public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == ctl) {; } else if (e.getSource() == exit) { exitPerform(); } else if (e.getSource() == rank) { if (count != 0) {, "four"); rankPanel.setMemory(memory, count - 1); buttonPanel.removeAll(); buttonPanel.setBounds(width - 200, height - 80, 190, 50); buttonPanel.add(exit); check = 4; count--; } } else if (e.getSource() == back) { if (secondPanel.clip != null) { secondPanel.clip.stop(); System.out.printf("test"); } check = 0; card.previous(mainPanel); buttonPanel.removeAll(); ctl.setText("- Play -"); buttonPanel.add(ctl); buttonPanel.add(rank); buttonPanel.add(exit); buttonPanel.setOpaque(false); buttonPanel.setBounds(width / 2 - 50, height / 2 - 50, 80, 100); } }
public void changePanel(JPanel jpanel) { getContentPane().removeAll(); getContentPane().add(jpanel); getContentPane().repaint(); getContentPane().revalidate(); jpanel.setBounds(0, 0, 578, 350); // Don't Forget This }
public void returnToPanel() { getContentPane().removeAll(); getContentPane().add(previousJPanel); getContentPane().repaint(); getContentPane().revalidate(); previousJPanel.setBounds(0, 0, 578, 350); // Don't Forget This }
public void changePanel() {; buttonPanel.removeAll(); ctl.setText("- Play -"); buttonPanel.add(ctl); buttonPanel.add(rank); buttonPanel.add(exit); buttonPanel.setOpaque(false); buttonPanel.setBounds(width / 2 - 50, height / 2 - 50, 80, 100); count++; memory[count] = new Memory(); menuPanel.setMemory(memory[count]); secondPanel.setMemory(memory[count]); gamePanel.setMemory(memory[count]); rankPanel.setMemory(memory, count); check = 0; System.out.println( count + " " + memory[count - 1].name + " " + memory[count - 1].song + " " + memory[count - 1].score); }
public void menu() { if (check == 0) { buttonPanel.removeAll(); buttonPanel.setBounds(width - 200, height - 80, 200, 50);; ctl.setText("- Play -"); buttonPanel.add(back); buttonPanel.add(ctl); menuPanel.savename(); check = 1; secondPanel.musiclist.clearSelection(); gamePanel.setSecond(0); } else if (check == 1) { if (memory[count].getSong() == null) { Container con = getContentPane(); String title = "--Warning--"; String message = "Please Choice a Music Before Playing!"; int type = JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(con, message, title, type); } else {; secondPanel.clip.stop(); buttonPanel.removeAll(); buttonPanel.setBounds(width - 200, height - 80, 190, 50); ctl.setText("- Stop -"); buttonPanel.add(ctl); buttonPanel.add(exit); check = 2; gamePanel.playmusic(); gamePanel.setRun(true); } } else if (check == 2) { ctl.setText("- Resume -"); gamePanel.clip.stop(); gamePanel.setRun(false); check = 3; } else if (check == 3) { ctl.setText("- Stop -"); gamePanel.clip.start(); gamePanel.setRun(true); check = 2; } }
public hostelStatus() { setTitle("Hostel"); connect(); updateRecord(); JFrame fr = new JFrame(); Toolkit tkt = fr.getToolkit(); Dimension frsize = tkt.getScreenSize(); setBounds(frsize.width / 4, frsize.height / 12, frsize.width / 2, frsize.height / 8); setLayout(null); cn = getContentPane(); cn.setBackground(new Color(190, 180, 170)); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); tl = new JLabel("Current Hostels Status"); tl.setFont(new Font("Engravers MT", 1, 25)); tl.setForeground(new Color(247, 251, 249)); p1 = new JPanel(); p1.setBounds(0, 0, 600, 50); p1.add(tl); p1.setBackground(new Color(31, 88, 166)); cn.add(p1); b1 = new JButton("LOAD"); b1.setMnemonic('L'); b1.addActionListener(new dispListener()); b1.setBounds(230, 320, 120, 30); b2 = new JButton("EXIT"); b2.setMnemonic('X'); b2.addActionListener(new exitListener()); b2.setBounds(350, 320, 100, 30); cn.add(b1); cn.add(b2); table = new JTable(data, col); table.setFont(new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 16)); table.setBackground(new Color(250, 250, 250)); table.setEnabled(false); JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(table); jsp.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER); jsp.setBounds(5, 100, 590, 200); cn.add(jsp); screensize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); setSize(600, 400); setVisible(true); setVisible(true); setResizable(true); connect(); }
public GameFrame(int height, int width) { super("--- Tempo Game ---"); this.height = height; this.width = width; card = new CardLayout(); mainPanel = new JPanel(); mainPanel.setLayout(card); memory[0] = new Memory(); menuPanel = new MenuPanel(memory[count]); secondPanel = new SecondPanel(memory[count]); gamePanel = new GamePanel(memory[count]); rankPanel = new RankPanel(memory, count); mainPanel.add(menuPanel, "one"); mainPanel.add(secondPanel, "two"); mainPanel.add(gamePanel, "three"); mainPanel.add(rankPanel, "four"); buttonPanel = new JPanel(); ctl = new JButton("- Play -"); ctl.addActionListener(this); exit = new JButton("- Exit -"); exit.addActionListener(this); rank = new JButton("- Rank -"); rank.addActionListener(this); back = new JButton("- Back -"); back.addActionListener(this); buttonPanel.add(ctl); buttonPanel.add(rank); buttonPanel.add(exit); buttonPanel.setOpaque(false); buttonPanel.setBounds(width / 2 - 50, height / 2 - 50, 80, 100); gamePanel.setFocusable(true); gamePanel.addKeyListener(this); add(buttonPanel); add(mainPanel); System.out.println(count); }
/** * The GPropertiesDialog class constructor. * * @param gui the GUI class */ public GPropertiesDialog(GUI gui) { // superclass constructor super(gui, "Properties", false); objects = new ObjectContainer(); // gui this.gui = gui; // set the fixed size setSize(260, 350); setResizable(false); setLayout(null); // set up panels for stuff pane = new JTabbedPane(); // add the tabbed panel tabbedPanePanel = new JPanel(); tabbedPanePanel.add(pane); tabbedPanePanel.setLayout(null); this.getContentPane().add(tabbedPanePanel); tabbedPanePanel.setBounds(0, 0, this.getWidth(), 280); pane.setBounds(0, 0, tabbedPanePanel.getWidth(), tabbedPanePanel.getHeight()); // set up buttons apply = new JButton("Apply"); apply.setBounds(150, 290, 80, 26); this.getContentPane().add(apply); close = new JButton("Close"); close.setBounds(50, 290, 80, 26); this.getContentPane().add(close); addPanel(new GPropertiesPanelCustomObject(gui.getGMap()), "Object"); // add listeners addMouseListener(this); apply.addItemListener(this); apply.addActionListener(this); close.addItemListener(this); close.addActionListener(this); }
/** Creates an places the components used by the GUI. */ private void placeComponents() { memory = new Resource("Memory"); cpu = new Resource("CPU"); io = new Resource("I/O"); loadImages(); backgroundPanel = new PicturePanel(background); getContentPane().setLayout(null); getContentPane().add(backgroundPanel); backgroundPanel.setBounds(0, 0, 494, 374); backgroundPanel.setLayout(null); backgroundPanel.add(memoryQueue); backgroundPanel.add(cpuQueue); backgroundPanel.add(ioQueue); backgroundPanel.add(memory); backgroundPanel.add(cpu); backgroundPanel.add(io); memoryQueue.setBounds(110, 20, 200, 50); memory.setBounds(310, 10, 90, 90); cpuQueue.setBounds(200, 120, 200, 50); cpu.setBounds(110, 110, 90, 90); ioQueue.setBounds(110, 220, 200, 50); io.setBounds(310, 210, 90, 90); JPanel lowerPanel = new JPanel(); lowerPanel.setLayout(null); getContentPane().add(lowerPanel); lowerPanel.setBounds(0, 374, 494, 100); simulationSpeedSlider = new JSlider(0, 10000, 8000); lowerPanel.add(simulationSpeedSlider); addSliderLabels(lowerPanel, 10, 10, 474, 20, "Slow", "Fast", "Simulation speed"); simulationSpeedSlider.setBounds(10, 30, 474, 20); timeElapsedLabel = new JLabel("Simulated time elapsed: " + timeElapsed + " ms."); lowerPanel.add(timeElapsedLabel); timeElapsedLabel.setBounds(10, 60, 300, 20); startButton = new JButton("Start simulation"); lowerPanel.add(startButton); startButton.setBounds(320, 60, 154, 20); startButton.addActionListener(this); }
CGFrame() { pane.setBounds(20, 20, 200, 200); // 設定pane畫布的框線厚度為 4 像素 pane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(, 4)); add(pane); for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) { btnCr[i] = new JButton(); btnCr[i].setBounds(21 + i * 42, 230, 30, 30); // 設定顏色按鈕目前全部呈浮凸狀 btnCr[i].setBorder(BorderFactory.createBevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED)); btnCr[i].setBackground(cr[i]); add(btnCr[i]); btnCr[i].addActionListener(this); } setTitle("點選顏色"); setLayout(null); setBounds(50, 50, 248, 310); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setVisible(true); }
