/** * Causes resources used by the World Window to be freed. The World Window cannot be used once * this method is called. An OpenGL context for the window must be current. */ public void shutdown() { WorldWind.getDataFileStore().removePropertyChangeListener(this); if (this.inputHandler != null) { this.inputHandler.dispose(); this.inputHandler = new NoOpInputHandler(); } // Clear the texture cache if (this.getGpuResourceCache() != null) this.getGpuResourceCache().clear(); // Dispose all the layers // TODO: Need per-window dispose for layers if (this.getModel() != null && this.getModel().getLayers() != null) { for (Layer layer : this.getModel().getLayers()) { try { layer.dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.logger() .log( java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, Logging.getMessage("WorldWindowGLCanvas.ExceptionWhileShuttingDownWorldWindow"), e); } } } SceneController sc = this.getSceneController(); if (sc != null) sc.dispose(); }
protected Vec4 getSurfacePoint(LatLon latlon, double elevation) { Vec4 point = null; SceneController sc = this.getApp().getWwd().getSceneController(); Globe globe = this.getApp().getWwd().getModel().getGlobe(); if (sc.getTerrain() != null) { point = sc.getTerrain() .getSurfacePoint( latlon.getLatitude(), latlon.getLongitude(), elevation * sc.getVerticalExaggeration()); } if (point == null) { double e = globe.getElevation(latlon.getLatitude(), latlon.getLongitude()); point = globe.computePointFromPosition( latlon.getLatitude(), latlon.getLongitude(), (e + elevation) * sc.getVerticalExaggeration()); } return point; }
protected Vec4 getPoint(LatLon latlon, double elevation) { SceneController sc = this.getApp().getWwd().getSceneController(); Globe globe = this.getApp().getWwd().getModel().getGlobe(); double e = globe.getElevation(latlon.getLatitude(), latlon.getLongitude()); return globe.computePointFromPosition( latlon.getLatitude(), latlon.getLongitude(), (e + elevation) * sc.getVerticalExaggeration()); }
public void setSceneController(SceneController sc) { if (sc != null && this.getSceneController() != null) { sc.setGpuResourceCache(this.sceneController.getGpuResourceCache()); } this.sceneController = sc; }