private void startTaskAction() { try { _task.execute(); } catch (TaskException e) { sout(e.getMessage()); } }
/** create a test task and wire it up with a task handler that dumps output to the textarea */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void _setupTask() { TaskExecutorIF<ByteBuffer> functor = new TaskExecutorAdapter<ByteBuffer>() { public ByteBuffer doInBackground(Future<ByteBuffer> swingWorker, SwingUIHookAdapter hook) throws Exception { _initHook(hook); // set the license key MapLookup.setLicenseKey(ttfLicense.getText()); // get the uri for the static map String uri = MapLookup.getMap( Double.parseDouble(ttfLongi.getText()), Double.parseDouble(ttfLati.getText()), Integer.parseInt(ttfSizeW.getText()), Integer.parseInt(ttfSizeH.getText()), Integer.parseInt(ttfZoom.getText())); sout("Google Maps URI=" + uri); // get the map from Google GetMethod get = new GetMethod(uri); new HttpClient().executeMethod(get); ByteBuffer data = HttpUtils.getMonitoredResponse(hook, get); try { _img = ImageUtils.toCompatibleImage(; sout("converted downloaded data to image..."); } catch (Exception e) { _img = null; sout("The URI is not an image. Data is downloaded, can't display it as an image."); _respStr = new String(data.getBytes()); } return data; } @Override public String getName() { return _task.getName(); } }; _task = new SimpleTask( new TaskManager(), functor, "HTTP GET Task", "Download an image from a URL", AutoShutdownSignals.Daemon); _task.addStatusListener( new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { sout(":: task status change - " + ProgressMonitorUtils.parseStatusMessageFrom(evt)); lblProgressStatus.setText(ProgressMonitorUtils.parseStatusMessageFrom(evt)); } }); _task.setTaskHandler( new SimpleTaskHandler<ByteBuffer>() { @Override public void beforeStart(AbstractTask task) { sout(":: taskHandler - beforeStart"); } @Override public void started(AbstractTask task) { sout(":: taskHandler - started "); } /** {@link SampleApp#_initHook} adds the task status listener, which is removed here */ @Override public void stopped(long time, AbstractTask task) { sout(":: taskHandler [" + task.getName() + "]- stopped"); sout(":: time = " + time / 1000f + "sec"); task.getUIHook().clearAllStatusListeners(); } @Override public void interrupted(Throwable e, AbstractTask task) { sout(":: taskHandler [" + task.getName() + "]- interrupted - " + e.toString()); } @Override public void ok(ByteBuffer value, long time, AbstractTask task) { sout( ":: taskHandler [" + task.getName() + "]- ok - size=" + (value == null ? "null" : value.toString())); if (_img != null) { sout("********************************"); sout(" INSTRUCTIONS"); sout("********************************"); sout("Click anywhere on the loaded"); sout("map and it will save the"); sout("coordinates and open up a new"); sout("window with those coordinates."); sout(""); sout("The clicked coordinates are"); sout("saved under a combo box in"); sout("this window under get quit."); sout("********************************"); _displayImgInFrame(); } else _displayRespStrInFrame(); } @Override public void error(Throwable e, long time, AbstractTask task) { sout(":: taskHandler [" + task.getName() + "]- error - " + e.toString()); } @Override public void cancelled(long time, AbstractTask task) { sout(" :: taskHandler [" + task.getName() + "]- cancelled"); } }); }
private void quitProgram() { _task.shutdown(); System.exit(0); }