////////////// methods to create the interactive visualizer //////////////////////// private void createMainFrame() { mainFrame = new JFrame(); mainFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.HIDE_ON_CLOSE); Container contentPane = mainFrame.getContentPane(); // contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // creates the control panel controlPanel = new JPanel(null); controlPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); makeSoundVis(); mainFrame.addComponentListener(new ResizeHandler()); // setting up the play sound button playBtn = new JButton("Play"); playBtn.setEnabled(true); playBtn.setToolTipText("Play the sound"); playBtn.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { stopBtn.setEnabled(true); pauseBtn.setEnabled(true); playBtn.setEnabled(false); playSelectionBtn.setEnabled(false); zoomInBtn.setEnabled(false); zoomOutBtn.setEnabled(false); isPlaying = true;; } }); controlPanel.add(playBtn); // setting up the play selection button playSelectionBtn = new JButton("Play Selection"); playSelectionBtn.setEnabled(false); playSelectionBtn.setToolTipText("Play sound between start and stop index"); playSelectionBtn.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { playSelClicked++; stopBtn.setEnabled(true); pauseBtn.setEnabled(true); playSelectionBtn.setEnabled(false); playBtn.setEnabled(false); zoomInBtn.setEnabled(false); zoomOutBtn.setEnabled(false); isPlaying = false; if (playSelClicked == 1) { myHelper.playInRange( wavePanel.getSelectionStartSample(), wavePanel.getSelectionEndSample()); } else {; } } }); controlPanel.add(playSelectionBtn); // setting up the stop button stopBtn = new JButton("Stop"); stopBtn.setEnabled(false); stopBtn.setToolTipText("Stop playing the sound"); stopBtn.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { myHelper.stop(); stopBtn.setEnabled(false); pauseBtn.setEnabled(false); playBtn.setEnabled(true); if (wavePanel.moreZoomInScope()) { zoomInBtn.setEnabled(true); playSelectionBtn.setEnabled(true); } if (wavePanel.moreZoomOutScope()) { zoomOutBtn.setEnabled(true); } playSelClicked = 0; isPlaying = false; } }); controlPanel.add(stopBtn); // setting up the stop button pauseBtn = new JButton("Pause"); pauseBtn.setEnabled(false); pauseBtn.setToolTipText("Pause the sound"); pauseBtn.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { myHelper.pause(); if (isPlaying) { playBtn.setEnabled(true); } else { playSelectionBtn.setEnabled(true); } } }); controlPanel.add(pauseBtn); // setting up the zoom button zoomInBtn = new JButton("Zoom In"); zoomInBtn.setEnabled(false); zoomInBtn.setToolTipText("Click to see the samples within your selection"); zoomInBtn.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { handleZoomIn(); } }); controlPanel.add(zoomInBtn); // setting up the zoom button zoomOutBtn = new JButton("Zoom Out"); zoomOutBtn.setEnabled(false); zoomOutBtn.setToolTipText("Click to zoom out"); zoomOutBtn.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { handleZoomOut(); } }); controlPanel.add(zoomOutBtn); controlPanel.setBounds(0, controlLocY, frameWidth, controlHeight); contentPane.add(controlPanel); contentPane.add(wavePanel); contentPane.add(overViewPanel); wavePanel.setBounds(0, waveLocY, frameWidth, waveHeight); // controlPanel.removeAll(); // controlPanel.setBackground(Color.CYAN); mainFrame.setSize(frameWidth, frameHeight); overViewPanel.init(); wavePanel.init(); // // mainFrame.pack(); // mainFrame.setResizable(false); // mainFrame.validate(); mainFrame.setVisible(true); overViewPanel.setBounds(0, 0, frameWidth, overViewHeight); // mainFrame.validate(); }
static String[] input(int d, int m, int y) { // input frame for schedule String[] out = new String[4]; // appointment info storage final String[] doctors = {"Dr. Whitehead", "Dr. Namie", "Dr. Liddell"}; final JFrame input = new JFrame("Make Appointment"); Container pane1; JPanel pan = new JPanel(null); JLabel doctor = new JLabel("Choose your Doctor:"); JLabel da = new JLabel("Date:"); /*JLabel day=new JLabel(Integer.toString(d)); JLabel mo=new JLabel("Month:"); JLabel month=new JLabel(Integer.toString(m)); JLabel ye=new JLabel("Year:"); JLabel year=new JLabel(Integer.toString(y));*/ JLabel time = new JLabel("Appointment Time:"); JButton submit = new JButton("Submit"); docName = new JComboBox(doctors); JSpinner timeSpinner = new JSpinner(new SpinnerDateModel()); JSpinner.DateEditor timeEditor = new JSpinner.DateEditor(timeSpinner, "hh:mm a"); timeSpinner.setEditor(timeEditor); timeSpinner.setValue(new Date()); JSpinner dateSpinner = new JSpinner(new SpinnerDateModel()); JSpinner.DateEditor dateEditor = new JSpinner.DateEditor(dateSpinner, "MMM/dd/yyyy"); dateSpinner.setEditor(dateEditor); dateSpinner.setValue(new Date()); input.setSize(330, 375); // Set size to 400x400 pixels pane1 = input.getContentPane(); pane1.setLayout(null); // Apply null layout pan.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 2, 20, 50)); pane1.setSize((int) (input.getHeight() / 2), (int) (input.getWidth() / 2)); pane1.setLocation( input.getHeight() - ((int) (input.getHeight() / 2)), input.getWidth() - ((int) (input.getWidth() / 2))); // trying to center failed input.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); // Close when X is clicked pane1.add(pan); // pan.add(ye); // pan.add(year); pan.add(da); pan.add(dateSpinner); pan.add(time); pan.add(timeSpinner); pan.add(doctor); pan.add(docName); pan.add(submit); submit.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { fmain.setVisible(true); input.setVisible(false); } }); pan.setBounds(0, 0, 320, 335); input.setResizable(false); input.setVisible(true); return out; }
private void makeMenuScreen() { menu = new JPanel(); menu.setBackground(Color.BLACK); menu.setLayout(null); menu.setBounds(0, 0, width, height); try { BufferedImage menuIMG ="/Resources/MenuBackground.png")); // BufferedImage menuIMG = // File("M:/ComputerProgrammingJava/InsaneMouse_03/src/Resources/MenuBackground.png")); menuIMGL = new JLabel( new ImageIcon( menuIMG.getScaledInstance( (int) (width * 0.8), (int) (height * 0.8), Image.SCALE_SMOOTH))); menuIMGL.setBounds(0, 0, width, height); } catch (Exception e) { } highscoreL = new JLabel(String.valueOf(highscore)); highscoreL.setBackground(Color.darkGray); highscoreL.setBounds((width / 2) + 100, (height / 2) + 70, 500, 100); highscoreL.setForeground(Color.white); easy = new JButton("Easy"); hard = new JButton("Hard"); easy.addActionListener(this); hard.addActionListener(this); easy.setBounds((width / 2) - 60, (height / 2) - 50, 120, 20); hard.setBounds((width / 2) - 60, height / 2 - 10, 120, 20); onePlayerRB = new JRadioButton("One Player"); twoPlayerRB = new JRadioButton("Two Player"); mouseRB = new JRadioButton("Mouse (Player 1)"); keyboardRB = new JRadioButton("Keyboard (Player 1)"); keyboardSpeedS1 = new JSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, 10, 300, 50); keyboardSpeedS2 = new JSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, 10, 300, 50); musicCB = new JCheckBox("Music"); onePlayerRB.setBackground(null); twoPlayerRB.setBackground(null); mouseRB.setBackground(null); keyboardRB.setBackground(null); keyboardSpeedS1.setBackground(null); keyboardSpeedS2.setBackground(null); musicCB.setBackground(null); onePlayerRB.setForeground(Color.WHITE); twoPlayerRB.setForeground(Color.WHITE); mouseRB.setForeground(Color.WHITE); keyboardRB.setForeground(Color.WHITE); keyboardSpeedS1.setForeground(Color.WHITE); keyboardSpeedS2.setForeground(Color.WHITE); musicCB.setForeground(Color.WHITE); ButtonGroup playerChoice = new ButtonGroup(); playerChoice.add(onePlayerRB); playerChoice.add(twoPlayerRB); onePlayerRB.setSelected(true); ButtonGroup peripheralChoice = new ButtonGroup(); peripheralChoice.add(mouseRB); peripheralChoice.add(keyboardRB); mouseRB.setSelected(true); musicCB.setSelected(true); onePlayerRB.setBounds((width / 2) + 100, (height / 2) - 50, 100, 20); twoPlayerRB.setBounds((width / 2) + 100, (height / 2) - 30, 100, 20); mouseRB.setBounds((width / 2) + 100, (height / 2), 200, 20); keyboardRB.setBounds((width / 2) + 100, (height / 2) + 20, 200, 20); keyboardSpeedS1.setBounds(width / 2 - 120, height / 2 + 100, 200, 50); keyboardSpeedS2.setBounds(width / 2 - 120, height / 2 + 183, 200, 50); musicCB.setBounds((width / 2) + 100, (height / 2) + 50, 100, 20); keyboardSpeedL1 = new JLabel("Keyboard Speed (Player One)"); keyboardSpeedL1.setForeground(Color.WHITE); keyboardSpeedL1.setBounds(width / 2 - 113, height / 2 + 67, 200, 50); keyboardSpeedL2 = new JLabel("Keyboard Speed (Player Two)"); keyboardSpeedL2.setForeground(Color.WHITE); keyboardSpeedL2.setBounds(width / 2 - 113, height / 2 + 150, 200, 50); howTo = new JButton("How To Play"); howTo.addActionListener(this); howTo.setBounds((width / 2) - 60, height / 2 + 30, 120, 20); try { BufferedImage howToIMG ="/Resources/HowTo.png")); // BufferedImage howToIMG = // File("M:/ComputerProgrammingJava/InsaneMouse_03/src/Resources/HowTo.png")); howToIMGL = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(howToIMG)); howToIMGL.setBounds( width / 2 - howToIMG.getWidth() / 2, height / 2 - howToIMG.getHeight() / 2, howToIMG.getWidth(), howToIMG.getHeight()); } catch (Exception e) { } howToBack = new JButton("X"); howToBack.setBounds( (int) (width / 2 + width * 0.25) - 50, (int) (height / 2 - height * 0.25), 50, 50); howToBack.setBackground(Color.BLACK); howToBack.setForeground(Color.WHITE); howToBack.addActionListener(this); menu.add(easy); menu.add(hard); menu.add(howTo); menu.add(highscoreL); menu.add(onePlayerRB); menu.add(twoPlayerRB); menu.add(mouseRB); menu.add(keyboardRB); menu.add(keyboardSpeedL1); menu.add(keyboardSpeedL2); menu.add(keyboardSpeedS1); menu.add(keyboardSpeedS2); menu.add(musicCB); menu.add(menuIMGL); back = new JButton("Back"); back.setBounds(width / 2 - 40, height / 2, 100, 20); back.addActionListener(this); back.setVisible(false); this.add(back); }
