protected void runScript(String[] cmd, JTextArea txaMsg) { String strg = ""; if (cmd == null) return; Process prcs = null; try { Messages.postDebug("Running script: " + cmd[2]); Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); prcs = rt.exec(cmd); if (prcs == null) return; InputStream istrm = prcs.getInputStream(); if (istrm == null) return; BufferedReader bfr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(istrm)); while ((strg = bfr.readLine()) != null) { // System.out.println(strg); strg = strg.trim(); // Messages.postDebug(strg); strg = strg.toLowerCase(); if (txaMsg != null) { txaMsg.append(strg); txaMsg.append("\n"); } } } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); Messages.writeStackTrace(e); Messages.postDebug(e.toString()); } finally { // It is my understanding that these streams are left // open sometimes depending on the garbage collector. // So, close them. try { if (prcs != null) { OutputStream os = prcs.getOutputStream(); if (os != null) os.close(); InputStream is = prcs.getInputStream(); if (is != null) is.close(); is = prcs.getErrorStream(); if (is != null) is.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Messages.writeStackTrace(ex); } } }
protected void init() { setTitle(Messages.getInstance().getString("ChartEditorTitle")); editModel = new LegacyChartEditModel(); editModel.addPropertyChangeListener( LegacyChartEditModel.CHART_EXPRESSION_PROPERTY, new ChartExpressionChangeHandler()); editModel.addPropertyChangeListener( LegacyChartEditModel.PRIMARY_DATA_SOURCE_PROPERTY, new PrimaryDataSourceChangeHandler()); editModel.addPropertyChangeListener( LegacyChartEditModel.SECONDARY_DATA_SOURCE_PROPERTY, new SecondaryDataSourceChangeHandler()); chartTable = new ElementMetaDataTable(); chartPropertiesTableModel = new ChartExpressionPropertiesTableModel(); primaryDataSourceTable = new ElementMetaDataTable(); primaryDataSourcePropertiesTableModel = new ExpressionPropertiesTableModel(); primaryDataSourcePropertiesTableModel.setFilterInlineExpressionProperty(true); secondaryDataSourceTable = new ElementMetaDataTable(); secondaryDataSourcePropertiesTableModel = new ExpressionPropertiesTableModel(); secondaryDataSourcePropertiesTableModel.setFilterInlineExpressionProperty(true); dataSourceTabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); dataSourceTabbedPane.add( Messages.getInstance().getString("PrimaryDataSource"), createPrimaryDataSourcePanel()); dataSourceTabbedPane.add( Messages.getInstance().getString("SecondaryDataSource"), createSecondaryDataSourcePanel()); super.init(); }
/** Write file with position and size of the login box */ public static void writePersistence() { Messages.postDebug("LoginBox", "LoginBox.writePersistence"); // If the panel has not been created, don't try to write a file if (position == null) return; String filepath = FileUtil.savePath("USER/PERSISTENCE/LoginPanel"); FileWriter fw; PrintWriter os; try { File file = new File(filepath); fw = new FileWriter(file); os = new PrintWriter(fw); os.println("Login Panel"); os.println(height); os.println(width); double xd = position.getX(); int xi = (int) xd; os.println(xi); double yd = position.getY(); int yi = (int) yd; os.println(yi); os.close(); } catch (Exception er) { Messages.postError("Problem creating " + filepath); Messages.writeStackTrace(er); } }
/** Displays the labels and the values for the panel. */ protected void displayPnlFields(HashMap hmPnl) { if (hmPnl == null || hmPnl.isEmpty()) return; Iterator keySetItr = hmPnl.keySet().iterator(); String strLabel = ""; String strValue = ""; // if the file is empty, then create an empty set of textfields. if (hmPnl == null || hmPnl.isEmpty()) { displayNewTxf("", ""); return; } Container container = getParent(); if (container != null) container.setVisible(false); try { // Get each set of label and value, and display them. while (keySetItr.hasNext()) { strLabel = (String); strValue = (String) hmPnl.get(strLabel); displayNewTxf(strLabel, strValue); } if (container != null) container.setVisible(true); revalidate(); repaint(); } catch (Exception e) { Messages.writeStackTrace(e); // e.printStackTrace(); Messages.postDebug(e.toString()); } }
/** Initializes and constructs this panel. */ private void init() { this.phoneNumberCombo.setEditable(true); this.callViaPanel.add(callViaLabel); this.callViaPanel.add(accountSelectorBox); this.comboPanel.add(phoneNumberCombo, BorderLayout.CENTER); this.callButton.setName("call"); this.hangupButton.setName("hangup"); this.minimizeButton.setName("minimize"); this.restoreButton.setName("restore"); this.minimizeButton.setToolTipText( Messages.getI18NString("hideCallPanel").getText() + " Ctrl - H"); this.restoreButton.setToolTipText( Messages.getI18NString("showCallPanel").getText() + " Ctrl - H"); this.callButton.addActionListener(this); this.hangupButton.addActionListener(this); this.minimizeButton.addActionListener(this); this.restoreButton.addActionListener(this); this.buttonsPanel.add(callButton); this.buttonsPanel.add(hangupButton); this.callButton.setEnabled(false); this.hangupButton.setEnabled(false); this.add(minimizeButtonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); this.setCallPanelVisible(ConfigurationManager.isCallPanelShown()); }
public void buildPanel() { String path = FileUtil.getLayoutPath(layoutDir, fname); if (path == null) { Messages.postError("Could not open xml file:" + fname); return; } removeAll(); try {, vnmrIf, path); } catch (Exception e) { String strError = "Error building file: " + path; Messages.postError(strError); Messages.writeStackTrace(e); return; } if (bScrollBar) { spane = new JScrollPane( pane, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); add(spane); } else { spane = null; add(pane); } paramsLayout.preferredLayoutSize(pane); }
