public void paint(java.awt.Graphics g) { if (element != null) { Rectangle bounds = element.jGetBounds(); Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; g2.setFont(font); int mitteX = bounds.x + (bounds.width) / 2; int mitteY = bounds.y + (bounds.height) / 2; int distanceY = 10; g2.setColor(new Color(204, 204, 255)); g2.fillRect(bounds.x, mitteY - distanceY, bounds.width, 2 * distanceY); g2.setColor(Color.BLACK); g2.drawRect(bounds.x, mitteY - distanceY, bounds.width, 2 * distanceY); String caption = "dec(" + variable.getValue() + ")"; FontMetrics fm = g2.getFontMetrics(); Rectangle2D r = fm.getStringBounds(caption, g2); g2.setColor(Color.BLACK); g.drawString( caption, mitteX - (int) (r.getWidth() / 2), (int) (mitteY + fm.getHeight() / 2) - 3); } super.paint(g); }
public void StaticObjNew(StaticObj so) { Graphics2D g = radarArea.backImage.createGraphics(); g.setColor(so_color); if (so instanceof Beacon) { g.drawOval( convPos(so.pos.x) - grid_size / 6, convPos(so.pos.y) - grid_size / 6, grid_size / 3, grid_size / 3); JLabel sol = new JLabel(Integer.toString(; sol.setForeground(so_text_color); sol.setBounds( convPos(so.pos.x) + grid_size / 6, convPos(so.pos.y), grid_size / 3, grid_size / 2); radarArea.add(sol, new Integer(1)); } if (so instanceof Airfield) { int xa[] = new int[3], ya[] = new int[3]; int l1 = grid_size / 2, l2 = grid_size / 6; xa[0] = convPos(so.pos.x); ya[0] = convPos(so.pos.y); xa[1] = convPos(so.pos.x) - l1 * so.dir.x - l2 * so.dir.y; ya[1] = convPos(so.pos.y) - l1 * so.dir.y + l2 * so.dir.x; xa[2] = convPos(so.pos.x) - l1 * so.dir.x + l2 * so.dir.y; ya[2] = convPos(so.pos.y) - l1 * so.dir.y - l2 * so.dir.x; g.drawPolygon(xa, ya, 3); JLabel sol = new JLabel(Integer.toString(; sol.setForeground(so_text_color); sol.setBounds( convPos(so.pos.x) + grid_size / 6, convPos(so.pos.y), grid_size / 3, grid_size / 2); radarArea.add(sol, new Integer(1)); } if (so instanceof Exit) { g.drawRect( convPos(so.pos.x) - grid_size / 6, convPos(so.pos.y) - grid_size / 6, grid_size / 3, grid_size / 3); JLabel sol = new JLabel(Integer.toString(; sol.setForeground(so_text_color); sol.setBounds( convPos(so.pos.x) + grid_size / 6, convPos(so.pos.y), grid_size / 3, grid_size / 2); radarArea.add(sol, new Integer(1)); } if (so instanceof Line) { g.setColor(line_color); g.drawLine( convPos(((Line) so).pos.x), convPos(((Line) so).pos.y), convPos(((Line) so).second_end.x), convPos(((Line) so).second_end.y)); } radarArea.backIcon = new ImageIcon(radarArea.backImage); radarArea.back.setIcon(radarArea.backIcon); }
// initialize default image private BufferedImage getDefaultImage(int w, int h) { BufferedImage defaultImage = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics2D graphics2D = defaultImage.createGraphics(); graphics2D.setColor(new Color(200, 200, 200)); graphics2D.fillRect(0, 0, w, h); graphics2D.setColor(new Color(130, 130, 130)); graphics2D.drawRect(0, 0, w - 1, h - 1); return defaultImage; }
@Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); Graphics2D g2d = ((Graphics2D) g); g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_SPEED); g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF); g2d.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_OFF); g2d.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_FRACTIONALMETRICS, RenderingHints.VALUE_FRACTIONALMETRICS_OFF); g2d.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_COLOR_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_COLOR_RENDER_SPEED); g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_DITHERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_DITHER_DISABLE); g2d.setColor(Color.BLACK); g2d.