protected void movePolygon(Point previousMousePoint, Point mousePoint) { // Intersect a ray through each mouse point, with a geoid passing through the reference // elevation. // If either ray fails to intersect the geoid, then ignore this event. Use the difference // between the two // intersected positions to move the control point's location. View view = this.wwd.getView(); Globe globe = this.wwd.getModel().getGlobe(); Position refPos = this.polygon.getReferencePosition(); if (refPos == null) return; Line ray = view.computeRayFromScreenPoint(mousePoint.getX(), mousePoint.getY()); Line previousRay = view.computeRayFromScreenPoint(previousMousePoint.getX(), previousMousePoint.getY()); Vec4 vec = AirspaceEditorUtil.intersectGlobeAt(this.wwd, refPos.getElevation(), ray); Vec4 previousVec = AirspaceEditorUtil.intersectGlobeAt(this.wwd, refPos.getElevation(), previousRay); if (vec == null || previousVec == null) { return; } Position pos = globe.computePositionFromPoint(vec); Position previousPos = globe.computePositionFromPoint(previousVec); LatLon change = pos.subtract(previousPos); this.polygon.move(new Position(change.getLatitude(), change.getLongitude(), 0.0)); }
// ------------------------------ public void scrollToCaret() { // not called - fixed with putting visible scrollbars on JScrollPane // Rectangle rect1 = scroller1.getViewport().getViewRect(); double x1 = rect1.getX(); double y1 = rect1.getY(); double r1height = rect1.getHeight(); double r1width = rect1.getWidth(); Caret caret1 = editor1.getCaret(); Point pt2 = caret1.getMagicCaretPosition(); // the end of the string double x2 = pt2.getX(); double y2 = pt2.getY(); if (((x2 > x1) && (x2 < (x1 + r1width))) && ((y2 > y1) && (y2 < (y1 + r1height)))) { // inview } else { double newheight = r1height / 2; double newwidth = r1width / 2; double x3 = pt2.getX() - newwidth; double y3 = pt2.getY() - newheight; if (x3 < 0) x3 = 0; if (y3 < 0) y3 = 0; Rectangle rect3 = new Rectangle((int) x3, (int) y3, (int) newwidth, (int) newheight); editor1.scrollRectToVisible(rect3); } } // end scrollToCaret
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { int mods = e.getModifiersEx(); Point dragEnd = e.getPoint(); boolean shift = (mods & MouseEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK) > 0; boolean ctrl = (mods & MouseEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK) > 0; boolean alt = shift & ctrl; ctrl = ctrl & (!alt); shift = shift & (!alt); boolean nomods = !(shift | ctrl | alt); if (dragBegin == null) dragBegin = dragEnd; nodrag = false; if ((mods & InputEvent.BUTTON3_DOWN_MASK) > 0 || true) { double dx = dragEnd.getX() - dragBegin.getX(); double dy = dragEnd.getY() - dragBegin.getY(); synchronized (JImage.this) { t.preConcatenate(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(dx, dy)); } dragBegin = dragEnd; repaint(); } }
private void showJPopupMenu(MouseEvent e) { try { if (e.isPopupTrigger() && menu != null) { if (window == null) { if (isWindows) { window = new JDialog((Frame) null); ((JDialog) window).setUndecorated(true); } else { window = new JWindow((Frame) null); } window.setAlwaysOnTop(true); Dimension size = menu.getPreferredSize(); Point centerPoint = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getCenterPoint(); if (e.getY() > centerPoint.getY()) window.setLocation(e.getX(), e.getY() - size.height); else window.setLocation(e.getX(), e.getY()); window.setVisible(true); window).getContentPane(), 0, 0); // popup works only for focused windows window.toFront(); } } } catch (Exception ignored) { } }
private void showSliderMenu() { Point location = new Point(getX(), getY() + getHeight()); SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(location, InputVolumeControlButton.this.getParent()); if (isFullScreen()) { location.setLocation( location.getX(), location.getY() - sliderMenu.getPreferredSize().getHeight() - getHeight()); } sliderMenu.setLocation(location); sliderMenu.addPopupMenuListener( new PopupMenuListener() { public void popupMenuWillBecomeVisible(PopupMenuEvent ev) { sliderMenuIsVisible = true; } public void popupMenuWillBecomeInvisible(PopupMenuEvent ev) { sliderMenuIsVisible = false; } public void popupMenuCanceled(PopupMenuEvent ev) {} }); sliderMenu.setVisible(!sliderMenu.isVisible()); }
