename == null) return; writeNcstream(filename); } }; BAMutil.setActionProperties(ncstreamAction, "netcdf", "Write ncstream file", false, 'S', -1); BAMutil.addActionToContainer(buttPanel, ncstreamAction); AbstractButton compareButton = BAMutil.makeButtcon("Select", "Compare to another file", false); compareButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { compareDataset(); } }); buttPanel.add(compareButton); AbstractAction attAction = new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { showAtts(); } }; BAMutil.setActionProperties(attAction, "FontDecr", "global attributes", false, 'A', -1); BAMutil.addActionToContainer(buttPanel, attAction); }
/** * Handles the <tt>ActionEvent</tt>, when one of the tool bar buttons is clicked. * * @param e the <tt>ActionEvent</tt> that notified us */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { AbstractButton button = (AbstractButton) e.getSource(); String buttonText = button.getName(); ChatPanel chatPanel = chatContainer.getCurrentChat(); if (buttonText.equals("previous")) { chatPanel.loadPreviousPageFromHistory(); } else if (buttonText.equals("next")) { chatPanel.loadNextPageFromHistory(); } else if (buttonText.equals("sendFile")) { SipCommFileChooser scfc = GenericFileDialog.create( null, "Send file...", SipCommFileChooser.LOAD_FILE_OPERATION, ConfigurationUtils.getSendFileLastDir()); File selectedFile = scfc.getFileFromDialog(); if (selectedFile != null) { ConfigurationUtils.setSendFileLastDir(selectedFile.getParent()); chatContainer.getCurrentChat().sendFile(selectedFile); } } else if (buttonText.equals("invite")) { ChatInviteDialog inviteDialog = new ChatInviteDialog(chatPanel); inviteDialog.setVisible(true); } else if (buttonText.equals("leave")) { ChatRoomWrapper chatRoomWrapper = (ChatRoomWrapper) chatPanel.getChatSession().getDescriptor(); ChatRoomWrapper leavedRoomWrapped = GuiActivator.getMUCService().leaveChatRoom(chatRoomWrapper); } else if (buttonText.equals("call")) { call(false, false); } else if (buttonText.equals("callVideo")) { call(true, false); } else if (buttonText.equals("desktop")) { call(true, true); } else if (buttonText.equals("options")) { GuiActivator.getUIService().getConfigurationContainer().setVisible(true); } else if (buttonText.equals("font")) chatPanel.showFontChooserDialog(); else if (buttonText.equals("createConference")) { chatPanel.showChatConferenceDialog(); } }
public void layoutComponents() { setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(main, BorderLayout.CENTER); if (popperIsVisible) { if (getPopperButtonLocation() == RIGHT) { popper.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(14, main.getHeight())); add(popper, BorderLayout.EAST); } else if (getPopperButtonLocation() == BOTTOM) { popper.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(main.getWidth(), 14)); add(popper, BorderLayout.SOUTH); setPopperArrowDirection(DOWN); setPopupLocation(popper.getX(), popper.getY() + popper.getHeight() + 5); } } Utilities.updateView(this); }
public void setUseFlatUI(boolean b) { main.setContentAreaFilled(!b); main.setFocusPainted(!b); main.setBorderPainted(!b); main.setMargin(new Insets(1, 1, 1, 1)); popper.setContentAreaFilled(!b); popper.setFocusPainted(!b); popper.setBorderPainted(!b); popper.setMargin(new Insets(1, 1, 1, 1)); setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(1, 1, 1, 1)); setOpaque(false); MouseAdapter ma = new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { main.setContentAreaFilled(true); main.setBackground(new Color(216, 240, 254)); // m.getMainButton().setForeground( Color.black ); setBorder(new LineBorder(new Color(200, 200, 200), 1)); setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); popper.setBackground(new Color(242, 242, 242)); popper.setContentAreaFilled(true); popper.setBorder(menu.getBorder()); } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { main.setContentAreaFilled(false); // c.setForeground( Color.black ); setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(1, 1, 1, 1)); setCursor(Cursor.getDefaultCursor()); popper.setContentAreaFilled(false); popper.setBorder(null); } }; main.addMouseListener(ma); popper.addMouseListener(ma); }