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); if (bufferedImage != null) { synchronized (LOCKER) { g2d.drawImage(bufferedImage, transformCells, null); } } // draw struct preview if (structurePreview != null) { Composite composite = g2d.getComposite(); g2d.setComposite(compositeStructPreview); g2d.drawImage(structurePreview, previewTransform, null); g2d.setComposite(composite); } // draw grid if (transformCells.getScaleX() > SHOW_GRID_MIN_SCALE) { Composite composite = g2d.getComposite(); g2d.setComposite(compositeGrid); g2d.drawImage(bufferedImageGrid, transformGrid, null); g2d.setComposite(composite); } // draw border for preview if (structurePreview != null && Math.abs(transformCells.getScaleX()) >= 0.95) { Shape shape = new Rectangle(0, 0, structurePreview.getWidth(), structurePreview.getHeight()); shape = previewTransform.createTransformedShape(shape); g2d.setColor(Color.RED); g2d.draw(shape); } // draw border double x = transformCells.getTranslateX(); double y = transformCells.getTranslateY(); g2d.setColor(BORDER_COLOR); g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(BORDER_WIDTH)); g2d.drawRect( round(x - BORDER_WIDTH), round(y - BORDER_WIDTH), round(getAutomatonWidth() * transformCells.getScaleX() + 2 * BORDER_WIDTH), round(getAutomatonHeight() * transformCells.getScaleY() + 2 * BORDER_WIDTH)); }
private void paintVisibleWindow(Graphics2D g) { Rectangle visibleArea = editor.getScrollingModel().getVisibleArea(); int firstVisibleLine = getMapYFromEditorY((int) visibleArea.getMinY()); int height = coords.linesToPixels( (int) ((visibleArea.getMaxY() - visibleArea.getMinY()) / editor.getLineHeight())); // Draw the current viewport g.setColor(viewportColor); g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 0.50f)); g.drawRect(0, firstVisibleLine, getWidth(), height); g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 0.20f)); g.fillRect(0, firstVisibleLine, getWidth(), height); }
public void paint(Graphics g) { Graphics2D gr = (Graphics2D) g; super.paint(g); Rectangle bounds = scene.getBounds(); Dimension size = getSize(); double sx = bounds.width > 0 ? (double) size.width / bounds.width : 0.0; double sy = bounds.width > 0 ? (double) size.height / bounds.height : 0.0; double scale = Math.min(sx, sy); int vw = (int) (scale * bounds.width); int vh = (int) (scale * bounds.height); int vx = (size.width - vw) / 2; int vy = (size.height - vh) / 2; if (image == null || vw != imageWidth || vh != imageHeight) { imageWidth = vw; imageHeight = vh; image = this.createImage(imageWidth, imageHeight); Graphics2D ig = (Graphics2D) image.getGraphics(); ig.scale(scale, scale); scene.setRealZoomFactor(scale); scene.paint(ig); scene.setRealZoomFactor(0.0); } gr.drawImage(image, vx, vy, this); JComponent component = scene.getView(); double zoomFactor = scene.getZoomFactor(); Rectangle viewRectangle = component != null ? component.getVisibleRect() : null; if (viewRectangle != null) { Rectangle window = new Rectangle( (int) ((double) viewRectangle.x * scale / zoomFactor), (int) ((double) viewRectangle.y * scale / zoomFactor), (int) ((double) viewRectangle.width * scale / zoomFactor), (int) ((double) viewRectangle.height * scale / zoomFactor)); window.translate(vx, vy); gr.setColor(new Color(200, 200, 200, 128)); gr.fill(window); gr.setColor(Color.BLACK); gr.drawRect(window.x, window.y, window.width - 1, window.height - 1); } }