/** Write file with position and size of the login box */ public static void writePersistence() { Messages.postDebug("LoginBox", "LoginBox.writePersistence"); // If the panel has not been created, don't try to write a file if (position == null) return; String filepath = FileUtil.savePath("USER/PERSISTENCE/LoginPanel"); FileWriter fw; PrintWriter os; try { File file = new File(filepath); fw = new FileWriter(file); os = new PrintWriter(fw); os.println("Login Panel"); os.println(height); os.println(width); double xd = position.getX(); int xi = (int) xd; os.println(xi); double yd = position.getY(); int yi = (int) yd; os.println(yi); os.close(); } catch (Exception er) { Messages.postError("Problem creating " + filepath); Messages.writeStackTrace(er); } }
/** Returns the coordinates of the top left corner of the value at the given index. */ public Point getCoordinates(int index) { JScrollBar bar = scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar(); Rectangle r = segmentTable.getCellRect(index, 1, true); segmentTable.scrollRectToVisible(r); setTopLevelLocation(); return new Point( (int) (r.getX() + topLevelLocation.getX()), (int) (r.getY() + topLevelLocation.getY())); }
protected void setPolygonHeight(Point previousMousePoint, Point mousePoint) { // Find the closest points between the rays through each screen point, and the ray from the // control point // and in the direction of the globe's surface normal. Compute the elevation difference between // these two // points, and use that as the change in polygon height. Position referencePos = this.polygon.getReferencePosition(); if (referencePos == null) return; Vec4 referencePoint = this.wwd.getModel().getGlobe().computePointFromPosition(referencePos); Vec4 surfaceNormal = this.wwd .getModel() .getGlobe() .computeSurfaceNormalAtLocation( referencePos.getLatitude(), referencePos.getLongitude()); Line verticalRay = new Line(referencePoint, surfaceNormal); Line screenRay = this.wwd.getView().computeRayFromScreenPoint(mousePoint.getX(), mousePoint.getY()); Line previousScreenRay = this.wwd .getView() .computeRayFromScreenPoint(previousMousePoint.getX(), previousMousePoint.getY()); Vec4 pointOnLine = AirspaceEditorUtil.nearestPointOnLine(verticalRay, screenRay); Vec4 previousPointOnLine = AirspaceEditorUtil.nearestPointOnLine(verticalRay, previousScreenRay); Position pos = this.wwd.getModel().getGlobe().computePositionFromPoint(pointOnLine); Position previousPos = this.wwd.getModel().getGlobe().computePositionFromPoint(previousPointOnLine); double elevationChange = pos.getElevation() - previousPos.getElevation(); java.util.List<Position> boundary = new ArrayList<Position>(); for (LatLon ll : this.polygon.getOuterBoundary()) { boundary.add(new Position(ll, ((Position) ll).getElevation() + elevationChange)); } this.polygon.setOuterBoundary(boundary); }
// Repaint the message at the new location public void paintComponent(Graphics page) { // use paintComponent method of its parent class // to have all graphics properties super.paintComponent(page); // change the page color and font page.setColor(Color.cyan); page.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman", Font.PLAIN, 24)); page.drawString(message.getText(), (int) (location.getX()), (int) (location.getY())); }
public void paint(Graphics g1) { Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) g1; Component c; Point p; paintComponent(g); for (int i = 0; i < getComponentCount(); i++) { AffineTransform save = g.getTransform(); c = getComponent(i); p = c.getLocation(); g.translate((int) p.getX(), (int) p.getY()); c.paint(g); g.setTransform(save); } }
