private void generateAnotherCell(Graphics g, int dx, int dy) { Polygon polygon = new Polygon(); AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(dx, dy); PathIterator pointsIterator = center.getPathIterator(at); while (!pointsIterator.isDone()) { double[] xy = new double[2]; pointsIterator.currentSegment(xy); if (xy[0] == 0 && xy[1] == 0) { break; } polygon.addPoint((int) xy[0], (int) xy[1]);; } g.fillPolygon(polygon); }
/** * @param poly main cluster Polygon * @param line sub cluster polygon lines * @return Set of intersect Point * @throws Exception e */ private Set<Point2D> getIntersections(final Polygon poly, final Line2D.Double line) throws Exception { final PathIterator polyIt = poly.getPathIterator(null); // Getting an iterator along the polygon path final double[] coords = new double[6]; // Double array with length 6 needed by iterator final double[] firstCoords = new double[2]; // First point (needed for closing polygon path) final double[] lastCoords = new double[2]; // Previously visited point final Set<Point2D> intersections = new HashSet<Point2D>(); // List to hold found intersections polyIt.currentSegment(firstCoords); // Getting the first coordinate pair lastCoords[0] = firstCoords[0]; // Priming the previous coordinate pair lastCoords[1] = firstCoords[1];; while (!polyIt.isDone()) { final int type = polyIt.currentSegment(coords); switch (type) { case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: { final Line2D.Double currentLine = new Line2D.Double(lastCoords[0], lastCoords[1], coords[0], coords[1]); if (currentLine.intersectsLine(line)) { intersections.add(getIntersection(currentLine, line)); } lastCoords[0] = coords[0]; lastCoords[1] = coords[1]; break; } case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE: { final Line2D.Double currentLine = new Line2D.Double(coords[0], coords[1], firstCoords[0], firstCoords[1]); if (currentLine.intersectsLine(line)) { intersections.add(getIntersection(currentLine, line)); } break; } default: { throw new Exception("Unsupported PathIterator segment type."); } }; } return intersections; }