public void drawCursor(char c, Graphics2D gfx, TextStyle style) { TerminalCursorState state = computeCursorState(); // hidden: do nothing if (state == TerminalCursorState.HIDDEN) { return; } else { final int x = getCoordX(); final int y = getCoordY(); if (y >= 0 && y < myTermSize.height) { if (state == TerminalCursorState.SHOWING) { TextStyle styleToDraw = getInversedStyle(style); drawCharacters(x, y, styleToDraw, new CharBuffer(c, 1), gfx); } else if (state == TerminalCursorState.NO_FOCUS) { int xCoord = x * myCharSize.width; int yCoord = y * myCharSize.height; gfx.setColor( getPalette().getColor(myStyleState.getForeground(style.getForegroundForRun()))); gfx.drawRect(xCoord, yCoord, myCharSize.width - 1, myCharSize.height - 1); } } } }
private void doPaint(Graphics g) { GraphicsUtil.setupAntialiasing(g); final boolean isEmpty = getIcon() == null && StringUtil.isEmpty(getText()); final Dimension size = getSize(); if (isSmallVariant()) { final Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; g2.setColor(UIUtil.getControlColor()); final int w = getWidth(); final int h = getHeight(); if (getModel().isArmed() && getModel().isPressed()) { g2.setPaint( new GradientPaint( 0, 0, UIUtil.getControlColor(), 0, h, ColorUtil.shift(UIUtil.getControlColor(), 0.8))); } else { g2.setPaint( new GradientPaint( 0, 0, ColorUtil.shift(UIUtil.getControlColor(), 1.1), 0, h, ColorUtil.shift(UIUtil.getControlColor(), 0.9))); } g2.fillRect(2, 0, w - 2, h); GraphicsUtil.setupAntialiasing(g2); if (!myMouseInside) { g2.setPaint( new GradientPaint( 0, 0, UIUtil.getBorderColor(), 0, h, UIUtil.getBorderColor().darker())); // g2.setColor(UIUtil.getBorderColor()); } else { g2.setPaint( new GradientPaint( 0, 0, UIUtil.getBorderColor().darker(), 0, h, UIUtil.getBorderColor().darker().darker())); } g2.drawRect(2, 0, w - 3, h - 1); final Icon icon = getIcon(); int x = 7; if (icon != null) { icon.paintIcon(null, g, x, (size.height - icon.getIconHeight()) / 2); x += icon.getIconWidth() + 3; } if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(getText())) { final Font font = getFont(); g2.setFont(font); g2.setColor(UIManager.getColor("Panel.foreground")); g2.drawString(getText(), x, (size.height + font.getSize()) / 2 - 1); } } else { super.paintComponent(g); } final Insets insets = super.getInsets(); final Icon icon = isEnabled() ? ARROW_ICON : DISABLED_ARROW_ICON; final int x; if (isEmpty) { x = (size.width - icon.getIconWidth()) / 2; } else { if (isSmallVariant()) { x = size.width - icon.getIconWidth() - insets.right + 1; } else { x = size.width - icon.getIconWidth() - insets.right + (UIUtil.isUnderNimbusLookAndFeel() ? -3 : 2); } } if (UIUtil.isUnderDarcula()) { g.setXORMode(new Color(208, 188, 159)); } icon.paintIcon(null, g, x, (size.height - icon.getIconHeight()) / 2); g.setPaintMode(); }
void draw(Graphics2D g) { int endX, endY; Block from = null; if (fromId > -1) from = diag.blocks.get(new Integer(fromId)); Block to = null; if (!endsAtLine && toId > -1) to = diag.blocks.get(new Integer(toId)); if (toX == -1) endX = diag.xa; else endX = toX; if (toY == -1) endY = diag.ya; else endY = toY; g.setColor(Color.GRAY); Stroke stroke = g.getStroke(); ZigzagStroke zzstroke = new ZigzagStroke(stroke, 2, 4); if (toX == -1) { g.drawRect(fromX - 3, fromY - 3, 6, 6); return; } if (from != null) { if (fromSide == Side.TOP) fromY = - from.height / 2; else if (fromSide == Side.BOTTOM) fromY = + from.height / 2; else if (fromSide == Side.LEFT) fromX = - from.width / 2; else if (fromSide == Side.RIGHT) fromX = + from.width / 2; } if (to != null) { if (toSide == Side.TOP) toY = - to.height / 2; else if (toSide == Side.BOTTOM) toY = + to.height / 2; else if (toSide == Side.LEFT) toX = - to.width / 2; else if (toSide == Side.RIGHT) toX = + to.width / 2; } if (driver.selArrowP == this) g.setColor(Color.BLUE); else if ((from instanceof ComponentBlock || from instanceof ExtPortBlock || from instanceof Enclosure) && (to instanceof ComponentBlock || to instanceof ExtPortBlock || to instanceof Enclosure || endsAtLine)) if (checkStatus == Status.UNCHECKED) g.setColor(Color.BLACK); else if (checkStatus == Status.COMPATIBLE) g.setColor(FOREST_GREEN); else g.setColor(ORANGE_RED); else if (from instanceof LegendBlock || to instanceof LegendBlock) g.setColor(Color.GRAY); int fx, fy, tx, ty; fx = fromX; fy = fromY; // tx = toX; // ty = toY; // int autoX = -1, autoY = -1; // only used for automatic ports if (bends != null) { for (Bend bend : bends) { tx = bend.x; ty = bend.y; if (!dropOldest) g.drawLine(fx, fy, tx, ty); else { Shape shape = new Line2D.Double(fx, fy, tx, ty); shape = zzstroke.createStrokedShape(shape); g.draw(shape); // g.setStroke(stroke); } if (bend.marked) { Color col = g.getColor(); g.setColor(Color.RED); g.drawOval(tx - 5, ty - 5, 10, 10); g.setColor(col); } calcLimits(fx, tx, fy, ty); fx = tx; fy = ty; } } tx = endX; ty = endY; int x = endX; if (to != null && endsAtBlock && to.multiplex) { String s = to.mpxfactor; if (s == null) s = " "; int i = s.length() * driver.fontWidth + 10; x -= i; } if (headMarked) { Color col = g.getColor(); g.setColor(Color.RED); g.drawOval(x - 5, toY - 5, 10, 10); g.setColor(col); } if (!dropOldest) g.drawLine(fx, fy, tx, ty); else { Shape shape = new Line2D.Double(fx, fy, tx, ty); shape = zzstroke.createStrokedShape(shape); g.draw(shape); // g.setStroke(stroke); } if (tailMarked) { Color col = g.getColor(); g.setColor(Color.RED); g.drawOval(fromX - 5, fromY - 5, 10, 10); g.setColor(col); } calcLimits(fx, x, fy, toY); if (!endsAtBlock && !endsAtLine) { g.drawRect(fromX - 3, fromY - 3, 6, 6); g.drawRect(x - 3, toY - 3, 6, 6); } else if (endsAtBlock) { if ((from instanceof ComponentBlock || from instanceof ExtPortBlock || from instanceof Enclosure) && (to instanceof ComponentBlock || to instanceof ExtPortBlock || to instanceof Enclosure)) { Arrowhead ah = new Arrowhead(fx, fy, toX, toY); ah.draw(g); } } else if (endsAtLine) { drawCircleTo(g, fx, fy, x, toY, Color.BLACK, 4); // g.drawOval(toX - 2, toY - 2, 4, 4); // g.fillOval(toX - 2, toY - 2, 4, 4); } if (toX != -1 && (endsAtBlock || endsAtLine)) { if (upStreamPort != null && (from instanceof ComponentBlock || from instanceof Enclosure)) { if (upStreamPort.equals("*")) { drawCircleFrom(g, fromX, fromY, endX, endY, Color.BLUE, 8); // g.setColor(Color.BLUE); // g.drawOval(fromX, fromY - 4, 8, 8); // g.fillOval(fromX, fromY - 4, 8, 8); } else if (from.visible) { g.setColor(Color.BLUE); int y = fromY + driver.fontHeight; int x2 = fromX + driver.fontWidth; g.drawString(upStreamPort, x2, y); } g.setColor(Color.BLACK); } if (downStreamPort != null && !endsAtLine && to != null && (to instanceof ComponentBlock || to instanceof Enclosure)) { if (downStreamPort.equals("*")) { drawCircleTo(g, fx, fy, toX, toY, Color.BLUE, 8); // g.setColor(Color.BLUE); // g.drawOval(x - 8, toY - 4, 8, 8); // g.fillOval(x - 8, toY - 4, 8, 8); } else if (to.visible) { g.setColor(Color.BLUE); int y = toY - driver.fontHeight / 2; x = toX - driver.fontWidth * (downStreamPort.length() + 1); if (!endsAtLine && to != null && to.multiplex) x -= 20; g.drawString(downStreamPort, x, y); } g.setColor(Color.BLACK); } } if (extraArrowhead != null) extraArrowhead.draw(g); }
private void drawRectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height) { gRef.drawRect(x, y, width, height); }