Library() { super("Library Management"); frame = this; try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(""); } catch (Exception de) { } cp = getContentPane(); cp.setLayout(null); // Adding TextArea in Panel jp1 = new JPanel(null, true); // t1=new // JTextField("|Name "+"\t\t"+" |Author"+"\t\t "+" |Publication "+"\t"+"|Issue // "+"\t"+"|Return "+"\t"+"| Cutm. Id"); // t1.setEditable(false); // t1.setBounds(0,0,600,20); // jp1.add(t1); MenuBar mb = new MenuBar(); setMenuBar(mb); Menu menu2 = new Menu("Skins"); MenuItem item4 = new MenuItem("Defualt Skin"); MenuItem item5 = new MenuItem("Metal Skin"); MenuItem item6 = new MenuItem("Modified Skin"); // item5.setSelected(true); menu2.add(item4); menu2.add(item5); menu2.add(item6); mb.add(menu2); Menu menu21 = new Menu("Backup"); MenuItem item61 = new MenuItem("Create Database Backup"); menu21.add(item61); mb.add(menu21); // Menu menu1=new Menu("About"); // MenuItem item1=new MenuItem("Help ?"); // MenuItem item2=new MenuItem("Support ?"); // MenuItem item3=new MenuItem("About Us ?"); // menu1.add(item1);menu1.add(item2);menu1.add(item3); // mb.add(menu1); Menu menu212 = new Menu("Exit"); MenuItem item612 = new MenuItem("Exit Form Library"); menu212.add(item612); mb.add(menu212); int h = ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS; int v = ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS; Color re = new Color(122, 145, 201); mo1 = new DefaultListModel(); list1 = new JList(mo1); ml1 = new JLabel(" Book's Name"); ml1.setForeground(; ml1.setBounds(15, 0, 154, 20); list1.setBounds(15, 20, 154, 500); list1.setToolTipText("NAme of Book's Present in Database"); jp1.add(ml1); jp1.add(list1); mo2 = new DefaultListModel(); list2 = new JList(mo2); ml2 = new JLabel(" Author"); ml2.setForeground(re); ml2.setBounds(140 + 30, 0, 99, 20); list2.setToolTipText("Name of Book Author's Present in Database"); list2.setBounds(140 + 30, 20, 99, 900); jp1.add(ml2); jp1.add(list2); mo3 = new DefaultListModel(); list3 = new JList(mo3); ml3 = new JLabel(" Publication"); ml3.setForeground(re); ml3.setBounds(240 + 30, 0, 99, 20); list3.setToolTipText("Name of Book's Publication Present in Database"); list3.setBounds(240 + 30, 20, 99, 500); jp1.add(ml3); jp1.add(list3); mo4 = new DefaultListModel(); list4 = new JList(mo4); ml4 = new JLabel(" Issue Date"); ml4.setForeground(re); ml4.setBounds(340 + 30, 0, 70, 20); list4.setToolTipText("Date of Issue Present in Database"); list4.setBounds(340 + 30, 20, 70, 500); jp1.add(ml4); jp1.add(list4); mo5 = new DefaultListModel(); list5 = new JList(mo5); ml5 = new JLabel(" Return Date"); ml5.setForeground(re); ml5.setBounds(411 + 30, 0, 70, 20); list5.setToolTipText("Date of Return Present in Database"); list5.setBounds(411 + 30, 20, 70, 500); jp1.add(ml5); jp1.add(list5); mo6 = new DefaultListModel(); list6 = new JList(mo6); ml6 = new JLabel(" Cust. ID"); ml6.setForeground(re); ml6.setBounds(482 + 30, 0, 60, 20); list6.setToolTipText("ID of customer that purchase the book last time "); list6.setBounds(482 + 30, 20, 60, 500); jp1.add(ml6); jp1.add(list6); // a1=new JTextArea(); // a1.setText("|Name "+"\t\t\t"+" |Author"+"\t\t\t"+" |Publication "+"\t\t"+"|Issue // "+"\t\t"+"|Return "+"\t\t"+"| Cutm. Id"); // a1.setEditable(false); // JScrollPane scroll=new JScrollPane(a1,v,h); // scroll.setBounds(0,20,600,578); // jp1.add(scroll); for (int x = 1; x < 100; x++) { sr = new JLabel(x + "\n"); sr.setForeground(re); sr.setBounds(0, 20, 10, 500); jp1.add(sr); } // jp1.setBackground(; JScrollPane nm = new JScrollPane(jp1, v, h); nm.setBounds(10, 20, 600, 500); cp.add(nm); jp2 = new JPanel(null, true); b1 = new JButton("Add Book"); b1.setBounds(10, 10, 120, 25); jp2.add(b1); b2 = new JButton("Delete Book"); b2.setBounds(10, 45, 120, 25); jp2.add(b2); b3 = new JButton("View Book Details"); b3.setBounds(10, 80, 120, 25); jp2.add(b3); b4 = new JButton("View All Book's"); b4.setBounds(10, 115, 120, 25); jp2.add(b4); Color r = new Color(122, 145, 201); jp2.setBackground(r); jp2.setBounds(630, 20, 160, 145); cp.add(jp2); jp3 = new JPanel(null, true); t1 = new JTextField(); t1.setBounds(10, 10, 120, 20); jp3.add(t1); t1.setToolTipText("Find The Book By Book Name. It is Advaced Search System"); b5 = new JButton("Search Book Name"); b5.setBounds(05, 35, 130, 20); jp3.add(b5); // b5.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_N,Event.CTRL_MASK)); b5.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_N); JLabel lk = new JLabel("__________________________________"); lk.setForeground(; lk.setBounds(0, 50, 160, 6); jp3.add(lk); t14 = new JTextField(); t14.setBounds(10, 60, 120, 20); jp3.add(t14); t14.setToolTipText("Find The Book By Author Name. It is Advaced Search System"); b10 = new JButton("Search Author"); b10.setBounds(05, 85, 130, 20); jp3.add(b10); // b10.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_a,Event.CTRL_MASK)); b10.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_N); Color r1 = new Color(122, 145, 201); jp3.setBackground(r1); jp3.setBounds(630, 180, 160, 115); cp.add(jp3); jp4 = new JPanel(null, true); b15 = new JButton("Add Customer"); b15.setBounds(10, 05, 120, 25); jp4.add(b15); b6 = new JButton("View all Cotumers"); b6.setBounds(10, 35, 120, 25); jp4.add(b6); t2 = new JTextField(); t2.setBounds(10, 65, 120, 20); t2.setToolTipText("Find The Customer Information. It is Advaced Search System"); jp4.add(t2); b7 = new JButton("Search"); b7.setBounds(05, 90, 130, 20); jp4.add(b7); b8 = new JButton("Delete Costumer"); b8.setBounds(10, 115, 120, 25); jp4.add(b8); b9 = new JButton("View Cust. Details"); b9.setBounds(10, 150, 120, 25); jp4.add(b9); Color r3 = new Color(122, 145, 201); jp4.setBackground(r3); jp4.setBounds(630, 305, 160, 180); cp.add(jp4); b_no = new JLabel(); b_no.setForeground(; b_no.setBounds(150, 0, 150, 20); cp.add(b_no); progress1 = new JProgressBar(); progress1.setBackground(re); progress1.setBounds(630, 490, 150, 25); cp.add(progress1); try { rd1 = new FileReader("Database/pointer.mmm"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); int count = Integer.parseInt(read1.getText()); int total = count - 1; int blk = 0; rd1.close(); for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) { rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); if (!read1.getText().equals("")) { blk++; b_no.setText("Total Books = " + blk + " (Book's)"); mo1.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); int per = i * 100 / total; progress1.setValue(per); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".author"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".publication"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".issue"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); if (!read1.getText().equals("")) { mo4.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); } else { mo4.addElement(read1.getText() + " -"); } rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".return"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo5.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".id"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo6.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); } } } catch (Exception der) { a1.setText("Error Occurs: \n" + der); } // Source code for searching the book's from Database // it search book by name of book,author,publication // it work when you don't know about any thing than press any // keyword to find book/ // eg: if you have book name that publish by that publication which // starts from "c" // then you press only "c" in search it show you all Books that start // with "c" ,Author "c" and publication that start "c" . // Warning: // Don't Modify the code without knowledge of full source code // Author : Pravin Rane b5.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { int bs1 = 0; progress1.setValue(0); mo1.removeAllElements(); mo2.removeAllElements(); mo3.removeAllElements(); mo4.removeAllElements(); mo5.removeAllElements(); mo6.removeAllElements(); ml1.setText("Book Name"); ml2.setText("Author"); ml3.setText("Publication"); ml4.setText("Issue Date"); ml5.setText("Return Date"); ml6.setText("Cust. ID."); if (!t1.getText().equals("")) { rd1 = new FileReader("Database/pointer.mmm"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); int no = Integer.parseInt(read1.getText()); rd1.close(); int len = t1.getText().length(); for (int k = 0; k < len; k++) { char ch = t1.getText().charAt(k); stra1 = stra1 + ch; // System.out.println(stra1+""); } for (int v = 1; v < no; v++) { name11 = ""; author11 = ""; publication11 = ""; progress1.setMaximum(no); int per = v * 100 / no; progress1.updateUI(); progress1.setValue(per); FileReader re1 = new FileReader("Database/" + v + ".name"); JTextField jt1 = new JTextField();, null); String name = jt1.getText(); re1.close(); FileReader re2 = new FileReader("Database/" + v + ".author"); JTextField jt2 = new JTextField();, null); String author = jt2.getText(); re2.close(); FileReader re3 = new FileReader("Database/" + v + ".publication"); JTextField jt3 = new JTextField();, null); String publication = jt3.getText(); re3.close(); find = v; try { for (int z = 0; z < len; z++) { name11 = name11 + name.charAt(z); // author11=author11+author.charAt(z); // System.out.println(author11+""); publication11 = publication11 + publication.charAt(z); if (z == (len - 1)) { // System.out.println(name11+""); // System.out.println(publication11+""); } } } catch (Exception def) { } if (name.toLowerCase().equals(t1.getText()) || name.toUpperCase().equals(t1.getText()) || author.toLowerCase().equals(t1.getText()) || author.toUpperCase().equals(t1.getText()) || publication.toLowerCase().equals(t1.getText()) || publication.toUpperCase().equals(t1.getText())) { bs1++; rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo1.