/** * Sets the output text. * * @param out cached output */ public void setText(final ArrayOutput out) { final byte[] buf = out.buffer(); final int size = (int) out.size(); final byte[] chop = token(DOTS); if (out.finished() && size >= chop.length) { System.arraycopy(chop, 0, buf, size - chop.length, chop.length); } text.setText(buf, size); header.setText((out.finished() ? CHOPPED : "") + RESULT); home.setEnabled(gui.context.data() != null); }
/** Creates a new view. */ public NetView() { initComponents(); scrollPane.setLayout(new PlacardScrollPaneLayout()); scrollPane.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(0, 0, 0, 0)); setEditor(new DefaultDrawingEditor()); undo = new UndoRedoManager(); view.setDrawing(createDrawing()); view.getDrawing().addUndoableEditListener(undo); initActions(); undo.addPropertyChangeListener( new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { setHasUnsavedChanges(undo.hasSignificantEdits()); } }); ResourceBundleUtil labels = ResourceBundleUtil.getBundle("org.jhotdraw.draw.Labels"); JPanel placardPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); javax.swing.AbstractButton pButton; pButton = ButtonFactory.createZoomButton(view); pButton.putClientProperty("Quaqua.Button.style", "placard"); pButton.putClientProperty("Quaqua.Component.visualMargin", new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); pButton.setFont(UIManager.getFont("SmallSystemFont")); placardPanel.add(pButton, BorderLayout.WEST); toggleGridButton = pButton = ButtonFactory.createToggleGridButton(view); pButton.putClientProperty("Quaqua.Button.style", "placard"); pButton.putClientProperty("Quaqua.Component.visualMargin", new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); pButton.setFont(UIManager.getFont("SmallSystemFont")); labels.configureToolBarButton(pButton, "view.toggleGrid.placard"); placardPanel.add(pButton, BorderLayout.EAST); scrollPane.add(placardPanel, JScrollPane.LOWER_LEFT_CORNER); toggleGridButton.setSelected(preferences.getBoolean("view.gridVisible", false)); view.setScaleFactor(preferences.getDouble("view.scaleFactor", 1d)); view.addPropertyChangeListener( new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { String name = evt.getPropertyName(); if ("scaleFactor".equals(name)) { preferences.putDouble("view.scaleFactor", (Double) evt.getNewValue()); firePropertyChange("scaleFactor", evt.getOldValue(), evt.getNewValue()); } } }); }
/** * Default constructor. * * @param man view manager */ public TextView(final ViewNotifier man) { super(TEXTVIEW, man); border(5).layout(new BorderLayout(0, 5)); header = new BaseXHeader(RESULT); home = BaseXButton.command(GUIMenuCmd.C_HOME, gui); home.setEnabled(false); text = new TextPanel(false, gui); text.setSyntax(new SyntaxXML()); search = new SearchEditor(gui, text); final AbstractButton save = BaseXButton.get("c_save", SAVE, false, gui); final AbstractButton find = search.button(FIND); final BaseXBack buttons = new BaseXBack(false); buttons.layout(new TableLayout(1, 3, 1, 0)).border(0, 0, 4, 0); buttons.add(save); buttons.add(home); buttons.add(find); final BaseXBack b = new BaseXBack(false).layout(new BorderLayout()); b.add(buttons, BorderLayout.WEST); b.add(header, BorderLayout.EAST); add(b, BorderLayout.NORTH); add(search, BorderLayout.CENTER); save.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { save(); } }); refreshLayout(); }
public boolean importData(JComponent comp, Transferable t) { ImageIcon icon = null; try { if (t.isDataFlavorSupported(flavors[0])) { image = (Image) t.getTransferData(flavors[0]); icon = new ImageIcon(image); } if (comp instanceof JLabel) { JLabel label = (JLabel) comp; label.setIcon(icon); return true; } else if (comp instanceof AbstractButton) { AbstractButton button = (AbstractButton) comp; button.setIcon(icon); return true; } } catch (UnsupportedFlavorException ignored) { } catch (IOException ignored) { } return false; }
