public static Item getItemFromString(String s) throws DemigodsException { Item item = null; for (Item i : allTheItems) { if (i.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(s)) { item = i; break; } } if (item == null) throw new DemigodsException("Item not found."); return item; }
/** Prints the bag's content */ public void listContents() { System.out.println("Your bag contains :"); Item current; for (int i = 0; i < listItems.size(); i++) { current = listItems.get(i); if (!current.hasAnUnlimitedLife()) System.out.println( "- " + current.getName() + " (can still be used " + current.getLifeRemaining() + " time(s))"); else System.out.println("- " + current.getName()); } }
public static int getItemID(Item item) { for (int i = 0; i < allTheItems.length; ++i) { if (item.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(allTheItems[i].toString())) { return i; } } throw new UncheckedDemigodsException( "Item " + item + " does not have a spot in the ID list. Check the spelling."); }
@Override public void event(Hero hero) { isHappened = true; // TODO Auto-generated method stub System.out.println( "Behold Hephaestus the God of blacksmiths. " + "The great Hephaestus is here to grant god-like armour and weapon " + "to heroes who are on their ways to kill Roshan."); if (hero.getBaseGold() >= this.requiredGold) { hero.setBaseGold(hero.getBaseGold() - this.requiredGold); for (Item item : hero.getInvt()) { item.increaseLevel(1); } System.out.println("You have successfully upgraded your items!"); } else { } }
@Override public void render(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg, Graphics g) throws SlickException { bg.draw(0, 0); espace.draw(60, 500); rubis.draw(230, 120); saphirs.draw(200, 200); score.draw(230, 0); timing.draw(175, 300); point.draw(380, 400); int Nb_rubis = Item.getNB_Rubis(); int Nb_saphirs = Item.getNB_Saphir(); int time = Event.time * 60; int score = (int) (3000 * Math.exp(-0.00075 * (time - 15 * 60)) + 50 * Nb_rubis + 20 * Nb_saphirs); uFont.drawString(400, 130, "" + Nb_rubis); uFont.drawString(400, 210, "" + Nb_saphirs); uFont.drawString(350, 310, "" + time / 60); uFont.drawString(250, 420, "" + score); }
/** Detects keyboard and mouse input and makes the main player react accordingly. */ private void getKeyboardAndMouseInput() { Player player = Crissaegrim.getPlayer(); EntityMovementHelper pmh = player.getMovementHelper(); if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_A)) { pmh.requestLeftMovement(); } if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_D)) { pmh.requestRightMovement(); } if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_W) || Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_SPACE)) { pmh.requestJumpMovement(); } while ( { if (Keyboard.getEventKeyState()) { // Key was pressed (not released) int pressedKey = Keyboard.getEventKey(); // if (pressedKey == Keyboard.KEY_B) { // DialogBoxRunner dbr = new DialogBoxRunner(); // DialogBox.Result res = DialogBox( // Arrays.asList("A wild dialog box appeared!", "Do you want to set this location as // your respawn point?"), // Arrays.asList("Yes", "No", "I-I don't know, I thought I heard a thump?"))); // if (res == DialogBox.Result.BUTTON_1) { Crissaegrim.addSystemMessage("Cool."); } // else if (res == DialogBox.Result.BUTTON_2) { Crissaegrim.addSystemMessage("Fine!"); } // else if (res == DialogBox.Result.BUTTON_3) { // Crissaegrim.addSystemMessage("P-President Fabio?"); } // } // if (pressedKey == Keyboard.KEY_B) { // new SmithingRunner().run(); // Incomplete // } if (pressedKey == Keyboard.KEY_B) { player.receiveItem(Items.tameikeSword()); player.receiveItem(Items.tameikePickaxe()); player.receiveItem(Items.bluePartyPopper()); } if (pressedKey == Keyboard.KEY_T || pressedKey == Keyboard.KEY_RETURN) { // T or Enter: Enter chat mode Crissaegrim.getChatBox().enableTypingMode(); return; // Don't process any more keys! } else if (pressedKey == Keyboard.KEY_UP) { // Up arrow: Select previous inventory item player.getInventory().selectPreviousItem(); } else if (pressedKey == Keyboard.KEY_DOWN) { // Down arrow: Select next inventory item player.getInventory().selectNextItem(); } else if (pressedKey >= Keyboard.KEY_1 && pressedKey <= Keyboard.KEY_8) { // 1-8: Select inventory item player.getInventory().selectSpecificItem(pressedKey - Keyboard.KEY_1); } else if (pressedKey == 41) { // Backtick (`) key Crissaegrim.toggleDebugMode(); } else if (pressedKey == Keyboard.KEY_TAB) { // Tab key: Toggle zoom Crissaegrim.toggleZoom(); } else if (pressedKey == Keyboard.KEY_M) { // M key: Toggle window size Crissaegrim.toggleWindowSize(); } else if (pressedKey == Keyboard.KEY_E) { // E key: Open inventory new InventoryRunner().run(); } else if (pressedKey == Keyboard.KEY_F) { // F key: Activate F-key doodads or pick up items boolean pickedUpAnItem = false; Iterator<LocalDroppedItem> localDroppedItemsIter = localDroppedItems.iterator(); while (localDroppedItemsIter.hasNext()) { LocalDroppedItem localDroppedItem =; if (!player.isBusy() && player.getCurrentBoardName().equals(localDroppedItem.getBoardName()) && RectUtils.rectsOverlap( Crissaegrim.getPlayer().getEntityEntireRect(), localDroppedItem.getBounds())) { if (player.getInventory().isFull()) { Crissaegrim.addSystemMessage("Your inventory is full."); } else { Item item = localDroppedItem.getItem(); if (item instanceof StackableItem) { Crissaegrim.addSystemMessage( "You picked up " + ((StackableItem) (item)).getNumberInStack() + " " + item.getName() + "s."); } else { Crissaegrim.addSystemMessage( "You picked up " + TextUtils.aOrAn(item.getName()) + " " + item.getName() + "."); } player.getInventory().addItem(item); localDroppedItemsIter.remove(); pickedUpAnItem = true; } break; } } if (!pickedUpAnItem) { // If the F key was not used to pick up an item, it will be used to // activate a doodad for (Doodad doodad : Crissaegrim.getCurrentBoard().getDoodads().values()) { if (!player.isBusy() && RectUtils.coordinateIsInRect(player.getPosition(), doodad.getBounds())) { switch (doodad.getDoodadAction()) { case DoodadActions.GO_THROUGH_DOORWAY: Door door = (Door) doodad; pmh.resetMovementRequests(); setNewDestination( door.getDestinationBoardName(), door.getDestinationCoordinate()); requestTravelToDestinationBoard(); break; case DoodadActions.SMELT_ORE: new SmeltingRunner().run(); break; case DoodadActions.READ_SIGNPOST: Signpost signpost = (Signpost) doodad; new DialogBoxRunner().run(new DialogBox(signpost.getMessages(), "Ok")); break; default: break; } break; // Found the relevant Doodad; ignore the rest } } } } } } if (!Crissaegrim.getChatBox().isTypingMode()) { while ( { if (Mouse.getEventButtonState()) { // Button was clicked (not released) if (Mouse.getEventButton() == 0) { pmh.requestUseItem( getCoordinatesForMouse(), Crissaegrim.getPlayer().getInventory().getCurrentItem()); } } } int scrollDelta = Mouse.getDWheel(); if (scrollDelta < 0) { Crissaegrim.getPlayer().getInventory().selectNextItem(); } else if (scrollDelta > 0) { Crissaegrim.getPlayer().getInventory().selectPreviousItem(); } } }