private void setIndicators() { if (ellipseIndicator == null) ellipseIndicator = new Ellipse2D.Double(); if (arcIndicator == null) arcIndicator = new Arc2D.Double(); ellipseIndicator.setFrame(angle.x, angle.y, angle.width, angle.height); arcIndicator.setArc( angle.x, angle.y, angle.width, angle.height, angle.start, angle.extent, Arc2D.PIE); }
public Arc2D evaluate(Arc2D v0, Arc2D v1, float fraction) { double x = v0.getX() + ((v1.getX() - v0.getX()) * fraction); double y = v0.getY() + ((v1.getY() - v0.getY()) * fraction); double w = v0.getWidth() + ((v1.getWidth() - v0.getWidth()) * fraction); double h = v0.getHeight() + ((v1.getHeight() - v0.getHeight()) * fraction); double start = v0.getAngleStart() + ((v1.getAngleStart() - v0.getAngleStart()) * fraction); double extent = v0.getAngleExtent() + ((v1.getAngleExtent() - v0.getAngleExtent()) * fraction); Arc2D value = (Arc2D) v0.clone(); value.setArc(x, y, w, h, start, extent, v0.getArcType()); return value; }
public boolean contains(double x, double y) { setArc(); double narrow = Math.abs(angle.extent) * 0.2; if (arc == null) arc = new Arc2D.Double(); arc.setArc( atom3.rx - 0.5 * angle.width, atom3.ry - 0.5 * angle.height, angle.width, angle.height, angle.extent > 0 ? angle.start + narrow : angle.start - narrow, angle.extent > 0 ? angle.extent - narrow - narrow : angle.extent + narrow + narrow, Arc2D.PIE); return arc.contains(x, y); }
/** * Draws the scale on the dial plot. * * @param g2 the graphics target (<code>null</code> not permitted). * @param plot the dial plot (<code>null</code> not permitted). * @param frame the reference frame that is used to construct the geometry of the plot (<code>null * </code> not permitted). * @param view the visible part of the plot (<code>null</code> not permitted). */ public void draw(Graphics2D g2, DialPlot plot, Rectangle2D frame, Rectangle2D view) { Rectangle2D arcRect = DialPlot.rectangleByRadius(frame, this.getTickRadius(), this.getTickRadius()); Rectangle2D arcRectMajor = DialPlot.rectangleByRadius( frame, this.getTickRadius() - this.getMajorTickLength(), this.getTickRadius() - this.getMajorTickLength()); Rectangle2D arcRectMinor = arcRect; if (this.getMinorTickCount() > 0 && this.getMinorTickLength() > 0.0) { arcRectMinor = DialPlot.rectangleByRadius( frame, this.getTickRadius() - this.getMinorTickLength(), this.getTickRadius() - this.getMinorTickLength()); } Rectangle2D arcRectForLabels = DialPlot.rectangleByRadius( frame, this.getTickRadius() - this.getTickLabelOffset(), this.getTickRadius() - this.getTickLabelOffset()); boolean firstLabel = true; Arc2D arc = new Arc2D.Double(); Line2D workingLine = new Line2D.Double(); Stroke arcStroke = new BasicStroke(0.75f); for (double v = this.getLowerBound(); v <= this.getUpperBound(); v += this.getMajorTickIncrement()) { arc.setArc(arcRect, this.getStartAngle(), valueToAngle(v) - this.getStartAngle(), Arc2D.OPEN); g2.setPaint(this.getMajorTickPaint()); g2.setStroke(arcStroke); g2.draw(arc); Point2D pt0 = arc.getEndPoint(); arc.setArc( arcRectMajor, this.getStartAngle(), valueToAngle(v) - this.getStartAngle(), Arc2D.OPEN); Point2D pt1 = arc.getEndPoint(); g2.setPaint(this.getMajorTickPaint()); g2.setStroke(this.getMajorTickStroke()); workingLine.setLine(pt0, pt1); g2.draw(workingLine); arc.setArc( arcRectForLabels, this.getStartAngle(), valueToAngle(v) - this.getStartAngle(), Arc2D.OPEN); Point2D pt2 = arc.getEndPoint(); if (this.getTickLabelsVisible()) { if (!firstLabel || this.getFirstTickLabelVisible()) { g2.setFont(this.getTickLabelFont()); TextUtilities.drawAlignedString( this.getTickLabelFormatter().format(v), g2, (float) pt2.getX(), (float) pt2.getY(), TextAnchor.CENTER); } } firstLabel = false; // now do the minor tick marks if (this.getMinorTickCount() > 0 && this.getMinorTickLength() > 0.0) { double minorTickIncrement = this.getMajorTickIncrement() / (this.getMinorTickCount() + 1); for (int i = 0; i < this.getMinorTickCount(); i++) { double vv = v + ((i + 1) * minorTickIncrement); if (vv >= this.getUpperBound()) { break; } double angle = valueToAngle(vv); arc.setArc(arcRect, this.getStartAngle(), angle - this.getStartAngle(), Arc2D.OPEN); pt0 = arc.getEndPoint(); arc.setArc(arcRectMinor, this.getStartAngle(), angle - this.getStartAngle(), Arc2D.OPEN); Point2D pt3 = arc.getEndPoint(); g2.setStroke(this.getMinorTickStroke()); g2.setPaint(this.getMinorTickPaint()); workingLine.setLine(pt0, pt3); g2.draw(workingLine); } } } }