private void resetFilterIfEmpty() { if (mResults.isEmpty() && (mFilterOption == Filter.COMPLETE || mFilterOption == Filter.INCOMPLETE)) { mResetListener.onReset(); } }
@Override public int getItemCount() { if (!mResults.isEmpty()) { return mResults.size() + COUNT_FOOTER; } else { if (mFilterOption == Filter.LEAST_TIME_LEFT || mFilterOption == Filter.MOST_TIME_LEFT || mFilterOption == Filter.NONE) { return 0; } else { return COUNT_NO_ITEMS + COUNT_FOOTER; } } }
@Override public int getItemViewType(int position) { if (!mResults.isEmpty()) { if (position < mResults.size()) { return ITEM; } else { return FOOTER; } } else { if (mFilterOption == Filter.COMPLETE || mFilterOption == Filter.INCOMPLETE) { if (position == 0) { return NO_ITEM; } else { return FOOTER; } } else { return ITEM; } } }
/** Open the most recently read book when the FAB is clicked. */ @OnClick( void onFabClick() { if (books != null && books.isValid() && !books.isEmpty()) ActionHelper.openBookUsingIntent(realm, books.first()); }
public static void rebuildStats(Context context, String localId) { Realm realm = Realm.getInstance(Migration.getConfig(context)); RealmResults<TrackStats> statsRes = realm.where(TrackStats.class).equalTo("local_id", localId).findAll(); if (!statsRes.isEmpty()) { /* Log.d(TAG, "hi5"); Log.d(TAG, "=================="); Log.d(TAG, "track.getTitle(): " + track.getTitle()); Log.d(TAG, "track.getCompletedCount(): " + track.getCompletedCount()); Log.d(TAG, "track.getSkippedCount(): " + track.getSkippedCount()); Log.d(TAG, "track.getLikedCount(): " + track.getLikedCount()); Log.d(TAG, "track.getDislikedCount(): " + track.getDislikedCount()); res.where().equalTo("type", TrackStats.SONG_SELECTED) //TODO not implemented yet */ int completedCount = 0; int skippedCount = 0; int likedCount = 0; int dislikedCount = 0; int halfPlayedCount = 0; int selectedCount = 0; for (TrackStats ts : statsRes) { switch (ts.getType()) { case TrackStats.SONG_COMPLETED: completedCount++; break; case TrackStats.SONG_HALF_PLAYED: halfPlayedCount++; break; case TrackStats.SONG_SELECTED: selectedCount++; break; case TrackStats.SONG_SKIPPED: skippedCount++; break; case TrackStats.SONG_LIKED: likedCount++; break; case TrackStats.SONG_DISLIKED: dislikedCount++; break; } } Track track = realm.where(Track.class).equalTo("local_id", localId).findFirst(); realm.beginTransaction(); track.setCompletedCount(completedCount); track.setHalfPlayedCount(halfPlayedCount); track.setSelectedCount(selectedCount); track.setSkippedCount(skippedCount); track.setLikedCount(likedCount); track.setDislikedCount(dislikedCount); track.setStatsUpdatedAt(; realm.commitTransaction(); } }