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { requestFocus(); Point p = e.getPoint(); int size = Math.min( MAX_SIZE, Math.min( getWidth() - imagePadding.left - imagePadding.right, getHeight() - - imagePadding.bottom)); p.translate(-(getWidth() / 2 - size / 2), -(getHeight() / 2 - size / 2)); if (mode == ColorPicker.BRI || mode == ColorPicker.SAT) { // the two circular views: double radius = ((double) size) / 2.0; double x = p.getX() - size / 2.0; double y = p.getY() - size / 2.0; double r = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) / radius; double theta = Math.atan2(y, x) / (Math.PI * 2.0); if (r > 1) r = 1; if (mode == ColorPicker.BRI) { setHSB((float) (theta + .25f), (float) (r), bri); } else { setHSB((float) (theta + .25f), sat, (float) (r)); } } else if (mode == ColorPicker.HUE) { float s = ((float) p.x) / ((float) size); float b = ((float) p.y) / ((float) size); if (s < 0) s = 0; if (s > 1) s = 1; if (b < 0) b = 0; if (b > 1) b = 1; setHSB(hue, s, b); } else { int x2 = p.x * 255 / size; int y2 = p.y * 255 / size; if (x2 < 0) x2 = 0; if (x2 > 255) x2 = 255; if (y2 < 0) y2 = 0; if (y2 > 255) y2 = 255; if (mode == ColorPicker.RED) { setRGB(red, x2, y2); } else if (mode == ColorPicker.GREEN) { setRGB(x2, green, y2); } else { setRGB(x2, y2, blue); } } }
protected void moveControlPoint( ControlPointMarker controlPoint, Point lastMousePoint, Point moveToPoint) { View view = this.wwd.getView(); Globe globe = this.wwd.getModel().getGlobe(); Position refPos = controlPoint.getPosition(); if (refPos == null) return; Line ray = view.computeRayFromScreenPoint(moveToPoint.getX(), moveToPoint.getY()); Line previousRay = view.computeRayFromScreenPoint(lastMousePoint.getX(), lastMousePoint.getY()); Vec4 vec = AirspaceEditorUtil.intersectGlobeAt(this.wwd, refPos.getElevation(), ray); Vec4 previousVec = AirspaceEditorUtil.intersectGlobeAt(this.wwd, refPos.getElevation(), previousRay); if (vec == null || previousVec == null) { return; } Position pos = globe.computePositionFromPoint(vec); Position previousPos = globe.computePositionFromPoint(previousVec); LatLon change = pos.subtract(previousPos); java.util.List<LatLon> boundary = new ArrayList<LatLon>(); for (LatLon ll : this.polygon.getOuterBoundary()) { boundary.add(ll); } boundary.set(controlPoint.getIndex(), new Position(pos.add(change), refPos.getAltitude())); // ExtrudedPolygon ensures that the last boundary position is the same as the first. Remove the // last point // before setting the boundary. boundary.remove(boundary.size() - 1); this.polygon.setOuterBoundary(boundary); }
/** * Add a vertex to the polygon's outer boundary. * * @param mousePoint the point at which the mouse was clicked. The new vertex will be placed as * near as possible to this point, at the elevation of the polygon. */ protected void addVertex(Point mousePoint) { // Try to find the edge that is closest to a ray passing through the screen point. We're trying // to determine // the user's intent as to which edge a new two control points should be added to. Line ray = this.wwd.getView().computeRayFromScreenPoint(mousePoint.getX(), mousePoint.getY()); Vec4 pickPoint = this.intersectPolygonAltitudeAt(ray); double nearestDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE; int newVertexIndex = 0; // Loop through the control points and determine which edge is closest to the pick point for (int i = 0; i < this.controlPoints.size(); i++) { ControlPointMarker thisMarker = (ControlPointMarker) this.controlPoints.get(i); ControlPointMarker nextMarker = (ControlPointMarker) this.controlPoints.get((i + 1) % this.controlPoints.size()); Vec4 pointOnEdge = AirspaceEditorUtil.nearestPointOnSegment(thisMarker.point, nextMarker.point, pickPoint); if (!AirspaceEditorUtil.isPointBehindLineOrigin(ray, pointOnEdge)) { double d = pointOnEdge.distanceTo3(pickPoint); if (d < nearestDistance) { newVertexIndex = i + 1; nearestDistance = d; } } } Position newPosition = this.wwd.getModel().getGlobe().computePositionFromPoint(pickPoint); // Copy the outer boundary list ArrayList<Position> positionList = new ArrayList<Position>(this.controlPoints.size()); for (LatLon position : this.getPolygon().getOuterBoundary()) { positionList.add((Position) position); } // Add the new vertex positionList.add(newVertexIndex, newPosition); this.getPolygon().setOuterBoundary(positionList); }