protected void buildPanel(String strPath) { BufferedReader reader = WFileUtil.openReadFile(strPath); String strLine; if (reader == null) return; try { while ((strLine = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (strLine.startsWith("#") || strLine.startsWith("%") || strLine.startsWith("@")) continue; StringTokenizer sTokLine = new StringTokenizer(strLine, ":"); // first token is the label e.g. Password Length if (sTokLine.hasMoreTokens()) { createLabel(sTokLine.nextToken(), this); } // second token is the value String strValue = sTokLine.hasMoreTokens() ? sTokLine.nextToken() : ""; if (strValue.equalsIgnoreCase("yes") || strValue.equalsIgnoreCase("no")) createChkBox(strValue, this); else createTxf(strValue, this); } } catch (Exception e) { Messages.writeStackTrace(e); // e.printStackTrace(); Messages.postDebug(e.toString()); } }
public void scale(double d1, double d2) { m_localGraphicsState.setXScale(d1); m_localGraphicsState.setYScale(d2); if (DEBUG) System.err.println( Messages.getInstance().getString("PostscriptGraphics_Scale_Error_Text_First") + d1 + Messages.getInstance().getString("PostscriptGraphics_Scale_Error_Text_Second") + d2); }
/** * Translates the origin of the graphics context to the point (x, y) in the current coordinate * system. Modifies this graphics context so that its new origin corresponds to the point (x, y) * in this graphics context's original coordinate system. All coordinates used in subsequent * rendering operations on this graphics context will be relative to this new origin. * * @param x the x coordinate. * @param y the y coordinate. */ public void translate(int x, int y) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println( Messages.getInstance().getString("PostscriptGraphics_Translate_Text_First") + x + Messages.getInstance().getString("PostscriptGraphics_Translate_Text_Second") + y); m_localGraphicsState.setXOffset(m_localGraphicsState.getXOffset() + xScale(x)); m_localGraphicsState.setYOffset(m_localGraphicsState.getYOffset() + yScale(y)); m_psGraphicsState.setXOffset(m_psGraphicsState.getXOffset() + xScale(x)); m_psGraphicsState.setYOffset(m_psGraphicsState.getYOffset() + yScale(y)); }
protected String getSampleName(String strDir, String strTray) { String strSampleName = ""; String strSample; int nTray = 0; try { nTray = Integer.parseInt(strTray); } catch (Exception e) { } if (nTray <= 0) return strSampleName; String cmd = "SELECT loc_,studystatus from study WHERE (autodir=\'" + strDir + "\') AND (hostname=\'" + getHost() + "\')"; // NB: bArrSample[0] is not used; array implicitly initialized false boolean[] bArrSample = new boolean[nTray + 1]; m_dbResult = null; try { m_dbResult = getdbmanager().executeQuery(cmd); } catch (Exception e) { return strSampleName; } if (m_dbResult == null) return strSampleName; try { while ( { strSample = m_dbResult.getString(1); int nSample = 0; nSample = Integer.parseInt(strSample); try { bArrSample[nSample] = true; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe) { Messages.postDebug("getSampleName: index out of bounds: " + nSample); } } for (int i = 1; i < bArrSample.length; i++) { if (!bArrSample[i]) { strSampleName = String.valueOf(i); break; } } } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); Messages.writeStackTrace(e); } return strSampleName; }
protected String gettitle(String strFreq) { StringBuffer sbufTitle = new StringBuffer().append("VnmrJ "); String strPath = FileUtil.openPath(FileUtil.SYS_VNMR + "/vnmrrev"); BufferedReader reader = WFileUtil.openReadFile(strPath); String strLine; String strtype = ""; if (reader == null) return sbufTitle.toString(); try { while ((strLine = reader.readLine()) != null) { strtype = strLine; } strtype = strtype.trim(); if (strtype.equals("merc")) strtype = "Mercury"; else if (strtype.equals("mercvx")) strtype = "Mercury-Vx"; else if (strtype.equals("mercplus")) strtype = "MERCURY plus"; else if (strtype.equals("inova")) strtype = "INOVA"; String strHostName = m_strHostname; if (strHostName == null) strHostName = ""; sbufTitle.append(" ").append(strHostName); sbufTitle.append(" ").append(strtype); sbufTitle.append(" - ").append(strFreq); reader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); Messages.logError(e.toString()); } return sbufTitle.toString(); }
protected void writeAuditTrail(String strPath, String strUser, StringBuffer sbValues) { BufferedReader reader = WFileUtil.openReadFile(strPath); String strLine; ArrayList aListData = WUtil.strToAList(sbValues.toString(), false, "\n"); StringBuffer sbData = sbValues; String strPnl = (this instanceof DisplayTemplate) ? "Data Template " : "Data Dir "; if (reader == null) { Messages.postDebug("Error opening file " + strPath); return; } try { while ((strLine = reader.readLine()) != null) { // if the line in the file is not in the arraylist, // then that line has been deleted if (!aListData.contains(strLine)) WUserUtil.writeAuditTrail(new Date(), strUser, "Deleted " + strPnl + strLine); // remove the lines that are also in the file or those which // have been deleted. aListData.remove(strLine); } // Traverse through the remaining new lines in the arraylist, // and write it to the audit trail for (int i = 0; i < aListData.size(); i++) { strLine = (String) aListData.get(i); WUserUtil.writeAuditTrail(new Date(), strUser, "Added " + strPnl + strLine); } reader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private void setCaretValue(String s) { try { int i = Integer.parseInt(s); setCaretValue(i); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Messages.writeStackTrace(e); // System.out.println("invalid caret position "+caretValue); } }
public void setVisible(boolean bShow, String title) { if (bShow) { String strDir = ""; String strFreq = ""; String strTraynum = ""; m_strHelpFile = getHelpFile(title); String strSampleName = getSampleName(title); String frameBounds = getFrameBounds(title); StringTokenizer tok = new QuotedStringTokenizer(title); if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) strDir = tok.nextToken(); if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) strFreq = tok.nextToken(); if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) strTraynum = tok.nextToken(); else { try { Integer.parseInt(strDir); // if strdir is number, then strdir is empty, and the // strfreq is the number strTraynum = strFreq; strFreq = strDir; strDir = ""; } catch (Exception e) { } } try { setTitle(gettitle(strFreq)); m_lblSampleName.setText("3"); boolean bVast = isVast(strTraynum); CardLayout layout = (CardLayout) m_pnlSampleName.getLayout(); if (!bVast) { if (strSampleName == null) { strSampleName = getSampleName(strDir, strTraynum); } m_lblSampleName.setText(strSampleName);, OTHER); } else { m_strDir = strDir; setTrays();, VAST); m_trayTimer.start(); } boolean bSample = bVast || !strSampleName.trim().equals(""); m_pnlSampleName.setVisible(bSample); m_lblLogin.setForeground(getBackground()); m_lblLogin.setVisible(false); m_passwordField.setText(""); m_passwordField.setCaretPosition(0); } catch (Exception e) { Messages.writeStackTrace(e); } setBounds(frameBounds); ExpPanel exp = Util.getActiveView(); if (exp != null) exp.waitLogin(true); } writePersistence(); setVisible(bShow); }
