public void deployVerticle( String verticleName, DeploymentOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> completionHandler) { ContextImpl currentContext = vertx.getOrCreateContext(); ClassLoader cl = getClassLoader(options.getIsolationGroup()); int pos = verticleName.indexOf(':'); if (pos == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("verticleName must start with prefix"); } String prefix = verticleName.substring(0, pos); if (pos + 1 >= verticleName.length()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid name: " + verticleName); } String actualName = verticleName.substring(pos + 1); VerticleFactory verticleFactory = verticleFactories.get(prefix); if (verticleFactory == null) { // Use default Java verticle factory verticleFactory = DEFAULT_VERTICLE_FACTORY; } try { Verticle verticle = verticleFactory.createVerticle(actualName, cl); if (verticle == null) { reportFailure( new NullPointerException("VerticleFactory::createVerticle returned null"), currentContext, completionHandler); } else { doDeploy(verticle, options, currentContext, completionHandler); } } catch (Exception e) { reportFailure(e, currentContext, completionHandler); } }
public void registerVerticleFactory(VerticleFactory factory) { if (factory.prefix() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("factory.prefix() cannot be null"); } if (verticleFactories.containsKey(factory.prefix())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "There is already a registered verticle factory with prefix " + factory.prefix()); } verticleFactories.put(factory.prefix(), factory); }
private void loadVerticleFactories() { ServiceLoader<VerticleFactory> factories = ServiceLoader.load(VerticleFactory.class); Iterator<VerticleFactory> iter = factories.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { VerticleFactory factory =; factory.init(vertx); String prefix = factory.prefix(); if (verticleFactories.containsKey(prefix)) { log.warn( "Not loading verticle factory: " + factory + " as prefix " + prefix + " is already in use"); } else { verticleFactories.put(prefix, factory); } } }
public void unregisterVerticleFactory(VerticleFactory factory) { if (verticleFactories.remove(factory.prefix()) == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Factory " + factory + " is not registered"); } }