Exemple #1
  * Lists all the warps available and written onto the configuration file.
  * @param player The player who sent the command.
 public void warpList(Player player) {
   player.sendMessage("§6There are currently §c" + config.getWarpList().size() + " §6warps");
   for (String s : config.getWarpList()) {
     player.sendMessage("- " + s);
   player.sendMessage("§6For more info on a warp: use §c/expugn warpinfo [warpname]§6.");
Exemple #2
   * Removes a warp from the configuration file.
   * @param player The player who sent the command.
   * @param name The name of the warp.
  public void delWarp(Player player, String name) {
    if (!config.checkWarp(name))
      player.sendMessage("§cInvalid warp. Use §6/expugn warplist §cfor a list of warps.");
    else {
      config.set("warps." + name, null);
      config.set("data.cooldown." + name, null);
      config.set("data.limit." + name, null);

      player.sendMessage("§aWarp §6" + name + " §ahas been removed.");
Exemple #3
  * Reads the information of the warp in the configuration file and returns it back to the player.
  * @param player The player who sent the command.
  * @param name The name of the warp.
 public void warpInfo(Player player, String name) {
   if (!config.checkWarp(name)) {
     player.sendMessage("§cInvalid warp. Use §6/expugn warplist §cfor a list of warps.");
   player.sendMessage("§6Information for warp §c" + name + "§6:");
   player.sendMessage("x: " + config.getWarp_X(name));
   player.sendMessage("y: " + config.getWarp_Y(name));
   player.sendMessage("z: " + config.getWarp_Z(name));
   player.sendMessage("yaw: " + config.getWarp_Yaw(name));
   player.sendMessage("pitch: " + config.getWarp_Pitch(name));
   player.sendMessage("world: " + config.getWarp_World(name));
   player.sendMessage("type: " + config.getWarp_Type(name));
   player.sendMessage("value: " + config.getWarp_Value(name) + " hours/daily entry limit");
   player.sendMessage("else: " + config.getWarp_Else(name) + " alternate warp");
Exemple #4
   * Sets the 'type' setting of a warp.
   * @param player The player who sent the command.
   * @param name The name of the warp.
   * @param param 'cooldown' or 'limit', alternate warp, or a value to determine the hourly cooldown
   *     or daily limit
  public void warpSetting(Player player, String name, String param) {
    if (!config.checkWarp(name)) {
      player.sendMessage("§cInvalid warp. Use §6/expugn warplist §cfor a list of warps.");

    if (param.equals("cooldown") || param.equals("limit")) {
      config.set("warps." + name + ".type", param);
      player.sendMessage("§aWarp " + name + " type modified to §6" + param);
    } else if (config.checkWarp(param)) {
      if (param.equalsIgnoreCase(name))
        player.sendMessage("§cYou cannot assign the same warp to be an alternate warp.");
      else {
        config.set("warps." + name + ".else", param);
        player.sendMessage("§aWarp " + name + " alternate warp modified to §6" + param);
    } else {
      int value = Integer.parseInt(param);
      config.set("warps." + name + ".value", value);
      player.sendMessage("§aWarp " + name + " value modified to §6" + value);
Exemple #5
   * Gets the player's location and saves it onto the configuration file.
   * @param player The player who sent the command.
   * @param name The name of the warp.
  public void setWarp(Player player, String name) {
    Location loc = player.getLocation();

    if (!config.checkWarp(name)) {
      player.sendMessage("§6Warp does not exist. Creating a new warp.");

      config.set("warps." + name + ".x", loc.getX());
      config.set("warps." + name + ".y", loc.getY());
      config.set("warps." + name + ".z", loc.getZ());
      config.set("warps." + name + ".yaw", loc.getYaw());
      config.set("warps." + name + ".pitch", loc.getPitch());
      config.set("warps." + name + ".world", player.getWorld().getName());
      config.set("warps." + name + ".type", "cooldown");
      config.set("warps." + name + ".value", 0);

          "§a- Use /expugn warpsetting " + name + " <cooldown|limit> to modify the type of warp.");
          "§a- Use /expugn warpsetting "
              + name
              + " [number] to modify the cooldown/daily limit of the warp.");
          "§a- Use /expugn warpsetting "
              + name
              + " [warpname] to add a alternate location to send the player if they failed to warp.");
    } else {
      player.sendMessage("§6There is an existing warp. Defining new position.");

      config.set("warps." + name + ".x", loc.getX());
      config.set("warps." + name + ".y", loc.getY());
      config.set("warps." + name + ".z", loc.getZ());
      config.set("warps." + name + ".yaw", loc.getYaw());
      config.set("warps." + name + ".pitch", loc.getPitch());
      config.set("warps." + name + ".world", player.getWorld().getName());
Exemple #6
   * Teleports a player to a warp's location.
   * @param player The player who sent the command.
   * @param name The name of the warp.
  public void warp(Player player, String name) {
    if (!config.checkWarp(name)) {
      player.sendMessage("§cInvalid warp. Use §6/expugn warplist §cfor a list of warps.");

    int value = config.getWarp_Value(name);
    UUID playerUUID = player.getUniqueId();

    if (value != 0) {
      switch (config.getWarp_Type(name)) {
        case "cooldown":
          long canUseAgain = config.getData_Cooldown(name, playerUUID);

          if (canUseAgain >= System.currentTimeMillis()) {
            player.sendMessage("§cYou cannot use this warp again just yet.");
            convert(player, (canUseAgain - System.currentTimeMillis()));

            if (config.getWarp_Else(name) != null && !config.getWarp_Else(name).isEmpty()) {
              warp(player, config.getWarp_Else(name));
                  "§cYou have been moved to a different location because you failed to warp.");

          long addedTime = value * 3600000;
          config.setData_Cooldown(name, playerUUID, (System.currentTimeMillis() + addedTime));

        case "limit":
          int amountUsed = config.getData_Limit(name, playerUUID);
          if (amountUsed >= value) {
            player.sendMessage("§cYou have exceeded the daily limit to use this warp.");
            convert(player, config.getTimeTilMidnightInMillis());

            if (config.getWarp_Else(name) != null && !config.getWarp_Else(name).isEmpty()) {
              warp(player, config.getWarp_Else(name));
                  "§cYou have been moved to a different location because you failed to warp.");
          } else if (value != 0) {
            config.setData_Limit(name, playerUUID, amountUsed);

Exemple #7
  * Determines if the player has warped over the max limit
  * @param player The player who sent the command
  * @param name The name of the location
 public void checkCanWarp(Player player, String name) {
   if (config.checkCanWarp(name, player.getUniqueId()))
     player.sendMessage("§cYou cannot warp into the dungeon just yet.");
   else player.sendMessage("§aYou can warp into the dungeon.");