/** Sets Tesseract's internal parameters. */ private void setTessVariables() { Enumeration<?> em = prop.propertyNames(); while (em.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String) em.nextElement(); api.TessBaseAPISetVariable(handle, key, prop.getProperty(key)); } }
public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent arg0) { JPanel4.showCard("router"); // No Internationalisation Properties prop = (Properties) routerobject.elementAt(0); ((com.adventnet.nms.examples.routermap.RouterDetails) JPanel4.getCard("router")) .setValues((Properties) routerobject.elementAt(0)); // No Internationalisation JLabel1.setText( NmsClientUtil.GetString("Router details : ") + prop.getProperty("name")); // No Internationalisation }
/** Called once when ImageJ quits. */ public void savePreferences(Properties prefs) { Point loc = getLocation(); prefs.put(IJ_X, Integer.toString(loc.x)); prefs.put(IJ_Y, Integer.toString(loc.y)); // prefs.put(IJ_WIDTH, Integer.toString(size.width)); // prefs.put(IJ_HEIGHT, Integer.toString(size.height)); }
void configureProxy() { if (Prefs.useSystemProxies) { try { System.setProperty("java.net.useSystemProxies", "true"); } catch (Exception e) { } } else { String server = Prefs.get("proxy.server", null); if (server == null || server.equals("")) return; int port = (int) Prefs.get("proxy.port", 0); if (port == 0) return; Properties props = System.getProperties(); props.put("proxySet", "true"); props.put("http.proxyHost", server); props.put("http.proxyPort", "" + port); } // new ProxySettings().logProperties(); }
private Double getNumber(Properties props, String key) { String s = props.getProperty(key); if (s != null) { try { return Double.valueOf(s); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } return null; }
public Properties decodeDescriptionString(FileInfo fi) { if (fi.description == null || fi.description.length() < 7) return null; if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("Image Description: " + new String(fi.description).replace('\n', ' ')); if (!fi.description.startsWith("ImageJ")) return null; Properties props = new Properties(); InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(fi.description.getBytes()); try { props.load(is); is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } fi.unit = props.getProperty("unit", ""); Double n = getNumber(props, "cf"); if (n != null) fi.calibrationFunction = n.intValue(); double c[] = new double[5]; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { n = getNumber(props, "c" + i); if (n == null) break; c[i] = n.doubleValue(); count++; } if (count >= 2) { fi.coefficients = new double[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) fi.coefficients[i] = c[i]; } fi.valueUnit = props.getProperty("vunit"); n = getNumber(props, "images"); if (n != null && n.doubleValue() > 1.0) fi.nImages = (int) n.doubleValue(); if (fi.nImages > 1) { double spacing = getDouble(props, "spacing"); if (spacing != 0.0) { if (spacing < 0) spacing = -spacing; fi.pixelDepth = spacing; } } return props; }
private boolean getBoolean(Properties props, String key) { String s = props.getProperty(key); return s != null && s.equals("true") ? true : false; }
void setCalibration(ImagePlus imp) { if (fi.fileType == FileInfo.GRAY16_SIGNED) { if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("16-bit signed"); double[] coeff = new double[2]; coeff[0] = -32768.0; coeff[1] = 1.0; imp.getLocalCalibration().setFunction(Calibration.STRAIGHT_LINE, coeff, "gray value"); } Properties props = decodeDescriptionString(fi); Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration(); boolean calibrated = false; if (fi.pixelWidth > 0.0 && fi.unit != null) { cal.pixelWidth = fi.pixelWidth; cal.pixelHeight = fi.pixelHeight; cal.pixelDepth = fi.pixelDepth; cal.setUnit(fi.unit); calibrated = true; } if (fi.valueUnit != null) { int f = fi.calibrationFunction; if ((f >= Calibration.STRAIGHT_LINE && f <= Calibration.RODBARD2 && fi.coefficients != null) || f == Calibration.UNCALIBRATED_OD) { boolean zeroClip = props != null && props.getProperty("zeroclip", "false").equals("true"); cal.setFunction(f, fi.coefficients, fi.valueUnit, zeroClip); calibrated = true; } } if (calibrated) checkForCalibrationConflict(imp, cal); if (fi.frameInterval != 0.0) cal.frameInterval = fi.frameInterval; if (props == null) return; cal.xOrigin = getDouble(props, "xorigin"); cal.yOrigin = getDouble(props, "yorigin"); cal.zOrigin = getDouble(props, "zorigin"); cal.info = props.getProperty("info"); cal.fps = getDouble(props, "fps"); cal.loop = getBoolean(props, "loop"); cal.frameInterval = getDouble(props, "finterval"); cal.setTimeUnit(props.getProperty("tunit", "sec")); double displayMin = getDouble(props, "min"); double displayMax = getDouble(props, "max"); if (!(displayMin == 0.0 && displayMax == 0.0)) { int type = imp.getType(); ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor(); if (type == ImagePlus.GRAY8 || type == ImagePlus.COLOR_256) ip.setMinAndMax(displayMin, displayMax); else if (type == ImagePlus.GRAY16 || type == ImagePlus.GRAY32) { if (ip.getMin() != displayMin || ip.getMax() != displayMax) ip.setMinAndMax(displayMin, displayMax); } } int stackSize = imp.getStackSize(); if (stackSize > 1) { int channels = (int) getDouble(props, "channels"); int slices = (int) getDouble(props, "slices"); int frames = (int) getDouble(props, "frames"); if (channels == 0) channels = 1; if (slices == 0) slices = 1; if (frames == 0) frames = 1; // IJ.log("setCalibration: "+channels+" "+slices+" "+frames); if (channels * slices * frames == stackSize) { imp.setDimensions(channels, slices, frames); if (getBoolean(props, "hyperstack")) imp.setOpenAsHyperStack(true); } } }