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".author"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".publication"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".issue"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo4.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".return"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo5.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".id"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo6.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); } else if (publication11.toLowerCase().equals(t1.getText()) || author11.toLowerCase().equals(t1.getText()) || name11.toLowerCase().equals(t1.getText()) || publication11.toUpperCase().equals(t1.getText()) || author11.toUpperCase().equals(t1.getText()) || name11.toUpperCase().equals(t1.getText())) { bs1++; rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo1.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".author"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".publication"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".issue"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo4.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".return"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo5.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".id"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo6.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); } b_no.setText("Total Book Found =" + bs1 + " (Book's)"); } } else { progress1.setValue(0); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( (Component) null, "Please Enter the Book Name or Publcation", "Library Management(Pravin Rane)", JOptionPane.OK_OPTION); b_no.setText("User Input Error!"); } } catch (Exception der) { System.out.println("Error:" + der); } } }); b10.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { int bs2 = 0; progress1.setValue(0); mo1.removeAllElements(); mo2.removeAllElements(); mo3.removeAllElements(); mo4.removeAllElements(); mo5.removeAllElements(); mo6.removeAllElements(); ml1.setText("Book Name"); ml2.setText("Author"); ml3.setText("Publication"); ml4.setText("Issue Date"); ml5.setText("Return Date"); ml6.setText("Cust. ID."); if (!t14.getText().equals("")) { rd1 = new FileReader("Database/pointer.mmm"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); int no = Integer.parseInt(read1.getText()); rd1.close(); int len = t14.getText().length(); for (int k = 0; k < len; k++) { char ch = t14.getText().charAt(k); stra1 = stra1 + ch; // System.out.println(stra1+""); } for (int v = 1; v < no; v++) { name11 = ""; author11 = ""; publication11 = ""; progress1.setMaximum(no); int per = v * 100 / no; progress1.updateUI(); progress1.setValue(per); FileReader re1 = new FileReader("Database/" + v + ".name"); JTextField jt1 = new JTextField();, null); String name = jt1.getText(); re1.close(); FileReader re2 = new FileReader("Database/" + v + ".author"); JTextField jt2 = new JTextField();, null); String author = jt2.getText(); re2.close(); FileReader re3 = new FileReader("Database/" + v + ".publication"); JTextField jt3 = new JTextField();, null); String publication = jt3.getText(); re3.close(); find = v; try { for (int z = 0; z < len; z++) { // name11=name11+name.charAt(z); author11 = author11 + author.charAt(z); // System.out.println(author11+""); // publication11=publication11+publication.charAt(z); if (z == (len - 1)) { // System.out.println(name11+""); // System.out.println(publication11+""); } } } catch (Exception def) { } if (author.toLowerCase().equals(t14.getText()) || author.toUpperCase().equals(t14.getText())) { bs2++; rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo1.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".author"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".publication"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".issue"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo4.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".return"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo5.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".id"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo6.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); } else if (author11.toLowerCase().equals(t14.getText()) || author11.toUpperCase().equals(t14.getText())) { bs2++; rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo1.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".author"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".publication"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".issue"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo4.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".return"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo5.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".id"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo6.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); } b_no.setText("Total Book Found =" + bs2 + " (Book's)"); } } else { progress1.setValue(0); b_no.setText("User Input Error!"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( (Component) null, "Please Enter the Book Author name", "Library Management(Pravin Rane)", JOptionPane.OK_OPTION); } } catch (Exception der) { System.out.println("Error:" + der); } } }); // End of Serching Book // Author : Pravin Rane // it use to aplly the skins to UserInteface // there are three skins Default which is Windows Skin // Metal skin and modified skin. // apply it as oer ur requirment. // Author : Pravin H. Rane item4.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(""); SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(frame); } catch (Exception dert) { System.out.println(dert); } } }); item5.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel("javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel"); SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(frame); } catch (Exception dert) { System.out.println(dert); } } }); item6.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(""); SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(frame); } catch (Exception dert) { System.out.println(dert); } } }); item61.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { Date d = new Date(); int my1 = d.getDate(); int my2 = d.getMonth(); FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(frame, "Save Database Backup File (Library Management )"); fd.setMode(FileDialog.SAVE); fd.setFile("Database" + my1 + "." + my2 + ".rar"); fd.setVisible(true); String dir = fd.getDirectory(); String path = fd.getFile(); String command = "jar cvf Database1.rar Database/*.*"; Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime(); r.exec(command); String command2 = "jar cvf Database2.rar Cust_Details/*.*"; Runtime r2 = Runtime.getRuntime(); r2.exec(command2); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception fr) { } String command3 = "jar cvf " + dir + path + " Database1.rar Database2.rar"; Runtime r3 = Runtime.getRuntime(); r3.exec(command3); System.out.println("Database Backup Sucessfully!"); } catch (Exception dert) { System.out.println(dert); } } }); item612.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { System.exit(0); } }); // End Of Applyinf Skin to UInterface // This Button show the details of Book's // that specified when the book is adding in the database // you can modify the details of book. // Author : Pravin H. Rane b3.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { // view v=new view(String str,string info,boolean val); } catch (Exception der) { } } }); // End of book details b15.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Addcust ad = new Addcust(); ad.setVisible(true); ad.setSize(380, 400); ad.setLocation(80, 140); } }); // it show all book's available in database // it dosn't sort book by sequensely // you can modify the code for sorting the book as per your requirement // Author : Pravin b1.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { addBook a = new addBook(); } }); b4.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { mo1.removeAllElements(); mo2.removeAllElements(); mo3.removeAllElements(); mo4.removeAllElements(); mo5.removeAllElements(); mo6.removeAllElements(); ml1.setText("Book Name"); ml2.setText("Author"); ml3.setText("Publication"); ml4.setText("Issue Date"); ml5.setText("Return Date"); ml6.setText("Cust. ID."); int za = 0; rd1 = new FileReader("Database/pointer.mmm"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); int count = Integer.parseInt(read1.getText()); int total = count - 1; rd1.close(); for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) { rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); if (!read1.getText().equals("")) { za++; b_no.setText("Total Books = " + za + " (Book's)"); mo1.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); progress1.setMaximum(total); int per = i * 100 / total; progress1.setValue(per); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".author"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".publication"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".issue"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); if (!read1.getText().equals("")) { mo4.