private void readBandRasterDataSubSampling(
     Band sourceBand,
     int sourceOffsetX,
     int sourceOffsetY,
     int sourceWidth,
     int sourceHeight,
     int sourceStepX,
     int sourceStepY,
     ProductData destBuffer,
     int destWidth,
     ProgressMonitor pm)
     throws IOException {
   final int sourceMinY = sourceOffsetY;
   final int sourceMaxY = sourceOffsetY + sourceHeight - 1;
   ProductData lineBuffer = ProductData.createInstance(destBuffer.getType(), sourceWidth);
   int destPos = 0;
   try {
     pm.beginTask("Reading sub sampled raster data...", 2 * (sourceMaxY - sourceMinY));
     for (int sourceY = sourceMinY; sourceY <= sourceMaxY; sourceY += sourceStepY) {
           sourceOffsetX, sourceY, sourceWidth, 1, lineBuffer, SubProgressMonitor.create(pm, 1));
       if (sourceStepX == 1) {
         copyData(lineBuffer, 0, destBuffer, destPos, destWidth);
       } else {
         copyLine(lineBuffer, 0, sourceWidth, sourceStepX, destBuffer, destPos);
       destPos += destWidth;
   } finally {
  public void readDescendingRasterBand(
      final int sourceOffsetX,
      final int sourceOffsetY,
      final int sourceStepX,
      final int sourceStepY,
      final ProductData destBuffer,
      final int destOffsetX,
      final int destOffsetY,
      final int destWidth,
      final int destHeight,
      final int imageID,
      final ImageIOFile img,
      final int bandSampleOffset,
      final boolean isAntennaPointingRight)
      throws IOException {

    final Raster data;

    synchronized (dataDir) {
      final ImageReader reader = img.getReader();
      final ImageReadParam param = reader.getDefaultReadParam();
          sourceStepX, sourceStepY, sourceOffsetX % sourceStepX, sourceOffsetY % sourceStepY);

      final RenderedImage image = reader.readAsRenderedImage(0, param);
      if (flipToSARGeometry && isAntennaPointingRight) { // flip the image left to right
        data =
                new Rectangle(
                    img.getSceneWidth() - destOffsetX - destWidth,
      } else {
        data = image.getData(new Rectangle(destOffsetX, destOffsetY, destWidth, destHeight));

    final DataBuffer dataBuffer = data.getDataBuffer();
    final SampleModel sampleModel = data.getSampleModel();
    final int sampleOffset = imageID + bandSampleOffset;

    if (flipToSARGeometry && isAntennaPointingRight) { // flip the image left to right
      final int[] dArray = new int[destWidth * destHeight];
      sampleModel.getSamples(0, 0, destWidth, destHeight, sampleOffset, dArray, dataBuffer);

      int srcStride, destStride;
      for (int r = 0; r < destHeight; r++) {
        srcStride = r * destWidth;
        destStride = r * destWidth + destWidth;
        for (int c = 0; c < destWidth; c++) {
          destBuffer.setElemIntAt(destStride - c - 1, dArray[srcStride + c]);
    } else { // no flipping is needed
          0, 0, destWidth, destHeight, sampleOffset, (int[]) destBuffer.getElems(), dataBuffer);
 private static void copyData(
     ProductData sourceBuffer,
     int sourcePos,
     ProductData destBuffer,
     int destPos,
     int destLength) {
       sourceBuffer.getElems(), sourcePos, destBuffer.getElems(), destPos, destLength);
Exemple #4
  public synchronized void readBandData(
      Band destBand,
      int sourceOffsetX,
      int sourceOffsetY,
      int sourceWidth,
      int sourceHeight,
      int sourceStepX,
      int sourceStepY,
      ProductData destBuffer,
      ProgressMonitor pm)
      throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {

    if (mustFlipY) {
      sourceOffsetY = destBand.getSceneRasterHeight() - (sourceOffsetY + sourceHeight);
    if (mustFlipX) {
      sourceOffsetX = destBand.getSceneRasterWidth() - (sourceOffsetX + sourceWidth);
    sourceOffsetY += leadLineSkip;
    start[0] = sourceOffsetY;
    start[1] = sourceOffsetX;
    stride[0] = sourceStepY;
    stride[1] = sourceStepX;
    count[0] = sourceHeight;
    count[1] = sourceWidth;
    Object buffer = destBuffer.getElems();
    Variable variable = variableMap.get(destBand);

    pm.beginTask("Reading band '" + variable.getShortName() + "'...", sourceHeight);
    try {
      Section section = new Section(start, count, stride);