void refresh() { JPanel4.showCard("router"); // No Internationalisation if (routerobject != null) { ((com.adventnet.nms.examples.routermap.RouterDetails) JPanel4.getCard("router")) .setValues((Properties) routerobject.elementAt(0)); // No Internationalisation Properties prop = (Properties) routerobject.elementAt(0); RouterBtn.setBackground( SeverityInfo.getInstance() .getColor(Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("status")))); // No Internationalisation RouterBtn.setToolTipText(prop.getProperty("ipAddress")); // No Internationalisation JLabel1.setText( NmsClientUtil.GetString("Router details : ") + prop.getProperty("name")); // No Internationalisation } if (routerobject.size() >= 2) { one.setVisible(true); Properties prop = (Properties) routerobject.elementAt(1); one.setValues( SeverityInfo.getInstance().getColor(Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("status"))), prop.getProperty("ipAddress")); // No Internationalisation one.setToolTipText(prop.getProperty("ipAddress")); // No Internationalisation } if (routerobject.size() >= 3) { two.setVisible(true); Properties prop = (Properties) routerobject.elementAt(2); two.setValues( SeverityInfo.getInstance().getColor(Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("status"))), prop.getProperty("ipAddress")); // No Internationalisation two.setToolTipText(prop.getProperty("ipAddress")); // No Internationalisation } if (routerobject.size() >= 4) { three.setVisible(true); Properties prop = (Properties) routerobject.elementAt(3); three.setValues( SeverityInfo.getInstance().getColor(Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("status"))), prop.getProperty("ipAddress")); // No Internationalisation three.setToolTipText(prop.getProperty("ipAddress")); // No Internationalisation } if (routerobject.size() >= 5) { four.setVisible(true); Properties prop = (Properties) routerobject.elementAt(4); four.setValues( SeverityInfo.getInstance().getColor(Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("status"))), prop.getProperty("ipAddress")); // No Internationalisation four.setToolTipText(prop.getProperty("ipAddress")); // No Internationalisation } if (routerobject.size() >= 6) { five.setVisible(true); Properties prop = (Properties) routerobject.elementAt(5); five.setValues( SeverityInfo.getInstance().getColor(Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("status"))), prop.getProperty("ipAddress")); // No Internationalisation five.setToolTipText(prop.getProperty("ipAddress")); // No Internationalisation } if (routerobject.size() >= 7) { six.setVisible(true); Properties prop = (Properties) routerobject.elementAt(6); six.setValues( SeverityInfo.getInstance().getColor(Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("status"))), prop.getProperty("ipAddress")); // No Internationalisation six.setToolTipText(prop.getProperty("ipAddress")); // No Internationalisation } if (routerobject.size() >= 8) { seven.setVisible(true); Properties prop = (Properties) routerobject.elementAt(7); seven.setValues( SeverityInfo.getInstance().getColor(Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("status"))), prop.getProperty("ipAddress")); // No Internationalisation seven.setToolTipText(prop.getProperty("ipAddress")); // No Internationalisation } if (routerobject.size() >= 9) { eight.setVisible(true); Properties prop = (Properties) routerobject.elementAt(8); eight.setValues( SeverityInfo.getInstance().getColor(Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("status"))), prop.getProperty("ipAddress")); // No Internationalisation eight.setToolTipText(prop.getProperty("ipAddress")); // No Internationalisation } if (routerobject.size() >= 10) { nine.setVisible(true); Properties prop = (Properties) routerobject.elementAt(9); nine.setValues( SeverityInfo.getInstance().getColor(Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("status"))), prop.getProperty("ipAddress")); // No Internationalisation nine.setToolTipText(prop.getProperty("ipAddress")); // No Internationalisation } if (routerobject.size() >= 11) { ten.setVisible(true); Properties prop = (Properties) routerobject.elementAt(10); ten.setValues( SeverityInfo.getInstance().getColor(Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("status"))), prop.getProperty("ipAddress")); // No Internationalisation ten.setToolTipText(prop.getProperty("ipAddress")); // No Internationalisation } }
/** * Set the value of Tesseract's internal parameter. * * @param key variable name, e.g., <code>tessedit_create_hocr</code>, <code> * tessedit_char_whitelist</code>, etc. * @param value value for corresponding variable, e.g., "1", "0", "0123456789", etc. */ public void setTessVariable(String key, String value) { prop.setProperty(key, value); }
/** * Enables hocr output. * * @param hocr to enable or disable hocr output */ public void setHocr(boolean hocr) { this.hocr = hocr; prop.setProperty("tessedit_create_hocr", hocr ? "1" : "0"); }