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); } else { mo4.addElement(read1.getText() + " _"); } rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".return"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo5.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".id"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo6.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); progress1.setValue(100); } } } catch (Exception der) { a1.setText("Error Occurs: \n" + der); } } }); // End of View all Book's // This source code is used to show information of all customers // Author :Pravin Rane b6.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { ml1.setText("Cust. ID"); ml2.setText("Cust. Name"); ml3.setText("Registration Date"); ml4.setText("Book Name"); ml5.setText("Purchase Date"); ml6.setText("Return Date"); int z12 = 0; mo1.removeAllElements(); mo2.removeAllElements(); mo3.removeAllElements(); mo4.removeAllElements(); mo5.removeAllElements(); mo6.removeAllElements(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/pointer.mmm"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); rd2.close(); int no = Integer.parseInt(jt2.getText()); int tt = no - 1; // b_no.setText("Total Customer's :"+tt ); for (int v = 1; v < no; v++) { rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".id"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { z12++; b_no.setText("Total Customers = " + z12); mo1.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".name"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".date"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".bname"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo4.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo4.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".purchase"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo5.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo5.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".return"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo6.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo6.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); } } } catch (Exception ser) { System.out.println(ser); } } }); // End of showing customer's Info. b9.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { int ad = list1.getSelectedIndex(); String str = (String) mo1.getElementAt(ad); System.out.println(str); cust_detail d = new cust_detail(str); d.setVisible(true); d.setSize(300, 550); d.setLocation(100, 0); } catch (Exception fr) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( (Component) null, "Please Select Customer ID from List of Cust. ID. ", "Library Management(Pravin Rane)", JOptionPane.OK_OPTION); try { ml1.setText("Cust. ID"); ml2.setText("Cust. Name"); ml3.setText("Registration Date"); ml4.setText("Book Name"); ml5.setText("Purchase Date"); ml6.setText("Return Date"); mo1.removeAllElements(); mo2.removeAllElements(); mo3.removeAllElements(); mo4.removeAllElements(); mo5.removeAllElements(); mo6.removeAllElements(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/pointer.mmm"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); rd2.close(); int no = Integer.parseInt(jt2.getText()); for (int v = 1; v < no; v++) { rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".id"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); mo1.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".name"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".date"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".bname"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo4.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo4.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".purchase"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo5.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo5.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".return"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo6.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo6.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); } } catch (Exception fg) { } } } }); b7.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String mysearchid = t2.getText(); try { ml1.setText("Cust. ID"); ml2.setText("Cust. Name"); ml3.setText("Registration Date"); ml4.setText("Book Name"); ml5.setText("Purchase Date"); ml6.setText("Return Date"); mo1.removeAllElements(); mo2.removeAllElements(); mo3.removeAllElements(); mo4.removeAllElements(); mo5.removeAllElements(); mo6.removeAllElements(); if (!t2.getText().equals("")) { rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/pointer.mmm"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); rd2.close(); int no = Integer.parseInt(jt2.getText()); int len3 = t2.getText().length(); for (int v = 1; v < no; v++) { name22 = ""; int lg = 0; rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".id"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); // mo1.addElement(jt2.getText()+""); String s1 = jt2.getText(); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".name"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); // mo2.addElement(jt2.getText()+""); String s2 = jt2.getText(); rd2.close(); for (int z = 0; z < len3; z++) { name22 = name22 + s2.charAt(z); } if (s1.toLowerCase().equals(mysearchid) || s1.toUpperCase().equals(mysearchid) || s2.toLowerCase().equals(mysearchid) || s2.toUpperCase().equals(mysearchid) || name22.toUpperCase().equals(mysearchid) || name22.toLowerCase().equals(mysearchid)) { lg++; b_no.setText("Customer Found :" + lg); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".id"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); mo1.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".name"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".date"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".bname"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo4.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo4.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".purchase"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo5.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo5.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".return"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo6.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo6.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); } } } else { progress1.setValue(0); b_no.setText("User Input Error!"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( (Component) null, "Please Enter Customer Id or Name", "Library Management(Pravin Rane)", JOptionPane.OK_OPTION); } } catch (Exception de) { } } }); b2.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { int ad = list1.getSelectedIndex(); String str99 = (String) mo1.getElementAt(ad); try { rd2 = new FileReader("Database/pointer.mmm"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); rd2.close(); int nom = Integer.parseInt(jt2.getText()); for (int count2 = 1; count2 < nom; count2++) { rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + count2 + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); rd1.close(); if (read1.getText().equals(str99)) { wr1 = new FileWriter("Database/" + count2 + ".name"); wr1.write(""); wr1.close(); wr1 = new FileWriter("Database/" + count2 + ".author"); wr1.write(""); wr1.close(); wr1 = new FileWriter("Database/" + count2 + ".publication"); wr1.write(""); wr1.close(); wr1 = new FileWriter("Database/" + count2 + ".issue"); wr1.write(""); wr1.close(); wr1 = new FileWriter("Database/" + count2 + ".return"); wr1.write(""); wr1.close(); wr1 = new FileWriter("Database/" + count2 + ".detail"); wr1.write(""); wr1.close(); wr1 = new FileWriter("Database/" + count2 + ".id"); wr1.write(""); wr1.close(); try { Library lbc = new Library(); setVisible(false); lbc.setVisible(true); lbc.setSize(800, 600); } catch (Exception de) { } } } } catch (Exception fr) { System.out.println(fr); } } }); b3.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { int ad = list1.getSelectedIndex(); String str34 = (String) mo1.getElementAt(ad); jf55 = new JFrame("Book Details"); jf55.setVisible(true); jf55.setLayout(null); jf55.setLocation(160, 180); JTextArea ak47 = new JTextArea(); ak47.setEditable(false); ak47.setText( "Book Details" + "\n" + "**************************************************"); ak47.setBounds(10, 10, 250, 250); jf55.add(ak47); Button b1 = new Button("Ok"); b1.setBounds(80, 270, 100, 25); jf55.add(b1); b1.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { jf55.setVisible(false); } }); jf55.setSize(285, 335); rd2 = new FileReader("Database/pointer.mmm"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); rd2.close(); int nov = Integer.parseInt(jt2.getText()); for (int i = 1; i < nov; i++) { rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); String hj = read1.getText(); rd1.close(); if (hj.equals(str34)) { rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); if (!read1.getText().equals("")) { ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Book Name :" + read1.getText()); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".author"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Book Author :" + read1.getText()); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".publication"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Book Publication :" + read1.getText()); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".issue"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); if (!read1.getText().equals("")) { ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Issue Date :" + read1.getText()); } else { ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Issue Date : None"); } rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".return"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Return Date :" + read1.getText()); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".id"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Cust. Id :" + read1.getText()); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".detail"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); if (!read1.getText().equals("")) { ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Other Details : \n" + read1.getText()); } else { ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Other Details : Not Found"); } rd1.close(); } } } } catch (Exception de) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( (Component) null, "Please Select Book Name from List", "Library Management(Pravin Rane)", JOptionPane.OK_OPTION); } } }); }