/** replaces the font (PS name) if necessary and returns the new name */ private static String replacePSFont(String font) { String result; result = font; // do we have to replace it? -> same style, size if (m_PSFontReplacement.containsKey(font)) { result = m_PSFontReplacement.get(font).toString(); if (DEBUG) System.out.println( Messages.getInstance().getString("PostscriptGraphics_ReplacePSFont_Text_First") + font + Messages.getInstance().getString("PostscriptGraphics_ReplacePSFont_Text_Second") + result + Messages.getInstance().getString("PostscriptGraphics_ReplacePSFont_Text_Third")); } return result; }
private HealthReport getBuildStabilityHealthReport() { // we can give a simple view of build health from the last five builds int failCount = 0; int totalCount = 0; RunT i = getLastBuild(); while (totalCount < 5 && i != null) { switch (i.getIconColor()) { case BLUE: case YELLOW: // failCount stays the same totalCount++; break; case RED: failCount++; totalCount++; break; default: // do nothing as these are inconclusive statuses break; } i = i.getPreviousBuild(); } if (totalCount > 0) { int score = (int) ((100.0 * (totalCount - failCount)) / totalCount); Localizable description; if (failCount == 0) { description = Messages._Job_NoRecentBuildFailed(); } else if (totalCount == failCount) { // this should catch the case where totalCount == 1 // as failCount must be between 0 and totalCount // and we can't get here if failCount == 0 description = Messages._Job_AllRecentBuildFailed(); } else { description = Messages._Job_NOfMFailed(failCount, totalCount); } return new HealthReport(score, Messages._Job_BuildStability(description)); } return null; }
private void addTool(String key, Class tool) { Class[] constructArgs = null; if (key.equals("XMLToolPanel")) { constructArgs = new Class[3]; constructArgs[0] = vnmr.ui.SessionShare.class; constructArgs[1] = String.class; constructArgs[2] = String.class; } else { constructArgs = new Class[1]; constructArgs[0] = vnmr.ui.SessionShare.class; } try { Constructor c = tool.getConstructor(constructArgs); vobjs.put(key, c); } catch (NoSuchMethodException nse) { Messages.postError("Problem initiating " + key + " area."); Messages.writeStackTrace(nse, tool + " not found."); } catch (SecurityException se) { Messages.postError("Problem initiating " + key + " area."); Messages.writeStackTrace(se); } }
public void buildConfig() { BufferedReader in = WFileUtil.openReadFile(m_strPath); String strLine = null; if (in == null) { Messages.postError("Error opening file " + m_strPath); return; } try { m_pnlDisplay.removeAll(); m_pnlDisplay.setLayout(new WGridLayout(0, 2)); m_aListComp.clear(); while ((strLine = in.readLine()) != null) { if (strLine.startsWith("#") || strLine.startsWith("%") || strLine.startsWith("@")) continue; StringTokenizer sTokLine = new StringTokenizer(strLine, File.pathSeparator); createJComps(sTokLine); } setVisible(true); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); Messages.writeStackTrace(e); } }
protected void setTrayPresent(String strPath) { String strzone = "zones"; BufferedReader reader = WFileUtil.openReadFile(strPath); if (reader == null) return; String strLine; try { // if the zones are set to 0, then there is no tray present // set rackInfo(1,zones) 3 => tray 1 present // set rackInfo(2,zones) 0 => tray 2 not present while ((strLine = reader.readLine()) != null) { int index = strLine.indexOf(strzone); if (index < 0) continue; String strTray = strLine.substring(index - 2, index - 1); int nTray = 0; try { nTray = Integer.parseInt(strTray); } catch (Exception e) { } if (nTray <= 0) continue; int nZone = 0; try { strTray = strLine.substring(index + strzone.length() + 2, strLine.length()); nZone = Integer.parseInt(strTray); } catch (Exception e) { } Color colorbg = Color.white; String strTooltip = TRAY; if (nZone <= 0) { colorbg =; strTooltip = NOTRAY; } VBox pnlVast = m_pnlVast[nTray - 1]; pnlVast.setbackground(colorbg); pnlVast.setToolTipText(Util.getTooltipString(strTooltip)); } reader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); Messages.writeStackTrace(e); } }
/** Update state from Infostat. */ public void updateStatus(String msg) { // Messages.postDebug("VLcStatusChart.updateStatus(" + msg + ")");/*CMP*/ if (msg == null) { return; } StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(msg); if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { String key = tok.nextToken(); String val = ""; if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { val = tok.nextToken("").trim(); // Get remainder of msg } if (key.equals(statkey)) { if (val != null && !val.equals("-")) { valstr = val; setState(state); } /*System.out.println("Chart: statkey=" + statkey + ", val=" + val);/*CMP*/ } if (key.equals(statpar)) { if (val != null && !val.equals("-")) { /*System.out.println("Chart statpar=" + statpar + ", value=" + value);/*CMP*/ setState(state); } } if (key.equals(statset)) { if (val != null && !val.equals("-")) { setval = val; try { String num = val.substring(0, val.indexOf(' ')); setStatusValue(Double.parseDouble(num)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { Messages.postDebug("VLcStatusChart.updateStatus(): " + "Non-numeric value: " + msg); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException sioobe) { setStatusValue(0); // No value found } /*System.out.println("Chart statset=" + statset + ", setval=" + setval);/*CMP*/ setState(state); } } } repaint(); }