public void setPopupLocation(Point location) { setPopupLocation((int) location.getX(), (int) location.getY()); }
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); _tG.readTile((char) _game.topTile().get(new Point(3, 3))); _rotateNum = (char) (_game.topTile().get(new Point(3, 4))) - '0'; _emptySlot = _game.get_Slot(); for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { g.setColor(; g.fillRect( (i % 100) * squareSize + (i % 100 + 1) * 1, (i / 100) * squareSize + (i / 100 + 1), squareSize, squareSize); } for (Point p : _emptySlot) { g.setColor(; g.fillRect(p.x * (squareSize + 1) + 1, p.y * (squareSize + 1) + 1, 80, 80); } _tilePiece = cutImage(TileGeneratorView.k, TileGeneratorView.j); for (int i = 0; i < _rotateNum; i++) { _tilePiece = rotateImage(_tilePiece, 90); } tilePiece = _tilePiece; g.drawImage(tilePiece, x, y, 80, 80, this); HashMap<Point, HashMap<Point, Object>> gameBoard = _game.get_gameBoard(); for (HashMap.Entry<Point, HashMap<Point, Object>> entry : gameBoard.entrySet()) { int j = -1, k = -1; // using j,k to indicate where are the tiles locate in our picture. Point position = entry.getKey(); int xp = (int) position.getX(); int yp = (int) position.getY(); HashMap<Point, Object> tileMap = entry.getValue(); int xMeeple = 10, yMeeple = 10; for (HashMap.Entry<Point, Object> entry1 : tileMap.entrySet()) { Point meeplePosition = entry1.getKey(); char parts = (char) entry1.getValue(); // System.out.println(parts); if (parts >= 'a' && parts <= 'z') { xMeeple = (int) meeplePosition.getX(); yMeeple = (int) meeplePosition.getY(); } } char tile = (char) entry.getValue().get(new Point(3, 3)); switch (tile) { case 'A': j = 3; k = 4; break; case 'B': j = 3; k = 3; break; case 'C': j = 1; k = 2; break; case 'D': j = 2; k = 0; break; case 'E': j = 0; k = 0; break; case 'F': j = 1; k = 1; break; case 'G': j = 1; k = 0; break; case 'H': j = 0; k = 2; break; case 'I': j = 0; k = 1; break; case 'J': j = 2; k = 2; break; case 'K': j = 2; k = 1; break; case 'L': j = 3; k = 2; break; case 'M': j = 0; k = 4; break; case 'N': j = 0; k = 3; break; case 'O': j = 2; k = 4; break; case 'P': j = 2; k = 3; break; case 'Q': j = 1; k = 4; break; case 'R': j = 1; k = 3; break; case 'S': j = 3; k = 1; break; case 'T': j = 3; k = 0; break; case 'U': j = 4; k = 0; break; case 'V': j = 4; k = 1; break; case 'W': j = 4; k = 2; break; case 'X': j = 4; k = 3; break; } Image tempTile; tempTile = cutImage(k, j); int rotateNumber = 0; char rotateNum = (char) entry.getValue().get(new Point(3, 4)); switch (rotateNum) { case '0': rotateNumber = 0; break; case '1': rotateNumber = 1; break; case '2': rotateNumber = 2; break; case '3': rotateNumber = 3; break; } tempTile = rotateImage(tempTile, rotateNumber * 90); g.drawImage(tempTile, xp * (squareSize + 1) + 1, yp * (squareSize + 1) + 1, 80, 80, this); Image meeple; meeple = cutMeeple(); meeple = PutMeepleView.makeColorTransparent((BufferedImage) meeple, Color.white); // if((char)tileMap.get(new Point(3,5)) = 'a'){ // System.out.println(xMeeple); // System.out.println(yMeeple); if (xMeeple < 10 && yMeeple < 10) { g.drawImage( meeple, xp * (squareSize + 1) + 1 + 27 * xMeeple, yp * (squareSize + 1) + 1 + 27 * yMeeple, 27, 27, this); } // } } }
