   * Makes the label clickable or makes it unclickable. Clickable label features bold and underlined
   * text
   * @param clickable Is the label clickable
   * @param action Action to be performed on click
   * @param rolloverIcon Icon to display on rollover
   * @since Jun 13, 2006 2:00:57 AM
  public void setClickable(
      final boolean clickable, final ActionListener action, final Icon rolloverIcon) {
    if (clickable) {
      //  Set the action
      this.action = action;

      //  Set the offIcon;
      this.offIcon = getIcon();

      //  Add a Mouse Listener

      //  Set the text (Undelined and Bolded)
          new StringBuffer("<html><b><u>").append(getText()).append("</u></b></html>").toString());

      //  Set the rollover icon
      this.rolloverIcon = rolloverIcon;

      //  Init the Color and Mouse Cursor
    } else {
      // Set the action to null
      this.action = null;

      // Remove the Mouse Listener

      //  Change the text back to normal
      final StringBuffer textBuffer = new StringBuffer(getText());
      final int msgEnd = textBuffer.indexOf("</u></b></html>");
      setText(textBuffer.substring(12, msgEnd));

      //  Set the rollover icon
      this.rolloverIcon = null;

    // Repaint the Label