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; AlphaComposite ac, ac2 = null; ac2 = AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 1.0f); for (int i = 0; i < imagenum_now.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < imagenum_now[i].length; j++) { // System.out.println("x: " + i + ", y: " + j); g2.setComposite(ac2); if (imagenum_now[i][j] != -1) { g2.drawImage( // images.get(imagenum_now[i][j]) // getImage(images.get(imagenum_now[i][j])), imagenum_now2[i][j], i * size_x, j * size_y, size_x, size_y, this); } else { // No picture found, ignoring // System.out.println("imagenum_now["+i+"]["+j+"] = -1"); } try { ac = AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, fade[i][j]); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { ac = AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 1.0f); } g2.setComposite(ac); if (imagenum_next[i][j] != -1) { g2.drawImage( // images.get(imagenum_next[i][j]), // getImage(images.get(imagenum_next[i][j])), imagenum_next2[i][j], i * size_x, j * size_y, size_x, size_y, this); } else { // No picture found, ignoring // System.out.println("imagenum_now["+i+"]["+j+"] = -1"); } /* if(i == 0 && j == 0) System.out.println("" + imagenum_now[i][j] + " => " + imagenum_next[i][j] + ", fade: "+fade[i][j]);; */ // Red border if the image is new if (number_of_frames_redborder != -1 && (images_nevershown.contains((Integer) imagenum_next[i][j]) || images_nevershown.contains((Integer) imagenum_now[i][j]))) { g2.setComposite(ac2); g2.setColor(color_redborder); int bordertime = redborder[i][j]; if (bordertime > 0) { // Draw border g2.drawRect(i * size_x, j * size_y, size_x - 1, size_y - 1); if (bordertime > number_of_frames_redborder) { // No more border redborder[i][j] = -number_of_frames_redborder; } } redborder[i][j]++; } } } }
private void drawInventory(Graphics g) // PRE: g must be initialized. // POST: Draws the inventory of the store if mode == 0, else draws the players inventory. // If an item is selected, its border is highlighted white. { Graphics2D g2; // Graphics 2D object to allow for different brush stroke widths. Color start; // The start color for the inventory window gradient. Color end; // The end color for the inventory window gradient. int x1; // Upper-left x coordinate. int y1; // Upper-left y coordinate. int x2; // Bottom-right x coordinate. int y2; // Bottom-right y coordinate. int width; // Width of the inventory box. int height; // Height of the inventory box. int itemHeight; // The height of an item box. int itemY; // The y coordinate of the item. Item currentItem; // Item to store the current item g2 = (Graphics2D) g; start = new Color(120, 120, 220); end = new Color(50, 50, 150); x1 = inventoryPos[0].getScaledX(); y1 = inventoryPos[0].getScaledY(); x2 = inventoryPos[1].getScaledX(); y2 = inventoryPos[1].getScaledY(); width = x2 - x1; height = y2 - y1; while (height % ITEMSPERPAGE != 0) // ensure that the item boxes do not fall short of the window { height = ++y2 - y1; } itemHeight = height / ITEMSPERPAGE; Drawing.drawGradient(g2, start, end, x1, y1, width, height / 2); Drawing.drawGradient(g2, end, start, x1, y1 + height / 2, width, height / 2); g2.setColor(Color.BLACK); g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(3)); g2.drawRect(--x1, --y1, ++width, height); g2.setColor(Color.WHITE); switch (store) // Chooses the current store { case 0: connectItems(getUserItems("Weapon", orderToSort)); break; case 1: connectItems(getUserItems("ArmorSmith", orderToSort)); break; case 2: connectItems(getUserItems("Accessory", orderToSort)); break; case 3: connectItems(getUserItems("General", orderToSort)); break; } if (mode) // Sets mode to true for user inventory and displays { connectItems(getUserItems("Player", orderToSort)); } int count = 0; // count = currentPage * ITEMSPERPAGE ; try // Try loading 10 items per page { currentItem = null; count = currentPage * ITEMSPERPAGE; for (int i = 0; i < ITEMSPERPAGE; i++) // draw each item into the window { if (i > itemsArray.length - 1) // Check if i excceds the array size { return; } itemY = y1 + (itemHeight) * i; currentItem = itemsArray[count]; if (itemSelected == i) // if the item was selected, highlight it { g2.drawRect(x1, itemY, width, itemHeight); } drawItem(g2, i, currentItem); count++; } } catch (Exception e) // Catch generic exception and print it out { System.err.println(e.toString()); System.err.println("Oh no, not like this..."); } }
// also clip, transform, composite, // public boolean isOpaque(){return false;}//theOpaque!=null&&theOpaque;} // --------------------------------------------------------- private void doPaint(Graphics2D g, int s, Object o) { // process an operation from the buffer // System.out.println(s); Object o1 = null, o2 = null, o3 = null, o4 = null, o5 = null, o6 = null, o7 = null, o8 = null, o9 = null, o10 = null, o11 = null; if (o instanceof Object[]) { Object[] a = (Object[]) o; if (a.length > 0) o1 = a[0]; if (a.length > 1) o2 = a[1]; if (a.length > 2) o3 = a[2]; if (a.length > 3) o4 = a[3]; if (a.length > 4) o5 = a[4]; if (a.length > 5) o6 = a[5]; if (a.length > 6) o7 = a[6]; if (a.length > 7) o8 = a[7]; if (a.length > 8) o9 = a[8]; if (a.length > 9) o10 = a[9]; if (a.length > 10) o11 = a[10]; } switch (s) { case clear: paintBackground(g, theBackground); break; // public void addRenderingHints(Map<?,?> hints) // {toBuffer("addRenderingHints",hints );} case addRenderingHints: g.addRenderingHints((Map<?, ?>) o); break; case clip1: g.clip((Shape) o); break; case draw1: g.draw((Shape) o); break; case draw3DRect: g.draw3DRect((Integer) o1, (Integer) o2, (Integer) o3, (Integer) o4, (Boolean) o5); break; case drawGlyphVector: g.drawGlyphVector((GlyphVector) o1, (Float) o2, (Float) o3); break; case drawImage1: g.drawImage((BufferedImage) o1, (BufferedImageOp) o2, (Integer) o3, (Integer) o4); break; case drawImage2: g.drawImage((Image) o1, (AffineTransform) o2, (ImageObserver) o3); break; case drawRenderableImage: g.drawRenderableImage((RenderableImage) o1, (AffineTransform) o2); break; case drawRenderedImage: g.drawRenderedImage((RenderedImage) o1, (AffineTransform) o2); break; case drawString1: g.drawString((AttributedCharacterIterator) o1, (Float) o2, (Float) o3); break; case drawString2: g.drawString((AttributedCharacterIterator) o1, (Integer) o2, (Integer) o3); break; case drawString3: g.drawString((String) o1, (Float) o2, (Float) o3); break; case drawString4: g.drawString((String) o1, (Integer) o2, (Integer) o3); break; case fill: g.fill((Shape) o); break; case fill3DRect: g.fill3DRect((Integer) o1, (Integer) o2, (Integer) o3, (Integer) o4, (Boolean) o5); break; case rotate1: g.rotate((Double) o); break; case rotate2: g.rotate((Double) o1, (Double) o2, (Double) o3); break; case scale1: g.scale((Double) o1, (Double) o2); break; case setBackground: g.setBackground( (Color) o); // paintBackground(g,(Color)o); /*super.setBackground((Color)o) ;*/ break; case setComposite: g.setComposite((Composite) o); break; case setPaint: g.setPaint((Paint) o); break; case setRenderingHint: g.setRenderingHint((RenderingHints.Key) o1, o2); break; case setRenderingHints: g.setRenderingHints((Map<?, ?