public TMapMainWindow(Frame parent) { // Задаем менеджер размещения типа BorderLayout // (ориентация распологаемых объектов на панели // относительно рамки) setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // Создаем экземпляр объекта класса TDocWindow // размещаем его в центре DocWindow = new TDocWindow(parent); DocWindow.init(); DocWindow.start(); DocWindow.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); add("Center", DocWindow); DocWindow.ObjectDialog.MainWindow = (TMapMainWindowBase) this; // 15/12/04 // Проектируем горизонтальный и вертикальный скроллинг ScrollBar1 = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL); ScrollBar1.setUnitIncrement(10); ScrollBar1.setBlockIncrement(100); ScrollBar1.setValues(0, 0, 0, 0); add("South", ScrollBar1); ScrollBar1.setEnabled(false); ScrollBar2 = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.VERTICAL); ScrollBar2.setUnitIncrement(10); ScrollBar2.setBlockIncrement(100); ScrollBar2.setValues(0, 0, 0, 0); add("East", ScrollBar2); ScrollBar2.setEnabled(false); ScrollBar1.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); ScrollBar2.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); }
public void SetScrollBarsValues(int[] left, int[] top) // 15/12/04 { int maxsize = ScrollBar1.getMaximum(); if (left[0] < 0) left[0] = 0; else if (left[0] > maxsize) left[0] = maxsize; ScrollBar1.setValues(left[0], 30, 0, maxsize); maxsize = ScrollBar2.getMaximum(); if (top[0] < 0) top[0] = 0; else if (top[0] > maxsize) top[0] = maxsize; ScrollBar2.setValues(top[0], 30, 0, maxsize); }
/** * Sets the minimum value of this scroll bar. * * <p>When <code>setMinimum</code> is called, the minimum value is changed, and other values * (including the maximum, the visible amount, and the current scroll bar value) are changed to be * consistent with the new minimum. * * <p>Normally, a program should change a scroll bar's minimum value only by calling <code> * setValues</code>. The <code>setValues</code> method simultaneously and synchronously sets the * minimum, maximum, visible amount, and value properties of a scroll bar, so that they are * mutually consistent. * * <p>Note that setting the minimum value to <code>Integer.MAX_VALUE</code> will result in the new * minimum value being set to <code>Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1</code>. * * @param newMinimum the new minimum value for this scroll bar * @see java.awt.Scrollbar#setValues * @see java.awt.Scrollbar#setMaximum * @since JDK1.1 */ public void setMinimum(int newMinimum) { // No checks are necessary in this method since minimum is // the first variable checked in the setValues function. // Use setValues so that a consistent policy relating // minimum, maximum, visible amount, and value is enforced. setValues(value, visibleAmount, newMinimum, maximum); }
// Called to update the scrollbar properties. private void updateScrollbars() { final DjVuImage image = getImage(); if (image != null) { final Dimension viewportSize = getViewportSize(); final Dimension imageSize = image.getSize(); final Point scrollPosition = getScrollPosition(); final Scrollbar hScroll = getScrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL); final Scrollbar vScroll = getScrollbar(Scrollbar.VERTICAL); if (hScroll != null) { hScroll.setValues(scrollPosition.x, viewportSize.width, 0, imageSize.width); } if (vScroll != null) { vScroll.setValues(scrollPosition.y, viewportSize.height, 0, imageSize.height); } } }
/** * Constructs a new scroll bar with the specified orientation, initial value, page size, and * minimum and maximum values. * * <p>The <code>orientation</code> argument must take one of the two values <code> * Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL</code>, or <code>Scrollbar.VERTICAL</code>, indicating a horizontal or * vertical scroll bar, respectively. * * <p>The parameters supplied to this constructor are subject to the constraints described in * {@link #setValues(int, int, int, int)}. * * @param orientation indicates the orientation of the scroll bar. * @param value the initial value of the scroll bar * @param visible the visible amount of the scroll bar, typically represented by the size of the * bubble * @param minimum the minimum value of the scroll bar * @param maximum the maximum value of the scroll bar * @exception IllegalArgumentException when an illegal value for the <code>orientation</code> * argument is supplied * @see #setValues */ public Scrollbar(int orientation, int value, int visible, int minimum, int maximum) { switch (orientation) { case HORIZONTAL: case VERTICAL: this.orientation = orientation; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal scrollbar orientation"); } setValues(value, visible, minimum, maximum); }
/** * Sets the maximum value of this scroll bar. * * <p>When <code>setMaximum</code> is called, the maximum value is changed, and other values * (including the minimum, the visible amount, and the current scroll bar value) are changed to be * consistent with the new maximum. * * <p>Normally, a program should change a scroll bar's maximum value only by calling <code> * setValues</code>. The <code>setValues</code> method simultaneously and synchronously sets the * minimum, maximum, visible amount, and value properties of a scroll bar, so that they are * mutually consistent. * * <p>Note that setting the maximum value to <code>Integer.MIN_VALUE</code> will result in the new * maximum value being set to <code>Integer.MIN_VALUE + 1</code>. * * @param newMaximum the new maximum value for this scroll bar * @see java.awt.Scrollbar#setValues * @see java.awt.Scrollbar#setMinimum * @since JDK1.1 */ public void setMaximum(int newMaximum) { // minimum is checked first in setValues, so we need to // enforce minimum and maximum checks here. if (newMaximum == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { newMaximum = Integer.MIN_VALUE + 1; } if (minimum >= newMaximum) { minimum = newMaximum - 1; } // Use setValues so that a consistent policy relating // minimum, maximum, visible amount, and value is enforced. setValues(value, visibleAmount, minimum, newMaximum); }