public MyFrame(String title, Color col) { setTitle(title); // title is set in main method setSize(500, 500); // this may need changed but looks ok setLocationRelativeTo(null); // sets the location as the centre of the screen setResizable(false); Container c = getContentPane(); // container to hold the different panels c.setBackground(Color.white); // col from main c.setLayout(null); // no layout selected so we can place anywhere // add to container ImageIcon gameLogo = new ImageIcon( new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("GameLogobBlank.png")) .getImage() .getScaledInstance(360, 80, java.awt.Image.SCALE_SMOOTH)); JPanel logoPanel = new JPanel(); JLabel logoLabel = new JLabel("", gameLogo, JLabel.CENTER); logoPanel.setBounds(50, 45, gameLogo.getIconWidth() + 20, gameLogo.getIconHeight() + 20); logoPanel.setBackground(Color.white); logoPanel.add(logoLabel); c.add(logoPanel); ImageIcon qubLogo = new ImageIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("QUBLogo.png")).getImage()); JPanel qubLogoPanel = new JPanel(); JLabel qubLogoLabel = new JLabel("", qubLogo, JLabel.CENTER); qubLogoPanel.setBounds(15, 380, qubLogo.getIconWidth() + 10, qubLogo.getIconHeight() + 10); qubLogoPanel.setBackground(Color.white); qubLogoPanel.add(qubLogoLabel); c.add(qubLogoPanel); ImageIcon seseLogo = new ImageIcon( new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("seseLogo.png")) .getImage() .getScaledInstance(120, 45, java.awt.Image.SCALE_SMOOTH)); JPanel seseLogoPanel = new JPanel(); JLabel seseLogoLabel = new JLabel("", seseLogo, JLabel.CENTER); seseLogoPanel.setBounds(350, 390, seseLogo.getIconWidth() + 10, seseLogo.getIconHeight() + 10); seseLogoPanel.setBackground(Color.white); seseLogoPanel.add(seseLogoLabel); c.add(seseLogoPanel); JPanel playerPanel = new JPanel(); // new panel for players playerPanel.setBounds(92, 200, 316, 27); // location playerPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2)); // layout as grid playerPanel.setOpaque(false); c.add(playerPanel); // add to container combo.setBackground(Color.white); playerPanel.add(numOfP); // label to tell to select num of players playerPanel.add(combo); // drop down menu players.setEditable(false); players.setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.CENTER); combo.addItemListener( new ItemListener() { // this is to set the number of players to be displayed public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent ie) { if (ie.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) { String str = (String) combo .getSelectedItem(); // if the number changes then change the number of // player message if (str == "2") { players.setText("2 players selected"); } if (str == "3") { players.setText("3 players selected"); } if (str == "4") { players.setText("4 players selected"); } if (str == "5") { players.setText("5 players selected"); } if (str == "6") { players.setText("6 players selected"); } } // closes if statements } // closes method } // closes action listener ); // closes action listener JPanel startPanel = new JPanel(); // start panel for start button startPanel.setBounds(123, 239, 254, 70); // location startPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1)); // using a grid layout startPanel.add(players); // text box says number of payers startPanel.setBackground(Color.white); startButton = new JButton(); startButton.setText( "Start Game!"); // button has the label start // actual start button startPanel.add(startButton); // button added startButton.addActionListener(startButtonActionListener); // added actionlistener c.add(startPanel); // added to container setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // close when closed setVisible(true); // takes off invisability cloak } // MyFrame constructor
public p2() throws Exception { // setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(Color.lightGray, Color.DARK_GRAY)); p = new JPanel(); // setBackground(Color.white); p.setLayout(new GridLayout(11, 3)); p.setBounds(0, 20, 309, 130); un = new JLabel("* Username"); ps1 = new JLabel("* Password"); ps2 = new JLabel("* Confirm Password"); fn = new JLabel("* First Name"); ln = new JLabel(" Last Name"); eid = new JLabel("* Email ID"); mb = new JLabel("* Mobile"); cct = new JLabel("* Current City"); hquali = new JLabel("* Highest Qualification"); dob = new JLabel(" DOB"); dober = new JLabel(); dd = new JLabel("DD"); mm = new JLabel("MM"); yy = new JLabel("YY"); member = new Label(" already a member?"); member.addMouseListener(this); er1 = new Label(""); er2 = new Label(""); er3 = new Label(""); er4 = new Label(""); er5 = new Label(""); er6 = new Label(""); er7 = new Label(""); er8 = new Label(""); er9 = new Label(""); er10 = new Label(""); un1 = new JTextField(15); ps11 = new JPasswordField(15); ps21 = new JPasswordField(15); fn1 = new JTextField(15); ln1 = new JTextField(15); eid1 = new JTextField(15); mb1 = new JTextField(15); cct1 = new JTextField(15); hquali1 = new JTextField(15); dober1 = new JTextField(2); dober2 = new JTextField(2); dober3 = new JTextField(2); sub = new JButton("Sign up"); sub.setBorderPainted(false); sub.setFocusable(true); sub.addActionListener(this); dober.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); dober.add(dober1); dober.add(dd); dober.add(dober2); dober.add(mm); dober.add(dober3); dober.add(yy); p.add(fn); p.add(fn1); p.add(er1); p.add(ln); p.add(ln1); p.add(er2); p.add(un); p.add(un1); p.add(er3); p.add(ps1); p.add(ps11); p.add(er4); p.add(ps2); p.add(ps21); p.add(er5); p.add(eid); p.add(eid1); p.add(er6); p.add(mb); p.add(mb1); p.add(er7); p.add(cct); p.add(cct1); p.add(er8); p.add(hquali); p.add(hquali1); p.add(er9); p.add(dob); p.add(dober); p.add(er10); p.add(sub); p.add(member); add(p); }
Intern_Chat() { frame = new JFrame("Guide ME"); frame.setSize(480, 550); frame.setResizable(false); frame.setVisible(true); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.getContentPane().setBackground(new Color(211, 211, 211)); frame.getContentPane().setLayout(null); // getContentPane().addMouseListener(new action2()); JLabel lblGuideMe = new JLabel("Guide ME"); lblGuideMe.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 16)); lblGuideMe.setBounds(10, 11, 85, 21); frame.getContentPane().add(lblGuideMe); textField = new JTextField(); textField.setBounds(105, 11, 135, 21); frame.getContentPane().add(textField); textField.setColumns(10); ImageIcon search = new ImageIcon("list.PNG"); btnNewButton = new JButton(search); btnNewButton.addActionListener(new Intern_Chat_action()); btnNewButton.setBackground(new Color(255, 255, 255)); btnNewButton.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 11)); btnNewButton.setBounds(240, 11, 20, 21); frame.getContentPane().add(btnNewButton); btnNewButton_1 = new JButton("Home"); btnNewButton_1.addActionListener(new Intern_Chat_action()); btnNewButton_1.setForeground(new Color(0, 0, 0)); btnNewButton_1.setBackground(new Color(65, 105, 225)); btnNewButton_1.setBounds(265, 12, 78, 21); frame.getContentPane().add(btnNewButton_1); ImageIcon list = new ImageIcon("Capture.PNG"); btnNewButton_2 = new JButton(list); btnNewButton_2.setBounds(350, 11, 22, 23); btnNewButton_2.setForeground(new Color(0, 0, 0)); btnNewButton_2.setBackground(new Color(65, 105, 225)); frame.getContentPane().add(btnNewButton_2); btnNewButton_2.addActionListener(new Intern_Chat_action()); btnNewButton_3 = new JButton(list); btnNewButton_3.addActionListener(new Intern_Chat_action()); btnNewButton_3.setBounds(380, 11, 22, 23); frame.getContentPane().add(btnNewButton_3); String content[] = { "Friends", "Places", "Brands", "Notifications", "Tastes", "Rates", "Message", "settings", "Log out" }; // for view frinds and palces and brands lists = new JList(content); lists.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); lists.setBackground(new Color(65, 105, 225)); frame.getContentPane().add(lists); lists.setBounds(295, 35, 74, 171); lists.hide(); String content2[] = { "Chick In", "Add Friend", "Add Place", "Add Brand", "Give Rate", "Remove Friend", "Remove Brand", "Remove Place", "chat" }; lists1 = new JList(content2); lists1.