>) o); break; case setStroke: g.setStroke((Stroke) o); break; case setTransform: g.setTransform(makeTransform(o)); break; case shear: g.shear((Double) o1, (Double) o2); break; case transform1: g.transform(makeTransform(o)); break; case translate1: g.translate((Double) o1, (Double) o2); break; case translate2: g.translate((Integer) o1, (Integer) o2); break; case clearRect: g.clearRect((Integer) o1, (Integer) o2, (Integer) o3, (Integer) o4); break; case copyArea: g.copyArea( (Integer) o1, (Integer) o2, (Integer) o3, (Integer) o4, (Integer) o5, (Integer) o6); break; case drawArc: g.drawArc( (Integer) o1, (Integer) o2, (Integer) o3, (Integer) o4, (Integer) o5, (Integer) o6); break; case drawBytes: g.drawBytes((byte[]) o1, (Integer) o2, (Integer) o3, (Integer) o4, (Integer) o5); break; case drawChars: g.drawChars((char[]) o1, (Integer) o2, (Integer) o3, (Integer) o4, (Integer) o5); break; case drawImage4: g.drawImage((Image) o1, (Integer) o2, (Integer) o3, (Color) o4, (ImageObserver) o5); break; case drawImage5: g.drawImage((Image) o1, (Integer) o2, (Integer) o3, (ImageObserver) o4); break; case drawImage6: g.drawImage( (Image) o1, (Integer) o2, (Integer) o3, (Integer) o4, (Integer) o5, (Color) o6, (ImageObserver) o7); break; case drawImage7: g.drawImage( (Image) o1, (Integer) o2, (Integer) o3, (Integer) o4, (Integer) o5, (ImageObserver) o6); break; case drawImage8: g.drawImage( (Image) o1, (Integer) o2, (Integer) o3, (Integer) o4, (Integer) o5, (Integer) o6, (Integer) o7, (Integer) o8, (Integer) o9, (Color) o10, (ImageObserver) o11); break; case drawImage9: g.drawImage( (Image) o1, (Integer) o2, (Integer) o3, (Integer) o4, (Integer) o5, (Integer) o6, (Integer) o7, (Integer) o8, (Integer) o9, (ImageObserver) o10); break; case drawLine: g.drawLine((Integer) o1, (Integer) o2, (Integer) o3, (Integer) o4); break; case drawOval: g.drawOval((Integer) o1, (Integer) o2, (Integer) o3, (Integer) o4); break; case drawPolygon1: g.drawPolygon((int[]) o1, (int[]) o2, (Integer) o3); break; case drawPolygon2: g.drawPolygon((Polygon) o); break; case drawPolyline: g.drawPolyline((int[]) o1, (int[]) o2, (Integer) o3); break; case drawRect: g.drawRect((Integer) o1, (Integer) o2, (Integer) o3, (Integer) o4); break; case drawRoundRect: g.drawRoundRect( (Integer) o1, (Integer) o2, (Integer) o3, (Integer) o4, (Integer) o5, (Integer) o6); break; case fillArc: g.fillArc( (Integer) o1, (Integer) o2, (Integer) o3, (Integer) o4, (Integer) o5, (Integer) o6); break; case fillOval: g.fillOval((Integer) o1, (Integer) o2, (Integer) o3, (Integer) o4); break; // {toBuffer("fillPolygon",mkArg(xPoints, yPoints, nPoints) );} case fillPolygon1: g.fillPolygon((int[]) o1, (int[]) o2, (Integer) o3); break; case fillPolygon2: g.fillPolygon((Polygon) o); break; case fillRect: g.fillRect((Integer) o1, (Integer) o2, (Integer) o3, (Integer) o4); break; case fillRoundRect: g.fillRoundRect( (Integer) o1, (Integer) o2, (Integer) o3, (Integer) o4, (Integer) o5, (Integer) o6); break; case setClip1: g.setClip((Shape) o); break; case setColor: g.setColor((Color) o); break; case setFont: g.setFont((Font) o); break; case setPaintMode: g.setPaintMode(); break; case setXORMode: g.setXORMode((Color) o); break; case opaque: super.setOpaque((Boolean) o); break; case drawOutline: // g.drawString((String)o1, (Integer)o2, (Integer)o3) ;break; { FontRenderContext frc = g.getFontRenderContext(); TextLayout tl = new TextLayout((String) o1, g.getFont(), frc); Shape s1 = tl.getOutline(null); AffineTransform af = g.getTransform(); g.translate((Integer) o2, (Integer) o3); g.draw(s1); g.setTransform(af); } ; break; default: System.out.println("Unknown image operation " + s); } }