protected void setTrayActive(String strDir) { String strTray; String strStudy; String strActive = "Active"; String cmd = "SELECT vrack_,studystatus from study WHERE (autodir=\'" + strDir + "\') AND (hostname=\'" + getHost() + "\')"; m_dbResult = null; try { m_dbResult = getdbmanager().executeQuery(cmd); } catch (Exception e) { return; } if (m_dbResult == null) return; int nTray = 0; try { while ( { strTray = m_dbResult.getString(1); strStudy = m_dbResult.getString(2); if (strStudy != null && strStudy.equalsIgnoreCase(strActive)) { try { nTray = Integer.parseInt(strTray); } catch (Exception e) { } if (nTray > 0) { m_pnlVast[nTray - 1].setbackground(; m_pnlVast[nTray - 1].setToolTipText(Util.getTooltipString(TRAYACTIVE)); break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); Messages.writeStackTrace(e); } }
/** output if we're in debug mode */ static { if (DEBUG) System.err.println( PostscriptGraphics.class.getName() + Messages.getInstance().getString("PostscriptGraphics_Error_Text")); // get font replacements m_PSFontReplacement = new Hashtable(); m_PSFontReplacement.put( "SansSerif.plain", "Helvetica.plain"); // SansSerif.plain is displayed as Courier in GV??? m_PSFontReplacement.put( "Dialog.plain", "Helvetica.plain"); // dialog is a Sans Serif font, but GV displays it as Courier??? m_PSFontReplacement.put( "Microsoft Sans Serif", "Helvetica.plain"); // MS Sans Serif is a Sans Serif font (hence the name!), but GV displays // it as Courier??? m_PSFontReplacement.put( "MicrosoftSansSerif", "Helvetica.plain"); // MS Sans Serif is a Sans Serif font (hence the name!), but GV displays // it as Courier??? }
protected static boolean vnmrjPassword(String strUser, char[] password) { boolean blogin = false; try { PasswordService objPassword = PasswordService.getInstance(); String encrPassword = objPassword.encrypt(new String(password)); if (pwprops == null) { String strPath = FileUtil.openPath(WUserUtil.PASSWORD); if (strPath == null) return blogin; pwprops = new Properties(); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(strPath); pwprops.load(fis); fis.close(); } String stoPassword = pwprops.getProperty(strUser); if (encrPassword.equals(stoPassword)) blogin = true; } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); Messages.writeStackTrace(e); } return blogin; }
protected void setVast() { String strPath = FileUtil.openPath("SYSTEM/asm/gilsonNumber"); if (strPath == null) return; BufferedReader reader = WFileUtil.openReadFile(strPath); if (reader == null) return; String strLine; int i = 0; try { while ((strLine = reader.readLine()) != null) { strLine = strLine.trim(); if (i == 0 || !m_aStrVast[i - 1].equals(strLine)) { m_aStrVast[i] = strLine; i = i + 1; } } reader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); Messages.writeStackTrace(e); } }
protected LoadStatistics(int initialOnlineExecutors, int initialBusyExecutors) { this.definedExecutors = new MultiStageTimeSeries( Messages._LoadStatistics_Legends_DefinedExecutors(), ColorPalette.YELLOW, initialOnlineExecutors, DECAY); this.onlineExecutors = new MultiStageTimeSeries( Messages._LoadStatistics_Legends_OnlineExecutors(), ColorPalette.BLUE, initialOnlineExecutors, DECAY); this.connectingExecutors = new MultiStageTimeSeries( Messages._LoadStatistics_Legends_ConnectingExecutors(), ColorPalette.YELLOW, 0, DECAY); this.busyExecutors = new MultiStageTimeSeries( Messages._LoadStatistics_Legends_BusyExecutors(), ColorPalette.RED, initialBusyExecutors, DECAY); this.idleExecutors = new MultiStageTimeSeries( Messages._LoadStatistics_Legends_IdleExecutors(), ColorPalette.YELLOW, initialOnlineExecutors - initialBusyExecutors, DECAY); this.availableExecutors = new MultiStageTimeSeries( Messages._LoadStatistics_Legends_AvailableExecutors(), ColorPalette.YELLOW, initialOnlineExecutors - initialBusyExecutors, DECAY); this.queueLength = new MultiStageTimeSeries( Messages._LoadStatistics_Legends_QueueLength(), ColorPalette.GREY, 0, DECAY); this.totalExecutors = onlineExecutors; modern = isModern(getClass()); }
/** * The <tt>CallManager</tt> is the one that handles calls. It contains also the "Call" and "Hangup" * buttons panel. Here are handles incoming and outgoing calls from and to the call operation set. * * @author Yana Stamcheva */ public class CallManager extends JPanel implements ActionListener, CallListener, ListSelectionListener, ChangeListener { private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CallManager.class.getName()); private CallComboBox phoneNumberCombo; private JPanel comboPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); private JPanel buttonsPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 10, 0)); private JLabel callViaLabel = new JLabel(Messages.getI18NString("callVia").getText() + " "); private JPanel callViaPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT, 0, 4)); private AccountSelectorBox accountSelectorBox; private SIPCommButton callButton = new SIPCommButton( ImageLoader.getImage(ImageLoader.CALL_BUTTON_BG), ImageLoader.getImage(ImageLoader.CALL_ROLLOVER_BUTTON_BG), null, ImageLoader.getImage(ImageLoader.CALL_BUTTON_PRESSED_BG)); private SIPCommButton hangupButton = new SIPCommButton( ImageLoader.getImage(ImageLoader.HANGUP_BUTTON_BG), ImageLoader.getImage(ImageLoader.HANGUP_ROLLOVER_BUTTON_BG), null, ImageLoader.getImage(ImageLoader.HANGUP_BUTTON_PRESSED_BG)); private SIPCommButton minimizeButton = new SIPCommButton( ImageLoader.getImage(ImageLoader.CALL_PANEL_MINIMIZE_BUTTON), ImageLoader.getImage(ImageLoader.CALL_PANEL_MINIMIZE_ROLLOVER_BUTTON)); private SIPCommButton restoreButton = new SIPCommButton( ImageLoader.getImage(ImageLoader.CALL_PANEL_RESTORE_BUTTON), ImageLoader.getImage(ImageLoader.CALL_PANEL_RESTORE_ROLLOVER_BUTTON)); private JPanel minimizeButtonPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT)); private MainFrame mainFrame; private Hashtable activeCalls = new Hashtable(); private boolean isCallMetaContact; private Hashtable removeCallTimers = new Hashtable(); private ProtocolProviderService selectedCallProvider; /** * Creates an instance of <tt>CallManager</tt>. * * @param mainFrame The main application window. */ public CallManager(MainFrame mainFrame) { super(new BorderLayout()); this.mainFrame = mainFrame; this.phoneNumberCombo = new CallComboBox(this); this.accountSelectorBox = new