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); lists1.setBackground(new Color(65, 105, 225)); frame.getContentPane().add(lists1); lists1.setBounds(379, 35, 95, 171); lists1.hide(); lists.addListSelectionListener(new Intern_Chat_action()); lists1.addListSelectionListener(new Intern_Chat_action()); JPanel panel_1 = new JPanel(); panel_1.setBackground(new Color(0, 191, 255)); panel_1.setBounds(0, 0, 560, 50); frame.getContentPane().add(panel_1); panel = new JPanel(); panel.setBounds(0, 101, 185, 418); panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); JScrollPane scr1 = new JScrollPane(panel); scr1.setBounds(0, 101, 185, 418); JLabel Users[] = new JLabel[20]; JLabel message[] = new JLabel[20]; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) { Users[i] = new JLabel("12:52 : alaa"); message[i] = new JLabel("how are you bitch ?"); } else { Users[i] = new JLabel("12:52: You"); message[i] = new JLabel("f**k you"); } panel.add(Users[i]); panel.add(message[i]); } frame.getContentPane().add(scr1); lblChat = new JLabel("Chat"); lblChat.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 14)); lblChat.setBounds(23, 61, 72, 29); frame.getContentPane().add(lblChat); textArea = new JTextArea(); textArea.setBounds(230, 120, 173, 69); JScrollPane scr = new JScrollPane(textArea); scr.setBounds(230, 120, 173, 69); frame.getContentPane().add(scr); JButton btnSend = new JButton("Send"); btnSend.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 14)); btnSend.setBounds(264, 197, 78, 23); frame.getContentPane().add(btnSend); }
private void initializeComponents() { this.setTitle("Synchro - Kopierassistent"); this.setBounds(0, 0, 550, 600); this.setResizable(true); this.setLayout(null); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); this.addWindowListener(this); mainPanel = new JPanel(); mainPanel.setBounds(0, 0, this.getWidth() - 20, 25); // fcPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.BLACK)); mainPanel.setLayout(null); btnBackup = new JButton("Backup"); btnBackup.setBounds(this.getWidth() / 2, 0, this.getWidth() / 2 - 20, mainPanel.getHeight()); btnBackup.addActionListener(this); mainPanel.add(btnBackup); this.add(mainPanel); fcPanel = new JPanel(); fcPanel.setBounds(10, 40, this.getWidth(), 260); // fcPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.BLACK)); fcPanel.setLayout(null); quellLabel = new JLabel("Bitte Quellverzeichnis auswählen"); quellLabel.setBounds(10, 5, 320, 20); fcPanel.add(quellLabel); quellListModel = new DefaultListModel<>(); quellJList = new JList<ListItem>(quellListModel); quellJList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); quellJList.setLayoutOrientation(JList.VERTICAL); quellJList.addListSelectionListener(this); listBoxScroller = new JScrollPane(quellJList); listBoxScroller.setBounds(0, 30, 315, 100); fcPanel.add(listBoxScroller); btnQAuswahl = new JButton("Quellverz. hinzufügen"); btnQAuswahl.setBounds(320, 30, 200, 25); btnQAuswahl.addActionListener(this); fcPanel.add(btnQAuswahl); btnQEntfernen = new JButton("Quellverz. entfernen"); btnQEntfernen.setBounds(320, 60, 200, 25); btnQEntfernen.addActionListener(this); fcPanel.add(btnQEntfernen); zielLabel = new JLabel("Bitte Zielverzeichnis auswählen"); zielLabel.setBounds(10, 135, 320, 20); fcPanel.add(zielLabel); zielListModel = new DefaultListModel<>(); zielJList = new JList<ListItem>(zielListModel); zielJList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); zielJList.setLayoutOrientation(JList.VERTICAL); zielJList.addListSelectionListener(this); listBoxScroller2 = new JScrollPane(zielJList); listBoxScroller2.setBounds(0, 160, 315, 100); fcPanel.add(listBoxScroller2); btnZAuswahl = new JButton("Zielverz. hinzufügen"); btnZAuswahl.setBounds(320, 160, 200, 25); btnZAuswahl.addActionListener(this); fcPanel.add(btnZAuswahl); btnZEntfernen = new JButton("Zielverz. entfernen"); btnZEntfernen.setBounds(320, 190, 200, 25); btnZEntfernen.addActionListener(this); fcPanel.add(btnZEntfernen); this.add(fcPanel); ButtonGroup bGrp = new ButtonGroup(); optionPanel = new JPanel(); optionPanel.setBounds(10, 300 + 10, this.getWidth() - 40, 90); optionPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(this.getWidth() - 40, 90)); // optionPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.BLACK)); optionPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 1)); nUebSchr = new JRadioButton("Keine Dateien überschreiben"); nUebSchr.addItemListener(this); bGrp.add(nUebSchr); optionPanel.add(nUebSchr); ueSchr = new JRadioButton("Neuere Dateien überschreiben"); ueSchr.addItemListener(this); bGrp.add(ueSchr); optionPanel.add(ueSchr); aUeSchr = new JRadioButton("Alle Dateien überschreiben"); aUeSchr.addItemListener(this); bGrp.add(aUeSchr); optionPanel.add(aUeSchr); this.add(optionPanel); syncPanel = new JPanel(); syncPanel.setBounds( 10, optionPanel.getY() + optionPanel.getHeight() + 10, this.getWidth() - 30, 25); // syncPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.BLACK)); syncPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); btnSync = new JButton("Sync it!"); btnSync.setBounds(0, 0, 150, (syncPanel.getHeight() / 3)); btnSync.addActionListener(this); btnSync.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(150, (syncPanel.getHeight() / 3))); btnSync.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(150, (syncPanel.getHeight() / 3))); syncPanel.add(btnSync, BorderLayout.LINE_START); btnAbbruch = new JButton("Abbrechen"); btnAbbruch.setBounds(0, 0, 150, (syncPanel.getHeight() / 3)); btnAbbruch.addActionListener(this); btnAbbruch.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(150, (syncPanel.getHeight() / 3))); btnAbbruch.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(150, (syncPanel.getHeight() / 3))); btnAbbruch.setVisible(false); syncPanel.add(btnAbbruch, BorderLayout.LINE_END); progressBar = new JProgressBar(JProgressBar.HORIZONTAL); progressBar.setBorderPainted(true); progressBar.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, (syncPanel.getHeight() / 3))); progressBar.setForeground(Color.RED); progressBar.setStringPainted(true); progressBar.setVisible(true); syncPanel.add(progressBar, BorderLayout.CENTER); this.add(syncPanel); logPanel = new JPanel(); logPanel.setBounds( 10, syncPanel.getY() + syncPanel.getHeight() + 10, this.getWidth() - 30, 105); logPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); textArea = new JTextArea(); textArea.setMargin(new Insets(3, 3, 3, 3)); textArea.setBackground(; textArea.setForeground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); textArea.setAutoscrolls(true); textArea.setFocusable(false); textAreaScroller = new JScrollPane(textArea); DefaultCaret caret = (DefaultCaret) textArea.getCaret(); caret.setUpdatePolicy(DefaultCaret.ALWAYS_UPDATE); textAreaScroller.setBounds(0, 0, syncPanel.getWidth(), 50); logPanel.add(textAreaScroller, BorderLayout.CENTER); this.add(logPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); }
public Checkordelete_Task_Frame() { init(); JLabel jlb_framename = new JLabel("删除任务", JLabel.CENTER); jlb_framename.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 24)); JLabel jlb_taskname = new JLabel("任务列表:", JLabel.LEFT); JLabel jlb_taskdescription = new JLabel("被选中任务的详细信息:"); JButton jb_delete = new JButton("删除"); JButton jb_exit = new JButton("退出"); JPanel p1 = new JPanel(); p1.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); p1.add(jlb_framename); p1.setBounds(25, 15, 350, 40); JPanel p2 = new JPanel(); p2.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2, 5, 5)); p2.add(jlb_taskname); p2.add(jlb_taskdescription); p2.setBounds(25, 65, 325, 20); JPanel p3 = new JPanel(); p3.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2, 25, 25)); p3.add(scrollpane1); p3.add(scrollpane2); // p3.add(jta_taskdescription); p3.setBounds(25, 90, 325, 110); JPanel p4 = new JPanel(); p4.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2, 25, 5)); p4.add(jb_delete); p4.add(jb_exit); p4.setBounds(100, 225, 175, 25); setLayout(null); add(p1); add(p2); add(p3); add(p4); setTitle("删除任务"); setSize(400, 300); setLocationRelativeTo(null); jl_taskname.addListSelectionListener( new ListSelectionListener() { public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { if (jl_taskname.getSelectedIndex() >= 0) { jta_taskdescription.setText( MainFrame.str_description[jl_taskname.getSelectedIndex() * 2]); } } }); jb_delete.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { int index = jl_taskname.getSelectedIndex(); for (int i = index; i < Runner.count_task - 1; i++) { Runner.task[i] = Runner.task[i + 1]; MainFrame.str_description[i * 2] = MainFrame.str_description[(i + 1) * 2]; MainFrame.str_description[i * 2 + 1] = MainFrame.str_description[(i + 1) * 2 + 1]; MainFrame.str_outinfo[i * 2] = MainFrame.str_description[(i + 1) * 2]; MainFrame.str_outinfo[i * 2 + 1] = MainFrame.str_outinfo[(i + 1) * 2 + 1]; } Runner.count_task--; MainFrame.task_list.removeItemAt(index + 1); MainFrame.task_list.setSelectedIndex(0); Modify_Task_Frame.delete_taskname(index + 1); Check_Alltask_Frame.fresh_taskname(); fresh_taskname(); jl_taskname.setSelectedIndex(0); // window_close(); } }); jb_exit.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { jl_taskname.setSelectedIndex(0); window_close(); } }); }
