public PairSimilarity() { // the signature comparison measure used during similarity-based disambiguation try { String p = "it.uniroma1.lcl.adw.comparison." + ADWConfiguration.getInstance().getAlignmentSimilarityMeasure(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Constructor<SignatureComparison> ct = (Constructor<SignatureComparison>) Class.forName(p).getConstructor(new Class[] {}); alignmentMeasure = ct.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // the size of the semantic signatures used during similarity-based disambiguation alignmentVecSize = ADWConfiguration.getInstance().getAlignmentVectorSize(); // the size of the semantic signatures used during the main comparison testedVectorSize = ADWConfiguration.getInstance().getTestVectorSize(); }
public class PairSimilarity { private SignatureComparison alignmentMeasure; private int alignmentVecSize; private int testedVectorSize; private static boolean discardStopwords = ADWConfiguration.getInstance().getDiscardStopwordsCondition(); private static boolean mirrorPOStagging = ADWConfiguration.getInstance().getMirrorPOSTaggingCondition(); private static PairSimilarity instance; public PairSimilarity() { // the signature comparison measure used during similarity-based disambiguation try { String p = "it.uniroma1.lcl.adw.comparison." + ADWConfiguration.getInstance().getAlignmentSimilarityMeasure(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Constructor<SignatureComparison> ct = (Constructor<SignatureComparison>) Class.forName(p).getConstructor(new Class[] {}); alignmentMeasure = ct.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // the size of the semantic signatures used during similarity-based disambiguation alignmentVecSize = ADWConfiguration.getInstance().getAlignmentVectorSize(); // the size of the semantic signatures used during the main comparison testedVectorSize = ADWConfiguration.getInstance().getTestVectorSize(); } /** * Used to access {@link ADW} * * @return an instance of {@link ADW} */ public static PairSimilarity getInstance() { try { if (instance == null) instance = new PairSimilarity(); return instance; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not init TSPipeline: " + e.getMessage()); } } public Pair<List<String>, List<String>> cookLexicalItem( String text, ItemType textType, boolean discardStopwords) { try { List<String> cookedSentence = new ArrayList<String>(); Pair<List<String>, List<String>> out = new Pair<List<String>, List<String>>(null, null); for (String item : Arrays.asList(text.split(" "))) { if (item.trim().length() == 0) continue; switch (textType) { case SENSE_OFFSETS: cookedSentence.add(item); break; case SENSE_KEYS: IWord sense = WordNetUtils.getInstance().getSenseFromSenseKey(item); cookedSentence.add( GeneralUtils.fixOffset(sense.getSynset().getOffset(), sense.getPOS())); break; case WORD_SENSE: IWord snse = WordNetUtils.getInstance().mapWordSenseToIWord(item); cookedSentence.add(GeneralUtils.fixOffset(snse.getSynset().getOffset(), snse.getPOS())); break; case SURFACE_TAGGED: cookedSentence.add(item); break; } } if (textType.equals(ItemType.SURFACE)) { out = TextualSimilarity.getInstance().cookSentence(text); cookedSentence = out.first; } if (cookedSentence == null) cookedSentence = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> newCS = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String s : cookedSentence) { // if it is a synset if (s.matches("[0-9]*\\-[anvr]")) { newCS.add(s); continue; } String comps[] = s.split("#"); String word = comps[0]; String ps = comps[1]; // otherwise check word exists in WordNet if (!TextualSimilarity.getInstance().isOOV(word, ps)) newCS.add(word + "#" + ps); } cookedSentence = newCS; return new Pair<List<String>, List<String>>(cookedSentence, out.second); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } private Set<SemSig> convertToSet(List<List<SemSig>> vs) { Set<SemSig> vectors = new HashSet<SemSig>(); for (List<SemSig> aList : vs) for (SemSig a : aList) vectors.add(a); return vectors; } public Pair<List<SemSig>, List<SemSig>> DisambiguateCookedSentence( List<String> cookedSentence1, List<String> cookedSentence2, ItemType srcTextType, ItemType trgTextType, LKB lkb, SignatureComparison measure, int vectorSize, boolean restrictedByPOS, boolean verbose) { try { LinkedHashMap<Pair<SemSig, SemSig>, Double> alignments; LinkedHashMap<Pair<SemSig, SemSig>, Double> alignmentsRev; List<List<SemSig>> firstVectors = convertToVectors(cookedSentence1, srcTextType, lkb, vectorSize); Set<SemSig> firstVectorSet = convertToSet(firstVectors); List<List<SemSig>> secondVectors = convertToVectors(cookedSentence2, trgTextType, lkb, vectorSize); Set<SemSig> secondVectorSet = convertToSet(secondVectors); alignments = TextualSimilarity.getInstance() .alignmentBasedDisambiguation( firstVectors, secondVectorSet, alignmentMeasure, alignmentVecSize, new HashSet<SemSig>()); // of there is any alignment with 1.0 score, make sure that the target is selected on the // reverse disambiguation Set<SemSig> toBeTakens = new HashSet<SemSig>(); for (Pair<SemSig, SemSig> sig : alignments.keySet()) if (Math.abs(alignments.get(sig) - 1) < 0.0001) toBeTakens.add(sig.second); alignmentsRev = TextualSimilarity.getInstance() .alignmentBasedDisambiguation( secondVectors, firstVectorSet, alignmentMeasure, alignmentVecSize, toBeTakens); List<SemSig> srcSigs = new ArrayList<SemSig>(); List<SemSig> trgSigs = new ArrayList<SemSig>(); for (Pair<SemSig, SemSig> sig : alignments.keySet()) srcSigs.add(sig.first); for (Pair<SemSig, SemSig> sig : alignmentsRev.keySet()) trgSigs.add(sig.first); if (alignmentVecSize != testedVectorSize) { srcSigs = getTestVectors(srcSigs); trgSigs = getTestVectors(trgSigs); } return new Pair<List<SemSig>, List<SemSig>>(srcSigs, trgSigs); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } private List<SemSig> getTestVectors(List<SemSig> alignmentVectors) { List<SemSig> testSigs = new ArrayList<SemSig>(); for (SemSig sig : alignmentVectors) { testSigs.add( SemSigProcess.getInstance() .getSemSigFromOffset(sig.getOffset(), LKB.WordNetGloss, testedVectorSize)); } return testSigs; } public ItemType guessLexicalItemType(String input) { String firstWord = input.split(" ")[0]; if (firstWord.matches("[0-9]*\\-[anvr]")) return ItemType.SENSE_OFFSETS; if (firstWord.matches("[^ ]*%[0-9]*:[^ ]*")) return ItemType.SENSE_KEYS; if (WordNetUtils.getInstance().mapWordSenseToIWord(firstWord) != null) return ItemType.WORD_SENSE; if (firstWord.matches("[^ ]*#[nvra]")) return ItemType.SURFACE_TAGGED; return ItemType.SURFACE; } public Pair<List<String>, List<String>> mirrorPosTags( List<String> firstCookedSentence, List<String> secondCookedSentence) { /* if(secondCookedSentence.size() == 0) { System.out.println("[ERROR: Set mirror pos tagging off!]"); System.exit(0); } */ return TextualSimilarity.fixPOSmirroring(firstCookedSentence, secondCookedSentence); } public double getSimilarity( String text1, String text2, DisambiguationMethod disMethod, SignatureComparison measure, ItemType srcTextType, ItemType trgTextType) { // pre-process sentence pair List<String> cookedSentence1 = cookLexicalItem(text1, srcTextType, discardStopwords).first; List<String> cookedSentence2 = cookLexicalItem(text2, trgTextType, discardStopwords).first; // Mirror pos tagging if (mirrorPOStagging && srcTextType.equals(ItemType.SURFACE) || trgTextType.equals(ItemType.SURFACE)) { Pair<List<String>, List<String>> aPair = mirrorPosTags(cookedSentence1, cookedSentence2); cookedSentence1 = aPair.first; cookedSentence2 = aPair.second; } List<SemSig> srcSemSigs = new ArrayList<SemSig>(); List<SemSig> trgSemSigs = new ArrayList<SemSig>(); switch (disMethod) { case NONE: // take all the synsets (or Semsigs to be consistent with others) of all the words in the // two sides srcSemSigs = SemSigProcess.getInstance() .getAllSemSigsFromWordPosList(cookedSentence1, srcTextType, testedVectorSize); trgSemSigs = SemSigProcess.getInstance() .getAllSemSigsFromWordPosList(cookedSentence2, trgTextType, testedVectorSize); break; // alignment-based disambiguation // should disambiguate the two texts and return the disambiguated SemSigs case ALIGNMENT_BASED: Pair<List<SemSig>, List<SemSig>> disambiguatedPair = DisambiguateCookedSentence( cookedSentence1, cookedSentence2, srcTextType, trgTextType, LKB.WordNetGloss, alignmentMeasure, alignmentVecSize, true, true); srcSemSigs = disambiguatedPair.first; trgSemSigs = disambiguatedPair.second; break; } SemSig srcSemSig = (srcSemSigs.size() == 1) ? srcSemSigs.get(0) : SemSigUtils.averageSemSigs(srcSemSigs); SemSig trgSemSig = (trgSemSigs.size() == 1) ? trgSemSigs.get(0) : SemSigUtils.averageSemSigs(trgSemSigs); return srcSemSig.getVector(), trgSemSig.getVector(), measure, testedVectorSize, false, true); } public List<List<SemSig>> convertToVectors( List<String> sentence, ItemType type, LKB lkb, int vSize) { List<List<SemSig>> firstVectors = new ArrayList<List<SemSig>>(); Set<SemSig> firstVectorSet = new HashSet<SemSig>(); if (type.equals(ItemType.SENSE_OFFSETS) || type.equals(ItemType.SENSE_KEYS) || type.equals(ItemType.WORD_SENSE)) { firstVectorSet = new HashSet<SemSig>( TextualSimilarity.getInstance() .getSenseVectorsFromOffsetSentence(sentence, type, lkb, vSize)); for (SemSig s : firstVectorSet) firstVectors.add(Arrays.asList(s)); } else { firstVectors = TextualSimilarity.getInstance().getSenseVectorsFromCookedSentence(sentence, lkb, vSize); } return firstVectors; } }