public void goTo(int where) { try { if (where < 1) { return; } if (where > db.getRecordCount()) { return; } db.gotoRecord(where); crl.setText("Record " + db.getCurrentRecordNumber()); delCB.setState(db.deleted()); Field f; LogicalField lf; Checkbox c; TextField t; int i; for (i = 1; i <= db.getFieldCount(); i++) { f = db.getField(i); if (f.isMemoField()) { } else if (f.getType() == 'L') { lf = (LogicalField) f; c = (Checkbox) fldObjects.elementAt(i - 1); c.setState(lf.getBoolean()); } else { t = (TextField) fldObjects.elementAt(i - 1); t.setText(f.get().trim()); } } Next.setEnabled(!(db.getCurrentRecordNumber() == db.getRecordCount())); nextRecord.setEnabled(!(db.getCurrentRecordNumber() == db.getRecordCount())); Prev.setEnabled(!(db.getCurrentRecordNumber() == 1)); prevRecord.setEnabled(!(db.getCurrentRecordNumber() == 1)); firstRecord.setEnabled(db.getRecordCount() > 0); lastRecord.setEnabled(db.getRecordCount() > 0); SBrecpos.setValues(db.getCurrentRecordNumber(), 1, 0, db.getRecordCount()); } // try catch (Exception e1) { System.out.println(e1); System.exit(2); } }
/** * Create a instance of this check entry and set the configuration entry that is used to setup * this class. * * @param usedEntry the entry used to setup this class, the entry needs to pass the check with the * static method */ @SuppressWarnings("nls") public NumberEntryAwt(final ConfigEntry usedEntry) { super(new BorderLayout(10, 0)); if (!isUsableEntry(usedEntry)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ConfigEntry type illegal."); } entry = (NumberEntry) usedEntry; currentValue = entry.getValue(); display = new Label(Integer.toString(currentValue)); add(display, BorderLayout.EAST); final Scrollbar scroll = new Scrollbar(); scroll.setOrientation(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL); scroll.setValues(currentValue, 1, entry.getRange().getMin(), entry.getRange().getMax() + 1); scroll.addAdjustmentListener(new NumberEntryScrollListener(this)); add(scroll, BorderLayout.CENTER); setMinimumSize(new Dimension(300, 10)); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { if (event.getSource() == firstRecord) { goTo(1); return; } if (event.getSource() == lastRecord) { goTo(db.getRecordCount()); return; } if (event.getSource() == Next || event.getSource() == nextRecord) { if (db.getCurrentRecordNumber() < db.getRecordCount()) { goTo(db.getCurrentRecordNumber() + 1); } return; } if (event.getSource() == Prev || event.getSource() == prevRecord) { if (db.getCurrentRecordNumber() > 1) { goTo(db.getCurrentRecordNumber() - 1); } return; } if (event.getSource() == Add || event.getSource() == addRecord) { addRec(); return; } if (event.getSource() == Update || event.getSource() == updateRecord) { updateRec(); return; } if (event.getSource() == Clear || event.getSource() == clearRecord) { clearFields(); return; } if (event.getSource() == opener) { FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(this, "dbfShow", FileDialog.LOAD); fd.setFile("*.DBF"); fd.pack(); fd.setVisible(true); String DBFname = fd.getFile(); String dirname = fd.getDirectory(); if (DBFname == null) { return; } if (DBFname.length() < 1) { return; } String dbname = new String(dirname + DBFname); try { setupDBFields(dbname); } catch (Exception e1) { System.out.println(e1); System.exit(4); } pack(); setVisible(true); return; } if (event.getSource() == packer) { packer.setEnabled(false); try { db.pack(); trl.setText(" of " + db.getRecordCount()); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } if (db.getRecordCount() == 0) { Update.setEnabled(false); Next.setEnabled(false); updateRecord.setEnabled(false); nextRecord.setEnabled(false); SBrecpos.setValues(0, 1, 0, 0); } else { goTo(1); } packer.setEnabled(true); return; } if (event.getSource() == quiter) { System.exit(0); return; } if (event.getSource() instanceof Button) { int i; Field f; for (i = 1; i <= db.getFieldCount(); i++) { try { f = db.getField(i); if (f.isMemoField()) { if (event.getActionCommand().equals(f.getName())) { md = new memoDialog(this, f); md.setVisible(true); return; } } } catch (Exception e1) { System.out.println(e1); } } } }
/** * Sets the visible amount of this scroll bar. * * <p>When a scroll bar is used to select a range of values, the visible amount is used to * represent the range of values that are currently visible. The size of the scroll bar's bubble * (also called a thumb or scroll box), usually gives a visual representation of the relationship * of the visible amount to the range of the scroll bar. * * <p>The scroll bar's bubble may not be displayed when it is not moveable (e.g. when it takes up * the entire length of the scroll bar's track, or when the scroll bar is disabled). Whether the * bubble is displayed or not will not affect the value returned by <code>getVisibleAmount</code>. * * <p>If the visible amount supplied is less than <code>one</code> or greater than the current * <code>maximum - minimum</code>, then either <code>one</code> or <code>maximum - minimum</code> * is substituted, as appropriate. * * <p>Normally, a program should change a scroll bar's value only by calling <code>setValues * </code>. The <code>setValues</code> method simultaneously and synchronously sets the minimum, * maximum, visible amount, and value properties of a scroll bar, so that they are mutually * consistent. * * @param newAmount the new visible amount * @see java.awt.Scrollbar#getVisibleAmount * @see java.awt.Scrollbar#setValues * @since JDK1.1 */ public void setVisibleAmount(int newAmount) { // Use setValues so that a consistent policy relating // minimum, maximum, visible amount, and value is enforced. setValues(value, newAmount, minimum, maximum); }