      Array array;
      int[] newshape = {sourceHeight, sourceWidth};

      array =;
      if (array.getRank() == 3) {
        array = array.reshapeNoCopy(newshape);
      Object storage;

      if (mustFlipX && !mustFlipY) {
        storage = array.flip(1).copyTo1DJavaArray();
      } else if (!mustFlipX && mustFlipY) {
        storage = array.flip(0).copyTo1DJavaArray();
      } else if (mustFlipX && mustFlipY) {
        storage = array.flip(0).flip(1).copyTo1DJavaArray();
      } else {
        storage = array.copyTo1DJavaArray();

      arraycopy(storage, 0, buffer, 0, destBuffer.getNumElems());
    } finally {
Exemple #5
  private void handleMetadataGroup(Group group, MetadataElement metadataElement)
      throws ProductIOException {
    List<Variable> variables = group.getVariables();
    for (Variable variable : variables) {
      final String name = variable.getShortName();
      final int dataType = getProductDataType(variable);
      Array array;
      try {
        array =;
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new ProductIOException(e.getMessage());
      final ProductData data = ProductData.createInstance(dataType, array.getStorage());
      final MetadataAttribute attribute = new MetadataAttribute("data", data, true);

      final MetadataElement sdsElement = new MetadataElement(name);

      final List<Attribute> list = variable.getAttributes();
      for (Attribute hdfAttribute : list) {
        final String attribName = hdfAttribute.getShortName();
        if ("units".equals(attribName)) {
        } else if ("long_name".equals(attribName)) {
        } else {
          addAttributeToElement(sdsElement, hdfAttribute);
Exemple #6
  public void addInputParamMetadata(Product product) throws ProductIOException {

    Variable inputParams = ncFile.findVariable("Input_Parameters");
    if (inputParams != null) {
      final MetadataElement inputParamsMeta = new MetadataElement("Input_Parameters");
      Array array;
      try {
        array =;
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new ProductIOException(e.getMessage());

      String[] lines = array.toString().split("\n");
      for (String line : lines) {
        String[] parts = line.split("=");
        if (parts.length == 2) {
          final String name = parts[0].trim();
          final String value = parts[1].trim();
          final ProductData data = ProductData.createInstance(ProductData.TYPE_ASCII, value);
          final MetadataAttribute attribute = new MetadataAttribute(name, data, true);

      final MetadataElement metadataRoot = product.getMetadataRoot();
Exemple #7
  public ProductData readData(Variable variable) throws ProductIOException {
    final int dataType = getProductDataType(variable);
    Array array;
    try {
      array =;

    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new ProductIOException(e.getMessage());
    return ProductData.createInstance(dataType, array.getStorage());
Exemple #8
 MetadataAttribute attributeToMetadata(Attribute attribute) {
   final int productDataType = getProductDataType(attribute.getDataType(), false, false);
   if (productDataType != -1) {
     ProductData productData;
     if (attribute.isString()) {
       productData = ProductData.createInstance(attribute.getStringValue());
     } else if (attribute.isArray()) {
       productData = ProductData.createInstance(productDataType, attribute.getLength());
     } else {
       productData = ProductData.createInstance(productDataType, 1);
     return new MetadataAttribute(attribute.getShortName(), productData, true);
   return null;
Exemple #9
  public synchronized void readBandData(
      Band destBand,
      int sourceOffsetX,
      int sourceOffsetY,
      int sourceWidth,
      int sourceHeight,
      int sourceStepX,
      int sourceStepY,
      ProductData destBuffer,
      ProgressMonitor pm)
      throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {

    final Variable variable = variableMap.get(destBand);
    DataType prodtype = variable.getDataType();
    float[] fbuffer;
    short[] sbuffer;
    int[] ibuffer;
    byte[] bbuffer;
    Object buffer;

    if (prodtype == DataType.FLOAT) {
      fbuffer = (float[]) destBuffer.getElems();
      Arrays.fill(fbuffer, Float.NaN);
      buffer = fbuffer;
    } else if (prodtype == DataType.SHORT) {
      sbuffer = (short[]) destBuffer.getElems();
      Arrays.fill(sbuffer, (short) -999);
      buffer = sbuffer;
    } else if (prodtype == DataType.BYTE) {
      bbuffer = (byte[]) destBuffer.getElems();
      Arrays.fill(bbuffer, (byte) 255);
      buffer = bbuffer;
    } else {
      ibuffer = (int[]) destBuffer.getElems();
      Arrays.fill(ibuffer, -999);
      buffer = ibuffer;

    if (rowInfo == null) {
      rowInfo = createRowInfos();

    final int height = sceneHeight;
    final int width = sceneWidth;
    final ISINGrid grid = this.grid;

    // loop over lines
    try {
      int[] lineOffsets = new int[1];
      int[] lineLengths = new int[1];
      int[] stride = new int[1];
      stride[0] = 1;

      //            for (int y = sourceOffsetY; y < sourceOffsetY + sourceHeight; y++) {
      for (int y = sourceOffsetY; y < sourceOffsetY + sourceHeight; y += sourceStepY) {
        if (pm.isCanceled()) {
        final int rowIndex = (height - 1) - y;
        final RowInfo rowInfo = this.rowInfo[rowIndex];
        if (rowInfo != null) {

          final int lineOffset = rowInfo.offset;
          final int lineLength = rowInfo.length;

          lineOffsets[0] = lineOffset;
          lineLengths[0] = lineLength;
          final Object bindata;

          synchronized (ncFile) {
            bindata =, lineLengths, stride).copyTo1DJavaArray();
          int lineIndex0 = 0;
          for (int x = sourceOffsetX; x < sourceOffsetX + sourceWidth; x++) {
            final double lon = x * 360.0 / width;
            final int binIndex = grid.getBinIndex(rowIndex, lon);
            int lineIndex = -1;
            for (int i = lineIndex0; i < lineLength; i++) {
              int binidx = bins[lineOffset + i];
              if (binidx >= binIndex) {
                if (binidx == binIndex) {
                  lineIndex = i;
                lineIndex0 = i;

            if (lineIndex >= 0) {
              final int rasterIndex = sourceWidth * (y - sourceOffsetY) + (x - sourceOffsetX);

              System.arraycopy(bindata, lineIndex, buffer, rasterIndex, 1);

    } finally {
Exemple #10
  // Don't do hurts.  Too much of a memory hog...
  private void addBandsBinMap(Product product) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
    String[] bandList = product.getBandNames();
    if (rowInfo == null) {
      rowInfo = createRowInfos();

    final int height = sceneHeight;
    final int width = sceneWidth;
    final ISINGrid grid = this.grid;

    // loop over lines
    try {
      int[] lineOffsets = new int[1];
      int[] lineLengths = new int[1];
      int[] stride = new int[1];
      stride[0] = 1;

      //            for (int y = sourceOffsetY; y < sourceOffsetY + sourceHeight; y++) {
      for (String name : bandList) {
        if (name.endsWith("mean") || name.endsWith("stdev")) continue;
        Band band = product.getBand(name);
        ProductData buffer;
        final Variable variable = variableMap.get(band);
        DataType prodtype = variable.getDataType();
        float[] fbuffer = new float[width * height];
        short[] sbuffer = new short[width * height];
        int[] ibuffer = new int[width * height];
        byte[] bbuffer = new byte[width * height];

        if (prodtype == DataType.FLOAT) {
          Arrays.fill(fbuffer, Float.NaN);
          buffer = ProductData.createInstance(fbuffer);
        } else if (prodtype == DataType.SHORT) {
          Arrays.fill(sbuffer, (short) -999);
          buffer = ProductData.createInstance(sbuffer);
        } else if (prodtype == DataType.BYTE) {
          Arrays.fill(bbuffer, (byte) 255);
          buffer = ProductData.createInstance(bbuffer);
        } else {
          Arrays.fill(ibuffer, -999);
          buffer = ProductData.createInstance(ibuffer);

