Exemple #1
     * Creates a {@link RenderedImage} representing the results of an imaging operation for a given
     * {@link ParameterBlock} and {@link RenderingHints}.
    public RenderedImage create(final ParameterBlock param, final RenderingHints hints) {
      final RenderedImage image = (RenderedImage) param.getSource(0);
      final Number srcVal = (Number) param.getObjectParameter(0);
      final Number destVal = (Number) param.getObjectParameter(1);

      return new RecodeRaster(image, srcVal.doubleValue(), destVal.doubleValue(), hints);
 public int compare(Number o1, Number o2) {
   final double d1 = o1.doubleValue();
   final double d2 = o2.doubleValue();
   if (d1 < d2) {
     return -1;
   if (d1 == d2) {
     return 0;
   return 1;
 public void saveDisplayObjectType() {
   DOTPoint newDOTPoint =
       (DOTPoint) _dotDefinitionDialogFrame.getScratchDisplayObjectType().getCopy(null);
   final String name = _dotDefinitionDialogFrame.getNameText();
   if ((name == null) || (name.length() == 0)) {
         new JFrame(), "Bitte geben Sie einen Namen an!", "Fehler", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
   if (!_dotDefinitionDialogFrame.isReviseOnly()) {
     if (_dotDefinitionDialogFrame.getDotManager().containsDisplayObjectType(name)) {
           new JFrame(),
           "Ein Darstellungstyp mit diesem Namen existiert bereits!",
   final Object value = _translationFactorSpinner.getValue();
   if (value instanceof Number) {
     final Number number = (Number) value;
   _dotDefinitionDialogFrame.setDisplayObjectType(newDOTPoint, true);
 public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(
     JTable aTable,
     Object aNumberValue,
     boolean aIsSelected,
     boolean aHasFocus,
     int aRow,
     int aColumn) {
    * Implementation Note :
    * It is important that no "new" be present in this
    * implementation (excluding exceptions):
    * if the table is large, then a large number of objects would be
    * created during rendering.
   if (aNumberValue == null) return this;
   Component renderer =
           aTable, aNumberValue, aIsSelected, aHasFocus, aRow, aColumn);
   Number value = (Number) aNumberValue;
   if (value.doubleValue() < 0) {
   } else {
   return this;
Exemple #5
 /** Return a double parsed from the given string, possibly formatted with a "%" sign */
 public static double parseDouble(String val) throws NumberFormatException, ParseException {
   NumberFormat formatPercent = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(Locale.US); // for zoom factor
   if (val.indexOf("%") == -1) { // not in percent format !
     return Double.parseDouble(val);
   // else it's a percent format -> parse it
   Number n = formatPercent.parse(val);
   return n.doubleValue();
  public void paintStateValue(Graphics2D g2, State s, double value, float cWidth, float cHeight) {

    Number x = (Number) s.get(xKey);
    Number y = (Number) s.get(yKey);

    float xval;
    float yval;
    float width;
    float height;

    width = cWidth / (float) (xRange.span() / xWidth);
    height = cHeight / (float) (yRange.span() / yWidth);

    float normX = (float) xRange.norm(x.doubleValue());
    xval = normX * cWidth;

    float normY = (float) yRange.norm(y.doubleValue());
    yval = cHeight - height - normY * cHeight;

    Color col = this.colorBlend.color(value);

    g2.fill(new Rectangle2D.Float(xval, yval, width, height));

    if (this.renderValueString) {

      g2.setFont(new Font("sansserif", Font.BOLD, this.vsFontSize));
      String fstring = String.format("%." + this.vsPrecision + "f", value);

      float sxval = xval + this.vsOffsetFromLeft * width;
      float syval = yval + this.vsOffsetFromTop * height;

      g2.drawString(fstring, sxval, syval);
  private static boolean isLengthDefined(final StyleKey key, final StyleSheet styleSheet) {
    if (key.isInheritable()) {
      if (styleSheet.isLocalKey(key) == false) {
        return false;

    final Object o = styleSheet.getStyleProperty(key, null);
    if (o == null) {
      return false;
    if (o instanceof Number == false) {
      return false;
    final Number n = (Number) o;
    return n.doubleValue() != 0;
Exemple #8
  * @return a double parsed from the value associated with the given key in the given Properties.
  *     returns "def" in key wasn't found, or if a parsing error occured. If "value" contains a "%"
  *     sign, we use a <code>NumberFormat.getPercentInstance</code> to convert it to a double.
 public static double parseProperty(Properties preferences, String key, double def) {
   NumberFormat formatPercent = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(Locale.US); // for zoom factor
   String val = preferences.getProperty(key);
   if (val == null) return def;
   if (val.indexOf("%") == -1) { // not in percent format !
     try {
       return Double.parseDouble(val);
     } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
       return def;
   // else it's a percent format -> parse it
   try {
     Number n = formatPercent.parse(val);
     return n.doubleValue();
   } catch (ParseException ex) {
     return def;
  private void updateDataSet() {
    if (!isInitialized) {


    double dx = 0.5 * dataSourceConfig.boxSize;

    if (profileData != null) {
      final float[] sampleValues = profileData.getSampleValues();
      final float[] sampleSigmas = profileData.getSampleSigmas();
      XYIntervalSeries series =
          new XYIntervalSeries(
              getRaster() != null ? getRaster().getName() : DEFAULT_SAMPLE_DATASET_NAME);
      for (int x = 0; x < sampleValues.length; x++) {
        final float y = sampleValues[x];
        final float dy = sampleSigmas[x];
        series.add(x, x - dx, x + dx, y, y - dy, y + dy);

      if (dataSourceConfig.useCorrelativeData
          && dataSourceConfig.pointDataSource != null
          && dataSourceConfig.dataField != null) {

        XYIntervalSeries corrSeries =
            new XYIntervalSeries(
                    dataSourceConfig.pointDataSource, dataSourceConfig.dataField));
        int[] shapeVertexIndexes = profileData.getShapeVertexIndexes();
        SimpleFeature[] simpleFeatures =
            dataSourceConfig.pointDataSource.getFeatureCollection().toArray(new SimpleFeature[0]);

        if (shapeVertexIndexes.length == simpleFeatures.length) {
          int fieldIndex =
              getAttributeIndex(dataSourceConfig.pointDataSource, dataSourceConfig.dataField);
          if (fieldIndex != -1) {
            for (int i = 0; i < simpleFeatures.length; i++) {
              Number attribute = (Number) simpleFeatures[i].getAttribute(fieldIndex);
              if (attribute != null) {
                final double x = shapeVertexIndexes[i];
                final double y = attribute.doubleValue();
                corrSeries.add(x, x, x, y, y, y);
        } else {
          System.out.println("Weird things happened:");
          System.out.println("  shapeVertexIndexes.length = " + shapeVertexIndexes.length);
          System.out.println("  simpleFeatures.length     = " + simpleFeatures.length);

              PROPERTY_NAME_MARK_SEGMENTS, profileData.getShapeVertices().length > 2);
 public double getStrokeMiterLimitFactor() {
   Number value = (Number) getAttribute(AttributeKeys.STROKE_MITER_LIMIT);
   return (value != null) ? value.doubleValue() : 10f;