/** * Shows/hides the security panel. * * @param isVisible <tt>true</tt> to show the security panel, <tt>false</tt> to hide it */ public void setSecurityPanelVisible(final boolean isVisible) { if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { setSecurityPanelVisible(isVisible); } }); return; } final JFrame callFrame = callRenderer.getCallContainer().getCallWindow().getFrame(); final JPanel glassPane = (JPanel) callFrame.getGlassPane(); if (!isVisible) { // Need to hide the security panel explicitly in order to keep the // fade effect. securityPanel.setVisible(false); glassPane.setVisible(false); glassPane.removeAll(); } else { glassPane.setLayout(null); glassPane.addMouseListener( new MouseListener() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { redispatchMouseEvent(glassPane, e); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { redispatchMouseEvent(glassPane, e); } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { redispatchMouseEvent(glassPane, e); } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { redispatchMouseEvent(glassPane, e); } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { redispatchMouseEvent(glassPane, e); } }); Point securityLabelPoint = securityStatusLabel.getLocation(); Point newPoint = SwingUtilities.convertPoint( securityStatusLabel.getParent(), securityLabelPoint.x, securityLabelPoint.y, callFrame); securityPanel.setBeginPoint(new Point((int) newPoint.getX() + 15, 0)); securityPanel.setBounds(0, (int) newPoint.getY() - 5, this.getWidth(), 130); glassPane.add(securityPanel); // Need to show the security panel explicitly in order to keep the // fade effect. securityPanel.setVisible(true); glassPane.setVisible(true); glassPane.addComponentListener( new ComponentAdapter() { /** Invoked when the component's size changes. */ @Override public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { if (glassPane.isVisible()) { glassPane.setVisible(false); callFrame.removeComponentListener(this); } } }); } }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == open) { if (isInProgress()) { systemIsBusy(); return; } checkRunned(); chooser = new JFileChooser(); chooser.setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed(false); chooser.setFileFilter(new InputFileFilter(false)); if (loadedFile != null) chooser.setSelectedFile(loadedFile); int returnValue = chooser.showOpenDialog(this); if (returnValue == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { boolean approved = ((InputFileFilter) chooser.getFileFilter()).isFileApproved(chooser.getSelectedFile()); if (approved) { startProgress(); new MultiThread( new Runnable() { public void run() { try { loadedFile = chooser.getSelectedFile(); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(loadedFile); InputParser ip = new InputParser(fis); if (ip.parseInput()) { field = new Field(new ArrayList<Point>(Arrays.asList(ip.getPoints()))); minAlgo.setText(String.valueOf(ip.minimumClusters)); maxAlgo.setText(String.valueOf(ip.maximumClusters)); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { }; stopProgress(); } }) .start(); } } } else if (e.getSource() == center) { if (isInProgress()) { systemIsBusy(); return; } startProgress(); new MultiThread( new Runnable() { public void run() { contentpanel.removeMouseWheelListener(contentpanel);; contentpanel.addMouseWheelListener(contentpanel); stopProgressRepaint(); } }) .start(); } else if (e.getSource() == save) { if (isInProgress()) { systemIsBusy(); return; } checkRunned(); chooser = new JFileChooser(); chooser.setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed(false); chooser.setFileFilter(new InputFileFilter(true)); if (loadedFile != null) chooser.setSelectedFile(loadedFile); int returnValue = chooser.showSaveDialog(this); if (returnValue == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { boolean approved = ((InputFileFilter) chooser.getFileFilter()).isFileApproved(chooser.getSelectedFile()); if (approved) { loadedFile = chooser.getSelectedFile(); boolean halt = loadedFile.exists(); if (halt) { int i = JOptionPane.showInternalConfirmDialog( c, "Are you sure you want to override this file?", "Warning", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); if (i == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { halt = false; } } if (!halt) { try { PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(loadedFile)); pw.println("find " + field.getNumberOfClusters() + " clusters"); pw.println(field.size() + " points"); Object[] obj = field.toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { Point p = (Point) obj[i]; pw.println(p.getX() + " " + p.getY()); } pw.