  public boolean shouldVisit(WebURL url) {
    // Don't crawl non-HTML pages
    String href = url.getURL().toLowerCase(); // Turns http://www.ics.uci.edu/SomePage.PHP ->
    // http://www.ics.uci.edu/somepage.php
    if (FILTERS.matcher(href).matches()) // filter using file extension
    return false;

    // Only crawl within the domain of the seed URL
    String currentUrlDomain = URLHelper.getDomain(url.getURL());
    String seedUrlDomain = URLHelper.getDomain(this.params.getSeedUrl());
    if (currentUrlDomain == null || !currentUrlDomain.endsWith(seedUrlDomain)) return false;

    // Don't crawl the same pages too many times (avoid infinite loops)
    if (!stats.intendToVisit(url.getURL())) return false;

    return true;