AccountSelectorBox(this); this.buttonsPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 0, 0, 0)); this.comboPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 5, 0, 5)); this.init(); } /** Initializes and constructs this panel. */ private void init() { this.phoneNumberCombo.setEditable(true); this.callViaPanel.add(callViaLabel); this.callViaPanel.add(accountSelectorBox); this.comboPanel.add(phoneNumberCombo, BorderLayout.CENTER); this.callButton.setName("call"); this.hangupButton.setName("hangup"); this.minimizeButton.setName("minimize"); this.restoreButton.setName("restore"); this.minimizeButton.setToolTipText( Messages.getI18NString("hideCallPanel").getText() + " Ctrl - H"); this.restoreButton.setToolTipText( Messages.getI18NString("showCallPanel").getText() + " Ctrl - H"); this.callButton.addActionListener(this); this.hangupButton.addActionListener(this); this.minimizeButton.addActionListener(this); this.restoreButton.addActionListener(this); this.buttonsPanel.add(callButton); this.buttonsPanel.add(hangupButton); this.callButton.setEnabled(false); this.hangupButton.setEnabled(false); this.add(minimizeButtonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); this.setCallPanelVisible(ConfigurationManager.isCallPanelShown()); } /** * Handles the <tt>ActionEvent</tt> generated when user presses one of the buttons in this panel. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { JButton button = (JButton) evt.getSource(); String buttonName = button.getName(); if (buttonName.equals("call")) { Component selectedPanel = mainFrame.getSelectedTab(); // call button is pressed over an already open call panel if (selectedPanel != null && selectedPanel instanceof CallPanel && ((CallPanel) selectedPanel).getCall().getCallState() == CallState.CALL_INITIALIZATION) { NotificationManager.stopSound(NotificationManager.BUSY_CALL); NotificationManager.stopSound(NotificationManager.INCOMING_CALL); CallPanel callPanel = (CallPanel) selectedPanel; Iterator participantPanels = callPanel.getParticipantsPanels(); while (participantPanels.hasNext()) { CallParticipantPanel panel = (CallParticipantPanel); panel.setState("Connecting"); } Call call = callPanel.getCall(); answerCall(call); } // call button is pressed over the call list else if (selectedPanel != null && selectedPanel instanceof CallListPanel && ((CallListPanel) selectedPanel).getCallList().getSelectedIndex() != -1) { CallListPanel callListPanel = (CallListPanel) selectedPanel; GuiCallParticipantRecord callRecord = (GuiCallParticipantRecord) callListPanel.getCallList().getSelectedValue(); String stringContact = callRecord.getParticipantName(); createCall(stringContact); } // call button is pressed over the contact list else if (selectedPanel != null && selectedPanel instanceof ContactListPanel) { // call button is pressed when a meta contact is selected if (isCallMetaContact) { Object[] selectedContacts = mainFrame.getContactListPanel().getContactList().getSelectedValues(); Vector telephonyContacts = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < selectedContacts.length; i++) { Object o = selectedContacts[i]; if (o instanceof MetaContact) { Contact contact = ((MetaContact) o).getDefaultContact(OperationSetBasicTelephony.class); if (contact != null) telephonyContacts.add(contact); else { new ErrorDialog( this.mainFrame, Messages.getI18NString("warning").getText(), Messages.getI18NString( "contactNotSupportingTelephony", new String[] {((MetaContact) o).getDisplayName()}) .getText()) .showDialog(); } } } if (telephonyContacts.size() > 0) createCall(telephonyContacts); } else if (!phoneNumberCombo.isComboFieldEmpty()) { // if no contact is selected checks if the user has chosen // or has // writen something in the phone combo box String stringContact = phoneNumberCombo.getEditor().getItem().toString(); createCall(stringContact); } } else if (selectedPanel != null && selectedPanel instanceof DialPanel) { String stringContact = phoneNumberCombo.getEditor().getItem().toString(); createCall(stringContact); } } else if (buttonName.equalsIgnoreCase("hangup")) { Component selectedPanel = this.mainFrame.getSelectedTab(); if (selectedPanel != null && selectedPanel instanceof CallPanel) { NotificationManager.stopSound(NotificationManager.BUSY_CALL); NotificationManager.stopSound(NotificationManager.INCOMING_CALL); NotificationManager.stopSound(NotificationManager.OUTGOING_CALL); CallPanel callPanel = (CallPanel) selectedPanel; Call call = callPanel.getCall(); if (removeCallTimers.containsKey(callPanel)) { ((Timer) removeCallTimers.get(callPanel)).stop(); removeCallTimers.remove(callPanel); } removeCallPanel(callPanel); if (call != null) { ProtocolProviderService pps = call.getProtocolProvider(); OperationSetBasicTelephony telephony = mainFrame.getTelephonyOpSet(pps); Iterator participants = call.getCallParticipants(); while (participants.hasNext()) { try { // now we hang up the first call participant in the // call telephony.hangupCallParticipant((CallParticipant); } catch (OperationFailedException e) { logger.error("Hang up was not successful: " + e); } } } } } else if (buttonName.equalsIgnoreCase("minimize")) { JCheckBoxMenuItem hideCallPanelItem = mainFrame.getMainMenu().getViewMenu().getHideCallPanelItem(); if (!hideCallPanelItem.isSelected()) hideCallPanelItem.setSelected(true); this.setCallPanelVisible(false); } else if (buttonName.equalsIgnoreCase("restore")) { JCheckBoxMenuItem hideCallPanelItem = mainFrame.getMainMenu().getViewMenu().getHideCallPanelItem(); if (hideCallPanelItem.isSelected()) hideCallPanelItem.setSelected(false); this.setCallPanelVisible(true); } } /** Hides the panel containing call and hangup buttons. */ public void setCallPanelVisible(boolean isVisible) { if (isVisible) { this.add(comboPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); this.add(buttonsPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); this.minimizeButtonPanel.removeAll(); this.minimizeButtonPanel.add(minimizeButton); } else { this.remove(comboPanel); this.remove(buttonsPanel); this.minimizeButtonPanel.removeAll(); this.minimizeButtonPanel.add(restoreButton); if (mainFrame.isVisible()) this.mainFrame.getContactListPanel().getContactList().requestFocus(); } if (ConfigurationManager.isCallPanelShown() != isVisible) ConfigurationManager.setShowCallPanel(isVisible); this.mainFrame.validate(); } /** * Adds the given call account to the list of call via accounts. * * @param pps the protocol provider service corresponding to the account */ public void addCallAccount(ProtocolProviderService pps) { if (accountSelectorBox.getAccountsNumber() > 0) { this.comboPanel.add(callViaPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); } accountSelectorBox.addAccount(pps); } /** * Removes the account corresponding to the given protocol provider from the call via selector * box. * * @param pps the protocol provider service to remove */ public void removeCallAccount(ProtocolProviderService pps) { this.accountSelectorBox.removeAccount(pps); if (accountSelectorBox.getAccountsNumber() < 2) { this.comboPanel.remove(callViaPanel); } } /** * Returns TRUE if the account corresponding to the given protocol provider is already contained * in the call via selector box, otherwise returns FALSE. * * @param pps the protocol provider service for the account * @return TRUE if the account corresponding to the given protocol provider is already contained * in the call via selector box, otherwise returns FALSE */ public boolean containsCallAccount(ProtocolProviderService pps) { return accountSelectorBox.containsAccount(pps); } /** * Updates the call via account status. * * @param pps the protocol provider service for the account */ public void updateCallAccountStatus(ProtocolProviderService pps) { accountSelectorBox.updateAccountStatus(pps); } /** * Returns the account selector box. * * @return the account selector box. */ public AccountSelectorBox getAccountSelectorBox() { return accountSelectorBox; } /** * Sets the protocol provider to use for a call. * * @param provider the protocol provider to use for a call. */ public void setCallProvider(ProtocolProviderService provider) { this.selectedCallProvider = provider; } /** * Implements CallListener.incomingCallReceived. When a call is received creates a call panel and * adds it to the main tabbed pane and plays the ring phone sound to the user. */ public void incomingCallReceived(CallEvent event) { Call sourceCall = event.getSourceCall(); CallPanel callPanel = new CallPanel(this, sourceCall, GuiCallParticipantRecord.INCOMING_CALL); mainFrame.addCallPanel(callPanel); if (mainFrame.getState() == JFrame.ICONIFIED) mainFrame.setState(JFrame.NORMAL); if (!mainFrame.isVisible()) mainFrame.setVisible(true); mainFrame.toFront(); this.callButton.setEnabled(true); this.hangupButton.setEnabled(true); NotificationManager.fireNotification( NotificationManager.INCOMING_CALL, null, "Incoming call recived from: " + sourceCall.getCallParticipants().next()); activeCalls.put(sourceCall, callPanel); this.setCallPanelVisible(true); } /** * Implements CallListener.callEnded. Stops sounds that are playing at the moment if there're any. * Removes the call panel and disables the hangup button. */ public void callEnded(CallEvent event) { Call sourceCall = event.getSourceCall(); NotificationManager.stopSound(NotificationManager.BUSY_CALL); NotificationManager.stopSound(NotificationManager.INCOMING_CALL); NotificationManager.stopSound(NotificationManager.OUTGOING_CALL); if (activeCalls.get(sourceCall) != null) { CallPanel callPanel = (CallPanel) activeCalls.get(sourceCall); this.removeCallPanelWait(callPanel); } } public void outgoingCallCreated(CallEvent event) {} /** * Removes the given call panel tab. * * @param callPanel the CallPanel to remove */ public void removeCallPanelWait(CallPanel callPanel) { Timer timer = new Timer(5000, new RemoveCallPanelListener(callPanel)); this.removeCallTimers.put(callPanel, timer); timer.setRepeats(false); timer.start(); } /** * Removes the given call panel tab. * * @param callPanel the CallPanel to remove */ private void removeCallPanel(CallPanel callPanel) { if (callPanel.getCall() != null && activeCalls.contains(callPanel.getCall())) { this.activeCalls.remove(callPanel.getCall()); } mainFrame.removeCallPanel(callPanel); updateButtonsStateAccordingToSelectedPanel(); } /** Removes the given CallPanel from the main tabbed pane. */ private class RemoveCallPanelListener implements ActionListener { private CallPanel callPanel; public RemoveCallPanelListener(CallPanel callPanel) { this.callPanel = callPanel; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { removeCallPanel(callPanel); } } /** * Implements ListSelectionListener.valueChanged. Enables or disables call and hangup buttons * depending on the selection in the contactlist. */ public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { Object o = mainFrame.getContactListPanel().getContactList().getSelectedValue(); if ((e.getFirstIndex() != -1 || e.getLastIndex() != -1) && (o instanceof MetaContact)) { setCallMetaContact(true); // Switch automatically to the appropriate pps in account selector // box and enable callButton if telephony is supported. Contact contact = ((MetaContact) o).getDefaultContact(OperationSetBasicTelephony.class); if (contact != null) { callButton.setEnabled(true); if (contact.getProtocolProvider().isRegistered()) getAccountSelectorBox().setSelected(contact.getProtocolProvider()); } else { callButton.setEnabled(false); } } else if (phoneNumberCombo.isComboFieldEmpty()) { callButton.setEnabled(false); } } /** * Implements ChangeListener.stateChanged. Enables the hangup button if ones selects a tab in the * main tabbed pane that contains a call panel. */ public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { this.updateButtonsStateAccordingToSelectedPanel(); Component selectedPanel = mainFrame.getSelectedTab(); if (selectedPanel == null || !