public static void main(String args[]) { // style that is necessary try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { } catch (InstantiationException e) { } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { } catch (UnsupportedLookAndFeelException e) { } // Standard preparation for a frame fmain = new JFrame("Schedule Appointments"); // Create and name frame fmain.setSize(330, 375); // Set size to 400x400 pixels pane = fmain.getContentPane(); pane.setLayout(null); // Apply null layout fmain.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // Close when X is clicked // controls and portions of Calendar lmonth = new JLabel("January"); lyear = new JLabel("Change year:"); cyear = new JComboBox(); prev = new JButton("<<"); next = new JButton(">>"); canc = new JButton("Cancel"); mcal = new DefaultTableModel() { public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int mColIndex) { return false; } }; Cal = new JTable(mcal); scal = new JScrollPane(Cal); pcal = new JPanel(null); canc.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { System.exit(0); } }); // action listeners for buttons and the like prev.addActionListener(new btnPrev_Action()); next.addActionListener(new btnNext_Action()); cyear.addActionListener(new cmbYear_Action()); Cal.addMouseListener(new mouseCont()); // Adding the elements to the pane pane.add(pcal); pcal.add(lmonth); pcal.add(cyear); pcal.add(prev); pcal.add(next); pcal.add(canc); pcal.add(scal); // Setting where the elements are on the pane pcal.setBounds(0, 0, 320, 335); lmonth.setBounds(160 - lmonth.getPreferredSize().width / 2, 25, 100, 25); canc.setBounds(10, 305, 80, 20); cyear.setBounds(215, 305, 100, 20); prev.setBounds(10, 25, 50, 25); next.setBounds(260, 25, 50, 25); scal.setBounds(10, 50, 300, 250); // Make frame visible fmain.setResizable(false); fmain.setVisible(true); // Inner workings for the day mechanism GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); // Create calendar rday = cal.get(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); // Get day rmonth = cal.get(GregorianCalendar.MONTH); // Get month ryear = cal.get(GregorianCalendar.YEAR); // Get year currentMonth = rmonth; // Match month and year currentYear = ryear; // Add days String[] days = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"}; // All of the days for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { mcal.addColumn(days[i]); } Cal.getParent().setBackground(Cal.getBackground()); // Set background // No resize/reorder Cal.getTableHeader().setResizingAllowed(false); Cal.getTableHeader().setReorderingAllowed(false); // Single cell selection Cal.setColumnSelectionAllowed(true); Cal.setRowSelectionAllowed(true); Cal.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); // Set row/column count Cal.setRowHeight(38); mcal.setColumnCount(7); mcal.setRowCount(6); // Placing the dates in the cells for (int i = ryear - 100; i <= ryear + 100; i++) { cyear.addItem(String.valueOf(i)); } // Refresh calendar refreshCalendar(rmonth, ryear); // Refresh calendar }
// Constructor connection receiving a socket number public ClientGUI(String host, int port, int udpPort) { super("Clash of Clans"); defaultPort = port; defaultUDPPort = udpPort; defaultHost = host; // the server name and the port number JPanel serverAndPort = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 5, 1, 3)); tfServer = new JTextField(host); tfPort = new JTextField("" + port); tfPort.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.RIGHT); // CHAT COMPONENTS chatStatus = new JLabel("Please login first", SwingConstants.LEFT); chatField = new JTextField(18); chatField.setBackground(Color.WHITE); JPanel chatControls = new JPanel(); chatControls.add(chatStatus); chatControls.add(chatField); chatControls.setBounds(0, 0, 200, 50); chatArea = new JTextArea("Welcome to the Chat room\n", 80, 80); chatArea.setEditable(false); JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(chatArea); jsp.setBounds(0, 50, 200, 550); JPanel chatPanel = new JPanel(null); chatPanel.setSize(1000, 600); chatPanel.add(chatControls); chatPanel.add(jsp); // LOGIN COMPONENTS mainLogin = new MainPanel(); mainLogin.add(new JLabel("Main Login")); usernameField = new JTextField("user", 15); passwordField = new JTextField("password", 15); login = new CButton("Login"); login.addActionListener(this); sideLogin = new SidePanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); sideLogin.add(usernameField); sideLogin.add(passwordField); sideLogin.add(login); // MAIN MENU COMPONENTS mainMenu = new MainPanel(); mmLabel = new JLabel("Main Menu"); timer = new javax.swing.Timer(1000, this); mainMenu.add(mmLabel); sideMenu = new SidePanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); cmButton = new CButton("Customize Map"); tmButton = new CButton("Troop Movement"); gsButton = new CButton("Game Start"); logout = new CButton("Logout"); cmButton.addActionListener(this); tmButton.addActionListener(this); gsButton.addActionListener(this); logout.addActionListener(this); sideMenu.add(cmButton); // sideMenu.add(tmButton); sideMenu.add(gsButton); sideMenu.add(logout); // CM COMPONENTS mainCM = new MainPanel(new GridLayout(mapSize, mapSize)); tiles = new Tile[mapSize][mapSize]; int tileSize = mainCM.getWidth() / mapSize; for (int i = 0; i < mapSize; i++) { tiles[i] = new Tile[mapSize]; for (int j = 0; j < mapSize; j++) { tiles[i][j] = new Tile(i, j); tiles[i][j].setPreferredSize(new Dimension(tileSize, tileSize)); tiles[i][j].setSize(tileSize, tileSize); tiles[i][j].addActionListener(this); if ((i + j) % 2 == 0) tiles[i][j].setBackground(new Color(102, 255, 51)); else tiles[i][j].setBackground(new Color(51, 204, 51)); mainCM.add(tiles[i][j]); } } sideCM = new SidePanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); cmBack = new CButton("Main Menu"); cmBack.setSize(150, 30); cmBack.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(150, 30)); cmBack.addActionListener(this); sideCM.add(cmBack); // TM COMPONENTS mainTM = new MainPanel(null); mapTM = new Map(600); mapTM.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600, 600)); mapTM.setSize(600, 600); mapTM.setBounds(0, 0, 600, 600); mainTM.add(mapTM); sideTM = new SidePanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); tmBack = new CButton("Main Menu"); tmBack.setSize(150, 30); tmBack.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(150, 30)); tmBack.addActionListener(this); sideTM.add(tmBack); JRadioButton button; ButtonGroup group; ub = new ArrayList<JRadioButton>(); group = new ButtonGroup(); button = new JRadioButton("Barbarian"); button.addActionListener(this); ub.add(button); sideTM.add(button); group.add(button); button = new JRadioButton("Archer"); button.addActionListener(this); ub.add(button); sideTM.add(button); group.add(button); createBuildings(); bb = new ArrayList<JRadioButton>(); group = new ButtonGroup(); JRadioButton removeButton = new JRadioButton("Remove Building"); bb.add(removeButton); sideCM.add(removeButton); group.add(removeButton); for (int i = 0; i < bList.size(); i++) { button = new JRadioButton(bList.get(i).getName() + '-' + bList.get(i).getQuantity()); bb.add(button); sideCM.add(button); group.add(button); } mainPanels = new MainPanel(new CardLayout()); mainPanels.add(mainLogin, "Login"); mainPanels.add(mainMenu, "Menu"); mainPanels.add(mainCM, "CM"); mainPanels.add(mainTM, "TM"); sidePanels = new SidePanel(new CardLayout()); sidePanels.add(sideLogin, "Login"); sidePanels.add(sideMenu, "Menu"); sidePanels.add(sideCM, "CM"); sidePanels.add(sideTM, "TM"); JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel(null); mainPanel.setSize(1000, 600); mainPanel.add(sidePanels); mainPanel.add(mainPanels); mainPanel.add(chatPanel); add(mainPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); try { setIconImage( File("images/logo.png"))); } catch (IOException exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); } setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setSize(1000, 600); setVisible(true); setResizable(false); chatField.requestFocus(); }
public BookMain() { String[] col = {"번호", "제목", "저자"}; String[][] row = new String[0][3]; model = new DefaultTableModel(row, col) { // 익명의 클래스 : 변경,추가 public boolean isCellEditable(int r, int c) { return false; } }; table = new JTable(model); JScrollPane js = new JScrollPane(table); la1 = new JLabel("번호:"); la2 = new JLabel("제목:"); la3 = new JLabel("저자:"); la4 = new JLabel("출판사:"); la5 = new JLabel("가격:"); la6 = new JLabel("Search"); box = new JComboBox(); box.addItem("위키북스"); box.addItem("한빛미디어"); box.addItem("영진출판사"); box.addItem("대림출판사"); tf = new JTextField(20); tf.setEditable(false); b = new JButton("전체목록"); // <input type=text readonly> JPanel p = new JPanel(); p.add(la6); p.add(box); p.add(tf); p.add(b); // 배치 setLayout(null); p.setBounds(10, 15, 620, 35); js.setBounds(10, 55, 620, 245); bp.setBounds(10, 320, 300, 170); la1.setBounds(320, 320, 300, 30); la2.setBounds(320, 355, 300, 30); la3.setBounds(320, 390, 300, 30); la4.setBounds(320, 425, 300, 30); la5.setBounds(320, 460, 300, 30); add(p); add(js); add(bp); add(la1); add(la2); add(la3); add(la4); add(la5); setSize(640, 550); setVisible(true); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); getData(); getData(); table.addMouseListener(this); box.addItemListener(this); b.addMouseListener(this); }