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { } } } } } else if (e.getSource() == clear) { if (isInProgress()) { systemIsBusy(); return; } int i = JOptionPane.showInternalConfirmDialog( c, "Are you sure you want to clear the field?", "Warning", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); checkRunned(); if (i == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { field = new Field(); updateContentPanel(); } } else if (e.getSource() == circle) { contentpanel.setSelectionMode(ContentPanel.SELECT_CIRCLE); } else if (e.getSource() == square) { contentpanel.setSelectionMode(ContentPanel.SELECT_SQUARE); } else if (e.getSource() == addacluster) { if (isInProgress()) { systemIsBusy(); return; } checkRunned(); contentpanel.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR)); } else if (e.getSource() == addnoise) { if (isInProgress()) { systemIsBusy(); return; } checkRunned(); final String s = JOptionPane.showInternalInputDialog( c, "How many points?", "Add noise", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); startProgress(); new MultiThread( new Runnable() { public void run() { if (s != null) { int number; try { number = Integer.parseInt(s); } catch (Exception ex) { number = 0; } int tillX = 1000000000; int tillY = 1000000000; int addX = 0; int addY = 0; if (inRectangle.isSelected()) { Rectangle r = field.getBoundingRectangle(); if (!(r.x1 == 0 && r.y1 == 0 && r.x2 == 0 && r.y2 == 0)) { tillX = r.x2 - r.x1; addX = r.x1; tillY = r.y2 - r.y1; addY = r.y1; } else { tillX = 500000000; tillY = 500000000; } } for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { int x = random.nextInt(tillX); x += addX; int y; boolean busy = true; while (busy) { y = random.nextInt(tillY); y += addY; boolean inside = false; Object[] array = field.toArray(); for (int j = 0; j < field.size(); j++) { if (((Point) array[j]).compareTo(x, y)) { inside = true; break; } } if (!inside) { field.add(new Point(x, y)); busy = false; } } } } stopProgress(); } }) .start(); } else if (e.getSource() == run) { if (isInProgress()) { systemIsBusy(); return; } checkRunned(); startProgress(); runAlgo(); } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { sun.awt.SunToolkit toolkit = (sun.awt.SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait( new Runnable() { public void run() { test = new TaskbarPositionTest(); } }); // Use Robot to automate the test Robot robot; robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(125); // 1 - menu Util.hitMnemonics(robot, KeyEvent.VK_1); toolkit.realSync(); isPopupOnScreen(menu1.getPopupMenu(), screenBounds); // 2 menu with sub menu robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT); Util.hitMnemonics(robot, KeyEvent.VK_S); toolkit.realSync(); isPopupOnScreen(menu2.getPopupMenu(), screenBounds); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); // Focus should go to non editable combo box toolkit.realSync(); Thread.sleep(500); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); // How do we check combo boxes? // Editable combo box robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_TAB); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_TAB); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); // combo1.getUI(); // Popup from Text field robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_TAB); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_TAB); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL); // Popup from a mouse click. Point pt = new Point(2, 2); SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(pt, panel); robot.mouseMove((int) pt.getX(), (int) pt.getY()); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK); toolkit.realSync(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait( new Runnable() { public void run() { test.setLocation(-30, 100); combo1.addPopupMenuListener(new ComboPopupCheckListener()); combo1.requestFocus(); } }); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); toolkit.realSync(); Thread.sleep(500); }