/** * Serializes the specified nodes. * * @param n nodes to display */ private void setText(final DBNodes n) { if (visible()) { try { final ArrayOutput ao = new ArrayOutput(); ao.setLimit(gui.gopts.get(GUIOptions.MAXTEXT)); if (n != null) n.serialize(Serializer.get(ao)); setText(ao); cmd = null; ns = ao.finished() ? n : null; } catch (final IOException ex) { Util.debug(ex); } } else { home.setEnabled(gui.context.data() != null); } }
public void createButtons(String text, Icon icon) { if (main == null) { main = new JButton(text, icon); if (text == null) { main.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); } } // main.setFont( new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 11) ); ImageIcon img = new ImageIcon("resources/images/popicon.gif"); popper = new JButton(/*img*/ ) { public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; int width = getWidth(), height = getHeight(); int midWidth = width / 2, midHeight = height / 2; int[] xpoints = {midWidth - 4, midWidth, midWidth + 4}; int[] ypoints = {midHeight - 1, midHeight + 3, midHeight - 1}; if (ARROW_DIRECTION == FORWARD) { xpoints = new int[] {midWidth - 3, midWidth - 3, midWidth + 2}; ypoints = new int[] {midHeight - 4, midHeight + 4, midHeight}; } g2.setColor(getPopperArrowColor()); g2.fill(new Polygon(xpoints, ypoints, 3)); } }; // popper.setPreferredSize( new Dimension(img.getImage().getWidth(this) + 10, popper.addActionListener(this); setBorder(null); // setLayout( new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.X_AXIS) ); layoutComponents(); }
public void showMenu() { if (LOCATION == BELOW) { setPopupLocation(main.getX() - main.getWidth(), main.getY() + getHeight()); } else if (LOCATION == ABOVE) { setPopupLocation(main.getX() - main.getWidth(), main.getY() - menu.getHeight()); } if (getPopperButtonLocation() == RIGHT) { if (getPopperButtonLocation() == RIGHT) { tempPopArrowDir = getPopperArrowDirection(); } setPopperArrowDirection(DOWN); } menu.show(popper, getPopupX(), getPopupY()); }
public NcmlEditor(JPanel buttPanel, PreferencesExt prefs) { this.prefs = prefs; fileChooser = new FileManager(null, null, null, (PreferencesExt) prefs.node("FileManager")); AbstractAction coordAction = new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { addCoords = (Boolean) getValue(BAMutil.STATE); String tooltip = addCoords ? "add Coordinates is ON" : "add Coordinates is OFF"; coordButt.setToolTipText(tooltip); } }; addCoords = prefs.getBoolean("coordState", false); String tooltip2 = addCoords ? "add Coordinates is ON" : "add Coordinates is OFF"; BAMutil.setActionProperties(coordAction, "addCoords", tooltip2, true, 'C', -1); coordAction.putValue(BAMutil.STATE, Boolean.valueOf(addCoords)); coordButt = BAMutil.addActionToContainer(buttPanel, coordAction); protoChooser = new ComboBox((PreferencesExt) prefs.node("protoChooser")); addProtoChoices(); buttPanel.add(protoChooser); protoChooser.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String ptype = (String) protoChooser.getSelectedItem(); String proto = protoMap.get(ptype); if (proto != null) { editor.setText(proto); } } }); editor = new JEditorPane(); // Instantiate a XMLEditorKit with wrapping enabled. XMLEditorKit kit = new XMLEditorKit(false); // Set the wrapping style. kit.setWrapStyleWord(true); editor.setEditorKit(kit); // Set the font style. editor.setFont(new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 12)); // Set the tab size editor.getDocument().putProperty(PlainDocument.tabSizeAttribute, 2); // Enable auto indentation. editor.getDocument().putProperty(XMLDocument.AUTO_INDENTATION_ATTRIBUTE, true); // Enable tag completion. editor.getDocument().putProperty(XMLDocument.TAG_COMPLETION_ATTRIBUTE, true); // Initialise the folding kit.setFolding(true); // Set a style kit.setStyle(XMLStyleConstants.ATTRIBUTE_NAME, Color.RED, Font.BOLD); // Put the editor in a panel that will force it to resize, when a different view is choosen. ScrollableEditorPanel