public void beginExecution() { AudioFormat audioFormat = new AudioFormat( AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED, 44100.0F, 16, 1, numChannels, 44100.0F, false); // System.out.println("AudioPlayer.playAudioInts audio format: " + audioFormat ); DataLine.Info dataLineInfo = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class, audioFormat); if (!AudioSystem.isLineSupported(dataLineInfo)) { System.out.println("AudioPlayer.playAudioInts does not " + " handle this type of audio."); return; } try { SourceDataLine sourceLine = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(dataLineInfo);; } catch (LineUnavailableException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } chunkIndex = 0; InitialExecution = true; }
private void createMixerChildren(JavaMixer.MixerNode mixerNode) { Mixer mixer = mixerNode.getMixer(); Line.Info[] infosToCheck = getPortInfo(mixer); for (Line.Info anInfosToCheck : infosToCheck) { if (mixer.isLineSupported(anInfosToCheck)) { Port port = null; DataLine dLine = null; int maxLines = mixer.getMaxLines(anInfosToCheck); // Workaround to prevent a JVM crash on Mac OS X (Intel) 1.5.0_07 JVM if (maxLines > 0) { try { if (anInfosToCheck instanceof Port.Info) { port = (Port) mixer.getLine(anInfosToCheck);; } else if (anInfosToCheck instanceof DataLine.Info) { dLine = (DataLine) mixer.getLine(anInfosToCheck); if (!dLine.isOpen()) {; } } } catch (LineUnavailableException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { // Do Nothing } } if (port != null) { JavaMixer.PortNode portNode = new JavaMixer.PortNode(port); createPortChildren(portNode); mixerNode.add(portNode); } else if (dLine != null) { JavaMixer.PortNode portNode = new JavaMixer.PortNode(dLine); createPortChildren(portNode); mixerNode.add(portNode); } } } }