        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {

          final int rowIndex = (height - 1) - y;
          final RowInfo rowInfo = this.rowInfo[rowIndex];
          if (rowInfo != null) {
            final Array bindata;

            final int lineOffset = rowInfo.offset;
            final int lineLength = rowInfo.length;

            lineOffsets[0] = lineOffset;
            lineLengths[0] = lineLength;

            synchronized (ncFile) {
              bindata =
                      .section(lineOffsets, lineLengths, stride); // .copyTo1DJavaArray();
            int lineIndex0 = 0;
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
              final double lon = x * 360.0 / width;
              final int binIndex = grid.getBinIndex(rowIndex, lon);
              int lineIndex = -1;
              for (int i = lineIndex0; i < lineLength; i++) {
                int binidx = bins[lineOffset + i];
                if (binidx >= binIndex) {
                  if (binidx == binIndex) {
                    lineIndex = i;
                  lineIndex0 = i;

              if (lineIndex >= 0) {
                final int rasterIndex = width * y + x;
                final Array elem;
                elem = Array.factory(bindata.copyTo1DJavaArray());
                for (int i = 0; i < elem.getSize(); i++) {
                  if (prodtype == DataType.FLOAT) {

                    buffer.setElemFloatAt(rasterIndex, elem.getFloat(i));
                  } else {
                    buffer.setElemIntAt(rasterIndex, elem.getInt(i));
                  //                                System.arraycopy(bindata, lineIndex, buffer,
                  // rasterIndex, 1);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new IOException("Could not map product " + product.getName(), e);
 private static void copyLine(
     ProductData sourceBuffer,
     int sourceOffsetPos,
     int sourceWidth,
     int sourceStepX,
     ProductData destBuffer,
     int destOffsetPos) {
   final int sourceMinX = sourceOffsetPos;
   final int sourceMaxX = sourceOffsetPos + sourceWidth - 1;
   if (destBuffer.getElems() instanceof byte[]) {
     byte[] destArray = (byte[]) destBuffer.getElems();
     byte[] sourceArray = (byte[]) sourceBuffer.getElems();
     for (int sourceX = sourceMinX; sourceX <= sourceMaxX; sourceX += sourceStepX) {
       destArray[destOffsetPos] = sourceArray[sourceX];
   } else if (destBuffer.getElems() instanceof short[]) {
     short[] destArray = (short[]) destBuffer.getElems();
     short[] sourceArray = (short[]) sourceBuffer.getElems();
     for (int sourceX = sourceMinX; sourceX <= sourceMaxX; sourceX += sourceStepX) {
       destArray[destOffsetPos] = sourceArray[sourceX];
   } else if (destBuffer.getElems() instanceof int[]) {
     int[] destArray = (int[]) destBuffer.getElems();
     int[] sourceArray = (int[]) sourceBuffer.getElems();
     for (int sourceX = sourceMinX; sourceX <= sourceMaxX; sourceX += sourceStepX) {
       destArray[destOffsetPos] = sourceArray[sourceX];
   } else if (destBuffer.getElems() instanceof float[]) {
     float[] destArray = (float[]) destBuffer.getElems();
     float[] sourceArray = (float[]) sourceBuffer.getElems();
     for (int sourceX = sourceMinX; sourceX <= sourceMaxX; sourceX += sourceStepX) {
       destArray[destOffsetPos] = sourceArray[sourceX];
   } else if (destBuffer.getElems() instanceof double[]) {
     double[] destArray = (double[]) destBuffer.getElems();
     double[] sourceArray = (double[]) sourceBuffer.getElems();
     for (int sourceX = sourceMinX; sourceX <= sourceMaxX; sourceX += sourceStepX) {
       destArray[destOffsetPos] = sourceArray[sourceX];
   } else {
     Debug.assertTrue(false, "illegal product data type");
     throw new IllegalStateException("illegal product data type");