(selectedPanel instanceof CallPanel)) { Iterator callPanels = activeCalls.values().iterator(); while (callPanels.hasNext()) { CallPanel callPanel = (CallPanel); callPanel.removeDialogs(); } } } /** Updates call and hangup buttons' states aa */ private void updateButtonsStateAccordingToSelectedPanel() { Component selectedPanel = mainFrame.getSelectedTab(); if (selectedPanel != null && selectedPanel instanceof CallPanel) { this.hangupButton.setEnabled(true); } else { this.hangupButton.setEnabled(false); } } /** * Returns the call button. * * @return the call button */ public SIPCommButton getCallButton() { return callButton; } /** * Returns the hangup button. * * @return the hangup button */ public SIPCommButton getHangupButton() { return hangupButton; } /** * Returns the main application frame. Meant to be used from the contained components that do not * have direct access to the MainFrame. * * @return the main application frame */ public MainFrame getMainFrame() { return mainFrame; } /** * Returns the combo box, where user enters the phone number to call to. * * @return the combo box, where user enters the phone number to call to. */ public JComboBox getCallComboBox() { return phoneNumberCombo; } /** * Answers the given call. * * @param call the call to answer */ public void answerCall(Call call) { new AnswerCallThread(call).start(); } /** * Returns TRUE if this call is a call to an internal meta contact from the contact list, * otherwise returns FALSE. * * @return TRUE if this call is a call to an internal meta contact from the contact list, * otherwise returns FALSE */ public boolean isCallMetaContact() { return isCallMetaContact; } /** * Sets the isCallMetaContact variable to TRUE or FALSE. This defines if this call is a call to a * given meta contact selected from the contact list or a call to an external contact or phone * number. * * @param isCallMetaContact TRUE to define this call as a call to an internal meta contact and * FALSE to define it as a call to an external contact or phone number. */ public void setCallMetaContact(boolean isCallMetaContact) { this.isCallMetaContact = isCallMetaContact; } /** * Creates a call to the contact represented by the given string. * * @param contact the contact to call to */ public void createCall(String contact) { CallPanel callPanel = new CallPanel(this, contact); mainFrame.addCallPanel(callPanel); new CreateCallThread(contact, callPanel).start(); } /** * Creates a call to the given list of contacts. * * @param contacts the list of contacts to call to */ public void createCall(Vector contacts) { CallPanel callPanel = new CallPanel(this, contacts); mainFrame.addCallPanel(callPanel); new CreateCallThread(contacts, callPanel).start(); } /** Creates a call from a given Contact or a given String. */ private class CreateCallThread extends Thread { Vector contacts; CallPanel callPanel; String stringContact; OperationSetBasicTelephony telephony; public CreateCallThread(String contact, CallPanel callPanel) { this.stringContact = contact; this.callPanel = callPanel; if (selectedCallProvider != null) telephony = mainFrame.getTelephonyOpSet(selectedCallProvider); } public CreateCallThread(Vector contacts, CallPanel callPanel) { this.contacts = contacts; this.callPanel = callPanel; if (selectedCallProvider != null) telephony = mainFrame.getTelephonyOpSet(selectedCallProvider); } public void run() { if (telephony == null) return; Call createdCall = null; if (contacts != null) { Contact contact = (Contact) contacts.get(0); // NOTE: The multi user call is not yet implemented! // We just get the first contact and create a call for him. try { createdCall = telephony.createCall(contact); } catch (OperationFailedException e) { logger.error("The call could not be created: " + e); callPanel.getParticipantPanel(contact.getDisplayName()).setState(e.getMessage()); removeCallPanelWait(callPanel); } // If the call is successfully created we set the created // Call instance to the already existing CallPanel and we // add this call to the active calls. if (createdCall != null) { callPanel.setCall(createdCall, GuiCallParticipantRecord.OUTGOING_CALL); activeCalls.put(createdCall, callPanel); } } else { try { createdCall = telephony.createCall(stringContact); } catch (ParseException e) { logger.error("The call could not be created: " + e); callPanel.getParticipantPanel(stringContact).setState(e.getMessage()); removeCallPanelWait(callPanel); } catch (OperationFailedException e) { logger.error("The call could not be created: " + e); callPanel.getParticipantPanel(stringContact).setState(e.getMessage()); removeCallPanelWait(callPanel); } // If the call is successfully created we set the created // Call instance to the already existing CallPanel and we // add this call to the active calls. if (createdCall != null) { callPanel.setCall(createdCall, GuiCallParticipantRecord.OUTGOING_CALL); activeCalls.put(createdCall, callPanel); } } } } /** Answers all call participants in the given call. */ private class AnswerCallThread extends Thread { private Call call; public AnswerCallThread(Call call) { = call; } public void run() { ProtocolProviderService pps = call.getProtocolProvider(); Iterator participants = call.getCallParticipants(); while (participants.hasNext()) { CallParticipant participant = (CallParticipant); OperationSetBasicTelephony telephony = mainFrame.getTelephonyOpSet(pps); try { telephony.answerCallParticipant(participant); } catch (OperationFailedException e) { logger.error( "Could not answer to : " + participant + " caused by the following exception: " + e); } } } } }
/** * Save the data to the file. Read the data from the file, and copy everything to the * stringbuffer. The lines in the file are of the form: * auditDir:system:/vnmr/part11/auditTrails:system file:standard:text:yes Based on these formats, * get the value of either the directory or the checkbox from the corresponding components, and * replace that value in the stringbuffer. */ protected void saveData() { BufferedReader reader = WFileUtil.openReadFile(m_strPath); String strLine = null; StringBuffer sbData = new StringBuffer(); if (reader == null) return; int nLineInd = 0; try { while ((strLine = reader.readLine()) != null) { // if the line starts with a comment from sccs, add '#' to it, // to make it a comment if (strLine.startsWith("%") || strLine.startsWith("@")) strLine = "# " + strLine; if (strLine.startsWith("#")) { sbData.append(strLine + "\n"); continue; } StringTokenizer sTok = new StringTokenizer(strLine, File.pathSeparator); boolean bFile = false; boolean bLineEnd = false; boolean bDir = false; for (int i = 0; sTok.hasMoreTokens(); i++) { String strValue = sTok.nextToken(); if (i == 0) { bFile = strValue.equalsIgnoreCase("file") ? true : false; bDir = false; if (strValue.equalsIgnoreCase("dir")) bDir = true; } else { // Case => file:standard:procpar:yes // skip over 'standard', 'procpar', // and get the value 'yes' or 'no' from the checkbox if (bFile) { if (i == 3) { String strNewValue = getValue(nLineInd); if (strNewValue != null) strValue = strNewValue; bLineEnd = true; } else bLineEnd = false; } else if (bDir) { bLineEnd = false; if (i == 3) bLineEnd = true; } // Case => part11Dir:/vnmr/part11/data 0r // Case => dataType:FDA // skip over 'part11Dir' // and get the value of the directory from the textfield, // or from the combobox else { if (i == 1) { String strNewValue = getValue(nLineInd); if (strNewValue != null) strValue = strNewValue; bLineEnd = true; } else bLineEnd = false; } } // copy the value to the stringbuffer sbData.append(strValue); if (!bLineEnd) sbData.append(File.pathSeparator); } nLineInd++; sbData.append("\n"); } // write the data to the file reader.close(); BufferedWriter writer = WFileUtil.openWriteFile(m_strPath); WFileUtil.writeAndClose(writer, sbData); m_objTimer = new javax.swing.Timer( 200, new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { VItemAreaIF.firePropertyChng(Global.PART11_CONFIG_FILE, "all", ""); m_objTimer.stop(); } }); m_objTimer.start(); } catch (Exception e) { Messages.writeStackTrace(e); // e.printStackTrace(); Messages.postDebug(e.toString()); } }
/** * Handles the <tt>ActionEvent</tt> generated when user presses one of the buttons in this panel. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { JButton button = (JButton) evt.getSource(); String buttonName = button.getName(); if (buttonName.equals("call")) { Component selectedPanel = mainFrame.getSelectedTab(); // call button is pressed over an already open call panel if (selectedPanel != null && selectedPanel instanceof CallPanel && ((CallPanel) selectedPanel).getCall().getCallState() == CallState.CALL_INITIALIZATION) { NotificationManager.stopSound(NotificationManager.BUSY_CALL); NotificationManager.stopSound(NotificationManager.INCOMING_CALL); CallPanel callPanel = (CallPanel) selectedPanel; Iterator participantPanels = callPanel.getParticipantsPanels(); while (participantPanels.hasNext()) { CallParticipantPanel panel = (CallParticipantPanel); panel.setState("Connecting"); } Call call = callPanel.getCall(); answerCall(call); } // call button is pressed over the call list else if (selectedPanel != null && selectedPanel instanceof CallListPanel && ((CallListPanel) selectedPanel).getCallList().getSelectedIndex() != -1) { CallListPanel callListPanel = (CallListPanel) selectedPanel; GuiCallParticipantRecord callRecord = (GuiCallParticipantRecord) callListPanel.getCallList().getSelectedValue(); String stringContact = callRecord.getParticipantName(); createCall(stringContact); } // call button is pressed over the contact list else if (selectedPanel != null && selectedPanel instanceof ContactListPanel) { // call button is pressed when a meta contact is selected if (isCallMetaContact) { Object[] selectedContacts = mainFrame.getContactListPanel().getContactList().getSelectedValues(); Vector telephonyContacts = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < selectedContacts.length; i++) { Object o = selectedContacts[i]; if (o instanceof MetaContact) { Contact contact = ((MetaContact) o).getDefaultContact(OperationSetBasicTelephony.class); if (contact != null) telephonyContacts.add(contact); else { new ErrorDialog( this.mainFrame, Messages.getI18NString("warning").getText(), Messages.getI18NString( "contactNotSupportingTelephony", new String[] {((MetaContact) o).getDisplayName()}) .getText()) .showDialog(); } } } if (telephonyContacts.size() > 0) createCall(telephonyContacts); } else if (!phoneNumberCombo.isComboFieldEmpty()) { // if no contact is selected checks if the user has chosen // or has // writen something in the phone combo box String stringContact = phoneNumberCombo.getEditor().getItem().toString(); createCall(stringContact); } } else if (selectedPanel != null && selectedPanel instanceof DialPanel) { String stringContact = phoneNumberCombo.getEditor().getItem().toString(); createCall(stringContact); } } else if (buttonName.equalsIgnoreCase("hangup")) { Component selectedPanel = this.mainFrame.getSelectedTab(); if (selectedPanel != null && selectedPanel instanceof CallPanel) { NotificationManager.stopSound(NotificationManager.BUSY_CALL); NotificationManager.stopSound(NotificationManager.INCOMING_CALL); NotificationManager.stopSound(NotificationManager.OUTGOING_CALL); CallPanel callPanel = (CallPanel) selectedPanel; Call call = callPanel.getCall(); if (removeCallTimers.containsKey(callPanel)) { ((Timer) removeCallTimers.get(callPanel)).stop(); removeCallTimers.remove(callPanel); } removeCallPanel(callPanel); if (call != null) { ProtocolProviderService pps = call.getProtocolProvider(); OperationSetBasicTelephony telephony = mainFrame.getTelephonyOpSet(pps); Iterator participants = call.getCallParticipants(); while (participants.hasNext()) { try { // now we hang up the first call participant in the // call telephony.hangupCallParticipant((CallParticipant); } catch (OperationFailedException e) { logger.error("Hang up was not successful: " + e); } } } } } else if (buttonName.equalsIgnoreCase("minimize")) { JCheckBoxMenuItem hideCallPanelItem = mainFrame.getMainMenu().getViewMenu().getHideCallPanelItem(); if (!hideCallPanelItem.isSelected()) hideCallPanelItem.setSelected(true); this.setCallPanelVisible(false); } else if (buttonName.equalsIgnoreCase("restore")) { JCheckBoxMenuItem hideCallPanelItem = mainFrame.getMainMenu().getViewMenu().getHideCallPanelItem(); if (hideCallPanelItem.isSelected()) hideCallPanelItem.setSelected(false); this.setCallPanelVisible(true); } }
protected void init(final DesignTimeContext context) { super.init(context); setTitle(Messages.getString("SimpleBandedMdxDataSourceEditor.Title")); }
/** * @deprecated since 2009-04-05. Use {@link #MultiStageTimeSeries(Localizable, Color, float, * float)} */ public MultiStageTimeSeries(float initialValue, float decay) { this(Messages._MultiStageTimeSeries_EMPTY_STRING(), Color.WHITE, initialValue, decay); }