private BECodec getBECodec(String serviceName) { if (serviceBECodecs == null) { serviceBECodecs = new HashMap(2); } BECodec codec = (BECodec) serviceBECodecs.get(serviceName); if (codec == null) { try { codec = (BECodec) Class.forName(serviceName + "BECodec").newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { // The service does not have a BECodec --> Use a dummy one codec = new BECodec() { public Object[] decodeParams(String methodName, Object[] methodParams) { return methodParams; } public Object encodeResult(String methodName, Object result) { return result; } }; } serviceBECodecs.put(serviceName, codec); } return codec; }
Object processInformation(Information info) { // ------------------------------------------- Account acc = (Account) accounts.get(info.getAccountId()); if (acc == null) return newProblem(ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND); java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date(); Operation op = new Operation(); // <-- Apply admin charge op.setType(ADMIN); op.setAmount(info.getType() == BALANCE ? BAL_CHARGE : OPER_CHARGE); acc.setBalance(acc.getBalance() - op.getAmount()); op.setBalance(acc.getBalance()); op.setAccountId(acc.getId()); op.setDate(date); List l = (List) operations.get(acc.getId()); l.add(op); operations.put(acc.getId(), l); if (info.getType() == BALANCE) return acc; if (info.getType() == OPERATIONS) return l; return null; }
Object processOperation(MakeOperation mo) { // ------------------------------------------- Account acc = (Account) accounts.get(mo.getAccountId()); if (acc == null) return newProblem(ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND); if (mo.getAmount() <= 0) return newProblem(ILLEGAL_OPERATION); if (mo.getType() != DEPOSIT && mo.getType() != WITHDRAWAL) return null; if (mo.getType() == DEPOSIT) acc.setBalance(acc.getBalance() + mo.getAmount()); else if (mo.getType() == WITHDRAWAL) { if (mo.getAmount() > acc.getBalance()) return newProblem(NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY); acc.setBalance(acc.getBalance() - mo.getAmount()); } Operation op = new Operation(); op.setType(mo.getType()); op.setAmount(mo.getAmount()); op.setAccountId(acc.getId()); op.setDate(new java.util.Date()); List l = (List) operations.get(acc.getId()); l.add(op); operations.put(acc.getId(), l); return acc; }
public AgentImage addAgentImage(AID id, AgentImage img) { return (AgentImage) agentImages.put(id, img); }
/** * Register the bounding between an handler and a key. * * @param key this is the key that must be later returned by the method <code>getSelectionKey * </code> when the passed Behaviour must be selected * @param h the handler for this key */ public void registerHandler(Object key, Behaviour h) { handlers.put(key, h); }