editorPanel = new ScrollableEditorPanel(editor); JScrollPane scroller = new JScrollPane(editorPanel); // Add the number margin as a Row Header View scroller.setRowHeaderView(new LineNumberMargin(editor)); AbstractAction wrapAction = new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { XMLEditorKit kit = (XMLEditorKit) editor.getEditorKit(); kit.setLineWrappingEnabled(!kit.isLineWrapping()); editor.updateUI(); } }; BAMutil.setActionProperties(wrapAction, "Wrap", "Toggle Wrapping", false, 'W', -1); BAMutil.addActionToContainer(buttPanel, wrapAction); AbstractAction saveAction = new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String location = (ds == null) ? ncmlLocation : ds.getLocation(); if (location == null) location = "test"; int pos = location.lastIndexOf("."); if (pos > 0) location = location.substring(0, pos); String filename = fileChooser.chooseFilenameToSave(location + ".ncml"); if (filename == null) return; if (doSaveNcml(editor.getText(), filename)) ncmlLocation = filename; } }; BAMutil.setActionProperties(saveAction, "Save", "Save NcML", false, 'S', -1); BAMutil.addActionToContainer(buttPanel, saveAction); AbstractAction netcdfAction = new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (outChooser == null) { outChooser = new NetcdfOutputChooser((Frame) null); outChooser.addPropertyChangeListener( "OK", new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { writeNetcdf((NetcdfOutputChooser.Data) evt.getNewValue()); } }); } String location = (ds == null) ? ncmlLocation : ds.getLocation(); if (location == null) location = "test"; int pos = location.lastIndexOf("."); if (pos > 0) location = location.substring(0, pos); outChooser.setOutputFilename(location); outChooser.setVisible(true); } }; BAMutil.setActionProperties(netcdfAction, "netcdf", "Write netCDF file", false, 'N', -1); BAMutil.addActionToContainer(buttPanel, netcdfAction); AbstractAction transAction = new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { doTransform(editor.getText()); } }; BAMutil.setActionProperties( transAction, "Import", "read textArea through NcMLReader\n write NcML back out via resulting dataset", false, 'T', -1); BAMutil.addActionToContainer(buttPanel, transAction); AbstractButton compareButton = BAMutil.makeButtcon("Select", "Check NcML", false); compareButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Formatter f = new Formatter(); checkNcml(f); infoTA.setText(f.toString()); infoTA.gotoTop(); infoWindow.show(); } }); buttPanel.add(compareButton); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(scroller, BorderLayout.CENTER); // the info window infoTA = new TextHistoryPane(); infoWindow = new IndependentWindow("Extra Information", BAMutil.getImage("netcdfUI"), infoTA); infoWindow.setBounds( (Rectangle) prefs.getBean("InfoWindowBounds", new Rectangle(300, 300, 500, 300))); }
/** * Handles the <tt>ActionEvent</tt>, when one of the tool bar buttons is clicked. * * @param e the <tt>ActionEvent</tt> that notified us */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { AbstractButton button = (AbstractButton) e.getSource(); String buttonText = button.getName(); ChatPanel chatPanel = chatContainer.getCurrentChat(); if (buttonText.equals("previous")) { chatPanel.loadPreviousPageFromHistory(); } else if (buttonText.equals("next")) { chatPanel.loadNextPageFromHistory(); } else if (buttonText.equals("sendFile")) { SipCommFileChooser scfc = GenericFileDialog.create( null, "Send file...", SipCommFileChooser.LOAD_FILE_OPERATION, ConfigurationUtils.getSendFileLastDir()); File selectedFile = scfc.getFileFromDialog(); if (selectedFile != null) { ConfigurationUtils.setSendFileLastDir(selectedFile.getParent()); chatContainer.getCurrentChat().sendFile(selectedFile); } } else if (buttonText.equals("history")) { HistoryWindow history; HistoryWindowManager historyWindowManager = GuiActivator.getUIService().getHistoryWindowManager(); ChatSession chatSession = chatPanel.getChatSession(); if (historyWindowManager.containsHistoryWindowForContact(chatSession.getDescriptor())) { history = historyWindowManager.getHistoryWindowForContact(chatSession.getDescriptor()); if (history.getState() == JFrame.ICONIFIED) history.setState(JFrame.NORMAL); history.toFront(); } else { history = new HistoryWindow(chatPanel.getChatSession().getDescriptor()); history.setVisible(true); historyWindowManager.addHistoryWindowForContact(chatSession.getDescriptor(), history); } } else if (buttonText.equals("invite")) { ChatInviteDialog inviteDialog = new ChatInviteDialog(chatPanel); inviteDialog.setVisible(true); } else if (buttonText.equals("leave")) { ConferenceChatManager conferenceManager = GuiActivator.getUIService().getConferenceChatManager(); conferenceManager.leaveChatRoom((ChatRoomWrapper) chatPanel.getChatSession().getDescriptor()); } else if (buttonText.equals("call")) { call(false, false); } else if (buttonText.equals("callVideo")) { call(true, false); } else if (buttonText.equals("desktop")) { call(true, true); } else if (buttonText.equals("options")) { GuiActivator.getUIService().getConfigurationContainer().setVisible(true); } else if (buttonText.equals("font")) chatPanel.showFontChooserDialog(); }
public void setEnabled(boolean b) { main.setEnabled(b); popper.setEnabled(b); }
private void guiSetup() throws IOException { setContentPane(root); // control commandMap.put(btnForward, Command.FORWARD); commandMap.put(btnBackward, Command.BACKWARD); commandMap.put(btnLeft, Command.TURN_LEFT); commandMap.put(btnRight, Command.TURN_RIGHT); commandMap.put(btnStop, Command.STOP); // Servo && Camera commandMap.put(btnServoDown, Command.SERVO_DOWN); commandMap.put(btnServoLeft, Command.SERVO_LEFT); commandMap.put(btnServoRight, Command.SERVO_RIGHT); commandMap.put(btnServoUp, Command.SERVO_UP); commandMap.put(btnCamera, Command.TOGGLE_CAMERA); // LEDs commandMap.put(btnLeftLed, Command.TOGGLE_LEFT_BLINK); commandMap.put(btnRightLed, Command.TOGGLE_RIGHT_BLINK); commandMap.put(btnLED, Command.TOGGLE_LED); // speeds commandMap.put(btnSpeed1, Command.SPEED); commandMap.put(btnSpeed2, Command.SPEED); commandMap.put(btnSpeed3, Command.SPEED); commandMap.put(btnSpeed4, Command.SPEED); commandMap.put(btnSpeed5, Command.SPEED); // debugs commandMap.put(btnLF, Command.LEFT_FORWARD); commandMap.put(btnLB, Command.LEFT_BACKWARD); commandMap.put(btnLP, Command.LEFT_PAUSE); commandMap.put(btnRF, Command.RIGHT_FORWARD); commandMap.put(btnRB, Command.RIGHT_BACKWARD); commandMap.put(btnRP, Command.RIGHT_PAUSE); for (AbstractButton button : commandMap.keySet()) { button.addActionListener(this); } btnQuit.addActionListener(this); btnConnection.addActionListener(this); btnReset.addActionListener(this); btnShutdown.addActionListener(this); /* btnForward.addActionListener (this); btnLeft.addActionListener (this); btnBackward.addActionListener (this); btnRight.addActionListener (this); btnStop.addActionListener (this); btnSpeed1.addActionListener (this); btnSpeed2.addActionListener (this); btnSpeed3.addActionListener (this); btnSpeed4.addActionListener (this); btnSpeed5.addActionListener (this); btnLeftLed.addActionListener (this); btnRightLed.addActionListener (this); btnServoLeft.addActionListener (this); btnServoUp.addActionListener (this); btnServoRight.addActionListener (this); btnServoDown.addActionListener (this); btnLED.addActionListener (this); btnCamera.addActionListener (this); btnLF.addActionListener (this); btnLB.addActionListener (this); btnLP.addActionListener (this); btnRF.addActionListener (this); btnRB.addActionListener (this); btnRP.addActionListener (this); */ ButtonGroup group1 = new ButtonGroup(); group1.add(btnSpeed1); group1.add(btnSpeed2); group1.add(btnSpeed3); group1.add(btnSpeed4); group1.add(btnSpeed5); btnSpeed3.setSelected(true); setButtonStatus(false); }
public void addActionListener(ActionListener l) { main.addActionListener(l); listener = l; }
public void ajouterActionListener(ActionListener actionListener, AbstractButton abstractButton) { abstractButton.addActionListener(actionListener); }